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Dotaz: Náhrada za a2enmod ssl

29.6.2012 23:33 Petr
Náhrada za a2enmod ssl
Přečteno: 156×
Odpovědět | Admin
Ahoj, hledám náhradu za tohle
a2enmod ssl
je to tohle?
ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
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30.6.2012 00:43 tuxmartin | skóre: 39 | blog: tuxmartin | Jicin
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$ man a2enmod

       a2enmod, a2dismod - enable or disable an apache2 module

       a2enmod [module]

       a2dismod [module]

       This manual page documents briefly the a2enmod and a2dismod commands.

       a2enmod  is  a script that enables the specified module within the apache2 configuration.  It does this by creating symlinks
       within /etc/apache2/mods-enabled.  Likewise, a2dismod disables a module by removing those symlinks.  It is not an  error  to
       enable a module which is already enabled, or to disable one which is already disabled.

       Note that many modules have, in addition to a .load file, an associated .conf file.  Enabling the module puts the configura‐
       tion directives in the .conf file as directives into the main server context of apache2

              a2enmod imagemap
              a2dismod mime_magic

       Enables the mod_imagemap module, and disables the mod_mime_magic module.

              Directory with files giving information on available modules.

              Directory with links to the files in mods-available for enabled modules.


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