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Dotaz: XI 626 a bridge

12.4.2005 12:17 ssil | skóre: 15
XI 626 a bridge
Přečteno: 143×
Odpovědět | Admin
Mám malou síť kde AP je karta XI 626 a celé je to rozchozené díky výbornému článku p.Štěpánka. Teď mám ale problém nad rámec zmíněného. Nevím jak nastavit kartu na režim bridge a WEP mod, aby mi chodilo spojení s jinými AP. Navic chci, aby nebylo dotčeno spojení se současnými klienty. To protější je Edimax a nastaven je režim AP bridge-WDS, WEP mod 128 bit. Poradí někdo?
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Stanislav Brabec avatar 12.4.2005 14:47 Stanislav Brabec | skóre: 45 | Praha
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: XI 626 a bridge
Odpovědět | | Sbalit | Link | Blokovat | Admin
V dokumentaci píší, že XI-626 má chybu ve firmwaru, takže její WDS není standardní, a funguje jen s XI-626. Pomůže možná upgrade firmwaru.
12.4.2005 16:03 ssil | skóre: 15
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: XI 626 a bridge
Upgrade firmware mám. Ale rozumím tomu dobře,že funguje jen nestandartní WDS z jedné XI 626 na jinou XI 626 se stejně nestandartním WDS?
Stanislav Brabec avatar 12.4.2005 22:12 Stanislav Brabec | skóre: 45 | Praha
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: XI 626 a bridge
wds_type: WDS type bitfield
        4 = use standard compliant WDS (4 addr) frame also in Host AP
            mode (Note! This requires STA f/w ver 1.5.x or newer)

Wireless distribution system (WDS)

IEEE 802.11 specifies a method for using wireless connection as a
distribution system. A special data frame with four addresses is
defined for this. This allows layer 2 bridging of packets (two
addresses, the immediate sender and receiver, are required for 802.11
frame acknowledgement; the other two addresses are the original
sending and receiver of the frame).

There is a bug in station firmware code used in Prism2/2.5/3 cards that
prevents standard-compliant 4-address frames being sent in Host AP
mode. To overcome this problem, the current version of the driver uses
a non-standard frame format, in which the 802.11 header has first
three addresses and the fourth address (which is usually also in the
header) is sent after the frame payload.

Due to this non-standard frame format, the driver with a card using
station firmware older than v1.5.0 does not interoperate with
standard-compliant AP devices as far as WDS connections are concerned.
The non-standard frame format should be identical to the one used in
OpenAP project (http://opensource.instant802.com/), so APs using their
code should interoperate.


The latest firmware versions (STA firmware version 1.5.0 or newer)
have fixed this bug. The driver can use standard-compliant 4-address
frames with these firmware versions. Please upgrade your card firmware
if you want to use IEEE 802.11 compliant WDS frames with the
driver. Current driver code selects automatically which format to use
based on the firmware version on the card.

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