Portál AbcLinuxu, 23. dubna 2024 20:26

Dotaz: Aktualizace Nextcloud, problém s LDAP app

6.2.2018 22:43 Marian
Aktualizace Nextcloud, problém s LDAP app
Přečteno: 562×
Odpovědět | Admin
Moc moc prosím o pomoc. Aktualizoval jsem si na Debianu Nextcloud z verze 12.5 na 13 a mám problém s app user_ldap (LDAP user and group backend). Při zapnutí přes web dostanu hlášku "Chyba: tuto aplikaci nelze zapnout, protože způsobuje nestabilitu serveru". Když ověřím přes OCC, tak
Analysing /var/www/nextcloud/apps/user_ldap/lib/Jobs/UpdateGroups.php
 18 errors
    line   64: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line   70: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line   80: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line   88: OCP\Config - Static method of deprecated class must not be called
    line   95: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line   96: OCP\DB - Static method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  108: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  115: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  124: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  133: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  134: OCP\DB - Static method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  140: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  146: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  155: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  156: OCP\DB - Static method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  162: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  167: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  215: OCP\DB - Static method of deprecated class must not be called
Analysing /var/www/nextcloud/apps/user_ldap/lib/Helper.php
 2 errors
    line  159: OCP\DB - Static method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  169: OCP\DB - Static method of deprecated class must not be called
Analysing /var/www/nextcloud/apps/user_ldap/lib/Group_LDAP.php
 7 errors
    line  199: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  661: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  704: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  967: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  982: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line 1027: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line 1110: != - is discouraged
Analysing /var/www/nextcloud/apps/user_ldap/lib/Connection.php
 12 errors
    line  192: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  362: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  389: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  431: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  444: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  457: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  465: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  510: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  518: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  527: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  531: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  625: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
Analysing /var/www/nextcloud/apps/user_ldap/lib/User/User.php
 1 errors
    line  543: OC_Helper - Static method of private class must not be called
Analysing /var/www/nextcloud/apps/user_ldap/lib/GroupPluginManager.php
 1 errors
    line   70: == - is discouraged
Analysing /var/www/nextcloud/apps/user_ldap/lib/Access.php
 24 errors
    line  182: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  190: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  245: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  269: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  275: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  361: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  562: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  569: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  594: OCP\User::userExists - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  594: OCP\User - Static method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  611: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  727: OCP\User::userExists - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  727: OCP\User - Static method of deprecated class must not be called
    line  998: == - is discouraged
    line 1011: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line 1017: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line 1049: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line 1061: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line 1132: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line 1435: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line 1599: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line 1606: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line 1908: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
    line 1939: OCP\Util::writeLog - Method of deprecated class must not be called
Analysing /var/www/nextcloud/apps/user_ldap/appinfo/app.php
 1 errors
    line   64: OC_User - Static method of private class must not be called
Analysing /var/www/nextcloud/apps/user_ldap/appinfo/install.php
 1 errors
    line   28: OCP\Config - Static method of deprecated class must not be called
Deprecated file found: /var/www/nextcloud/apps/user_ldap/appinfo/update.php - please use repair steps
App is not compliant
Kde je prosblém? Tenhle user_ldap je součástí NC13 :(
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6.2.2018 23:11 heth
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Aktualizace Nextcloud, problém s LDAP app
Odpovědět | | Sbalit | Link | Blokovat | Admin
Konkrétně neporadím, ale pokud budeš přeinstalovávat, pak doporučuji jít do virtualizace. Tam si před každým upgradem uděláš snapshot / nebo naklonuješ stroj a ozkoušíš zvlášť. Už bych nikdy produkční věci nedělal bez virtualizace a to i v domácích podmínkách. Kdyžtak doporučuji Proxmox. Taky mi na něm běží (nejen) NextCloud.
9.2.2018 08:54 Milan Uhrák | skóre: 31 | blog: milan_at_ABC
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Aktualizace Nextcloud, problém s LDAP app
nedá se téhož docílit na BTRFS ?
9.2.2018 13:16 Sten
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Aktualizace Nextcloud, problém s LDAP app
Dá. Kontejnerové virtualizace podporující snapshoty k tomu většinou používají právě Btrfs.

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