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    dnes 04:55 | Zajímavý software

    Microsoft zveřejnil na GitHubu zdrojové kódy MS-DOSu 4.0 pod licencí MIT. Ve stejném repozitáři se nacházejí i před lety zveřejněné zdrojové k kódy MS-DOSu 1.25 a 2.0.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 11
    včera 17:33 | Nová verze

    Canonical vydal (email, blog, YouTube) Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Noble Numbat. Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání a také příspěvcích na blogu: novinky v desktopu a novinky v bezpečnosti. Vydány byly také oficiální deriváty Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Budgie, Ubuntu Cinnamon, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu Unity a Xubuntu. Jedná se o 10. LTS verzi.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 12
    včera 14:22 | Komunita

    Na YouTube je k dispozici videozáznam z včerejšího Czech Open Source Policy Forum 2024.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    včera 13:22 | Nová verze

    Fossil (Wikipedie) byl vydán ve verzi 2.24. Jedná se o distribuovaný systém správy verzí propojený se správou chyb, wiki stránek a blogů s integrovaným webovým rozhraním. Vše běží z jednoho jediného spustitelného souboru a uloženo je v SQLite databázi.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 12:44 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová stabilní verze 6.7 webového prohlížeče Vivaldi (Wikipedie). Postavena je na Chromiu 124. Přehled novinek i s náhledy v příspěvku na blogu. Vypíchnout lze Spořič paměti (Memory Saver) automaticky hibernující karty, které nebyly nějakou dobu používány nebo vylepšené Odběry (Feed Reader).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 04:55 | Nová verze

    OpenJS Foundation, oficiální projekt konsorcia Linux Foundation, oznámila vydání verze 22 otevřeného multiplatformního prostředí pro vývoj a běh síťových aplikací napsaných v JavaScriptu Node.js (Wikipedie). V říjnu se verze 22 stane novou aktivní LTS verzí. Podpora je plánována do dubna 2027.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 04:22 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána verze 8.2 open source virtualizační platformy Proxmox VE (Proxmox Virtual Environment, Wikipedie) založené na Debianu. Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání a v informačním videu. Zdůrazněn je průvodce migrací hostů z VMware ESXi do Proxmoxu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 04:11 | Nová verze

    R (Wikipedie), programovací jazyk a prostředí určené pro statistickou analýzu dat a jejich grafické zobrazení, bylo vydáno ve verzi 4.4.0. Její kódové jméno je Puppy Cup.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    24.4. 22:44 | IT novinky

    IBM kupuje společnost HashiCorp (Terraform, Packer, Vault, Boundary, Consul, Nomad, Waypoint, Vagrant, …) za 6,4 miliardy dolarů, tj. 35 dolarů za akcii.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 14
    24.4. 15:55 | Nová verze

    Byl vydán TrueNAS SCALE 24.04 “Dragonfish”. Přehled novinek této open source storage platformy postavené na Debianu v poznámkách k vydání.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    KDE Plasma 6
    Celkem 782 hlasů
     Komentářů: 4, poslední 6.4. 15:51

    Administrace komentářů

    Jste na stránce určené pro řešení chyb a problémů týkajících se diskusí a komentářů. Můžete zde našim administrátorům reportovat špatně zařazenou či duplicitní diskusi, vulgární či osočující příspěvek a podobně. Děkujeme vám za vaši pomoc, více očí více vidí, společně můžeme udržet vysokou kvalitu

    22.3.2007 10:24 gulx
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Nefunkční kompilace v Ubunu
    Před měsícem jsem si v Ubuntu zkousel zkompilovat simplekde. Kofigurace probehla v pořádku (používám auto-apt), ale po zadání přikazu make na mě vybafly 2 error.

    Niní jsem přešel na Xubuntu a zkouším zkompilovat EDE.

    Konfigurace OK. make - 2 error

    all@all-desktop:~/Desktop/New Folder 1/ede/efltk$ ./emake 
    Checking make program to use ... make.
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/all/Desktop/New Folder 1/ede/efltk/src'
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/all/Desktop/New Folder 1/ede/efltk/src/core'
    Compiling Fl.cpp...
    g++: Folder: No such file or directory
    g++: 1/ede/efltk: No such file or directory
    Fl.cpp:26:20: error: config.h: No such file or directory
    Fl.cpp:28:22: error: efltk/Fl.h: No such file or directory
    Fl.cpp:29:29: error: efltk/Fl_Window.h: No such file or directory
    Fl.cpp:30:28: error: efltk/Fl_Style.h: No such file or directory
    Fl.cpp:31:30: error: efltk/Fl_Tooltip.h: No such file or directory
    Fl.cpp:32:21: error: efltk/x.h: No such file or directory
    In file included from Fl.cpp:70:
    Fl_x.cpp:31:25: error: efltk/Fl_WM.h: No such file or directory
    Fl_x.cpp:32:27: error: efltk/fl_utf8.h: No such file or directory
    Fl.cpp:41: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: In function ‘float version()’:
    Fl.cpp:41: error: ‘FL_VERSION’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl.cpp:47: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Fl.cpp:48: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:48: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:48: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:48: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:48: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:48: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:49: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:49: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:49: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:49: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:50: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:50: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:52: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:53: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:54: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:54: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:56: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
    Fl.cpp:57: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:58: error: ‘uint32’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:66: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:73: warning: ‘KeySymToUcs4’ initialized and declared ‘extern’
    Fl_x.cpp:73: error: ‘KeySym’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘int XConvertEucToUtf8(const char*, char*, int, int)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:85: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘type name’ with no type
    Fl_x.cpp:85: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘type name’ with no type
    Fl_x.cpp:85: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’
    Fl_x.cpp:85: error: expected `)' before ‘const’
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:160: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void add_fd(int, int, void (*)(int, void*), void*)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:162: error: ‘remove_fd’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:188: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void add_fd(int, void (*)(int, void*), void*)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:190: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:194: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void do_queued_events(int, void*)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:243: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:243: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:243: error: ‘QueuedAfterReading’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:243: error: ‘XEventsQueued’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:245: error: ‘fl_xevent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:245: error: ‘XNextEvent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:246: error: ‘fl_handle’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:249: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:249: error: ‘FL_LEAVE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘int fl_wait(float)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:274: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:274: error: ‘XQLength’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘int fl_ready()’:
    Fl_x.cpp:323: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:323: error: ‘XQLength’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:341: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:342: error: ‘Window’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:344: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:345: error: ‘Colormap’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:347: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:348: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:350: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:351: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:352: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:353: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:354: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:355: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:356: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:357: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:358: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:359: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:360: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:361: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:362: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:363: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:364: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:365: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:366: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:373: error: ‘Display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:373: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:373: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:375: error: ‘Display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:375: error: ‘d’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:375: error: ‘XErrorEvent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:375: error: ‘e’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:375: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
    Fl_x.cpp:376: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void fl_open_display()’:
    Fl_x.cpp:431: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:433: error: ‘XSetIOErrorHandler’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:434: error: ‘XSetErrorHandler’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:436: error: ‘Display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:436: error: ‘d’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:436: error: ‘XOpenDisplay’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:437: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:437: error: ‘XDisplayName’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:442: error: variable or field ‘fl_open_display’ declared void
    Fl_x.cpp:442: error: ‘int fl_open_display’ redeclared as different kind of symbol
    Fl_x.cpp:429: error: previous declaration of ‘void fl_open_display()’
    Fl_x.cpp:442: error: ‘Display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:442: error: ‘d’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void fl_close_display()’:
    Fl_x.cpp:530: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:530: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:530: error: ‘ConnectionNumber’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:531: error: ‘XCloseDisplay’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:537: error: expected initializer before ‘&’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:566: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void get_mouse(int&, int&)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:569: error: ‘Window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:569: error: expected `;' before ‘root’
    Fl_x.cpp:570: error: expected `;' before ‘c’
    Fl_x.cpp:571: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:571: error: ‘root’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:571: error: ‘c’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:571: error: ‘XQueryPointer’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:580: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:587: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:587: error: variable or field ‘paste’ declared void
    Fl_x.cpp:587: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:587: error: ‘receiver’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:587: error: expected primary-expression before ‘bool’
    Fl_x.cpp:587: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
    Fl_x.cpp:588: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:611: error: ‘Window’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:612: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:613: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:614: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:615: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:616: error: ‘Atom’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:618: error: variable or field ‘fl_sendClientMessage’ declared void
    Fl_x.cpp:618: error: ‘Window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:618: error: ‘Atom’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:619: error: expected primary-expression before ‘unsigned’
    Fl_x.cpp:620: error: expected primary-expression before ‘unsigned’
    Fl_x.cpp:621: error: expected primary-expression before ‘unsigned’
    Fl_x.cpp:622: error: expected primary-expression before ‘unsigned’
    Fl_x.cpp:623: error: expected primary-expression before ‘unsigned’
    Fl_x.cpp:623: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
    Fl_x.cpp:624: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:642: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void copy(const char*, int, bool)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:656: error: ‘Atom’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:656: error: expected `;' before ‘property’
    Fl_x.cpp:657: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:657: error: ‘property’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:657: error: ‘fl_message_window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:657: error: ‘fl_event_time’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:657: error: ‘XSetSelectionOwner’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:663: error: ‘XEvent’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void set_event_xy(bool)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:675: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:675: error: ‘fl_xevent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:676: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:677: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:678: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:679: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:688: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:688: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:690: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:693: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:694: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:702: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:709: error: ‘Bool’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:718: error: ‘Window’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘bool fl_handle()’:
    Fl_x.cpp:721: error: ‘Fl_Window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:721: error: ‘window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:721: error: ‘fl_xevent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:721: error: ‘fl_find’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:763: error: ‘fl_wmspec_check_window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:763: error: ‘None’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:765: error: ‘DestroyNotify’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:768: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:773: error: ‘KeymapNotify’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:777: error: ‘MappingNotify’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:778: error: ‘XMappingEvent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:778: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:778: error: ‘XRefreshKeyboardMapping’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:781: error: ‘ClientMessage’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:783: error: ‘Atom’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:783: error: expected `;' before ‘message’
    Fl_x.cpp:786: error: ‘WM_DELETE_WINDOW’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:788: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:788: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:788: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:793: error: ‘message’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:793: error: ‘FLTKChangeSettings’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:795: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:798: error: ‘FLTKChangeScheme’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:800: error: ‘Fl_Style’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:803: error: ‘fl_XdndEnter’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:805: error: ‘xmousewin’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:808: error: ‘fl_dnd_source_window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:813: error: expected `;' before ‘actual’
    Fl_x.cpp:815: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:815: error: ‘fl_XdndTypeList’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:816: error: ‘False’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:816: error: ‘XA_ATOM’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:816: error: ‘actual’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:817: error: ‘XGetWindowProperty’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:820: error: ‘fl_incoming_dnd_source_types’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:821: error: expected type-specifier before ‘Atom’
    Fl_x.cpp:821: error: expected `;' before ‘Atom’
    Fl_x.cpp:822: error: ‘fl_dnd_source_types’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:824: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:824: error: expected `)' before ‘buffer’
    Fl_x.cpp:831: error: ‘fl_incoming_dnd_source_types’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:832: error: expected type-specifier before ‘Atom’
    Fl_x.cpp:832: error: expected `;' before ‘Atom’
    Fl_x.cpp:833: error: ‘fl_dnd_source_types’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:833: error: ‘fl_incoming_dnd_source_types’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:845: error: ‘fl_dnd_type’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:845: error: ‘fl_textplain’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:848: error: expected `;' before ‘type’
    Fl_x.cpp:848: error: ‘type’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:855: error: ‘type’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:860: error: ‘type’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:860: error: ‘fl_texturilist’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:863: error: ‘FL_DND_ENTER’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:867: error: ‘fl_XdndPosition’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:869: error: ‘xmousewin’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:870: error: ‘fl_dnd_source_window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:871: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:872: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:875: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:875: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:876: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:876: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:879: error: ‘fl_dnd_source_action’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:880: error: ‘fl_dnd_action’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:880: error: ‘fl_XdndActionCopy’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:881: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:881: error: ‘FL_DND_DRAG’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:882: error: ‘fl_XdndStatus’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:887: error: ‘None’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:887: error: ‘fl_sendClientMessage’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl_x.cpp:891: error: ‘fl_XdndLeave’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:894: error: ‘fl_dnd_source_window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:895: error: ‘FL_DND_LEAVE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:899: error: ‘fl_XdndDrop’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:902: error: ‘xmousewin’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:904: error: ‘fl_dnd_source_window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:906: error: ‘Window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:906: error: expected `;' before ‘to_window’
    Fl_x.cpp:907: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:907: error: ‘FL_DND_RELEASE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:909: error: ‘fl_selection_requestor’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:909: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:910: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:910: error: ‘fl_XdndSelection’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:911: error: ‘fl_dnd_type’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:911: error: ‘XA_SECONDARY’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:912: error: ‘to_window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:912: error: ‘XConvertSelection’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:920: error: ‘fl_XdndFinished’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:920: error: ‘to_window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:920: error: ‘fl_sendClientMessage’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl_x.cpp:937: error: ‘MapNotify’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:939: error: ‘ConfigureNotify’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:948: error: ‘XWindowAttributes’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:948: error: expected `;' before ‘actual’
    Fl_x.cpp:949: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:949: error: ‘fl_xid’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:949: error: ‘actual’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:949: error: ‘XGetWindowAttributes’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:950: error: ‘Window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:950: error: expected `;' before ‘cr’
    Fl_x.cpp:952: error: ‘cr’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:952: error: ‘XTranslateCoordinates’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:967: error: ‘resize_from_system’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:971: error: ‘UnmapNotify’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:977: error: ‘Fl_X’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:981: error: ‘Expose’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:982: error: ‘GraphicsExpose’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:986: error: ‘Fl_X’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:988: error: ‘w’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:990: error: ‘Fl_X’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:995: error: ‘Fl_X’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:999: error: ‘ButtonPress’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1002: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1002: error: ‘FL_Button’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1005: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1005: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1007: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1009: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1010: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1010: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1013: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1014: error: ‘FL_MOUSEWHEEL’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1017: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1018: error: ‘FL_MOUSEWHEEL’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1020: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1020: error: ‘FL_BUTTON1’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1021: error: ‘FL_PUSH’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1026: error: ‘MotionNotify’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1032: error: ‘FL_MOVE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1036: error: ‘ButtonRelease’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1039: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1039: error: ‘FL_Button’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1042: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1042: error: ‘FL_BUTTON1’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1043: error: ‘FL_RELEASE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1047: error: ‘EnterNotify’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1049: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1050: error: ‘NotifyInferior’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1055: error: ‘FL_ENTER’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1057: error: ‘xmousewin’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1059: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1061: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1062: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1062: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1063: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1063: error: ‘SyncPointer’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1063: error: ‘CurrentTime’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1063: error: ‘XAllowEvents’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1067: error: ‘FL_PUSH’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1067: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1068: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1074: error: ‘LeaveNotify’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1075: error: ‘NotifyInferior’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1077: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1078: error: ‘NotifyInferior’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1086: error: ‘FocusIn’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1090: error: ‘xfocus’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1094: error: ‘FocusOut’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1101: error: ‘KeyPress’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1102: error: ‘KeyRelease’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1110: error: ‘KeySym’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1110: error: expected `;' before ‘keysym’
    Fl_x.cpp:1114: error: ‘FL_KEY’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1120: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1121: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1125: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1126: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1155: error: ‘XKeyEvent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1155: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:1155: error: ‘keysym’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1155: error: ‘XLookupString’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1168: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1168: error: ‘XKeycodeToKeysym’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1171: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1171: error: ‘FL_CTRL’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1171: error: ‘keysym’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1177: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1178: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1186: error: ‘XEvent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1186: error: expected `;' before ‘temp’
    Fl_x.cpp:1187: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1187: error: ‘temp’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1187: error: ‘fake_keyup_test’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1187: error: ‘XCheckIfEvent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1192: error: ‘FL_KEYUP’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1195: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1198: error: ‘keysym’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1198: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1198: error: ‘XKeycodeToKeysym’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1207: error: ‘keysym’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1213: error: ‘FL_KP’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1214: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1215: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1216: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1221: error: ‘FL_Win_L’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1225: error: ‘FL_Win_R’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1241: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1241: error: ‘keysym’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1245: error: ‘SelectionNotify’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1247: error: ‘fl_selection_requestor’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1249: error: ‘XFree’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1256: error: ‘Atom’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1256: error: expected `;' before ‘actual’
    Fl_x.cpp:1258: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1262: error: ‘actual’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1264: error: ‘XGetWindowProperty’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1269: error: ‘XFree’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1278: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1279: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1280: error: ‘fl_selection_requestor’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1280: error: ‘FL_PASTE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1285: error: ‘XA_SECONDARY’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1286: error: ‘fl_dnd_source_window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1288: error: ‘fl_XdndFinished’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1289: error: ‘fl_sendClientMessage’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl_x.cpp:1296: error: ‘SelectionClear’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1298: error: ‘CLIPBOARD’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1303: error: ‘SelectionRequest’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1305: error: ‘XSelectionEvent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1305: error: expected `;' before ‘e’
    Fl_x.cpp:1306: error: ‘e’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1309: error: ‘CLIPBOARD’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1313: error: ‘TARGETS’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1317: error: ‘Atom’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1317: error: expected `;' before ‘a’
    Fl_x.cpp:1319: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1320: error: ‘XA_ATOM’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1320: error: ‘a’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1321: error: ‘XChangeProperty’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1324: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1327: error: ‘XChangeProperty’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1334: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1334: error: ‘XEvent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1334: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:1334: error: ‘XSendEvent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1344: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:1350: error: ‘Fl_Window’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void layout()’:
    Fl_x.cpp:1352: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
    Fl_x.cpp:1352: error: ‘resize_from_system’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1357: error: ‘layout_damage’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1357: error: ‘FL_LAYOUT_XYWH’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1357: error: ‘i’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1360: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
    Fl_x.cpp:1360: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
    Fl_x.cpp:1361: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1361: error: ‘p’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1361: error: ‘parent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1365: error: ‘FL_LAYOUT_WH’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1369: error: ‘minw’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1369: error: ‘maxw’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1369: error: ‘minh’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1369: error: ‘maxh’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1369: error: ‘w’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1369: error: ‘h’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1369: error: ‘size_range’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1370: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1371: error: ‘w’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1371: error: ‘h’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1371: error: ‘XMoveResizeWindow’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1377: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1377: error: ‘XMoveWindow’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1380: error: ‘Fl_Group’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:1397: error: ‘Fl_X’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1397: error: variable or field ‘create’ declared void
    Fl_x.cpp:1397: error: ‘Fl_Window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1397: error: ‘window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1398: error: ‘XVisualInfo’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1398: error: ‘visual’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1398: error: ‘Colormap’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1399: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’
    Fl_x.cpp:1399: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
    Fl_x.cpp:1400: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:1527: error: ‘Fl_X’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void sendxjunk()’:
    Fl_x.cpp:1530: error: ‘window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1532: error: ‘XSizeHints’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1532: error: expected `;' before ‘hints’
    Fl_x.cpp:1534: error: ‘hints’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1534: error: ‘window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1540: error: ‘StaticGravity’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1551: error: ‘PMinSize’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1551: error: ‘PWinGravity’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1554: error: ‘PMaxSize’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1559: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1559: error: ‘DisplayWidth’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1561: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1561: error: ‘DisplayHeight’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1563: error: ‘PResizeInc’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1572: error: ‘PMinSize’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1572: error: ‘PMaxSize’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1572: error: ‘PWinGravity’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1577: error: ‘FL_USEDEFAULT’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1579: error: ‘USPosition’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1590: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1590: error: ‘xid’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1590: error: ‘XSetWMNormalHints’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1592: error: ‘fl_MOTIF_WM_HINTS’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1593: error: ‘XChangeProperty’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:1597: error: ‘Fl_Window’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void size_range_()’:
    Fl_x.cpp:1599: error: ‘m_size_range’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1600: error: ‘i’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:1604: error: ‘Fl_Window’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1604: error: non-member function ‘bool iconic()’ cannot have cv-qualifier
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘bool iconic()’:
    Fl_x.cpp:1606: error: ‘i’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1606: error: ‘visible’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:1612: error: ‘Fl_Window’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void label(const char*, const char*)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:1614: error: ‘Fl_String’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1614: error: expected `;' before ‘label’
    Fl_x.cpp:1615: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
    Fl_x.cpp:1615: error: ‘ilabel’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:1618: error: ‘Fl_Window’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1618: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:1618: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Fl_String’ with no type
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void label(int)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:1620: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1620: error: ‘l’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1621: error: ‘iconlabel_’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1621: error: ‘il’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1623: error: ‘i’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1623: error: ‘parent’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1626: error: ‘Fl_WM’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1628: error: ‘Fl_WM’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1633: error: expected `;' before ‘ilabel’
    Fl_x.cpp:1633: warning: statement has no effect
    Fl_x.cpp:1634: error: ‘Fl_WM’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1634: error: ‘ilabel’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1636: error: ‘Fl_WM’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:1644: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:1645: error: ‘Window’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:1646: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
    Fl_x.cpp:1647: error: ‘GC’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:1649: error: ‘Fl_Window’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1649: error: non-member function ‘void make_current()’ cannot have cv-qualifier
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘void make_current()’:
    Fl_x.cpp:1651: error: ‘current_’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1651: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
    Fl_x.cpp:1652: error: ‘i’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1653: error: ‘GC’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp:1654: error: ‘gc’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1654: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1654: error: ‘XCreateGC’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1655: error: ‘fl_gc’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1655: error: ‘gc’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘const char* get_default(const char*)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:1762: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1762: error: ‘Fl_Window’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1762: error: ‘XGetDefault’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘const char* get_default(const char*, const char*)’:
    Fl_x.cpp:1767: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1767: error: ‘XGetDefault’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:1772: error: ‘Fl_Color’ does not name a type
    Fl_x.cpp: In function ‘bool fl_get_system_colors()’:
    Fl_x.cpp:1782: error: ‘Fl_Color’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1782: error: expected `;' before ‘color’
    Fl_x.cpp:1784: error: ‘color’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1784: error: ‘to_color’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1785: error: ‘fl_background’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp:1790: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1791: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1808: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1811: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1814: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1817: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ has not been declared
    Fl_x.cpp:1829: error: ‘Fl_Style’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl.cpp:129: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:129: error: ‘Fl_Timeout_Handler’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: In function ‘void add_timeout(float, int, void*)’:
    Fl.cpp:132: error: ‘repeat_timeout’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl.cpp:136: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:136: error: ‘Fl_Timeout_Handler’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: In function ‘void repeat_timeout(float, int, void*)’:
    Fl.cpp:143: error: invalid conversion from ‘int’ to ‘void (*)(void*)’
    Fl.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl.cpp:153: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:153: error: ‘Fl_Timeout_Handler’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:153: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
    Fl.cpp:153: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
    Fl.cpp:154: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl.cpp:161: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:161: error: variable or field ‘remove_timeout’ declared void
    Fl.cpp:161: error: ‘Fl_Timeout_Handler’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:161: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
    Fl.cpp:161: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
    Fl.cpp:162: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl.cpp:198: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:198: error: variable or field ‘add_check’ declared void
    Fl.cpp:198: error: ‘Fl_Timeout_Handler’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:198: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
    Fl.cpp:198: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
    Fl.cpp:199: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl.cpp:211: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:211: error: variable or field ‘remove_check’ declared void
    Fl.cpp:211: error: ‘Fl_Timeout_Handler’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:211: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
    Fl.cpp:211: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
    Fl.cpp:212: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl.cpp:234: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:240: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: In function ‘int run()’:
    Fl.cpp:242: error: ‘first_window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:242: error: no matching function for call to ‘wait::wait(float)’
    /usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h:68: note: candidates are: wait::wait()
    /usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h:68: note:                 wait::wait(const wait&)
    Fl.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl.cpp:251: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: In function ‘int wait()’:
    Fl.cpp:251: error: too many arguments to function ‘int wait()’
    Fl.cpp:253: error: at this point in file
    Fl.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl.cpp:257: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: In function ‘int wait(float)’:
    Fl.cpp:312: error: ‘flush’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:314: error: ‘flush’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl.cpp:319: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:325: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:344: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Fl.cpp:346: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Fl.cpp:367: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Fl.cpp:379: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Fl.cpp:391: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:391: error: variable or field ‘first_window’ declared void
    Fl.cpp:391: error: ‘Fl_Window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:391: error: ‘window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:392: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl.cpp:398: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: In function ‘void redraw()’:
    Fl.cpp:400: error: ‘Fl_X’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:400: error: ‘x’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:400: error: ‘Fl_X’ is not a class or namespace
    Fl.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl.cpp:404: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: In function ‘void flush()’:
    Fl.cpp:406: error: ‘damage’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:409: error: ‘Fl_X’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:409: error: ‘x’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:409: error: ‘Fl_X’ is not a class or namespace
    Fl.cpp:412: error: ‘Fl_Window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:412: error: ‘window’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:423: error: ‘XDestroyRegion’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:429: error: ‘fl_display’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:429: error: ‘XFlush’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl.cpp:438: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:446: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:446: error: variable or field ‘focus’ declared void
    Fl.cpp:446: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:446: error: ‘o’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:447: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl.cpp:461: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:461: error: variable or field ‘belowmouse’ declared void
    Fl.cpp:461: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:461: error: ‘o’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:462: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl.cpp:473: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:473: error: variable or field ‘pushed’ declared void
    Fl.cpp:473: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:473: error: ‘o’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:474: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl.cpp: In function ‘void fl_fix_focus()’:
    Fl.cpp:485: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:485: error: ‘w’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:485: error: ‘xfocus’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:487: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:487: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:487: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:491: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:492: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:496: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl.cpp:508: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: In function ‘void throw_focus()’:
    Fl.cpp:510: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:510: error: ‘contains’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:510: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:512: error: ‘fl_selection_requestor’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:512: error: ‘contains’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:514: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:514: error: ‘contains’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:514: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:514: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:515: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
    Fl.cpp:515: error: ‘xmousewin’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:515: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:516: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:516: error: ‘contains’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:516: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:517: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
    Fl.cpp:517: error: ‘xfocus’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:518: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
    Fl.cpp:518: error: ‘Fl_Tooltip’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:518: error: ‘Fl_Tooltip’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:519: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
    Fl.cpp:519: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:519: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:519: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl.cpp:525: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:525: error: variable or field ‘modal’ declared void
    Fl.cpp:525: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:525: error: ‘widget’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:525: error: expected primary-expression before ‘bool’
    Fl.cpp:525: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
    Fl.cpp:526: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    Fl.cpp:641: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:652: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:652: error: ‘Fl_Window’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp: In function ‘bool handle(int, int*)’:
    Fl.cpp:657: error: ‘Fl_Widget’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:657: error: ‘to’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:662: error: ‘FL_PUSH’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:663: error: ‘pushed’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:663: error: ‘pushed’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:668: error: ‘FL_ENTER’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:673: error: ‘belowmouse’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:674: error: ‘FL_MOVE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:676: error: ‘pushed’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:677: error: ‘pushed_’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:678: error: ‘Fl_Tooltip’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:679: error: ‘FL_DRAG’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:683: error: ‘pbm’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:683: error: ‘belowmouse’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:684: error: ‘modal_’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:686: error: ‘belowmouse’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:687: error: ‘belowmouse’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:687: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:690: error: ‘Fl_Tooltip’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:690: error: ‘belowmouse’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:696: error: ‘FL_LEAVE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:697: error: ‘pushed_’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:698: error: ‘belowmouse’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:699: error: ‘Fl_Tooltip’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:703: error: ‘FL_RELEASE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:704: error: ‘pushed’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:705: error: ‘FL_BUTTONS’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:705: error: ‘event_state’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:705: error: ‘pushed_’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:708: error: ‘FL_DND_ENTER’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:709: error: ‘FL_DND_DRAG’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:713: error: ‘FL_DND_LEAVE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:715: error: ‘belowmouse’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:719: error: ‘FL_DND_RELEASE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:720: error: ‘belowmouse’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:723: error: ‘FL_KEY’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:724: error: ‘Fl_Tooltip’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:725: error: ‘xfocus’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:727: error: ‘focus’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:728: error: ‘modal_’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:734: error: ‘FL_SHORTCUT’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:736: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:738: error: ‘Fl’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:739: error: ‘FL_SHORTCUT’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:749: error: ‘modal_’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:760: error: ‘FL_RELEASE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:760: error: ‘pushed_’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:763: error: ‘xmousewin’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:763: error: ‘FL_MOVE’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl.cpp:764: error: ‘belowmouse’ cannot be used as a function
    Fl.cpp:766: error: ‘Fl_Tooltip’ has not been declared
    Fl.cpp:766: error: ‘belowmouse_’ was not declared in this scope
    Fl_x.cpp: At global scope:
    Fl_x.cpp:535: warning: ‘reload_info’ defined but not used
    Fl.cpp:196: warning: ‘free_check’ defined but not used
    make[2]: *** [Fl.shared.o] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/all/Desktop/New Folder 1/ede/efltk/src/core'
    make[1]: *** [shared] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/all/Desktop/New Folder 1/ede/efltk/src'
    make: *** [all] Error 2

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