#!/usr/bin/perl # nagios: -epn # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # COPYRIGHT: # # This software and the additional scripts provided with this software are # Copyright (c) 2011 Yannick Charton (tontonitch-pro@yahoo.fr) # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of version 3 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software. # If not, see . # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # Nagios and the Nagios logo are registered trademarks of Ethan Galstad. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ use strict; use warnings; use lib "/usr/local/nagios/libexec"; use lib "/usr/local/icinga/libexec"; use Net::SNMP qw(oid_base_match); use Config::General; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case no_ignore_case_always bundling_override); use utils qw(%ERRORS $TIMEOUT); # gather variables from utils.pm # ======================================================================== # VARIABLES # ======================================================================== # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # global variable definitions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ use vars qw($PROGNAME $REVISION $CONTACT $TIMEOUT); $PROGNAME = $0; $REVISION = '0.02'; $CONTACT = 'tontonitch-pro@yahoo.fr'; #$TIMEOUT = 120; #my %ERRORS = ('OK'=>0,'WARNING'=>1,'CRITICAL'=>2,'UNKNOWN'=>3,'DEPENDENT'=>4); my %ERRORCODES = (0=>'OK',1=>'WARNING',2=>'CRITICAL',3=>'UNKNOWN',4=>'DEPENDENT'); my %COLORS = ('HighLight' => '#81BEF7', 'PerfGraph' => '#DCFAC9'); my $UMASK = "0000"; my $TMPDIR = File::Spec->tmpdir(); # define cache directory or use /tmp my $STARTTIME = time (); # time of program start # NOT USED - my $refhPath = {}; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # OIDs definitions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $oid_sysDescr = "."; my $oid_sysName = "."; my $oid_sysUpTime = "."; my $oid_ifDescr = "."; # + "." my $oid_ifSpeed = "."; # + "." my $oid_ifPhysAddress = "."; # + "." my $oid_ifAdminStatus = "."; # + "." my $oid_ifOperStatus = "."; # + "." my %gh_operstatus = ('up'=>1,'down'=>2,'testing'=>3,'unknown'=>4,'dormant'=>5); my $oid_ifLastChange = "."; # + "." # RFC1213 - Extracts about in/out stats # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # in_octet: The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. # in_error: The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a # higher-layer protocol. # in_discard: The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been # detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for # discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. # out_octet: The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. # out_error: The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. # out_discard: The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been # detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could # be to free up buffer space. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $oid_in_octet_table = ''; # + "." my $oid_in_error_table = ''; # + "." my $oid_in_discard_table = ''; # + "." my $oid_out_octet_table = ''; # + "." my $oid_out_error_table = ''; # + "." my $oid_out_discard_table = ''; # + "." # NOT USED - my $oid_in_octet_table_64 = ''; # + "." # NOT USED - my $oid_out_octet_table_64 = ''; # + "." # Cisco Specific my $oid_cisco_type = '.'; # ex: WS-C3550-48-SMI my $oid_cisco_serial = '.'; # ex: CAT0645Z0HB # NOT USED - my $oid_locIfIntBitsSec = ''; # need to append integer for specific interface # NOT USED - my $oid_locIfOutBitsSec = ''; # need to append integer for specific interface # NOT USED - my $cisco_ports = '.'; # number of ports of the switch my $oid_ifAlias = "."; # + "." # Vlan oid per manufacturer # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Cisco: ifVlan = "."; # HP: ifVlan = "."; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $oid_ifVlanName = '.'; # + "." my $oid_ifVlanPortHP = '.'; # + "." my $oid_ifVlanPortCisco = '.'; # + ".?." my $oid_ipAdEntIfIndex = "."; my $oid_ipAdEntNetMask = "."; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Other global variables # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my %ghOptions = (); # ======================================================================== # FUNCTION DECLARATIONS # ======================================================================== sub check_options(); # ======================================================================== # MAIN # ======================================================================== # Get command line options and adapt default values in %ghOptions check_options(); my $gInfoTable; # Generated HTML code of the Info table my $grefaInfoTableHeader = [ # Header for the colomns of the Info table 'Name','Uptime','System Information','Ports', 'delta seconds used for bandwidth calculations' ]; if ($ghOptions{'cisco'}) { # show some specific cisco info in the info table: type and serial splice(@$grefaInfoTableHeader,3,0,'Type'); splice(@$grefaInfoTableHeader,4,0,'Serial'); } my $grefaInfoTableData; # Contents of the Info table (Uptime, SysDescr, ...) my $gInterfaceTable; # Html code of the interface table my $grefaInterfaceTableHeader = [ # Header for the cols of the html table 'index','Description','Alias','AdminStatus','OperStatus','Speed', 'Load In','Load Out','IP','bpsIn','bpsOut','last traffic' ]; my $grefaInterfaceTableFields = [ # Hash keys for the content of the html table 'index','ifDescr','ifAlias','ifAdminStatus','ifOperStatus','ifSpeedReadable', 'ifLoadIn','ifLoadOut','IpInfo','bpsIn','bpsOut','ifLastTraffic' ]; if ($ghOptions{'vlan'}) { # show VLANs per port splice(@$grefaInterfaceTableHeader,6,0,'VLANs'); splice(@$grefaInterfaceTableFields,6,0,'ifVlanNames'); } my $grefaInterfaceTableData; # Contents of the interface table (Uptime, OperStatus, ...) my $grefaAllIndizes; # Sorted array which holds all interface indexes my $gUsedDelta = 0; # time delta for bandwidth calculations (really used) my $gInitialRun = 0; # Flag that will be set if there exists no interface information file my $gNoHistory = 0; # Flag that will be set in case there's no valid historical dataset my $gDifferenceCounter = 0; # Number of changes. This variable is used in the exitcode algorithm my $gIfLoadWarnCounter = 0; # counter for interfaces with load warning. This variable is used in the exitcode algorithm my $gIfLoadCritCounter = 0; # counter for interfaces with critical load. This variable is used in the exitcode algorithm my $gNumberOfInterfaces = 0; # Total number of interfaces including vlans ... my $gNumberOfFreeInterfaces = 0; # in "check_for_unused_interfaces" counted number of free interfaces my $gNumberOfFreeUpInterfaces = 0; # in "check_for_unused_interfaces" counted number of free interfaces with status AdminUp my $gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk = 0; # in "check_for_unused_interfaces" counted number of interfaces WITHOUT trunk ports my $gInterfacesWithoutTrunk = {}; # in "check_for_unused_interfaces" we use this for counting my $gNumberOfPerfdataInterfaces = 0; # in "EvaluateInterfaces" counted number of interfaces we collect perfdata for my $gPerfdata = ""; # performancedata # This is the base for the short and long cache timer. my $grefaIPLines; # Lines returned from snmpwalk storing ip addresses my $grefaOperStatusLines; # Lines returned from snmpwalk storing ifOperStatus my $grefaOctetInLines; # Lines returned from snmpwalk storing ifOctetsIn my $grefaOctetOutLines; # Lines returned from snmpwalk storing ifOctetsOut my $grefaInErrorsLines; # Lines returned from snmpwalk storing ifPktsInErr my $grefaOutErrorsLines; # Lines returned from snmpwalk storing ifPktsOutErr my $grefaInDiscardsLines; # Lines returned from snmpwalk storing ifPktsInDiscard my $grefaOutDiscardLines; # Lines returned from snmpwalk storing ifPktsOutDiscard my $gShortCacheTimer = 0; # Short cache timer are calculated in ExtractCache timer routine my $gLongCacheTimer = 0; # Long cache timer are calculated in ExtractCache timer routine my $gText; # Plugin Output ... my $gChangeText; # Contains data of changes in interface properties my $grefhSNMP; # Temp snmp structure my $grefhFile; # Properties from the interface file my $grefhCurrent; # Properties from current interface states my $grefhListOfChanges = undef; # List all the changes for long plugin output # create uniq file name without extension my $gFile = normalize($ghOptions{'hostdisplay'}).'-Interfacetable'; # file where we store interface information table my $gInterfaceInformationFile = "$ghOptions{'statedir'}/$gFile.txt"; # If -snapshot is set or DisableTrackingChanges is disabled on all interfaces # we dont track changes if (($ghOptions{'track'} and ($ghOptions{'track'}[0] eq "NONE")) or $ghOptions{'snapshot'}) { $gInitialRun = 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get uptime of the host - no caching ! $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysUpTime} = GetUptime ([ "$oid_sysUpTime" ],0); # read all interfaces and its properties into the hash $grefhFile = ReadInterfaceInformationFile ("$gInterfaceInformationFile"); logger(3, "grefhFile:".Dumper ($grefhFile)); # get sysDescr, sysName and other info for the info table. caching the long parameter if ($ghOptions{'cisco'}) { $grefhSNMP = GetMultipleDataWithSnmp ([ "$oid_sysDescr","$oid_sysName","$oid_cisco_type","$oid_cisco_serial" ],$gLongCacheTimer); $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysDescr} = "$grefhSNMP->{$oid_sysDescr}"; $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysName} = "$grefhSNMP->{$oid_sysName}"; $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{cisco_type} = "$grefhSNMP->{$oid_cisco_type}"; $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{cisco_serial} = "$grefhSNMP->{$oid_cisco_serial}"; } else { $grefhSNMP = GetMultipleDataWithSnmp ([ "$oid_sysDescr","$oid_sysName" ],$gLongCacheTimer); $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysDescr} = "$grefhSNMP->{$oid_sysDescr}"; $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysName} = "$grefhSNMP->{$oid_sysName}"; } # get lines with interface oper status - no caching ! $grefaOperStatusLines = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_ifOperStatus,0); if ($#$grefaOperStatusLines < 0 ) { print "$0: Could not read ifOperStatus information from host \"$ghOptions{'hostquery'}\" with snmp\n"; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Get lines with interface octet counters - no caching ! # -> Octets in $grefaOctetInLines = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_in_octet_table,0); if ($#$grefaOctetInLines < 0 ) { print "$0: Could not read ifOctetIn information from host \"$ghOptions{'hostquery'}\" with snmp\n"; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } # -> Octets out $grefaOctetOutLines = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_out_octet_table,0); if ($#$grefaOctetOutLines < 0 ) { print "$0: Could not read ifOctetOut information from host \"$ghOptions{'hostquery'}\" with snmp\n"; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } # -> Packet errors in $grefaInErrorsLines = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_in_error_table,0); if ($#$grefaInErrorsLines < 0 ) { print "$0: Could not read ifInErrors information from host \"$ghOptions{'hostquery'}\" with snmp\n"; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } # -> Packet errors out $grefaOutErrorsLines = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_out_error_table,0); if ($#$grefaOutErrorsLines < 0 ) { print "$0: Could not read ifOutErrors information from host \"$ghOptions{'hostquery'}\" with snmp\n"; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } # -> Packet discards in $grefaInDiscardsLines = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_in_discard_table,0); if ($#$grefaInDiscardsLines < 0 ) { print "$0: Could not read ifInDiscards information from host \"$ghOptions{'hostquery'}\" with snmp\n"; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } # -> Packet discards out $grefaOutDiscardLines = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_out_discard_table,0); if ($#$grefaOutDiscardLines < 0 ) { print "$0: Could not read ifOutDiscards information from host \"$ghOptions{'hostquery'}\" with snmp\n"; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } Get_TraficInOut ($grefaOctetInLines, "OctetsIn", "BitsIn"); Get_TraficInOut ($grefaOctetOutLines, "OctetsOut", "BitsOut"); Get_IfErrInOut ($grefaInErrorsLines, "PktsInErr"); Get_IfErrInOut ($grefaOutErrorsLines, "PktsOutErr"); Get_IfDiscardInOut ($grefaInDiscardsLines, "PktsInDiscard"); Get_IfDiscardInOut ($grefaOutDiscardLines, "PktsOutDiscard"); # get lines with ip addresses - no caching ! $grefaIPLines = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_ipAdEntIfIndex,0); # extract ifIndex and ifOperStatus out of the lines and get the # ifDescription from the net or from cache Get_OperStatus_Description_Index ($grefaOperStatusLines); # get IP Address and SubnetMask from the net or from cache Get_IpAddress_SubnetMask ($grefaIPLines); # get ifAdminStatus, ifSpeed and ifAlias from the net or from cache Get_AdminStatus_Speed_Alias_Vlan ($grefhCurrent); logger(3, " Get interface info -> generated hash\ngrefhCurrent:".Dumper ($grefhCurrent)); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Include / Exclude interfaces # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Save include/exclude information of each interface in the metadata $grefhCurrent = EvaluateInterfaces ($ghOptions{exclude}, $ghOptions{include}); logger(3, " Include / Exclude interfaces -> generated hash\ngrefhCurrent:".Dumper ($grefhCurrent)); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create interface information table data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # sort ifIndex by number @$grefaAllIndizes = sort { $a <=> $b } keys (%{$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByIndex}}); logger(3, " Interface information table data -> generated array\ngrefaAllIndizes:".Dumper ($grefaAllIndizes)); my $basetime = CleanAndSelectHistoricalDataset(); if (defined $basetime) { CalculateBps($basetime); } else { $gNoHistory = 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # write perfdata stdout and files # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ( $gNumberOfPerfdataInterfaces > 0 and not $gInitialRun) { perfdataout(); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # write interface information file # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # first run - the hash from the file is empty because we had no file before # fill it up with all interface intormation and with the index tables # # we take a separate field where we remember the last reset # of the entire file if (not $grefhFile->{TableReset}) { $grefhFile->{TableReset} = scalar localtime time (); $grefhFile->{If} = $grefhCurrent->{If}; logger(1, " (Debug) Initial run -> $grefhFile->{TableReset}"); } # Fill up the MD tree (MD = MetaData) - here we store all variable # settings $grefhFile->{MD} = $grefhCurrent->{MD}; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # write interface information file # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WriteConfigFileNew ("$gInterfaceInformationFile",$grefhFile); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # STDOUT # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # If there are changes in the table write it to stdout if ($gChangeText) { $gText = $gChangeText . "$gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk interface(s)"; } else { $gText = "$gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk interface(s)" } #logger(3, "gInterfacesWithoutTrunk: " . Dumper (%{$gInterfacesWithoutTrunk})); for my $switchport (keys %{$gInterfacesWithoutTrunk}) { if ($gInterfacesWithoutTrunk->{$switchport}) { # this port is free $gNumberOfFreeInterfaces++ } } #TODO go critical... if ( $gNumberOfFreeInterfaces >= 0 ) { logger(1, "---->>> ports: $gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk, free: $gNumberOfFreeInterfaces"); $gText .= ", $gNumberOfFreeInterfaces free"; } if ( $gNumberOfFreeUpInterfaces > 0 ) { $gText .= ", $gNumberOfFreeUpInterfaces AdminUp and free"; } if ( $gNumberOfPerfdataInterfaces > 0 and $ghOptions{'enableportperf'}) { $gText .= ", $gNumberOfPerfdataInterfaces graphed"; # thd } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create host information table data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[0]->{Value} = "$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysName}"; $grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[1]->{Value} = TimeDiff (1,$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysUpTime} / 100); # start at 1 because else we get "NoData" $grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[2]->{Value} = "$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysDescr}"; if ($ghOptions{'cisco'}) { $grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[3]->{Value} = "$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{cisco_type}"; $grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[4]->{Value} = "$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{cisco_serial}"; $grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[5]->{Value} = "ports: $gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk free: $gNumberOfFreeInterfaces"; $grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[5]->{Value} .= " AdminUpFree: $gNumberOfFreeUpInterfaces"; if ($ghOptions{'delta'}) {$grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[6]->{Value} = "$ghOptions{'delta'}" } else { $grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[6]->{Value} = 'no data to compare with'; } } else { $grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[3]->{Value} = "ports: $gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk free: $gNumberOfFreeInterfaces"; $grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[3]->{Value} .= " AdminUpFree: $gNumberOfFreeUpInterfaces"; if ($ghOptions{'delta'}) {$grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[4]->{Value} = "$ghOptions{'delta'}" } else { $grefaInfoTableData->[0]->[4]->{Value} = 'no data to compare with'; } } # # Generate Html Table # do not compare ifDescr and ifIndex because they can change during reboot # Field list: index,ifDescr,ifAlias,ifAdminStatus,ifOperStatus,ifSpeedReadable,ifVlanNames,ifLoadIn,ifLoadOut,IpInfo,bpsIn,bpsOut,ifLastTraffic # $grefaInterfaceTableData = GenerateHtmlTable ($grefaInterfaceTableFields,$ghOptions{track}); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create HTML tables # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $EndTime = time (); my $TimeDiff = $EndTime-$STARTTIME; # If current run is the first run we dont compare data if ( $gInitialRun ) { logger(1, " (Debug) Initial run -> Setting DifferenceCounter to zero."); $gDifferenceCounter = 0; #$gText = "$gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk interface(s)"; $gText = "Initial run..."; } elsif ( $gNoHistory ){ logger(1, " (Debug) Initial run -> Setting DifferenceCounter to zero."); $gDifferenceCounter = 0; $gText = "No valid historical dataset..."; } else { logger(1, " (Debug) Differences: $gDifferenceCounter"); if ($gDifferenceCounter > 0) { if ($ghOptions{'long'}) { $gText .= ", $gDifferenceCounter change(s):"; for my $field ( keys %{$grefhListOfChanges} ) { if (not $field =~ /^load/i) { $gText .= " $field - @{$grefhListOfChanges->{$field}}"; } } } else { $gText .= ", $gDifferenceCounter change(s)"; } } } # Create "mini" info table $gInfoTable = Csv2Html ($grefaInfoTableHeader,$grefaInfoTableData); # Create "big" interface table $gInterfaceTable = Csv2Html ($grefaInterfaceTableHeader,$grefaInterfaceTableData); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Calculate exitcode and exit this program # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $gDifferenceCounter contains the number of changes which # were made in the interface configurations my $ExitCode = mcompare ({ Value => $gDifferenceCounter, Warning => $ghOptions{warning}, Critical => $ghOptions{critical} }); #if ($gNumberOfFreeUpInterfaces > 0) { # $ExitCode = $ERRORS{'WARNING'} if ($ExitCode ne $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}); #} if ($gIfLoadWarnCounter > 0 ) { $ExitCode = $ERRORS{'WARNING'} if ($ExitCode ne $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}); if ($ghOptions{'long'}) { $gText .= ", $gIfLoadWarnCounter warning load(s) (>$ghOptions{ifloadwarn}%): @{$grefhListOfChanges->{loadwarning}}"; } else { $gText .= ", load warning (>$ghOptions{ifloadwarn}%): $gIfLoadWarnCounter"; } } if ($gIfLoadCritCounter > 0 ) { $ExitCode = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}; if ($ghOptions{'long'}) { $gText .= ", $gIfLoadCritCounter critical load(s) (>$ghOptions{ifloadcrit}%): @{$grefhListOfChanges->{loadcritical}}"; } else { $gText .= ", load critical (>$ghOptions{ifloadcrit}%): $gIfLoadCritCounter"; } } # Append html table link to text $gText = AppendLinkToText({ Text => $gText, HtmlUrl => $ghOptions{'htmlurl'}, File => "$gFile.html" }); if ($ghOptions{'cisco'} and $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{cisco_type} and $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{cisco_serial}) { $gText = "$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{cisco_type} ($grefhCurrent->{MD}->{cisco_serial}): ". $gText; } # Write Html Table WriteHtmlTable ({ Header => $gInfoTable, Body => $gInterfaceTable, Dir => $ghOptions{'htmldir'}, FileName => "$ghOptions{'htmldir'}/$gFile".'.html' }); # Print Text and exit with the correct exitcode ExitPlugin ({ ExitCode => $ExitCode, Text => $gText, Fields => $gDifferenceCounter }); # This code should never be reached exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIN ENDS HERE # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # write performance data # perfdataout (); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub perfdataout { if ($ghOptions{perfdatadir}) { # perfdata to file my $filename = $ghOptions{perfdatadir} . "/service-perfdata.$STARTTIME"; umask "$UMASK"; open (OUT,">>$filename") or die "cannot open $filename $!"; flock (OUT, 2) or die "cannot flock $filename $!"; # get exclusive lock; } # $grefaAllIndizes is a indexed and sorteted list of all interfaces for my $InterfaceIndex (@$grefaAllIndizes) { # Get normalized interface name (key for If data structure) my $oid_ifDescr = $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByIndex}->{$InterfaceIndex}; if ($grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ExcludedPerf} eq "false" and defined $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{OctetsIn}->{$InterfaceIndex}) { my $port = sprintf("%03d", $InterfaceIndex); #my $servicename = "Port$port"; my $servicename = "If_" . trim(denormalize($grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByIndex}->{$InterfaceIndex})); $servicename =~ s/[: ]/_/g; $servicename =~ s/[()]//g; #my $servicename = 'Interface - ' . trim(denormalize($grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByIndex}->{$InterfaceIndex})); my $perfdata = ""; #Add interface status if available if (defined $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{OperStatus}->{$InterfaceIndex}) { if ($ghOptions{'portperfunit'} eq "octet") { $perfdata .= "${servicename}::check_interface_table_port_octet::" . # servicename::plugin "OperStatus=".$gh_operstatus{"$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{OperStatus}->{$InterfaceIndex}"}.";;;0; " . "OctetsIn=$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{OctetsIn}->{$InterfaceIndex}c;;;0; " . "OctetsOut=$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{OctetsOut}->{$InterfaceIndex}c;;;0; "; } else { $perfdata .= "${servicename}::check_interface_table_port_bit::" . # servicename::plugin "OperStatus=".$gh_operstatus{"$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{OperStatus}->{$InterfaceIndex}"}.";;;0; " . "BitsIn=$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{BitsIn}->{$InterfaceIndex}c;;;0; " . "BitsOut=$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{BitsOut}->{$InterfaceIndex}c;;;0; "; } #Add pkt errors/discards if available if (defined $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{PktsInErr}->{$InterfaceIndex}) { $perfdata .= "PktsInErr=$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{PktsInErr}->{$InterfaceIndex}c;;;0; " . "PktsOutErr=$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{PktsOutErr}->{$InterfaceIndex}c;;;0; " . "PktsInDiscard=$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{PktsInDiscard}->{$InterfaceIndex}c;;;0; " . "PktsOutDiscard=$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{PktsOutDiscard}->{$InterfaceIndex}c;;;0; "; } } logger(1, "collected perfdata: $oid_ifDescr\t$perfdata"); if ($ghOptions{perfdatadir}) { # perfdata to file #TODO: make it atomic (ie rename after write) and use a save filename print OUT "$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysName}\t"; # hostname print OUT "$servicename"; # servicename print OUT "\t\t"; # pluginoutput print OUT "$perfdata"; # performancedata print OUT "\t$STARTTIME\n"; # unix timestamp } if($ghOptions{'enableportperf'}){$gPerfdata .= " $perfdata"; } # thd collect performancedata } } # for $InterfaceIndex if (defined $ghOptions{perfdatadir}) { # perfdata to file close (OUT); } return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create interface table html table file # This file will be visible on the browser # # WriteHtmlTable ({ # Header => $gInfoTable, # Body => $gInterfaceTable, # FileName => $gHtmlFileName # }); # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub WriteHtmlTable { my $refhStruct = shift; my $Footer = HtmlLinks ({ Back => 1, ResetTable => "$gInterfaceInformationFile" }); umask "$UMASK"; not -d $refhStruct->{Dir} and MyMkdir($refhStruct->{Dir}); open (OUT,">$refhStruct->{FileName}") or die "cannot $refhStruct->{FileName} $!"; print OUT ' ' . $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysName} . ' '; print OUT '
            ' updated: ',scalar localtime $EndTime,' (',$EndTime-$STARTTIME,' sec.)
'; print OUT $refhStruct->{Header}; print OUT $refhStruct->{Body}; print OUT $Footer; print OUT '
'; close (OUT); logger(1, "HTML table file created: $refhStruct->{FileName}"); return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Source: # extracted from or our base library - but shortand # Purpose: # calc exit code # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub mcompare { my $refhStruct = shift; my $ExitCode = $ERRORS{"OK"}; $refhStruct->{Warning} and $refhStruct->{Value} >= $refhStruct->{Warning} and $ExitCode = $ERRORS{"WARNING"}; $refhStruct->{Critical} and $refhStruct->{Value} >= $refhStruct->{Critical} and $ExitCode = $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}; return $ExitCode; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Compare data from refhFile and refhCurrent and create the csv data for # html table. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GenerateHtmlTable { my $refaFields = shift; # Array of the fields for the table my $refaToCompare = shift; # Array of fields which should be included from change tracking my $iLineCounter = 0; # Fluss Variable (ah geh ;-) ) my $refaContentForHtmlTable; # This is the final data structure which we pass to csv2htmlnew my $DataForMD5CheckSum = ""; # MD5 Checksum # Print a header for debug information logger(1, "x"x50); # Print tracking info logger(3, "Available fields:".Dumper($refaFields)); logger(3, "Tracked fields:".Dumper($refaToCompare)); # $grefaAllIndizes is a indexed and sorteted list of all interfaces for my $InterfaceIndex (@$grefaAllIndizes) { # Current field ID my $iFieldCounter = 0; # Get normalized interface name (key for If data structure) my $oid_ifDescr = $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByIndex}->{$InterfaceIndex}; # Netways Nagios Grapher - one link per line/interface/port if ($grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{Excluded} eq "false" and defined $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{OctetsIn}->{$InterfaceIndex}) { #my $servicename = 'Port' . sprintf("%03d", $InterfaceIndex); my $servicename = "If_" . trim(denormalize($oid_ifDescr)); $servicename =~ s/#/%23/g; $servicename =~ s/:/_/g; $servicename =~ s/[()]//g; if ($ghOptions{'grapher'} eq "pnp4nagios") { $refaContentForHtmlTable->[ $iLineCounter ]->[ $iFieldCounter ]->{InterfaceGraphURL} = $ghOptions{'grapherurl'} . '/graph?host=' . $ghOptions{'hostdisplay'} . '&srv=' . $servicename; } elsif ($ghOptions{'grapher'} eq "nagiosgrapher" or $ghOptions{'grapher'} eq "netwaysgrapherv2") { $refaContentForHtmlTable->[ $iLineCounter ]->[ $iFieldCounter ]->{InterfaceGraphURL} = $ghOptions{'grapherurl'} . '/graphs.cgi?host=' . $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysName} . '&service=' . $servicename . '&page_act=1+traffic'; } } # This is the If datastructure from the interface information file my $refhInterFaceDataFile = $grefhFile->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}; # This is the current measured If datastructure my $refhInterFaceDataCurrent = $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}; # This variable used for exittext $gNumberOfInterfaces++; for my $FieldName ( @$refaFields ) { my $ChangeTime; my $LastChangeInfo = ""; my $CellColor; my $CellBackgroundColor; my $CellContent; my $CurrentFieldContent = ""; my $FileFieldContent = ""; if (defined $refhInterFaceDataCurrent->{"$FieldName"}) { # This is used to calculate the id (used for displaying the html table) $DataForMD5CheckSum .= $refhInterFaceDataCurrent->{"$FieldName"}; $CurrentFieldContent = $refhInterFaceDataCurrent->{"$FieldName"}; # Delete the first and last "blank" $CurrentFieldContent =~ s/^ //; $CurrentFieldContent =~ s/ $//; } if (defined $refhInterFaceDataFile->{"$FieldName"}) { $FileFieldContent = $refhInterFaceDataFile->{"$FieldName"}; } # Flag if the current status of this field should be compared with the # "snapshoted" status. my $CompareThisField = grep (/$FieldName/i, @$refaToCompare); # some fields have a change time property in the interface information file. # if the change time exists we store this and write into html table $ChangeTime = $grefhFile->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{$FieldName."ChangeTime"}; # If interface is excluded or this is the initial run we don't lookup for # data changes if ($grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{Excluded} eq "true" or $gInitialRun) { $CompareThisField = 0; # Change the font color to "olive" $CellColor = ''; } elsif (defined $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{$FieldName."OutOfRange"}) { $CellBackgroundColor = $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{$FieldName."OutOfRange"}; } # Set LastChangeInfo to this Format "(since 0d 0h 43m)" if ( defined $ChangeTime and $ghOptions{trackduration} ) { $ChangeTime = TimeDiff ("$ChangeTime",time()); $LastChangeInfo = "(since $ChangeTime)"; } if ( $CompareThisField ) { logger(1, "Compare \"".denormalize($oid_ifDescr)."($FieldName)\" now=\"$CurrentFieldContent\" file=\"$FileFieldContent\""); if ( $CurrentFieldContent eq $FileFieldContent ) { # Field content has NOT changed $CellContent = denormalize ( $CurrentFieldContent ); } else { # Field content has changed ... $CellContent = "now: " . denormalize( $CurrentFieldContent ) . "$LastChangeInfo was: " . denormalize ( $FileFieldContent ); if ($ghOptions{verbose} or $ghOptions{warning} > 0 or $ghOptions{critical} > 0) { $gChangeText .= "(" . denormalize ($oid_ifDescr) . ") $FieldName now $CurrentFieldContent (was: $FileFieldContent)
"; } if ($grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{Excluded} eq "false") { $CellBackgroundColor = "red"; $gDifferenceCounter++; } else { $CellBackgroundColor = "#F5A9A9"; # light red } # Update the list of changes push @{$grefhListOfChanges->{"$FieldName"}}, trim(denormalize($oid_ifDescr)); } } else { # Filed will not be compared, just write the current field - value in the table. logger(1, "Not comparing $FieldName on interface ".denormalize($oid_ifDescr)); $CellContent = denormalize( $CurrentFieldContent ); } # Write an empty cell content if CellContent is empty # This is for visual purposes not $CellContent and $CellContent = ' '; # Store cell content in table $refaContentForHtmlTable->[ $iLineCounter ]->[ $iFieldCounter ]->{"Value"} = "$CellContent"; # Change font and background color defined $CellColor and $refaContentForHtmlTable->[ $iLineCounter ]->[ $iFieldCounter ]->{Font} = $CellColor; defined $CellBackgroundColor and $refaContentForHtmlTable->[ $iLineCounter ]->[ $iFieldCounter ]->{Background} = $CellBackgroundColor; $iFieldCounter++; } # for FieldName $iLineCounter++; } # for $InterfaceIndex # Print a footer for debug information logger(3, " List of changes -> generated hash of array\ngrefhListOfChanges:".Dumper ($grefhListOfChanges)); logger(1, "x"x50); return $refaContentForHtmlTable; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This function includes or excludes interfaces from change comparison # if there are exclude or include lists defined on the commandline. # # All interfaces which are excluded will be excluded from # traffic measurement and change counter count. # # Indicated must be the interface name (ifDescr) # -Exclude "3COM Etherlink PCI" # # It is possible to exclude all interfaces # -Exclude "ALL" # # It is possible to exclude all interfaces but include one # -Exclude "ALL" -Include "3COM Etherlink PCI" # # It isnt neccessary to include ALL. By default, all the interfaces are # included. # # The interface information file will be altered as follows: # # # # <3COMQ20EtherlinkQ20PCI> # CacheTimer 3600 # Excluded true # ifOperStatusChangeTime 1151586678 # # # # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub EvaluateInterfaces { my $ExcludeList = shift; my $IncludeList = shift; my $ExcludePerfList = shift; my $IncludePerfList = shift; # Loop through all interfaces for my $oid_ifDescr (keys %{$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}}) { #----- Includes or excludes interfaces from change comparison -----# # Denormalize interface name my $oid_ifDescrReadable = denormalize ($oid_ifDescr); my $oid_ifAliasReadable = denormalize ($grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$oid_ifDescr"}->{ifAlias}); # By default, don't exclude the interface $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{Excluded} = "false"; # Process the interface exclusion list for my $ExcludeString (@$ExcludeList) { if ($ghOptions{regexp}) { if ("$oid_ifDescrReadable" =~ /$ExcludeString/i or "$ExcludeString" eq "ALL") { logger(1, "-- exclude ($ExcludeString) interface \"$oid_ifDescrReadable\""); $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{Excluded} = "true"; } } elsif ("$oid_ifDescrReadable" eq "$ExcludeString" or "$ExcludeString" eq "ALL") { logger(1, "-- exclude ($ExcludeString) interface \"$oid_ifDescrReadable\""); $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{Excluded} = "true"; } } # Process the interface inclusion list # Inclusions are done after exclusions to be able to include a # subset of a group of interfaces which were excluded previously for my $IncludeString (@$IncludeList) { if ($ghOptions{regexp}) { if ("${oid_ifDescrReadable}_${oid_ifAliasReadable}" =~ /$IncludeString/i or "$IncludeString" eq "ALL") { logger(1, "+ include ($IncludeString) interface \"$oid_ifDescrReadable\""); $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{Excluded} = "false"; } } elsif ("$oid_ifDescrReadable" eq "$IncludeString" or "$oid_ifAliasReadable" eq "$IncludeString" or "$IncludeString" eq "ALL") { logger(1, "+ include ($IncludeString) interface \"$oid_ifDescrReadable\""); $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{Excluded} = "false"; } } # Update the counter if needed #if ($grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{Excluded} eq "false") { # $gNumberOfInterfaces++; #} # For included interfaces, enable the performance data depending to the exclude and/or include perf port list if ($ghOptions{'enableportperf'} and $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{Excluded} eq "false") { # By default, take the performance data for the interface $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ExcludedPerf} = "false"; # Process the interface exclusion list for my $ExcludeString (@$ExcludePerfList) { if ($ghOptions{regexp}) { if ("$oid_ifDescrReadable" =~ /$ExcludeString/i or "$ExcludeString" eq "ALL") { logger(1, "-- exclude ($ExcludeString) interface \"$oid_ifDescrReadable\""); $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ExcludedPerf} = "true"; } } elsif ("$oid_ifDescrReadable" eq "$ExcludeString" or "$ExcludeString" eq "ALL") { logger(1, "-- exclude ($ExcludeString) interface \"$oid_ifDescrReadable\""); $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ExcludedPerf} = "true"; } } # Process the interface inclusion list # Inclusions are done after exclusions to be able to include a # subset of a group of interfaces which were excluded previously for my $IncludeString (@$IncludePerfList) { if ($ghOptions{regexp}) { if ("${oid_ifDescrReadable}_${oid_ifAliasReadable}" =~ /$IncludeString/i or "$IncludeString" eq "ALL") { logger(1, "+ include ($IncludeString) interface \"$oid_ifDescrReadable\""); $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ExcludedPerf} = "false"; } } elsif ("$oid_ifDescrReadable" eq "$IncludeString" or "$oid_ifAliasReadable" eq "$IncludeString" or "$IncludeString" eq "ALL") { logger(1, "+ include ($IncludeString) interface \"$oid_ifDescrReadable\""); $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ExcludedPerf} = "false"; } } if ($grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ExcludedPerf} eq "false") { # Update the counter if needed $gNumberOfPerfdataInterfaces++; } } else { $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ExcludedPerf} = "true"; } } # for each interface return $grefhCurrent; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get the uptime of the remote system and store timeticks in raw format # (not translated into human readable format) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GetUptime { my $refaOID = shift; my $CacheTimer = shift; my $Value = SnmpGetV1 ({ -hostname => "$ghOptions{'hostquery'}", -community => "$ghOptions{'community'}", -translate => [ -timeticks => 0x0 ], # disable conversion get raw timeticks OID => $refaOID, CacheTimer => int rand ($CacheTimer), }); # we got data if ($Value) { return $Value; } else { # und tschuess - hat keinen Sinn weiter zu machen print "$0: Could not read sysUpTime information from host \"$ghOptions{hostquery}\" with snmp\n"; #TODO get from cache to enrich error text # $oid_cisco_type = '.'; # WS-C3550-48-SMI # $oid_cisco_serial = '.'; # CAT0645Z0HB exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get Data with perl net-snmp module # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GetDataWithSnmp { my $refaOID = shift; # ref to array of OIDs (numbers only) my $CacheTimer = shift; my $Value = SnmpGetV1 ({ -hostname => "$ghOptions{'hostquery'}", # option -h -community => "$ghOptions{'community'}", # option -C OID => $refaOID, CacheTimer => int rand ($CacheTimer), # random caching }); return ($Value); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get multiple Data with perl net-snmp module # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GetMultipleDataWithSnmp { my $refaOID = shift; # ref to array of OIDs (numbers only) my $CacheTimer = shift; unless ($CacheTimer) {$CacheTimer = 0;} my $refhSNMP = SnmpGetV1 ({ -hostname => "$ghOptions{'hostquery'}", # option -h -community => "$ghOptions{'community'}", # option -C OID => $refaOID, CacheTimer => int rand ($CacheTimer), # random caching }); return ($refhSNMP); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get Data with the unix snmpwalk command - this is faster than perls # snmp implementation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk { my $OID = shift; # only one OID (number or name) my $CacheTimer = shift; unless ($CacheTimer) {$CacheTimer = 0;} my ($refaLines) = ExecuteCommand ({ Command => "snmpwalk -Oqn -c '$ghOptions{'community'}' -v 1 $ghOptions{'hostquery'} $OID", Retry => 2, CacheTimer => int rand ($CacheTimer), }); return $refaLines; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get ifOperStatus, ifDescr and ifIndex # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub Get_OperStatus_Description_Index { my $refaOperStatusLines = shift; # Example of $refaOperStatusLines # . up # . down for (@$refaOperStatusLines) { my ($Index,$OperStatusNow) = split / /,$_,2; $Index =~ s/^.*\.//g; # remove all but the index $OperStatusNow =~ s/\s+$//g; # remove invisible chars from the end logger(1, "Index = $Index $gLongCacheTimer"); # read the interface description with the index extracted above my $Desc = GetDataWithSnmp ([ "$oid_ifDescr.$Index" ],$gLongCacheTimer); # check an empty interface description and add a new description # this occurs on some devices (e.g. HP procurve switches) if ("$Desc" eq "") { # read the MAC address of the interface - independend if it has one or not my $MacAddress = GetDataWithSnmp ([ "$oid_ifPhysAddress.$Index" ],$gShortCacheTimer); $Desc = "($MacAddress)"; logger(1, "Interface with index $Index has no description.\nSet it to $Desc"); } # normalize the interface description to not get into trouble # with special characters and how Config::General handles blanks $Desc = normalize ($Desc); # on some operating systems there could be interfaces with # the same name - check this out - append uniq text at the end to # get a uniq interface name if ($grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}) { my $Text; # dummy text for uniq if description # read the MAC address of the interface my $MacAddress = GetDataWithSnmp ([ "$oid_ifPhysAddress.$Index" ], $gShortCacheTimer); # check if we got back a MAC Address - otherwise take the interface # index - this could only lead to problems where index is changed # during reboot and duplicate interface names if ($MacAddress) { $Text = "(${MacAddress})"; } else { $Text = "(${Index})"; } logger(1, "Duplicate if ($Index) name - \"$Text\""); # append a blank (normalized) the MAC Address or the index # to the end of the description $Desc = "${Desc}Q20".normalize($Text); } # Store the oper status as property of the current interface $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatus} = "$OperStatusNow"; $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{"OperStatus"}->{"$Index"} = "$OperStatusNow"; # # Store a CacheTimer (seconds) where we cache the next # reads from the net - we have the following possibilities # # ifOperStatus: # # Current state | first state | CacheTimer # ----------------------------------------- # up up $gShortCacheTimer # up down 0 # down down $gLongCacheTimer # down up 0 # other * 0 # * other 0 # # One exception to that logic is the "Changed" flag. If this # is set we detected a change on an interface property and do not # cache ! # my $OperStatusFile = $grefhFile->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatus}; unless ($OperStatusFile) {$OperStatusFile = "";} logger(1, "Now=\"$OperStatusNow\" File=\"$OperStatusFile\""); # set cache timer for further reads if ("$OperStatusNow" eq "up" and "$OperStatusFile" eq "up") { $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{CacheTimer} = $gShortCacheTimer; } elsif ("$OperStatusNow" eq "down" and "$OperStatusFile" eq "down") { $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{CacheTimer} = $gLongCacheTimer; } else { $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{CacheTimer} = 0; $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeText} = "Old = \"$OperStatusFile\", Current = \"$OperStatusNow\" "; } # remember change time of the interface property if ($grefhFile->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeTime}) { # umkopieren damit am Ende die Info erhalten bleibt $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeTime} = $grefhFile->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeTime} } else { $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeTime} = time; } # track changes of the oper status if ("$OperStatusNow" eq "$OperStatusFile") { # no changes to its first state # delete the changed flag and reset the time when it was changed if ($grefhFile->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeText}) { delete $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeText}; $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeTime} = time; } } # ifOperstatus has changed to up, no alert elsif ("$OperStatusNow" ne "down") { # update the state in the status file $grefhFile->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatus} = "$OperStatusNow"; # delete the changed flag and reset the time when it was changed if ($grefhFile->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeText}) { delete $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeText}; $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeTime} = time; } } # ifOperstatus has changed, alerting else { # flag if changes already tracked if (not $grefhFile->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeText}) { $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeTime} = time; } # remember the change every run of this program, this is useful if the # ifOperStatus changes from "up" to "testing" to "down" $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatusChangeText} = "Old = \"$OperStatusFile\", Current = \"$OperStatusNow\" "; } # create another tree in the MetaData hash which stores interface index # and description. This is used later wehen getting the ip address # and for displaying the html table $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByIndex}->{"$Index"} = "$Desc"; $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByName}->{"$Desc"} = "$Index"; # Store Index und Description in MD. This is needed for displaying the # Html table. lukas2 $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$Desc}->{index} = "$Index"; $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$Desc}->{ifDescr} = "$Desc"; } return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get trafic in octets (ifInOctets / ifOutOctets) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub Get_TraficInOut { my $refaOctetLines = shift; my $WhatOctet = shift; my $WhatBit = shift; # Example of $refaOctetLines # . 2510821601 # . 0 for (@$refaOctetLines) { my ($Index,$Octets) = split / /,$_,2; $Index =~ s/^.*\.//g; # remove all but the index $Octets =~ s/\s+$//g; # remove invisible chars from the end my $Bits = $Octets * 8; # convert in bits # Store the octets of the current interface $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{"$WhatOctet"}->{"$Index"} = "$Octets"; $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$STARTTIME}->{"$WhatOctet"}->{"$Index"} = "$Octets"; # Store the bits of the current interface $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{"$WhatBit"}->{"$Index"} = "$Bits"; } return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get trafic in bits (ifInOctets / ifOutOctets) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub Get_IfErrInOut { my $refaIfErrLines = shift; my $What = shift; # Example of $refaIfErrLines # . 201 # . 0 for (@$refaIfErrLines) { my ($Index,$IfErr) = split / /,$_,2; $Index =~ s/^.*\.//g; # remove all but the index $IfErr =~ s/\s+$//g; # remove invisible chars from the end # Store the Errors of the current interface $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{"$What"}->{"$Index"} = "$IfErr"; $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$STARTTIME}->{"$What"}->{"$Index"} = "$IfErr"; } return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get packet discards (ifInDiscards/ifOutDiscards) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub Get_IfDiscardInOut { my $refaIfDiscardLines = shift; my $What = shift; # Example of $refaIfDiscardLines # . 201 # . 0 for (@$refaIfDiscardLines) { my ($Index,$IfDiscard) = split / /,$_,2; $Index =~ s/^.*\.//g; # remove all but the index $IfDiscard =~ s/\s+$//g; # remove invisible chars from the end # Store the Discards of the current interface $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{"$What"}->{"$Index"} = "$IfDiscard"; $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$STARTTIME}->{"$What"}->{"$Index"} = "$IfDiscard"; } return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # clean outdated historical data statistics and select the one eligible # for bandwitdh calculation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub CleanAndSelectHistoricalDataset { #logger(3, "perfdata dirty:\n".Dumper($grefhFile)); my $firsttime = $STARTTIME; # loop through all historical perfdata for my $time (sort keys %{$grefhFile->{'history'}}) { if (($STARTTIME - ($ghOptions{'delta'} + 200)) > $time) { # delete anything older than starttime - (delta + a bit buffer) # so we keep a sliding window following us delete $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$time}; logger(1, "outdated perfdata cleanup: $time"); } elsif ($time < $firsttime) { # chose the oldest dataset to compare with $firsttime = $time; $gUsedDelta = $STARTTIME - $firsttime; logger(1, "now ($STARTTIME) - comparetimestamp ($time) = used delta ($gUsedDelta)"); last; } else { # no dataset (left) to compare with # no further calculations if we run for the first time. $firsttime = undef; logger(1, "no dataset (left) to compare with, bandwitdh calculations will not be done"); } } return $firsttime; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # calculate rate / bandwidth usage within a specified period # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub CalculateBps { my $firsttime = shift; # check if the counter is back to 0 after 2^32 / 2^64. # First set the modulus depending on highperf counters or not #my $overfl_mod = defined ($o_highperf) ? 18446744073709551616 : 4294967296; my $overfl_mod = 4294967296; # $grefaAllIndizes is a indexed and sorteted list of all interfaces for my $Index (@$grefaAllIndizes) { # ---------- Bandwidth calculation ----------- my $overfl = 0; my $bpsIn = 0; my $bpsOut = 0; # be sure that history exist # then check if the counter is back to 0 after 2^32 / 2^64. if (defined $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$STARTTIME}->{OctetsIn}->{"$Index"} and defined $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$firsttime}->{OctetsIn}->{"$Index"}){ $overfl = ($grefhFile->{'history'}->{$STARTTIME}->{OctetsIn}->{"$Index"} >= $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$firsttime}->{OctetsIn}->{"$Index"} ) ? 0 : $overfl_mod; $bpsIn = ($grefhFile->{'history'}->{$STARTTIME}->{OctetsIn}->{"$Index"} - $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$firsttime}->{OctetsIn}->{"$Index"} + $overfl) / $gUsedDelta * 8; } # be sure that history exist # then check if the counter is back to 0 after 2^32 / 2^64. if (defined $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$STARTTIME}->{OctetsOut}->{"$Index"} and defined $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$firsttime}->{OctetsOut}->{"$Index"}){ $overfl = ($grefhFile->{'history'}->{$STARTTIME}->{OctetsOut}->{"$Index"} >= $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$firsttime}->{OctetsOut}->{"$Index"} ) ? 0 : $overfl_mod; $bpsOut = ($grefhFile->{'history'}->{$STARTTIME}->{OctetsOut}->{"$Index"} - $grefhFile->{'history'}->{$firsttime}->{OctetsOut}->{"$Index"} + $overfl) / $gUsedDelta * 8; } my $oid_ifDescr = $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByIndex}->{$Index}; # bandwidth usage in percent of (configured/negotiated) interface speed if ($grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifSpeed} > 0) { my $ifLoadIn = 100 * $bpsIn / $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifSpeed}; my $ifLoadOut = 100 * $bpsOut / $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifSpeed}; $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLoadIn} = sprintf("%.2f", $ifLoadIn); $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLoadOut} = sprintf("%.2f", $ifLoadOut); # check interface utilization in percent if ($ifLoadIn > 0) { # just traffic light color codes for the lame if ($ifLoadIn > $ghOptions{ifloadcrit}) { push @{$grefhListOfChanges->{loadcritical}}, trim(denormalize($oid_ifDescr)); $gIfLoadCritCounter++; } elsif ($ifLoadIn > $ghOptions{ifloadwarn}) { push @{$grefhListOfChanges->{loadwarning}}, trim(denormalize($oid_ifDescr)); $gIfLoadWarnCounter++; } $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLoadInOutOfRange} = colorcode($ifLoadIn); } if ($ifLoadOut > 0) { $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLoadOutOutOfRange} = colorcode($ifLoadOut); } } else { $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLoadIn} = 0; $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLoadOut} = 0; } #print OUT "BandwidthUsageIn=${bpsIn}bps;0;0;0;$grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifSpeed} "; #print OUT "BandwidthUsageOut=${bpsOut}bps;0;0;0;$grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifSpeed} "; my $SpeedUnitOut=''; my $SpeedUnitIn=''; if ($ghOptions{human}) { # human readable bandwidth usage in (G/M/K)bits per second $SpeedUnitIn=' bps'; if ($bpsIn > 1000000000) { # in Gbit/s = 1000000000 bit/s $bpsIn = $bpsIn / 1000000000; $SpeedUnitIn=' Gbps'; } elsif ($bpsIn > 1000000) { # in Mbit/s = 1000000 bit/s $bpsIn = $bpsIn / 1000000; $SpeedUnitIn=' Mbps'; } elsif ($bpsIn > 1000) { # in Kbits = 1000 bit/s $bpsIn = $bpsIn / 1000; $SpeedUnitIn=' Kbps'; } $SpeedUnitOut=' bps'; if ($bpsOut > 1000000000) { # in Gbit/s = 1000000000 bit/s $bpsOut = $bpsOut / 1000000000; $SpeedUnitOut=' Gbps'; } elsif ($bpsOut > 1000000) { # in Mbit/s = 1000000 bit/s $bpsOut = $bpsOut / 1000000; $SpeedUnitOut=' Mbps'; } elsif ($bpsOut > 1000) { # in Kbit/s = 1000 bit/s $bpsOut = $bpsOut / 1000; $SpeedUnitOut=' Kbps'; } } $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{bpsIn} = sprintf("%.2f$SpeedUnitIn", $bpsIn); $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{bpsOut} = sprintf("%.2f$SpeedUnitOut", $bpsOut); # ---------- Last traffic calculation ----------- # remember last traffic time if ($bpsIn > 0 or $bpsOut > 0) { # there is traffic now, remember it $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{LastTraffic} = $STARTTIME; #logger(1, "setze neuen wert!!! LastTraffic: ", $STARTTIME); } elsif (not defined $grefhFile->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{LastTraffic}) { #if ($gInitialRun) { # # initialize on the first run # $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{LastTraffic} = $STARTTIME; #} else { $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{LastTraffic} = 0; #} #logger(1, "grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{LastTraffic}: not defined"); } else { # no traffic now, dont forget the old value $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{LastTraffic} = $grefhFile->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{LastTraffic}; #$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{LastTraffic} = $STARTTIME; #logger(1, "merke alten wert!!! LastTraffic: ", $grefhFile->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{LastTraffic}); } # Set LastTrafficInfo to this Format "0d 0h 43m" and compare the critical and warning levels for "unused interface" ($grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLastTraffic}, my $LastTrafficStatus) = TimeDiff ($grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{LastTraffic}, $STARTTIME, $ghOptions{lasttrafficwarn}, $ghOptions{lasttrafficcrit}); # ---------- Last traffic calculation ----------- # ifUsage variable: # * -1 -> interface used, unknown last traffic # * 0 -> interface used, last traffic is < crit duration # * 1 -> interface unused, last traffic is >= crit duration my $ifUsage = -1; # default: interface unused if ($LastTrafficStatus == $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}) { logger(2, " (debug) interface unused, last traffic is >= crit duration"); # this means "no traffic seen during the last LastTrafficCrit seconds" $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLastTrafficOutOfRange} = "red"; $ifUsage = 1; # interface unused } elsif ($LastTrafficStatus == $ERRORS{'WARNING'}) { logger(2, " (debug) interface used, last traffic is < crit duration"); # this means "no traffic seen during the last LastTrafficWarn seconds" $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLastTrafficOutOfRange} = "yellow"; $ifUsage = 0; # interface used } elsif ($LastTrafficStatus == $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}) { logger(2, " (debug) interface used, unknown last traffic"); # this means "no traffic seen during the last LastTrafficWarn seconds" $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLastTrafficOutOfRange} = "orange"; $ifUsage = -1; # interface unused } else { logger(2, " (debug) interface used, last traffic is < crit duration"); logger(1, " (debug) LastTraffic ($oid_ifDescr): ", $grefhFile->{MD}->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{LastTraffic}); # this means "there is traffic on the interface during the last LastTrafficWarn seconds" $ifUsage = 0; # interface used } check_for_unused_interfaces ($oid_ifDescr, $ifUsage); } #logger(3, "grefhCurrent: " . Dumper ($grefhCurrent)); #logger(3, "grefhFile: " . Dumper ($grefhFile)); #logger(3, "grefhCurrent: " . Dumper ($grefhCurrent->{If})); #logger(3, "grefhFile: " . Dumper ($grefhFile->{If})); return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # extract ip addresses out of snmpwalk lines # # # snmpwalk -Oqn -c public -v 1 router IP-MIB::ipAdEntIfIndex # . 15 # . 15 # . 15 # . 29 # . 14 # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub Get_IpAddress_SubnetMask { my $refaIPLines = shift; my $refaNetMask; # store all ip information in the hash to avoid reading the netmask # again in the next run $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{SnmpIpInfo} = join (";",@$refaIPLines); # remove all invisible chars incl. \r and \n $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{SnmpIpInfo} =~ s/[\000-\037]|[\177-\377]//g; # # snmpwalk -Oqn -v 1 -c public router IP-MIB::ipAdEntNetMask # . # . # # read the subnet masks with caching 0 only if the ip addresses # have changed if (defined $grefhFile->{MD}->{SnmpIpInfo} and $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{SnmpIpInfo} eq $grefhFile->{MD}->{SnmpIpInfo}) { $refaNetMask = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_ipAdEntNetMask,$gLongCacheTimer); } else { $refaNetMask = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_ipAdEntNetMask,0); } # Example lines: # . 15 # . 29 logger(3, "IP information lines (refaIPLines): ".Dumper($refaIPLines)); for (@$refaIPLines) { my ($IpAddress,$Index) = split / /,$_,2; # blank splits OID & ifIndex $IpAddress =~ s/^.*1\.4\.20\.1\.2\.//; # remove up to the ip address $Index =~ s/\D//g; # remove all but numbers # extract the netmask # # $refaNetMaks looks like this: # # $VAR1 = [ # '.', # '.', # '. # ]; my ($Tmp,$NetMask) = split (" ",join ("",grep /$IpAddress /,@$refaNetMask),2); $NetMask =~ s/\s+$//; # remove invisible chars from the end logger(3, "Index: $Index, IpAddress: $IpAddress, Netmask: $NetMask"); # get the interface description stored before from the index table my $Desc = $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByIndex}->{"$Index"}; #Check that a mapping was possible between the ip info and an interface if ($Desc) { # separate multiple IP Adresses with a blank # blank is good because the WEB browser can break lines if ($grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{IpInfo}) { $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{IpInfo} = $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{IpInfo}." " } # now we are finished with the puzzle of getting ip and subnet mask # add IpInfo as property to the interface my $IpInfo = "$IpAddress/$NetMask"; $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{IpInfo} .= $IpInfo; # check if the IP address has changed to its first run my $FirstIpInfo = $grefhFile->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{IpInfo}; unless ($FirstIpInfo) {$FirstIpInfo = "";} # disable caching of this interface if ip information has changed if ("$IpInfo" ne "$FirstIpInfo") { $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{CacheTimer} = 0; $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{CacheTimerComment} = "caching is disabled because of first or current IpInfo"; } } else { logger(3, "Impossible to map the IP info to any existing interface: no corresponding interface index. Skipping IP info."); } } return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read config file with the perl Config::General Module # # http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Config%3A%3AGeneral&mode=all # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub ReadConfigFileNew { my $ConfigFile = shift; my $refoConfig; # object definition for the config my $refhConfig; # hash reference returned # return undef if file is not readable -r "$ConfigFile" or return $refhConfig; # Initialize ConfigFile Read Process (create object) eval { $refoConfig = new Config::General ( -ConfigFile => "$ConfigFile", -UseApacheInclude => "false", -MergeDuplicateBlocks => "false", -InterPolateVars => "false", ); }; if($@) { # it's not successfull so remove the bad config file and try again. logger(1, "CONFIG READ FAIL: create new one ($ConfigFile)."); unlink "$ConfigFile"; return $refhConfig; } # Read Config File %$refhConfig = $refoConfig->getall; # return reference return $refhConfig; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # --- write a hash reference to a file --- see ReadConfigFileNew --------- # # $gFile = full qulified filename with path # $refhStruct = hash reference # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub WriteConfigFileNew { my $ConfigFile = shift; my $refhStruct = shift; use File::Basename; my $refoConfig; # object definition for the config my $Directory = dirname ($ConfigFile); # Initialize ConfigFile Read Process (create object) $refoConfig = new Config::General ( -ConfigPath => "$Directory" ); # Write Config File if (-f "$ConfigFile" and not -w "$ConfigFile") { print "Unable to write to file $ConfigFile $!\n"; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } umask "$UMASK"; $refoConfig->save_file("$ConfigFile", $refhStruct); logger(1, "Wrote interface data to file: $ConfigFile"); return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # walk through each interface and read ifAdminStatus, ifSpeed and ifAlias # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub Get_AdminStatus_Speed_Alias_Vlan { # loop through all found interfaces for my $Desc (keys %{$grefhCurrent->{If}}) { my $CacheTimer = 0; # extract the index out of the MetaData my $Index = $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByName}->{"$Desc"}; # Current state | first state | CacheTimer # ----------------------------------------- # down down $gLongCacheTimer # * * 0 my $OperStatusNow = $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatus}; my $OperStatusFile = $grefhFile->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifOperStatus}; unless ($OperStatusFile) {$OperStatusFile = "";} # Set cachtimer to the long cache timer value if the operstatus is now down # and was down in the past. if ( ( "$OperStatusNow" eq "down" ) and ( "$OperStatusFile" eq "down" ) ) { $CacheTimer = $gLongCacheTimer; } # get next interface properties with caching to avoid network load my $refhSNMP = GetMultipleDataWithSnmp ( [ "$oid_ifAdminStatus.$Index", "$oid_ifSpeed.$Index","$oid_ifAlias.$Index" ],$CacheTimer); # store ifAdminStatus converted from a digit to "up" or "down" $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifAdminStatus} = ConvertAdminStatusToReadable ($refhSNMP->{"$oid_ifAdminStatus.$Index"}); # store ifSpeed in a machine and human readable format $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifSpeed} = ($refhSNMP->{"$oid_ifSpeed.$Index"}); $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifSpeedReadable} = ConvertSpeedToReadable ($refhSNMP->{"$oid_ifSpeed.$Index"}); # store ifAlias normalized to not get into trouble with special chars $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifAlias} = normalize ($refhSNMP->{"$oid_ifAlias.$Index"}); if ($ghOptions{vlan}) { # show VLANs per port # clear ifVlanNames $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$Desc"}->{ifVlanNames} = ''; } } if ($ghOptions{vlan}) { # show VLANs per port my $VlanNames = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_ifVlanName,0); my $VlanPortHP = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_ifVlanPortHP,0); my $VlanPortCisco = GetDataWithUnixSnmpWalk ($oid_ifVlanPortCisco,0); # store Vlan names in a hash my %vlanname; foreach my $tmp ( @$VlanNames ) { my ($oid, @name) = split(/ /, $tmp); chomp(@name); $vlanname{$oid} = "@name"; $vlanname{$oid} =~ tr/"<>/'../; #" } if (@$VlanPortHP > 0) { foreach my $tmp ( @$VlanPortHP ) { my ($oid, $port) = split(/ /, $tmp); chomp($port); my @oid = split(/\./, $oid); my $vlan = $oid[-2]; my $oid_ifDescr = $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByIndex}->{$port}; # store ifVlanNames $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$oid_ifDescr"}->{ifVlanNames} .= $vlanname{"$oid_ifVlanName.$vlan"}. " "; #logger(1, " (Debug) VlanName -> $port, " . $vlanname{"$oid_ifVlanName.$vlan"}); } } if (@$VlanPortCisco > 0) { foreach my $tmp ( @$VlanPortCisco ) { my ($oid, $vlan) = split(/ /, $tmp); chomp($vlan); my @oid = split(/\./, $oid); my $port = $oid[-1]; my $oid_ifDescr = $grefhCurrent->{MD}->{IfIndexTable}->{ByIndex}->{$port}; # store ifVlanNames $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$oid_ifDescr"}->{ifVlanNames} .= $vlan. " "; #logger(1, " (Debug) VlanName -> $port, " . $vlan .""); } } } return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # extract two cache timers out of the commandline -cache option # # Examples: # -cache 150 $gShortCacheTimer = 150 and $Long... = 300 # -cache 3600,86400 $gShortCacheTimer = 3600 and $Long...= 86400 # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub ExtractCacheTimer { my $CacheString = shift; # only one number entered if ($CacheString =~ /^\d+$/) { $gShortCacheTimer = $CacheString; $gLongCacheTimer = 2*$gShortCacheTimer; # two numbers entered - separated with a comma } elsif ($CacheString =~ /^\d+$ghOptions{'ifs'}\d+$/) { ($gShortCacheTimer,$gLongCacheTimer) = split (/$ghOptions{'ifs'}/,$CacheString); } else { print "$0: Wrong cache timer specified\n"; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } logger(1, "Set ShortCacheTimer = $gShortCacheTimer and LongCacheTimer = $gLongCacheTimer"); return ($gShortCacheTimer,$gLongCacheTimer); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get the interface speed as integer and convert it to a readable format # return a string # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub ConvertSpeedToReadable { my $Speed = shift; if ($Speed > 999999999) { $Speed = sprintf ("%0.2f Gbit",$Speed/1000000000); } elsif ($Speed > 999999) { $Speed = sprintf ("%0.2f Mbit",$Speed/1000000); } elsif ($Speed > 999) { $Speed = sprintf ("%0.2f kbit",$Speed/1000); } elsif ($Speed > 0) { $Speed = sprintf ("%0.2f bit",$Speed); } else { $Speed = ""; } return $Speed; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get the interface administrative status as integer or string and convert # it to a readable format - return a string # # http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2863.html # # ifAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE # SYNTAX INTEGER { # up(1), -- ready to pass packets # down(2), # testing(3) -- in some test mode # } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub ConvertAdminStatusToReadable { my $AdminStatus = shift; if ($AdminStatus =~ /1/) { $AdminStatus = "up"; } elsif ($AdminStatus =~ /2/) { $AdminStatus = "down"; } elsif ($AdminStatus =~ /3/) { $AdminStatus = "testing"; } else { # we do nothing and leave the original status } return $AdminStatus; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read all interfaces and its properties into the hash $grefhFile # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub ReadInterfaceInformationFile { my $InterfaceInformationFile = shift; my $grefhFile; # read all properties from the state file - store into $grefhFile if (-r "$InterfaceInformationFile") { $grefhFile = ReadConfigFileNew ("$InterfaceInformationFile"); # we got data from an old formated file - check this if (not $grefhFile->{MD}->{sysUpTime}) { unlink ("$InterfaceInformationFile"); # delete the old file print "$0: first run - initializing interface table now\n"; exit $ERRORS{"OK"}; } # check if the uptime read from the host > then the uptime # stored in the file -> means host was not rebooted if ($grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysUpTime} > $grefhFile->{MD}->{sysUpTime} and $ghOptions{'cache'}) { # extract cache timers out of the command line option ($gShortCacheTimer,$gLongCacheTimer) = ExtractCacheTimer ("$ghOptions{'cache'}"); # it seems that the remote system was rebooted - caching is disabled } # the file with interface information was not found - this is the first # run of the program or it was deleted before } else { # the file was not found - store the sysUptime immediately # Grund: Wenn das Programm mitten drinnen unterbrochen wird # (z.B. service check time out) greift beim naechsten Aufruf # das Caching. WriteConfigFileNew ("$InterfaceInformationFile",$grefhCurrent); $gInitialRun = 1; } return $grefhFile; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # calculate time diff of unix epoch seconds and return it in # a readable format # # my $x = TimeDiff ("1150100854","1150234567"); # print $x; # $x equals to 1d 13h 8m # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub TimeDiff { my ($StartTime, $EndTime, $warn, $crit) = @_; my $Days = 0; my $Hours = 0; my $Min = 0; my $Status = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; my $TimeDiff = $EndTime - $StartTime; my $Rest; my $String = "(NoData)"; # default text (unknown/error) # check start not 0 if ($StartTime == 0) { return wantarray ? ('(NoData)', $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}) : '(NoData)'; } # check start must be before end if ($EndTime < $StartTime) { return wantarray ? ('(NoData)', $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}) : '(NoData)'; } # check if there is no traffic for $crit or $warn seconds if (defined $warn and defined $crit) { if ($TimeDiff > $crit) { $Status = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}; } elsif ($TimeDiff > $warn) { $Status = $ERRORS{'WARNING'}; } else { $Status = $ERRORS{'OK'}; } } else { $Status = $ERRORS{'OK'}; } $Days = int ($TimeDiff / 86400); $Rest = $TimeDiff - ($Days * 86400); if ($Rest < 0) { $Days = 0; $Hours = int ($TimeDiff / 3600); } else { $Hours = int ($Rest / 3600); } $Rest = $Rest - ($Hours * 3600); if ($Rest < 0) { $Hours = 0; $Min = int ($TimeDiff / 60); } else { $Min = int ($Rest / 60); } #logger(1, "warn: $warn, crit: $crit, diff: $TimeDiff, status: $Status"); return wantarray ? ("${Days}d ${Hours}h ${Min}m", $Status) : "${Days}d ${Hours}h ${Min}m"; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # normalize and denormalize subroutines extracted from our Common library # - used to get rid of special characters # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub normalize { my $Text=shift; $Text=~s/Q/Q51/g; # Q normalisieren $Text=~s/[\000-\017]/sprintf ("Q0%X",ord($&))/ge; # einstellige HEX Zahlen mit 0 davor konvertieren $Text=~s/[\W_]/sprintf ("Q%X",ord($&))/ge; # alle anderen Zeichen durch Q + HEX code ersetzen return $Text; # fertig } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # normalize and denormalize subroutines extracted from our Common library # - used to get rid of special characters # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub denormalize { my $Text=shift; $Text=~s/Q../pack "H2",substr($&,1,3)/ge; return $Text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # trim function to remove whitespace from the start and end of the string # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub trim { my @out = @_; for (@out) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; } return wantarray ? @out : $out[0]; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # colorcode function to give a html color code between green and red for a given percent value # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub colorcode { my $ifLoad = $_[0]; my $colorcode; # just traffic light color codes for the lame if ($ifLoad < $ghOptions{ifloadwarn}) { # green / ok $colorcode = 'green'; } elsif ($ifLoad < $ghOptions{ifloadcrit}) { # yellow / warn $colorcode = 'yellow'; } else { # red / crit $colorcode = 'red'; } if ($ghOptions{'ifloadgradient'}) { # its cool to have a gradient from green over yellow to red representing the percent value # the gradient goes from # #00FF00 (green) at 0 % over # #FFFF00 (yellow) at $warn % to # #FF0000 (red) at $crit % and over # first adjust the percent value according to the given warning and critical levels if ($ifLoad <= $ghOptions{ifloadwarn}) { $ifLoad = $ifLoad * 50 / $ghOptions{ifloadwarn}; } elsif ($ifLoad <= $ghOptions{ifloadcrit}) { $ifLoad = $ifLoad * 100 / $ghOptions{ifloadcrit}; } my $color = 5.12 * $ifLoad; # (256+256) * $ifLoad / 100 if ($color > 512) { $color = 512 } my $red = ($color > 255) ? 255 : $color; my $green = ($color < 255) ? 255 : -1 - (-1 * (512 - $color)); $colorcode = sprintf "%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x", $red, $green, 0; logger(2, " (Debug) colorcode: $colorcode, ifLoad: $ifLoad, color: $color, red: $red, green: $green"); # (Debug) colorcode: ff5f00, ifLoad: 81.1764679663113, color: 415.623515987514, red: 255, green: 95.3764840124863 # (Debug) colorcode: b8ff00, ifLoad: 36.0897789918691, color: 184.77966843837, red: 184.77966843837, green: 255 } return $colorcode; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check_for_unused_interfaces # * arg 1: oid ifDescr of the interface # * arg 2: free??? # . -1 -> interface used, unknown last traffic # . 0 -> interface used, last traffic is < crit duration # . 1 -> interface unused, last traffic is >= crit duration # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub check_for_unused_interfaces { my ($oid_ifDescr, $free) = @_; if ($grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$oid_ifDescr"}->{ifSpeed}) { # Interface has a speed property, that can be a physical interface if ($oid_ifDescr =~ /Ethernet(\d+)Q2F(\d+)Q2F(\d+)/) { # we look for ethernet ports (and decide if it is a stacked switch), x/x/x format if (not defined $gInterfacesWithoutTrunk->{"$1/$2/$4"}) { $gInterfacesWithoutTrunk->{"$1/$2/$4"} = $free; $gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk++; # look for free ports with admin status up if ($free and $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$oid_ifDescr"}->{ifAdminStatus} eq 'up') { $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLastTrafficOutOfRange} = "yellow"; $gNumberOfFreeUpInterfaces++; } } } elsif ($oid_ifDescr =~ /Ethernet(\d+)Q2F(\d+)/) { # we look for ethernet ports (and decide if it is a stacked switch), x/x format if (not defined $gInterfacesWithoutTrunk->{"$1/$2"}) { $gInterfacesWithoutTrunk->{"$1/$2"} = $free; $gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk++; # look for free ports with admin status up if ($free and $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$oid_ifDescr"}->{ifAdminStatus} eq 'up') { $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLastTrafficOutOfRange} = "yellow"; $gNumberOfFreeUpInterfaces++; } } } elsif (not $oid_ifDescr =~ /^vif|Loopback|^lo/i) { # we look for all interfaces having speed property but not looking like a virtual interface if (not defined $gInterfacesWithoutTrunk->{"$oid_ifDescr"}) { $gInterfacesWithoutTrunk->{"$oid_ifDescr"} = $free; $gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk++; # look for free ports with admin status up if ($free and $grefhCurrent->{If}->{"$oid_ifDescr"}->{ifAdminStatus} eq 'up') { $grefhCurrent->{If}->{$oid_ifDescr}->{ifLastTrafficOutOfRange} = "yellow"; $gNumberOfFreeUpInterfaces++; } } } } logger(1, "ifDescr: $oid_ifDescr\tFreeUp: $gNumberOfFreeUpInterfaces\tWithoutTrunk: $gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk"); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # routine extracted from our communications library # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub SnmpGetV1 { my $refhStruct = shift; # # store variables and delete them from the hash # this is necessary for the snmp session which takes the same # hash ref and does not work with arguments other than starting # with a dash # see http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Net%3A%3ASnmp&mode=all # my $refaOIDs = $refhStruct->{OID}; # ref to array of OIDs my $GlobalCacheTimer = $refhStruct->{CacheTimer}; # CacheTimer delete $refhStruct->{OID}; delete $refhStruct->{CacheTimer}; my $refhSnmpValues; # hash returned to the caller my $refoSession; # SNMP session object my $SessionError; # SNMP session error # example cache dir name # /tmp/watchit/Cache/SnmpGetV1/cat-itd-01 my $CacheDir = "$ghOptions{'cachedir'}/SnmpGetV1"; # Create the directory if not existend not -d $CacheDir and MyMkdir($CacheDir); # create snmp V1 session ($refoSession,$SessionError) = Net::SNMP->session (%$refhStruct); my $OIDLine; # one line of OIDs or OIDs and caching timers my $SnmpValue; # one snmp value if (defined $refoSession) { # OIDs come in an array (ref) - go through each # example: # $refaOIDs = [ # '.', # '.' # ]; for $OIDLine (@$refaOIDs) { my $CacheTimer=0; $SnmpValue=""; # clear value # OID could be .,200 # , for this OID only my ($OID,$OIDCacheTimer) = ("",""); ($OID,$OIDCacheTimer) = split ',',$OIDLine,2; if (defined $OIDCacheTimer) { # remove non digits $OIDCacheTimer =~ s/\D//g; if ("X$OIDCacheTimer" eq "X") { # is empty? $CacheTimer = $GlobalCacheTimer; } else { $CacheTimer = $OIDCacheTimer; } } else { $CacheTimer = $GlobalCacheTimer; } if ($CacheTimer > 0) { if (-r "$CacheDir/$OID") { my @FileProperties=stat("$CacheDir/$OID"); # $FileProperties[9] = LastModifyTime of file # only read the cache file if it is not too old if (time - $CacheTimer < $FileProperties[9]) { open (IN,"<$CacheDir/$OID"); $SnmpValue = ; close (IN); } } } unless (defined $SnmpValue) {$SnmpValue = "";} # snmp value not from cache - read it from the net if ("X$SnmpValue" eq "X") { # get the snmp value - we do not check errors # here because of negative caching my $refhValue = $refoSession->get_request(-varbindlist => ["$OID"]); if (defined $refhValue->{"$OID"}) { $SnmpValue = $refhValue->{"$OID"}; # remove non ascii chars incl. \r and \n $SnmpValue =~ s/[\000-\037]|[\177-\377]//g; # replace ; with , - just to be sure $SnmpValue =~ s/;/,/g; if ($CacheTimer > 0) { umask "$UMASK"; open (OUT,">$CacheDir/$OID"); print OUT $SnmpValue; close (OUT); } } logger(1, "SnmpGetV1 data from net (cache=$CacheTimer sec.) OID=$OID "); } else { logger(1, "SnmpGetV1 data from file (cache=$CacheTimer sec.) $CacheDir/$OID "); } logger(1, "SnmpValue: $SnmpValue"); # fill hash with data $refhSnmpValues->{$OID}="$SnmpValue"; } # for my $OIDLine ... # if we have only 1 OID -> return the Value instead the hash if ($#$refaOIDs == 0) { return $SnmpValue; } } # return the complete hash with OIDs as keys or # undef if the SNMP session fails return $refhSnmpValues; } # sub # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # dir creator extracted from our FileOperations library # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub MyMkdir { my $Directory = shift; $Directory =~ s/\s//g; # remove invisible characters $Directory =~ s/\\/\//g; # replace \ with / $Directory =~ s/\/+/\//g; # replace duplicate or more slashes with one / # split directory into pieces my @Dirs = split /\//,$Directory; # growing directory structure my $Snake; # walk through each directory and create it for my $Dir (@Dirs) { $Snake .= $Dir.'/'; if (not -d "$Snake") { umask "$UMASK"; my $Success = mkdir $Snake; if ("$Success" ne "1") { undef $Snake; last; } } } # remove last / and return the directory back to the caller if ("$Snake" =~ /\/$/) { chop ($Snake); } return $Snake; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ExecuteCommand Routine. Enhanced with our cache algorith... # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub ExecuteCommand { my $refhStruct=shift; my $Command = $refhStruct->{Command}; my $refaLines=[]; # Pointer to Array of strings (output) my $CacheFile; # Filename storing cached data my $ExitCode; # exit code of the unix command my $Now=time(); # current time in seconds since epoch my $CacheDir="$ghOptions{'cachedir'}/ExecuteCommand/"; # cache dir # Create Cachedir if not existend not -d $CacheDir and MyMkdir($CacheDir); # If caching for this command is enabled if ($refhStruct->{CacheTimer} > 0) { $CacheFile = $CacheDir . normalize ("$Command"); if (-r "$CacheFile") { my @FileProperties=stat($CacheFile); # $FileProperties[9] = LastModifyTime of file # only read the cache file if it is not too old if ($Now-$refhStruct->{CacheTimer} < $FileProperties[9]) { open (IN,"<$CacheFile"); @$refaLines=; close (IN); # leave this subroutine with cached data found logger(2, "ExecuteCommand (1) got data from cache $CacheFile"); return ($refaLines,0); } } } # execute the unix command open(UNIX,"$Command |") or last; while () { push @$refaLines,$_; } close(UNIX); $ExitCode=$? >> 8; # calculate the exit code logger(2, "ExecuteCommand (2) executed \"$Command\" and got ExitCode \"$ExitCode\""); # write a cache file if the cache timer > 0 if ($refhStruct->{CacheTimer} > 0) { logger(2, "ExecuteCommand (3) Write cache file CacheTimer=$refhStruct->{CacheTimer}"); umask "$UMASK"; # change to rw-rw-rw maybe changed later because of security open (OUT,">$CacheFile") or return ($refaLines,$ExitCode); print OUT @$refaLines; close (OUT); } return ($refaLines,$ExitCode); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Csv2Html # This function generates a html table # # Function call: # $gHtml = Csv2Html ($refaHeader,$refaLines); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub Csv2Html { my $refaHeader = shift; # Header contains the HTML table header as scalar my $refaLines = shift; # Reference to array of table lines my $refaProperties; # List of properties from each line my $HTML; # HTML Content back to the caller my $HTMLTable; # HTML Table code only my $FS = ';'; if ($#$refaLines >= 0) { # Build HTML format and table header $HTML .= ''."\n"; $HTML .= '
'; $HTML .=''."\n"; $HTML .=''."\n"; # Build html table title header # # - $Header looks like this: # index;Description;Alias;AdminStatus;OperStatus;Speed;IP # # - It will be transformed to: # ... $HTML .= "" for ( @$refaHeader ); foreach my $Line ( @$refaLines ) { #logger(3, "CSVline: " . Dumper ($Line)); # start table line --------------------------------------------- $HTMLTable .= "\n{InterfaceGraphURL} ) { if($ghOptions{'enableportperf'}){ # thd $HTMLTable .= ' bgcolor="' . $COLORS{"PerfGraph"} . '" onmouseover="ChangeColor(this, true);" onmouseout="ChangeColor(this, false);" '. 'onclick="DoNav(\''.$Cell->{InterfaceGraphURL}. '\');" >'; }else{ $HTMLTable .= ' bgcolor="' . $COLORS{"PerfGraph"} . '" onmouseover="ChangeColor(this, true);" onmouseout="ChangeColor(this, false);" >'; } $trTagclose = ''; } $HTMLTable .= $trTagclose; $trTagclose = ''; #logger(1, "HTMLTable: $HTMLTable \nCell: $Cell->{InterfaceGraphURL}"); # if background is defined --------------------------------- if ( defined $Cell->{Background} ) { $SpecialCellFormat .= 'bgcolor="' . $Cell->{Background} . '"'; } # if a special font is indicated --------------------------- if ( defined $Cell->{Font} ) { $SpecialTextFormatHead .= $Cell->{Font}; $SpecialTextFormatFoot .= ''; } # if we got a value write into cell ------------------------ if ( defined $Cell->{Value} and $Cell->{Value} ne " ") { $Value = $Cell->{Value}; } else { # otherwise create a empty cell ---------------------------- $Value = " "; } # if a link is indicated ----------------------------------- if ( defined $Cell->{Link} ) { $Value = '' . $Value . ''; } # finally build the table line; $HTMLTable .= "\n" . ''; } # end table line ----------------------------------------------- $HTMLTable .= ""; } $HTMLTable .= "
indexDescriptionAlias$_' . $SpecialTextFormatHead . $Value . $SpecialTextFormatFoot. '
"; $HTML .= "$HTMLTable
"; } else { $HTML.='No data to display'."\n"; } return $HTML; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # AppendLinkToText # Apend html table link to text # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub AppendLinkToText { my $refhStruct = shift; my $ResultText; #$ResultText = '{HtmlUrl}/$refhStruct->{File}" . '">' . $refhStruct->{Text} . ''; #Modified output to avoid problems with addons not handling html links correctly (ex: nagstamon) $ResultText = $refhStruct->{Text} . ' {HtmlUrl}/$refhStruct->{File}" . '">[details]'; return $ResultText; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ExitPlugin # Print correct output text and exit this plugin now # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub ExitPlugin { my $refhStruct = shift; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # when we have UNKNOWN the exit code and the text can # be overwritten from the command line with the options # -UnknownExit and -UnknownText # # Example for CRITICAL (code=2): # # ...itd_check_xxxxx.pl -UnknownExit 2 -UnknownText "Error getting data" # if ($refhStruct->{ExitCode} == $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}) { $refhStruct->{ExitCode} = $refhStruct->{UnknownExit}; $refhStruct->{Text} = $refhStruct->{UnknownText}; } print $refhStruct->{Text}; print "|"; ($basetime) and print "Interface_global::check_interface_table_global::" . "time=${TimeDiff}s;;;; " . "uptime=$grefhCurrent->{MD}->{sysUpTime}s;;;; " . "watched=${gNumberOfPerfdataInterfaces};;;; " . "useddelta=${gUsedDelta}s;;;; " . "ports=${gNumberOfInterfacesWithoutTrunk};;;; " . "freeports=${gNumberOfFreeInterfaces};;;; " . "adminupfree=${gNumberOfFreeUpInterfaces};;;; "; print "$gPerfdata\n"; exit $refhStruct->{ExitCode}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Append Buttons # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub HtmlLinks { my $refhStruct = shift; my $Text = shift; my $InterfaceStateFile = "$refhStruct->{ResetTable}"; my $HTML; # nice font $HTML.=''."\n"; # back button if ($refhStruct->{Back}) { $HTML.='[ back ]'."\n"; } # reset button to remove file if ($InterfaceStateFile) { if (-f "$InterfaceStateFile") { $HTML.="[ reset table ]"; } } $HTML.=''."\n"; return $HTML; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # for verbose output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub logger { ################################ # SUB use: Log and display messages based on loglevel # SUB specs: ################### # Expected arguments: # 0: The loglevel of the message (1-3) # 1: The message to be logged ################################ my $loglevel = 0; my $msg = undef; $loglevel = shift; $msg = shift; unless($loglevel >= 1 and $loglevel <= 3){die "You passed a message with an invalid loglevel lo logger().\n"} unless($ghOptions{verbose} >= 0 and $ghOptions{verbose} <= 3){die "The main loglevel is not set properly (must be 0-3).\n"} # define labels for different loglevels my %level_labels = ( 1 => "INFO", 2 => "DEBUG", 3 => "TRACE" ); # fetch the name of the function which called logger() my $caller = (caller(1))[3]; if($caller){ $caller="|".$caller."| "; }else{ $caller="|main| "; } if($loglevel <= $ghOptions{verbose}){ my $space = ""; if(length($level_labels{$loglevel}) == 4){$space=" "} # show the calling function, if loglevel is higher than 2 if($ghOptions{verbose} > 2){ print "[$level_labels{$loglevel}]$space $caller"; }else{ print "[$level_labels{$loglevel}]$space "; } print $msg,"\n"; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # various functions reporting plugin information & usages # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub print_usage () { print < [-h ] [-C ] [-e ] [-i ] [-t ] [-r] [-w ] [-c ] [-w ] [-c ] [-f] [-g ] [--short|--long] * advanced usage: $PROGNAME [-vvv] [-t ] -H [-h ] [-C ] [-e ] [-i ] [-t ] [-r] [-w ] [-c ] [-w ] [-c ] [-f] [-g ] [--short|--long] [--cachedir ] [--statedir ] [--vlan] [--cisco] [--accessmethod ] [--htmldir ] [--htmlurl ] [-d ] [--ifs ] [--cache ] [--reseturl ] [--ifloadgradient] [--human] [--snapshot] [--portperfunit ] [--grapherurl ] [-E ] [-I ] * other usages: $PROGNAME [--help | -?] $PROGNAME [--version | -V] $PROGNAME [--showdefaults | -D] Common options: --help | -? Show this help page --version | -V Plugin version --verbose | -v Verbose mode. Can be specified multiple times to increase the verbosity (max 3 times). --showdefaults | -D Print the option default values --hostquery | -H (required) Specifies the remote host to poll. --hostdisplay | -h (optional) Specifies the remote host to display in the HTML link. If omitted, it defaults to the host with -H --community | -C (required) Specifies the snmp v1 community string. Other snmp versions are not implemented yet. --exclude | -e (optional) Comma separated list of interfaces excluded from tracking. Can be used to exclude: * virtual or loopback interfaces * flapping interfaces --include | -i (optional) Comma separated list of interfaces included for tracking. By default, all the interfaces are included. But there are some case where you need to include an interface which is part of a group of previously excluded interfaces. --track | -t (optional) List of tracked properties. Values can be: * 'ifAdminStatus' : the administrative status of the interface * 'ifOperStatus' : the operational status of the interface * 'ifSpeedReadable' : the speed of the interface * 'ifVlanNames' : the vlan on which the interface was associated * 'IpInfo' : the ip configuration for the interface Default is 'ifOperStatus' Note: interface traffic load(s) is not considered as a property, and is always monitored following defined thresholds. --regexp | -r (optional) Interface names and property names for some other options will be interpreted as regular expressions. --warning | -w (optional) Number of property changes before leading to a warning alert --critical | -c (optional) Number of property changes before leading to a critical alert --ifloadwarn | -W (optional) Interface traffic load percentage leading to a warning alert --ifloadcrit | -C (optional) Interface traffic load percentage leading to a critical alert --enableportperf | -f (optional) Enable port performance data, default is port perfdata disabled --grapher (optional) Specify the used graphing solution. Can be pnp4nagios, nagiosgrapher or netwaysgrapherv2. --short, --long (optional) Define the verbosity of the plugin output. * short : the plugin only returns general counts (nb ports, nb changes,...) This is close to the way the previous versions of the plugin was working. * long : the plugin returns general counts (nb ports, nb changes,...) + what changes has been detected + what interface(s) suffer(s) from high load. Advanced options: --cachedir (optional) Sets the directory where snmp responses are cached. --statedir (optional) Sets the directory where the interface states are stored. --vlan (optional) Add the vlan attribution property for each interface in the interface table. --cisco (optional) Add cisco specific info in the information table. --accessmethod (optional) Access method for the link to the host in the HTML page. Can be ssh or telnet. --htmldir (optional) Specifies the directory in the file system where HTML interface table are stored. --htmlurl (optional) Specifies the URL by which the interface table are accessible. --delta | -d (optional) Set the delta used for interface throuput calculation. In seconds. --ifs (optional) Input field separator. The specified separator is used for all options allowing a list to be specified. --cache (optional) Define the retention time of the cached data. In seconds. --reseturl (optional) Specifies the URL to the tablereset program. --ifloadgradient (optional) Enable color gradient from green over yellow to red for the load percentage representation. --human (optional) Translate bandwidth usage in human readable format (G/M/K bps). --snapshot (optional) Force the plugin to run like if it was the first launch. Cached data will be ignored. --timeout (optional) Define the timeout limit of the plugin. --excludeportperf | -E (optional) Comma separated list of interfaces for which performance data are NOT generated. --includeportperf | -I (optional) Comma separated list of interfaces for which performance data are generated. By default, all the interfaces that are tracked are included. But there are some case where you need to include an interface which is part of a group of previously excluded interfaces. --portperfunit (optional) In/out traffic in perfdata could be reported in octets or in bits. Possible values: bit or octet --grapherurl (optional) Graphing system url. Default values are: * pnp4nagios : /pnp4nagios * nagiosgrapher : /nagios/cgi-bin (?) * netwaysgrapherv2 : /nagios/cgi-bin (?) Notes: - For options --track, --exclude, --include, --excludeportperf, --includeportperf: * These options can be used multiple times, the lists of interfaces/properties will be concatenated. * The separator can be changed using the --ifs option. - The manual is included in this plugin in pod format. To read it, use the perldoc program (if not installed, just intall the perl-doc package): perldoc ./check_interface_table_v3t.pl EOUS } sub print_defaults () { print "Default option values:\n\n"; print Dumper(\%ghOptions); } sub print_help () { print "Copyright (c) 2011 Yannick Charton\n\n"; print "\n"; print " Check various statistics of network interfaces \n"; print "\n"; print_usage(); support(); } sub print_revision ($$) { my $commandName = shift; my $pluginRevision = shift; $pluginRevision =~ s/^\$Revision: //; $pluginRevision =~ s/ \$\s*$//; print "$commandName ($pluginRevision)\n"; print "This nagios plugin comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute\ncopies of this plugin under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).\n"; } sub support () { my $support='Send email to tontonitch-pro@yahoo.fr if you have questions\nregarding the use of this plugin. \nPlease include version information with all correspondence (when possible,\nuse output from the -V option of the plugin itself).\n'; $support =~ s/@/\@/g; $support =~ s/\\n/\n/g; print $support; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # command line options processing # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub check_options () { my %commandline = (); my @params = ( 'hostdisplay|h=s', 'hostquery|H=s', 'help|?', 'verbose|v+', 'showdefaults|D', # print all option default values 'cachedir=s', # caching directory 'statedir=s', # interface table state directory 'accessmethod=s', # access method for the link to the host in the HTML page 'htmldir=s', # interface table HTML directory 'htmlurl=s', # interface table URL location 'enableportperf|f', # enable port performance data, default is port perfdata disabled 'excludeportperf|E=s@', # list of port for which performance data are NOT generated 'includeportperf|I=s@', # list of port for which performance data are generated 'portperfunit=s', # bit|octet: in/out traffic in perfdata could be reported in octets or in bits 'community|C=s', # community string 'delta|d=i', # interface throuput delta in seconds 'ifs=s', # input field separator 'cache=s', # cache timer 'reseturl=s', # URL to tablereset program 'vlan', # Add vlan attribution info for each interface 'cisco', # Add cisco specific info in the info table 'ifloadgradient', # color gradient from green over yellow to red representing the load percentage 'human', # translate bandwidth usage in human readable format (G/M/K bps) 'track|t=s@', # list of exclued properties 'snapshot', 'version|V', 'exclude|e=s@', 'include|i=s@', 'regexp|r', 'timeout=i', 'warning|w=i', 'critical|c=i', 'ifloadwarn|W=i', 'ifloadcrit|C=i', 'short', # the plugin only returns general counts (nb ports, nb changes,...) 'long', # the plugin returns general counts (nb ports, nb changes,...) + what changes has been detected 'grapher|g', # graphing system. Can be pnp4nagios, nagiosgrapher or netwaysgrapherv2 'grapherurl' # graphing system url. By default, this is adapted for pnp4nagios standard install: /pnp4nagios ); # Default option values %ghOptions = ( 'help' => 0, 'verbose' => 0, 'showdefaults' => 0, 'hostquery' => '', 'hostdisplay' => '', 'cachedir' => "$TMPDIR/.ifCache", 'statedir' => "$TMPDIR/.ifState", 'accessmethod' => "ssh", 'htmldir' => "/usr/local/nagios/share/addons/interfacetables", 'htmlurl' => "http://monitor/nagios/addons/interfacetables", 'enableportperf' => 0, 'excludeportperf' => undef, 'includeportperf' => undef, 'portperfunit' => "bit", 'community' => "public", 'delta' => 600, 'ifs' => ',', 'cache' => 3600, 'reseturl' => "/nagios/cgi-bin", 'vlan' => 0, 'cisco' => 0, 'ifloadgradient' => 1, 'human' => 1, 'snapshot' => 0, 'track' => ['ifOperStatus'], # can be compared: ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifSpeedReadable, ifVlanNames, IpInfo 'exclude' => undef, 'include' => undef, 'regexp' => 0, 'timeout' => $TIMEOUT, 'warning' => 0, 'critical' => 0, 'ifloadwarn' => 101, 'ifloadcrit' => 101, 'short' => 1, 'long' => 0, 'grapher' => "pnp4nagios", 'grapherurl' => "" ); # set the default grapher url depending to the selected grapher my %defaultgrapherurl = ( 'pnp4nagios' => '/pnp4nagios', 'nagiosgrapher' => '/nagios/cgi-bin', 'netwaysgrapherv2' => '/nagios/cgi-bin' ); $ghOptions{'grapherurl'} = "$defaultgrapherurl{$ghOptions{grapher}}"; # gathering commandline options if (! GetOptions(\%commandline, @params)) { print_help(); exit $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; } ### mandatory commandline options: hostquery # applying commandline options if (exists $commandline{verbose}) { $ghOptions{'verbose'} = $commandline{verbose}; } if (exists $commandline{version}) { print_revision($PROGNAME, $REVISION); exit $ERRORS{OK}; } if (exists $commandline{help}) { print_help(); exit $ERRORS{OK}; } if (exists $commandline{showdefaults}) { print_defaults(); exit $ERRORS{OK}; } if (exists $commandline{timeout}) { $ghOptions{'timeout'} = $commandline{timeout}; $TIMEOUT = $ghOptions{'timeout'}; } if (exists $commandline{ifs}) { $ghOptions{'ifs'} = "$commandline{ifs}"; } if (! exists $commandline{'hostquery'}) { print "host to query not defined (-H)\n"; print_help(); exit $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; } else { $ghOptions{'hostquery'} = "$commandline{hostquery}"; } if (exists $commandline{hostdisplay}) { $ghOptions{'hostdisplay'} = "$commandline{hostdisplay}"; } else { $ghOptions{'hostdisplay'} = "$commandline{hostquery}"; } if (exists $commandline{cachedir}) { $ghOptions{'cachedir'} = "$commandline{cachedir}"; } $ghOptions{'cachedir'} = "$ghOptions{'cachedir'}/$commandline{hostquery}"; -d "$ghOptions{'cachedir'}" or MyMkdir ("$ghOptions{'cachedir'}"); if (exists $commandline{statedir}) { $ghOptions{'statedir'} = "$commandline{statedir}"; } $ghOptions{'statedir'} = "$ghOptions{'statedir'}/$commandline{hostquery}"; -d "$ghOptions{'statedir'}" or MyMkdir ("$ghOptions{'statedir'}"); if (exists $commandline{accessmethod} and ($commandline{accessmethod} eq "ssh" or $commandline{accessmethod} eq "telnet")) { $ghOptions{'accessmethod'} = "$commandline{accessmethod}"; } if (exists $commandline{enableportperf}) { $ghOptions{'enableportperf'} = 1; } # organizing excluded/included interfaces for performance data if (exists $commandline{excludeportperf}) { my @tmparray = split("$ghOptions{ifs}", join("$ghOptions{ifs}",@{$commandline{excludeportperf}})); $ghOptions{'excludeportperf'} = \@tmparray; } if (exists $commandline{includeportperf}) { my @tmparray = split("$ghOptions{ifs}", join("$ghOptions{ifs}",@{$commandline{includeportperf}})); $ghOptions{'includeportperf'} = \@tmparray; } if (exists $commandline{portperfunit} and ($commandline{portperfunit} eq "bit" or $commandline{portperfunit} eq "octet")) { $ghOptions{'portperfunit'} = "$commandline{portperfunit}"; } # organizing not tracked fields if (exists $commandline{track}) { my @tmparray = split("$ghOptions{ifs}", join("$ghOptions{ifs}",@{$commandline{track}})); $ghOptions{'track'} = \@tmparray; } # organizing excluded/included interfaces if (exists $commandline{exclude}) { my @tmparray = split("$ghOptions{ifs}", join("$ghOptions{ifs}",@{$commandline{exclude}})); $ghOptions{'exclude'} = \@tmparray; } if (exists $commandline{include}) { my @tmparray = split("$ghOptions{ifs}", join("$ghOptions{ifs}",@{$commandline{include}})); $ghOptions{'include'} = \@tmparray; } if (exists $commandline{regexp}) { $ghOptions{'regexp'} = $commandline{regexp}; } if (exists $commandline{htmldir}) { $ghOptions{'htmldir'} = "$commandline{htmldir}"; } if (exists $commandline{htmlurl}) { $ghOptions{'htmlurl'} = "$commandline{htmlurl}"; } if (exists $commandline{community}) { $ghOptions{'community'} = "$commandline{community}"; } if (exists $commandline{delta}) { $ghOptions{'delta'} = "$commandline{delta}"; } if (exists $commandline{cache}) { $ghOptions{'cache'} = "$commandline{cache}"; } if (exists $commandline{reseturl}) { $ghOptions{'reseturl'} = "$commandline{reseturl}"; } if (exists $commandline{ifloadgradient}) { $ghOptions{'ifloadgradient'} = 1; } if (exists $commandline{human}) { $ghOptions{'human'} = 1; } if (exists $commandline{vlan}) { $ghOptions{'vlan'} = 1; } if (exists $commandline{cisco}) { $ghOptions{'cisco'} = 1; } if (exists $commandline{snapshot}) { $ghOptions{'snapshot'} = 1; } if (exists $commandline{warning}) { $ghOptions{'warning'} = "$commandline{warning}"; } if (exists $commandline{critical}) { $ghOptions{'critical'} = "$commandline{critical}"; } if (exists $commandline{ifloadwarn}) { $ghOptions{ifloadwarn} = "$commandline{ifloadwarn}"; } if (exists $commandline{ifloadcrit}) { $ghOptions{ifloadcrit} = "$commandline{ifloadcrit}"; } if (exists $commandline{short}) { $ghOptions{'short'} = 1; $ghOptions{'long'} = 0; } if (exists $commandline{long}) { $ghOptions{'long'} = 1; $ghOptions{'short'} = 0; } if (exists $commandline{grapher}) { if ($commandline{grapher} =~ /^pnp4nagios$|^nagiosgrapher$|^netwaysgrapherv2$/i) { $ghOptions{'grapher'} = "$commandline{grapher}"; } } if (exists $commandline{grapherurl}) { $ghOptions{'grapherurl'} = "$commandline{grapherurl}"; } else { $ghOptions{'grapherurl'} = "$defaultgrapherurl{$ghOptions{grapher}}"; } # print the options in command line, and the resulting full option hash logger(3, "commandline\n".Dumper(\%commandline)); logger(3, "options\n".Dumper(\%ghOptions)); } __END__ =head1 NAME check_interface_table_v3t.pl - nagios plugin for monitoring network devices =head1 SYNOPSIS check_interface_table_v3t.pl -H [-h ] [-C ] [-e ] [-i ] [-t ] [-r] [-w ] [-c ] [-w ] [-c ] [-f] [-g ] [--short|--long] =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Introduction B is a Nagios(R) plugin that allows you to monitor the network devices of various nodes (e.g. router, switch, server) without knowing each interface in detail. Only the hostname (or ip address) and the snmp community string are required. Simple Example: C<# check_interface_table_v3t.pl -H server1 -C public> Output: C<total 3 interface(s)> The output is a HTML link to a web page which shows all interfaces in a table. =head2 Theory of operation The perl program polls the remote machine in a highly efficient manner. It collects all data from all interfaces and stores these data into "state" files in a specific directory (ex: /tmp/.ifState). Each host (option -H) holds one text file: # ls /tmp/.ifState/*.txt /tmp/.ifState/server1-Interfacetable.txt When the program is called twice, three times, etc. it retreives new information from the network and compares it against this state file. =head1 PREREQUISITS This chapter describes the operating system prerequisits to get this program running: =head2 net-snmp software The B command must be available on your operating system. Test your snmpwalk output with a command like: # snmpwalk -Oqn -v 1 -c public router.itdesign.at | head -3 . Cisco IOS Software, 2174 Software Version 11.7(3c), REL. SOFTWARE (fc2)Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 22-Oct-03 9:46 by antonio . . . 9:11:09:19.48 snmpwalk parameters: -Oqn -v 1 ............ some noise (please read "man snmpwalk") -c public ........... snmp community string router.itdesign.at ... host where you do the snmp queries B is part of the net-snmp suit (http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/). Some more unix commands to find it: # whereis snmpwalk snmpwalk: /usr/bin/snmpwalk /usr/share/man/man1/snmpwalk.1.gz # which snmpwalk /usr/bin/snmpwalk # rpm -qa | grep snmp net-snmp- # rpm -ql net-snmp- | grep snmpwalk /usr/bin/snmpwalk /usr/share/man/man1/snmpwalk.1.gz =head2 PERL v5 installed You need a working perl 5.x installation. Currently we use V5.8.8 under SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 for development. We know that it works with other versions, too. Get your perl version with: # perl -V =head2 PERL modules =head3 PERL Net::SNMP library B is the perl's snmp library. Some ideas to see if it is installed: For RedHat, Fedora, SuSe: # rpm -qa|grep -i perl|grep -i snmp perl-Net-SNMP-5.2.0-12.2 # find /usr -name SNMP.pm /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Net/SNMP.pm if it is not installed please check your operating systems packages or install it from CPAN: http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Net%3A%3ASNMP&mode=all =head3 PERL Config::General library B is used to write all interface information data back to the file system. This perl library should be available via the package management tool of your system distribution. For Debian distribution: # apt-get install libconfig-general-perl CPAN page: http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Config%3A%3AGeneral&mode=all =head3 PERL Data::Dumper library B is used to easily dump hashes and arrays in some parts of the debug. This perl library should be available via the package management tool of your system distribution. For Debian distribution: # apt-get install libdata-dump-perl CPAN page: http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Data%3A%3ADumper&mode=all =head3 PERL Getopt::Long library B is used to handle the commandline options of the plugin. This perl library should already be available on your system. For Debian distribution: # apt-get install libdata-dump-perl CPAN page: http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Getopt%3A%3ALong&mode=all =head2 CGI script to reset the interface table If everything is working fine you need the possibility to reset the interface table. Often it is necessary that someone changes ip addresses or other properties. These changes are necessary and you want to update (=reset) the table. Resetting the table means to delete the state file (ex: in /tmp/.ifState). Withing this kit you find an example shell script which does this job for you. To install this cgi script do the following: 1) Copy the cgi script to the correct location on your WEB server # cp -i InterfaceTableReset_v3t.cgi /usr/local/nagios/sbin 2) Check permissions # ls -l /usr/local/nagios/sbin/InterfaceTableReset_v3t.cgi -rwxr-xr-x 1 nagios nagios 2522 Nov 16 13:14 /usr/local/nagios/sbin/Inte... 3) Prepare the /etc/sudoers file so that the web server's account can call the cgi script (as shell script) Suse linux based distrib: # visudo wwwrun ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/nagios/sbin/InterfaceTableReset_v3t.cgi Debian based distrib: # visudo www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/nagios/sbin/InterfaceTableReset_v3t.cgi The above unix commands are tested with apache2 installed and nagios v3 compiled into /usr/local/nagios. Note: please send me an email if you have information from other operating systems on these details. I will update the documentation. =head2 Configure Nagios 3.x to display HTML links in Plugin Output In Nagios version 3.x there is html output per default disabled. 1) Edit cgi.cfg and set this option to zero escape_html_tags=0 cgi.cfg is located in your configuration directory. (ex: /usr/local/nagios/etc) =head1 OPTIONS =head2 Basic options =head3 --help | -? Show this help page =head3 --man | --manual Print the manual =head3 --version | -V Plugin version =head3 --verbose | -v Verbose mode. Can be specified multiple times to increase the verbosity (max 3 times). =head3 --showdefaults | -D Print the option default values =head3 --hostquery | -H (required) No default Specifies the remote host to poll. =head3 --hostdisplay | -h (optional) Default = Specifies the remote host to display in the HTML link. If omitted, it defaults to the host with -H Example: check_interface_table_v3t.pl -h firewall -H srv-itd-99.itdesign.at -C mkjz65a This option is maybe useful when you want to poll a host with -H and display another link for it. =head3 --community | -C (required) Default = public Specifies the snmp v1 community string. Other snmp versions are not implemented yet. =head3 --exclude | -e (optional) Comma separated list of interfaces excluded from tracking. Can be used to exclude: * virtual or loopback interfaces * flapping interfaces Example: ... -H router -C public -e Dialer0,BVI20,FastEthernet0 Note: if --regexp is not used, the interface descriptions must match exactly! =head3 --include | -i (optional) Comma separated list of interfaces included for tracking. By default, all the interfaces are included. But there are some case where you need to include an interface which is part of a group of previously excluded interfaces. Example: ... -H router -C public -i FastEthernet0,FastEthernet1 Note: if --regexp is not used, the interface descriptions must match exactly! =head3 --track | -t (optional) List of tracked properties. Values can be: * 'ifAdminStatus' : the administrative status of the interface * 'ifOperStatus' : the operational status of the interface * 'ifSpeedReadable' : the speed of the interface * 'ifVlanNames' : the vlan on which the interface was associated * 'IpInfo' : the ip configuration for the interface Default is 'ifOperStatus' Note: interface traffic load(s) is not considered as a property, and is always monitored following defined thresholds. =head3 --regexp | -r (optional) Interface names and property names for some other options will be interpreted as regular expressions. =head3 --warning | -w (optional) Must be a positive integer number. Changes in the interface table are compared against this threshold. Example: ... -H server1 -C public -w 1 Leads to WARNING (exit code 1) when one or more interface properties were changed. =head3 --critical | -c (optional) Must be a positive integer number. Changes in the interface table are compared against this threshold. Example: ... -H server1 -C public -c 1 Leads to CRITICAL (exit code 2) when one or more interface properties were changed. =head3 --ifloadwarn | -W (optional) Interface traffic load percentage leading to a warning alert =head3 --ifloadcrit | -C (optional) Interface traffic load percentage leading to a critical alert =head3 --enableportperf | -f (optional) Enable port performance data, default is port perfdata disabled =head3 --grapher (optional) Specify the used graphing solution. Can be pnp4nagios, nagiosgrapher or netwaysgrapherv2. =head3 --short, --long (optional) Define the verbosity of the plugin output. * short : the plugin only returns general counts (nb ports, nb changes,...) This is close to the way the previous versions of the plugin was working. * long : the plugin returns general counts (nb ports, nb changes,...) + what changes has been detected + what interface(s) suffer(s) from high load. =head2 Advanced options =head3 --cachedir (optional) Sets the directory where snmp responses are cached. =head3 --statedir (optional) Sets the directory where the interface states are stored. =head3 --vlan (optional) Add the vlan attribution property for each interface in the interface table. =head3 --cisco (optional) Add cisco specific info in the information table. =head3 --accessmethod (optional) Access method for the link to the host in the HTML page. Can be ssh or telnet. =head3 --htmldir (optional) Specifies the directory in the file system where HTML interface table are stored. =head3 --htmlurl (optional) Specifies the URL by which the interface table are accessible. =head3 --delta | -d (optional) Set the delta used for interface throuput calculation. In seconds. =head3 --ifs (optional) Input field separator. The specified separator is used for all options allowing a list to be specified. =head3 --cache (optional) Define the retention time of the cached data. In seconds. =head3 --reseturl (optional) Specifies the URL to the tablereset program. =head3 --ifloadgradient (optional) Enable color gradient from green over yellow to red for the load percentage representation. =head3 --human (optional) Translate bandwidth usage in human readable format (G/M/K bps). =head3 --snapshot (optional) Force the plugin to run like if it was the first launch. Cached data will be ignored. =head3 --timeout (optional) Define the timeout limit of the plugin. =head3 --excludeportperf | -E (optional) Comma separated list of interfaces for which performance data are NOT generated. =head3 --includeportperf | -I (optional) Comma separated list of interfaces for which performance data are generated. By default, all the interfaces that are tracked are included. But there are some case where you need to include an interface which is part of a group of previously excluded interfaces. =head3 --portperfunit (optional) In/out traffic in perfdata could be reported in octets or in bits. Possible values: bit or octet =head3 --grapherurl (optional) Graphing system url. Default values are: * pnp4nagios : /pnp4nagios * nagiosgrapher : /nagios/cgi-bin (?) * netwaysgrapherv2 : /nagios/cgi-bin (?) =head1 ATTENTION - KNOWN ISSUES =head2 Interaction with Nagios If you use this program with Nagios then it is typically called in the "nagios" users context. This means that the user "nagios" must have the correct permissions to write all required files into the filesystem (see chapter "Theory of operation"). =head2 Reset table The "reset table button" is the next challenge. Clicking in the web browser means to trigger the "InterfaceTableReset_v3t.cgi" script which then tries to remove the state file. If this does not work please check the following: * correct directory and permissions of InterfaceTableReset_v3t.cgi * correct entry in the /etc/sudoers file * look at /var/log/messages or /var/log/secure to see what "sudo" calls * look at the web servers access and error log files =head2 /tmp cleanup Some operating systems clean up the /tmp directory during reboot (I know that OpenBSD does this). This leads to the problem that the /tmp/.ifState directory is deleted and you loose your interface information states. The solution for this is to set the -StateDir switch from command line. =head2 umask on file and directory creation This program generats some files and directories on demand: /tmp/.ifState ... directory with table states /tmp/.ifCache ... directory with caching data /usr/local/nagios/share/interfacetable ... directory with html tables To avoid file system conflicts we simply set the umask to 0000 so that all files and directories are created with everyone read/write permissions. If you don't want this - change the $UMASK variable in this program and test it very carefully - especially under the account where the program is executed. Example: # su - nagios nagios> check_interface_table_v3t.pl -H -C -Debug 1 =head1 LICENSE This program was demonstrated by ITdesign during the Nagios conference in Nuernberg (Germany) on the 12th of october 2007. Normally it is part of the commercial suite of monitoring add ons around Nagios from ITdesign. This version is free software under the terms and conditions of GPLV3. Netways had adapted it to include performance data and calculate bandwidth usage, making some features mentioned in the COMMERCIAL version available in the GPL version (version 2 of the plugin) available in this GPL version. The 3rd version (by Yannnick Charton) (version v3t, to make the distinction w ith other possible v3 versions) brings lots of enhancements and new features to the v2 version. See the README and CHANGELOG files for more information. Copyright (C) [2007] [ITdesign Software Projects & Consulting GmbH] Copyright (C) [2009] [Netways GmbH] Copyright (C) [2011] [Yannick Charton] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . =head1 CONTACT INFORMATION Yannick Charton Email: tontonitch-pro@yahoo.fr Website: www.tontonitch.com =cut