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Jendа avatar 25.11.2020 02:45 Jendа | skóre: 78 | blog: Jenda | JO70FB
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: KStars 3.5.0
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Astrometric solving or Plate solving or Astrometric calibration of an astronomical image is a technique used in astronomy and applied on celestial images. Solving an image is finding match between the imaged stars and a star catalogue. The solution is a math model describing the corresponding astronomical position of each image pixel.
Já to s tou denacifikací Slovenska myslel vážně.
25.11.2020 03:46 /
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: KStars 3.5.0
the ubiquitous word “robot” is the Czech word for “slave”

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