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    dnes 15:55 | Nová verze

    Byl vydán TrueNAS SCALE 24.04 “Dragonfish”. Přehled novinek této open source storage platformy postavené na Debianu v poznámkách k vydání.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    dnes 13:44 | IT novinky

    Oznámeny byly nové Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4S. Vedle původní 1 GB varianty jsou nově k dispozici také varianty s 2 GB, 4 GB a 8 GB paměti. Compute Modules 4S mají na rozdíl od Compute Module 4 tvar a velikost Compute Module 3+ a předchozích. Lze tak provést snadný upgrade.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    dnes 04:44 | Nová verze

    Po roce vývoje od vydání verze 1.24.0 byla vydána nová stabilní verze 1.26.0 webového serveru a reverzní proxy nginx (Wikipedie). Nová verze přináší řadu novinek. Podrobný přehled v souboru CHANGES-1.26.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    dnes 04:33 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 6.2 živé linuxové distribuce Tails (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), jež klade důraz na ochranu soukromí uživatelů a anonymitu. Přehled změn v příslušném seznamu. Tor Browser byl povýšen na verzi 13.0.14.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    dnes 04:22 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 30.0.0 frameworku pro vývoj multiplatformních desktopových aplikací pomocí JavaScriptu, HTML a CSS Electron (Wikipedie, GitHub). Chromium bylo aktualizováno na verzi 124.0.6367.49, V8 na verzi 12.4 a Node.js na verzi 20.11.1. Electron byl původně vyvíjen pro editor Atom pod názvem Atom Shell. Dnes je na Electronu postavena celá řada dalších aplikací.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    dnes 04:11 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 9.0.0 otevřeného emulátoru procesorů a virtualizačního nástroje QEMU (Wikipedie). Přispělo 220 vývojářů. Provedeno bylo více než 2 700 commitů. Přehled úprav a nových vlastností v seznamu změn.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 23:22 | IT novinky

    Evropský parlament dnes přijal směrnici týkající se tzv. práva spotřebitele na opravu. Poslanci ji podpořili 584 hlasy (3 bylo proti a 14 se zdrželo hlasování). Směrnice ujasňuje povinnosti výrobců opravovat zboží a motivovat spotřebitele k tomu, aby si výrobky nechávali opravit a prodloužili tak jejich životnost.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    včera 16:11 | Nová verze

    Bylo oznámeno (cs) vydání Fedora Linuxu 40. Přehled novinek ve Fedora Workstation 40 a Fedora KDE 40 na stránkách Fedora Magazinu. Současně byl oznámen notebook Slimbook Fedora 2.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 16
    včera 13:44 | Upozornění

    ČTK (Česká tisková kancelář) upozorňuje (X), že na jejím zpravodajském webu České noviny byly dnes dopoledne neznámým útočníkem umístěny dva smyšlené texty, které nepocházejí z její produkce. Jde o text s titulkem „BIS zabránila pokusu o atentát na nově zvoleného slovenského prezidenta Petra Pelligriniho“ a o údajné mimořádné prohlášení ministra Lipavského k témuž. Tyto dezinformace byly útočníky zveřejněny i s příslušnými notifikacemi v mobilní aplikaci Českých novin. ČTK ve svém zpravodajském servisu žádnou informaci v tomto znění nevydala.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 25
    včera 13:33 | Komunita

    Byla založena nadace Open Home Foundation zastřešující více než 240 projektů, standardů, ovladačů a knihoven (Home Assistant, ESPHome, Zigpy, Piper, Improv Wi-Fi, Wyoming, …) pro otevřenou chytrou domácnost s důrazem na soukromí, možnost výběru a udržitelnost.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    KDE Plasma 6
    Celkem 710 hlasů
     Komentářů: 4, poslední 6.4. 15:51

    Administrace komentářů

    Jste na stránce určené pro řešení chyb a problémů týkajících se diskusí a komentářů. Můžete zde našim administrátorům reportovat špatně zařazenou či duplicitní diskusi, vulgární či osočující příspěvek a podobně. Děkujeme vám za vaši pomoc, více očí více vidí, společně můžeme udržet vysokou kvalitu

    3.9.2006 12:58 tomik4668 | skóre: 8
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše WINE FONTS +Resolution
    Ahuj potreboval bych poradit s jednou veci..pri spusteni MIRANDY pres WINE mi to vypise tuto chybu:
    tomik@debian:~$ cd /mnt/win_c/Program\ Files/miranda/
    tomik@debian:/mnt/win_c/Program Files/miranda$ wine miranda
    mirandaboot.ini  miranda32.exe
    tomik@debian:/mnt/win_c/Program Files/miranda$ wine miranda32.exe
    Please use the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Fonts\LogPixels
    to set the screen resolution and remove the "Resolution" entry in the config file
    fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance just using first face for now
    Wine failed with return code 1

    To mam nejak upravit registry ve WIDLICH?Nebo jak mam upravi CONFIG winu?Pujde to nejak rozjet? Co mam spatne. Prikladam i svuj CONFIG WINu:

    WINE REGISTRY Version 2
    ;; All keys relative to \\Machine\\Software\\Wine\\Wine\\Config
    ;; If you think it is necessary to show others your complete config for a
    ;; bug report, filter out empty lines and comments with
    ;; grep -v "^;" ~/.wine/config | grep '.'
    ;; MS-DOS drives configuration
    ;; Each section has the following format:
    ;; [Drive X]
    ;; "Path"="xxx"       (Unix path for drive root)
    ;; "Type"="xxx"       (supported types are 'floppy', 'hd', 'cdrom' and 'network')
    ;; "Label"="xxx"      (drive label, at most 11 characters)
    ;; "Serial"="xxx"     (serial number, 8 characters hexadecimal number)
    ;; "Filesystem"="xxx" (supported types are 'msdos'/'dos'/'fat', 'win95'/'vfat', 'unix')
    ;;   This is the FS Wine is supposed to emulate on a certain
    ;;   directory structure.
    ;;   Recommended:
    ;;   - "win95" for ext2fs, VFAT and FAT32
    ;;   - "msdos" for FAT16 (ugly, upgrading to VFAT driver strongly recommended)
    ;;   DON'T use "unix" unless you intend to port programs using Winelib !
    ;; "Device"="/dev/xx" (only if you want to allow raw device access)
    [Drive A]
    "Path" = "/media/floppy0"
    "Type" = "floppy"
    "Label" = "Floppy"
    "Device" = "/dev/fd0"
    [Drive C]
    "Path" = "/home/tomik/.wine/fake_windows"
    "Type" = "hd"
    "Label" = "/home/tomik/.wine/fake_windows"
    "Filesystem" = "win95"
    [Drive D]
    "Path" = "/mnt/win_c"
    "Type" = "hd"
    "Device" = "/dev/hda1"
    "Filesystem" = "win95"
    [Drive E]
    "Path" = "/mnt/win_d"
    "Type" = "hd"
    "Device" = "/dev/hda2"
    "Filesystem" = "win95"
    [Drive F]
    "Path" = "/media/cdrom0"
    "Type" = "cdrom"
    "Device" = "/dev/cdrom"
    "Filesystem" = "win95"
    [Drive X]
    "Path" = "/tmp"
    "Type" = "hd"
    "Label" = "Tmp Drive"
    "Filesystem" = "win95"
    [Drive Y]
    "Path" = "%HOME%"
    "Type" = "network"
    "Label" = "Home"
    "Filesystem" = "win95"
    [Drive Z]
    "Path" = "/"
    "Type" = "hd"
    "Label" = "Root"
    "Filesystem" = "win95"
    "Windows" = "D:\\Windows"
    "System" = "D:\\Windows\\System32"
    "Temp" = "X:\\"
    "Path" = "D:\\Windows;D:\\Windows\\System32;X:\\;X:\\test;Y:\\"
    "GraphicsDriver" = "x11drv"
    ; Wine doesn't pass directory symlinks to Windows programs by default.
    ; Enabling this may crash some programs that do recursive lookups of a whole
    ; subdir tree in case of a symlink pointing back to itself.
    ;"ShowDirSymlinks" = "1"
    ;"ShowDotFiles" = "1"
    "ShellLinker" = "wineshelllink"
    # [wineconf]
    ; Windows version to imitate (win95,win98,winme,nt351,nt40,win2k,winxp,win2k3,win20,win30,win31)
    "Windows" = "win98"
    ; DOS version to imitate
    ;"DOS" = "6.22"
    ; Be careful here, wrong DllOverrides settings have the potential
    ; to pretty much kill your setup.
    ; some dlls you may want to change
    "oleaut32" = "builtin, native"
    "ole32" = "builtin, native"
    "commdlg" = "builtin, native"
    "comdlg32" = "builtin, native"
    "shell" = "builtin, native"
    "shell32" = "builtin, native"
    "shfolder" = "builtin, native"
    "shlwapi" = "builtin, native"
    "shdocvw" = "builtin, native"
    "advapi32" = "builtin, native"
    "msvcrt" = "native, builtin"
    "mciavi.drv" = "native, builtin"
    "mcianim.drv" = "native, builtin"
    "msi" = "native, builtin"
    ; you can specify applications too
    ; this one will apply for all notepad.exe
    ;"*notepad.exe" = "native, builtin"
    ; this one will apply only for a particular file
    ;"C:\\windows\\regedit.exe" = "native, builtin"
    ; default for all other dlls
    "*" = "builtin, native"
    ; Number of colors to allocate from the system palette
    "AllocSystemColors" = "100"
    ; Use a private color map
    "PrivateColorMap" = "N"
    ; Favor correctness over speed in some graphics operations
    "PerfectGraphics" = "N"
    ; Color depth to use on multi-depth screens
    ;;"ScreenDepth" = "16"
    ; Name of X11 display to use
    ;;"Display" = ":0.0"
    ; Allow the window manager to manage created windows
    "Managed" = "N"
    ; Use a desktop window of 640x480 for Wine
    ;"Desktop" = "640x480"
    ; Use XFree86 DGA extension if present
    ; (make sure /dev/mem is accessible by you !)
    "UseDGA" = "Y"
    ; Use XVidMode extension if present
    "UseXVidMode" = "Y"
    ; Use XRandR extension if present
    "UseXRandR" = "Y"
    ; Use the take focus protocol
    "UseTakeFocus" = "Y"
    ; Enable DirectX mouse grab
    "DXGrab" = "N"
    ; Create the desktop window with a double-buffered visual
    ; (useful to play OpenGL games)
    "DesktopDoubleBuffered" = "Y"
    ; Run in synchronous mode (useful for debugging X11 problems)
    ;;"Synchronous" = "Y"
    ; Use the Render extension to render client side fonts (default "Y")
    ;;"ClientSideWithRender" = "Y"
    ; Fallback on X core requests to render client side fonts (default "Y")
    ;;"ClientSideWithCore" = "Y"
    ; Set both of the previous two to "N" in order to force X11 server side fonts
    ; Anti-alias fonts if using the Render extension (default "Y")
    ;;"ClientSideAntiAliasWithRender" = "Y"
    ; Anti-alias fonts if using core requests fallback (default "Y")
    ;;"ClientSideAntiAliasWithCore" = "Y"
    "Desktop" = "N"
    ;Read the Fonts topic in the Wine User Guide before adding aliases
    ;See a couple of examples for russian users below
    "Resolution" = "96"
    "Default" = "-adobe-helvetica-"
    "DefaultFixed" = "fixed"
    "DefaultSerif" = "-adobe-times-"
    "DefaultSansSerif" = "-adobe-helvetica-"
    ;; default TrueType fonts with russian koi8-r encoding
    "Default" = "-monotype-arial-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
    "DefaultFixed" = "-monotype-courier new-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
    "DefaultSerif" = "-monotype-times new roman-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
    "DefaultSansSerif" = "-monotype-arial-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
    ;; default cyrillic bitmap X fonts
    ;"Default" = "-cronyx-helvetica-"
    ;"DefaultFixed" = "fixed"
    ;"DefaultSerif" = "-cronyx-times-"
    ;"DefaultSansSerif" = "-cronyx-helvetica-"
    ; the TrueType font dirs you want to make accessible to wine
    ;"dir1" = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType"
    ;"dir2" = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype"
    ;"dir3" = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TT"
    ;"dir4" = "/usr/share/fonts/TT"
    "Com1" = "/dev/ttyS0"
    "Com2" = "/dev/ttyS1"
    "Com3" = "/dev/ttyS2"
    "Com4" = "/dev/modem"
    "Lpt1" = "/dev/lp0"
    ;; key:  io-base of the emulated port
    ;; value : parport-device{,timeout}
    ;; timeout for auto closing an open device ( not yet implemented)
    ;"378" = "/dev/parport0"
    ;"278" = "/dev/parport1"
    ;"3bc" = "/dev/parport2"
    "FILE:" = ""
    "LPT1:" = "|lpr"
    "LPT2:" = "|gs -sDEVICE=bj200 -sOutputFile=/tmp/fred -q -"
    "LPT3:" = "/dev/lp3"
    ;"read" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"
    ;"write" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"
    ;"RelayExclude" = "RtlEnterCriticalSection;RtlLeaveCriticalSection"
    ;"RelayInclude" = "user32.CreateWindowA"
    ;"RelayFromExclude" = "user32;x11drv"
    ;"RelayFromInclude" = "sol.exe"
    ;"SnoopExclude" = "RtlEnterCriticalSection;RtlLeaveCriticalSection"
    ;"SpyExclude" = "WM_SIZE;WM_TIMER;"
    ;These are all booleans.  Y/y/T/t/1 are true, N/n/F/f/0 are false.
    ;Defaults are read all, write to Home
    ; Where to find the global registries
    ;"GlobalRegistryDir" = "/etc";
    ; Global registries (stored in /etc)
    "LoadGlobalRegistryFiles" = "Y"
    ; Home registries (stored in ~user/.wine/)
    "LoadHomeRegistryFiles" = "Y"
    ; Load Windows registries from the Windows directory
    "LoadWindowsRegistryFiles" = "Y"
    ; TRY to write all changes to home registries
    "WritetoHomeRegistryFiles" = "Y"
    ; Registry periodic save timeout in seconds
    ; "PeriodicSave" = "600"
    ; Save only modified keys
    "SaveOnlyUpdatedKeys" = "Y"
    ;; supported styles are 'Win31'(default), 'Win95', 'Win98'
    ;; this has *nothing* to do with the windows version Wine returns:
    ;; set the "Windows" value in the [Version] section if you want that.
    "WineLook" = "Win98"
    "ClearAllSelections" = "0"
    "PersistentSelection" = "1"
    ; List of all directories directly contain .AFM files
    "1" = "/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts"
    "2" = "/usr/share/a2ps/afm"
    "3" = "/usr/share/enscript"
    "4" = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
    ; Uncomment the "Drivers" line matching your sound setting.
    "Drivers" = "wineoss.drv"      ; default for most common configurations
    ;"Drivers" = "winearts.drv"    ; for KDE
    ;"Drivers" = "winealsa.drv"    ; for ALSA users
    ;"Drivers" = "winejack.drv"    ; for Jack sound server
    ;"Drivers" = "winenas.drv"     ; for NAS sound system
    ;"Drivers" = "wineaudioio.drv" ; for Solaris machines
    ;"Drivers" = ""                ; to disable sound
    "WaveMapper" = "msacm.drv"
    "MidiMapper" = "midimap.drv"
    ;; HEL only: Number of waveOut fragments ahead to mix in new buffers.
    ;"HELmargin" = "5"
    ;; HEL only: Number of waveOut fragments ahead to queue to driver.
    ;"HELqueue" = "5"
    ;; Max number of fragments to prebuffer
    ;"SndQueueMax" = "28"
    ;; Min number of fragments to prebuffer
    ;"SndQueueMin" = "12"
    ;; Forces emulation mode (using wave api)
    ;"HardwareAcceleration" = "Emulation"
    ;; Sets default playback device (0 - number of devices - 1)
    ;"DefaultPlayback" = "0"	; use first device (/dev/dsp)
    ;"DefaultPlayback" = "1" 	; use second device (/dev/dsp1)
    ;"DefaultPlayback" = "2" 	; use third device (/dev/dsp2)
    ;; Sets default capture device (0 - number of devices - 1)
    ;"DefaultCapture" = "0"		; use first device (/dev/dsp)
    ;"DefaultCapture" = "1"		; use second device (/dev/dsp1)
    ;"DefaultCapture" = "2"		; use third device (/dev/dsp2)
    ;; Use the DNS (Unix) host name always as NetBIOS "ComputerName" (boolean, default "Y").
    ;; Set to N if you need a persistent NetBIOS ComputerName that possibly differs 
    ;; from the Unix host name. You'll need to set ComputerName in 
    ;; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName, too.
    ;"UseDnsComputerName" = "N"
    # Application dependent sections follow #
    ; Lotus Notes R5 installer
    ; I'm quite not sure this will run on some other machine than mine, but it 
    ; can't hurt
    "Managed" = "N"
    "Desktop" = "N"
    "Desktop" = "800x600"
    "Desktop" = "800x600"
    "msvcrt" = "native"
    "msvcrt40" = "native"
    "crtdll" = "native"
    "imagehlp" = "native"
    "rnaph" = "native"
    "msvcrt" = "native"
    "msvcrt40" = "native"
    "crtdll" = "native"
    "imagehlp" = "native"
    "rnaph" = "native"
    "msvcrt" = "native"
    "msvcrt40" = "native"
    "crtdll" = "native"
    "imagehlp" = "native"
    "rnaph" = "native"
    # [/wineconf]

    Dik vsem za radu..

    V tomto formuláři můžete formulovat svou stížnost ohledně příspěvku. Nejprve vyberte typ akce, kterou navrhujete provést s diskusí či příspěvkem. Potom do textového pole napište důvody, proč by měli admini provést vaši žádost, problém nemusí být patrný na první pohled. Odkaz na příspěvek bude přidán automaticky.

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