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    včera 18:00 | IT novinky

    DuckDuckGo AI Chat umožňuje "pokecat si" s GPT-3.5 Turbo od OpenAI nebo Claude 1.2 Instant od Anthropic. Bez vytváření účtu. Všechny chaty jsou soukromé. DuckDuckGo je neukládá ani nepoužívá k trénování modelů umělé inteligence.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 1
    včera 14:22 | IT novinky

    VASA-1, výzkumný projekt Microsoftu. Na vstupu stačí jediná fotka a zvukový záznam. Na výstupu je dokonalá mluvící nebo zpívající hlava. Prý si technologii nechá jenom pro sebe. Žádné demo, API nebo placená služba. Zatím.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 3
    včera 04:44 | Nová verze

    Nová čísla časopisů od nakladatelství Raspberry Pi: MagPi 140 (pdf) a HackSpace 77 (pdf).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 01:00 | Nová verze

    ESPHome, tj. open source systém umožňující nastavovat zařízení s čipy ESP (i dalšími) pomocí konfiguračních souborů a připojit je do domácí automatizace, například do Home Assistantu, byl vydán ve verzi 2024.4.0.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    18.4. 22:11 | IT novinky Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    18.4. 20:55 | Nová verze

    Neziskové průmyslové konsorcium Khronos Group vydalo verzi 1.1 specifikace OpenXR (Wikipedie), tj. standardu specifikujícího přístup k platformám a zařízením pro XR, tj. platformám a zařízením pro AR (rozšířenou realitu) a VR (virtuální realitu). Do základu se z rozšíření dostalo XR_EXT_local_floor. Společnost Collabora implementuje novou verzi specifikace do platformy Monado, tj. open source implementace OpenXR.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    18.4. 17:22 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 0.38.0 multimediálního přehrávače mpv (Wikipedie) vycházejícího z přehrávačů MPlayer a mplayer2. Přehled novinek, změn a oprav na GitHubu. Požadován je FFmpeg 4.4 nebo novější a také libplacebo 6.338.2 nebo novější.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 13
    18.4. 17:11 | Nová verze

    ClamAV (Wikipedie), tj. multiplatformní antivirový engine s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem pro detekci trojských koní, virů, malwaru a dalších škodlivých hrozeb, byl vydán ve verzích 1.3.1, 1.2.3 a 1.0.6. Ve verzi 1.3.1 je mimo jiné řešena bezpečnostní chyba CVE-2024-20380.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    18.4. 12:11 | IT novinky

    Digitální a informační agentura (DIA) oznámila (PDF, X a Facebook), že mobilní aplikace Portál občana je ode dneška oficiálně venku.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 10
    18.4. 05:11 | Komunita

    #HACKUJBRNO 2024, byly zveřejněny výsledky a výstupy hackathonu města Brna nad otevřenými městskými daty, který se konal 13. a 14. dubna 2024.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    KDE Plasma 6
    Celkem 566 hlasů
     Komentářů: 4, poslední 6.4. 15:51

    Administrace komentářů

    Jste na stránce určené pro řešení chyb a problémů týkajících se diskusí a komentářů. Můžete zde našim administrátorům reportovat špatně zařazenou či duplicitní diskusi, vulgární či osočující příspěvek a podobně. Děkujeme vám za vaši pomoc, více očí více vidí, společně můžeme udržet vysokou kvalitu

    19.7.2009 23:09 so3vil
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše portsentry pouze loguje
    Dobry den, nastavil jsem si PortSentry (
    ale nefunguje mi hodnota v /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf
    KILL_RUN_CMD="/./mujskriptik $TARGET$ $PORT$"

    dobre mi to uklada zpravy o scanovani defaultne do /var/log/messages kde mi to pise napriklad

    attackalert: Host: xx.xx.xx.xx/xx.xx.xx.xx is already blocked Ignoring

    ale do /etc/hosts.deny to nic nezapise a "mujskriptik" to taky nespusti. pouzivam fedoru 9.
    tady je portsentry.conf:
    # PortSentry Configuration # # $Id: portsentry.conf,v 1.23 2001/06/26 15:20:56 crowland Exp crowland $ # # IMPORTANT NOTE: You CAN NOT put spaces between your port arguments. # # The default ports will catch a large number of common probes # # All entries must be in quotes. ####################### # Port Configurations # ####################### # # # Some example port configs for classic and basic Stealth modes # # I like to always keep some ports at the "low" end of the spectrum. # This will detect a sequential port sweep really quickly and usually # these ports are not in use (i.e. tcpmux port 1) # # ** X-Windows Users **: If you are running X on your box, you need to be sure # you are not binding PortSentry to port 6000 (or port 2000 for OpenWindows users). # Doing so will prevent the X-client from starting properly. # # These port bindings are *ignored* for Advanced Stealth Scan Detection Mode. # # Un-comment these if you are really anal: #TCP_PORTS="1,7,9,11,15,70,79,80,109,110,111,119,138,139,143,512,513,514,515,540,635,1080,1524,2000,2001,4000,4001,5742,6000,6001,6667,12345,12346,20034,27665,30303,32771,32772,32773,32774,31337,40421,40425,49724,54320" #UDP_PORTS="1,7,9,66,67,68,69,111,137,138,161,162,474,513,517,518,635,640,641,666,700,2049,31335,27444,34555,32770,32771,32772,32773,32774,31337,54321" # # Use these if you just want to be aware: TCP_PORTS="1,11,15,79,111,119,143,540,635,1080,1524,2000,5742,6667,12345,12346,20034,27665,31337,32771,32772,32773,32774,40421,49724,54320" UDP_PORTS="1,7,9,69,161,162,513,635,640,641,700,37444,34555,31335,32770,32771,32772,32773,32774,31337,54321" # # Use these for just bare-bones #TCP_PORTS="1,11,15,110,111,143,540,635,1080,1524,2000,12345,12346,20034,32771,32772,32773,32774,49724,54320" #UDP_PORTS="1,7,9,69,161,162,513,640,700,32770,32771,32772,32773,32774,31337,54321" ########################################### # Advanced Stealth Scan Detection Options # ########################################### # # This is the number of ports you want PortSentry to monitor in Advanced mode. # Any port *below* this number will be monitored. Right now it watches # everything below 1024. # # On many Linux systems you cannot bind above port 61000. This is because # these ports are used as part of IP masquerading. I don't recommend you # bind over this number of ports. Realistically: I DON'T RECOMMEND YOU MONITOR # OVER 1024 PORTS AS YOUR FALSE ALARM RATE WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY RISE. You've been # warned! Don't write me if you have have a problem because I'll only tell # you to RTFM and don't run above the first 1024 ports. # # ADVANCED_PORTS_TCP="1024" ADVANCED_PORTS_UDP="1024" # # This field tells PortSentry what ports (besides listening daemons) to # ignore. This is helpful for services like ident that services such # as FTP, SMTP, and wrappers look for but you may not run (and probably # *shouldn't* IMHO). # # By specifying ports here PortSentry will simply not respond to # incoming requests, in effect PortSentry treats them as if they are # actual bound daemons. The default ports are ones reported as # problematic false alarms and should probably be left alone for # all but the most isolated systems/networks. # # Default TCP ident and NetBIOS service ADVANCED_EXCLUDE_TCP="21,22,25,53,80,110,113,135,137,138,139,443" # Default UDP route (RIP), NetBIOS, bootp broadcasts. ADVANCED_EXCLUDE_UDP="520,517,518,513,138,137,123,68,67,53" ###################### # Configuration Files# ###################### # # Hosts to ignore IGNORE_FILE="/etc/portsentry/portsentry.ignore" # Hosts that have been denied (running history) HISTORY_FILE="/etc/portsentry/portsentry.history" # Hosts that have been denied this session only (temporary until next restart) BLOCKED_FILE="/etc/portsentry/portsentry.blocked" ############################## # Misc. Configuration Options# ############################## # # DNS Name resolution - Setting this to "1" will turn on DNS lookups # for attacking hosts. Setting it to "0" (or any other value) will shut # it off. RESOLVE_HOST = "1" ################### # Response Options# ################### # Options to dispose of attacker. Each is an action that will # be run if an attack is detected. If you don't want a particular # option then comment it out and it will be skipped. # # The variable $TARGET$ will be substituted with the target attacking # host when an attack is detected. The variable $PORT$ will be substituted # with the port that was scanned. # ################## # Ignore Options # ################## # These options allow you to enable automatic response # options for UDP/TCP. This is useful if you just want # warnings for connections, but don't want to react for # a particular protocol (i.e. you want to block TCP, but # not UDP). To prevent a possible Denial of service attack # against UDP and stealth scan detection for TCP, you may # want to disable blocking, but leave the warning enabled. # I personally would wait for this to become a problem before # doing though as most attackers really aren't doing this. # The third option allows you to run just the external command # in case of a scan to have a pager script or such execute # but not drop the route. This may be useful for some admins # who want to block TCP, but only want pager/e-mail warnings # on UDP, etc. # # # 0 = Do not block UDP/TCP scans. # 1 = Block UDP/TCP scans. # 2 = Run external command only (KILL_RUN_CMD) BLOCK_UDP="0" BLOCK_TCP="0" ################### # Dropping Routes:# ################### # This command is used to drop the route or add the host into # a local filter table. # # The gateway (333.444.555.666) should ideally be a dead host on # the *local* subnet. On some hosts you can also point this at # localhost ( and get the same effect. NOTE THAT # 333.444.555.66 WILL *NOT* WORK. YOU NEED TO CHANGE IT!! # # ALL KILL ROUTE OPTIONS ARE COMMENTED OUT INITIALLY. Make sure you # uncomment the correct line for your OS. If you OS is not listed # here and you have a route drop command that works then please # mail it to me so I can include it. ONLY ONE KILL_ROUTE OPTION # CAN BE USED AT A TIME SO DON'T UNCOMMENT MULTIPLE LINES. # # NOTE: The route commands are the least optimal way of blocking # and do not provide complete protection against UDP attacks and # will still generate alarms for both UDP and stealth scans. I # always recommend you use a packet filter because they are made # for this purpose. # # Generic #KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/route add $TARGET$ 333.444.555.666" # Generic Linux #KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/route add -host $TARGET$ gw 333.444.555.666" # Newer versions of Linux support the reject flag now. This # is cleaner than the above option. #KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/route add -host $TARGET$ reject" # Generic BSD (BSDI, OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD) #KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/route add $TARGET$ 333.444.555.666" # Generic Sun #KILL_ROUTE="/usr/sbin/route add $TARGET$ 333.444.555.666 1" # NEXTSTEP #KILL_ROUTE="/usr/etc/route add $TARGET$ 1" # FreeBSD #KILL_ROUTE="route add -net $TARGET$ -netmask -blackhole" # Digital UNIX 4.0D (OSF/1 / Compaq Tru64 UNIX) #KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/route add -host -blackhole $TARGET$" # Generic HP-UX #KILL_ROUTE="/usr/sbin/route add net $TARGET$ netmask" ## # Using a packet filter is the PREFERRED. The below lines # work well on many OS's. Remember, you can only uncomment *one* # KILL_ROUTE option. ## # ipfwadm support for Linux #KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipfwadm -I -i deny -S $TARGET$ -o" # # ipfwadm support for Linux (no logging of denied packets) #KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipfwadm -I -i deny -S $TARGET$" # # ipchain support for Linux #KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipchains -I input -s $TARGET$ -j DENY -l" # # ipchain support for Linux (no logging of denied packets) #KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipchains -I input -s $TARGET$ -j DENY" # # iptables support for Linux #KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s $TARGET$ -j DROP" # For those of you running FreeBSD (and compatible) you can # use their built in firewalling as well. # #KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipfw add 1 deny all from $TARGET$: to any" # # # For those running ipfilt (OpenBSD, etc.) # NOTE THAT YOU NEED TO CHANGE external_interface TO A VALID INTERFACE!! # #KILL_ROUTE="/bin/echo 'block in log on external_interface from $TARGET$/32 to any' | /sbin/ipf -f -" ############### # TCP Wrappers# ############### # This text will be dropped into the hosts.deny file for wrappers # to use. There are two formats for TCP wrappers: # # Format One: Old Style - The default when extended host processing # options are not enabled. # #KILL_HOSTS_DENY="ALL: $TARGET$" # Format Two: New Style - The format used when extended option # processing is enabled. You can drop in extended processing # options, but be sure you escape all '%' symbols with a backslash # to prevent problems writing out (i.e. \%c \%h ) # KILL_HOSTS_DENY="ALL: $TARGET$ : DENY" ################### # External Command# ################### # This is a command that is run when a host connects, it can be whatever # you want it to be (pager, etc.). This command is executed before the # route is dropped or after depending on the KILL_RUN_CMD_FIRST option below # # # I NEVER RECOMMEND YOU PUT IN RETALIATORY ACTIONS AGAINST THE HOST SCANNING # YOU! # # TCP/IP is an *unauthenticated protocol* and people can make scans appear out # of thin air. The only time it is reasonably safe (and I *never* think it is # reasonable) to run reverse probe scripts is when using the "classic" -tcp mode. # This mode requires a full connect and is very hard to spoof. # # The KILL_RUN_CMD_FIRST value should be set to "1" to force the command # to run *before* the blocking occurs and should be set to "0" to make the # command run *after* the blocking has occurred. # #KILL_RUN_CMD_FIRST = "0" # # #KILL_RUN_CMD="/some/path/here/script $TARGET$ $PORT$" #KILL_RUN_CMD="/bin/mail -s 'Portscan from $TARGET$ on port $PORT$' user@host < /dev/null" KILL_RUN_CMD="/./mujskriptik $TARGET$ $PORT$" ##################### # Scan trigger value# ##################### # Enter in the number of port connects you will allow before an # alarm is given. The default is 0 which will react immediately. # A value of 1 or 2 will reduce false alarms. Anything higher is # probably not necessary. This value must always be specified, but # generally can be left at 0. # # NOTE: If you are using the advanced detection option you need to # be careful that you don't make a hair trigger situation. Because # Advanced mode will react for *any* host connecting to a non-used # below your specified range, you have the opportunity to really # break things. (i.e someone innocently tries to connect to you via # SSL [TCP port 443] and you immediately block them). Some of you # may even want this though. Just be careful. # SCAN_TRIGGER="0" ###################### # Port Banner Section# ###################### # # Enter text in here you want displayed to a person tripping the PortSentry. # I *don't* recommend taunting the person as this will aggravate them. # Leave this commented out to disable the feature # # Stealth scan detection modes don't use this feature # #PORT_BANNER="** UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS PROHIBITED *** YOUR CONNECTION ATTEMPT HAS BEEN LOGGED. GO AWAY." # EOF
    Kdyby ste mi poradily tak bych byl moc rad :-)

    V tomto formuláři můžete formulovat svou stížnost ohledně příspěvku. Nejprve vyberte typ akce, kterou navrhujete provést s diskusí či příspěvkem. Potom do textového pole napište důvody, proč by měli admini provést vaši žádost, problém nemusí být patrný na první pohled. Odkaz na příspěvek bude přidán automaticky.

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