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    včera 17:11 | Nová verze

    Byl vydán Nextcloud Hub 8. Představení novinek tohoto open source cloudového řešení také na YouTube. Vypíchnout lze Nextcloud AI Assistant 2.0.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    včera 13:33 | Nová verze

    Vyšlo Pharo 12.0, programovací jazyk a vývojové prostředí s řadou pokročilých vlastností. Krom tradiční nadílky oprav přináší nový systém správy ladících bodů, nový způsob definice tříd, prostor pro objekty, které nemusí procházet GC a mnoho dalšího.

    Pavel Křivánek | Komentářů: 6
    včera 04:55 | Zajímavý software

    Microsoft zveřejnil na GitHubu zdrojové kódy MS-DOSu 4.0 pod licencí MIT. Ve stejném repozitáři se nacházejí i před lety zveřejněné zdrojové k kódy MS-DOSu 1.25 a 2.0.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 33
    25.4. 17:33 | Nová verze

    Canonical vydal (email, blog, YouTube) Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Noble Numbat. Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání a také příspěvcích na blogu: novinky v desktopu a novinky v bezpečnosti. Vydány byly také oficiální deriváty Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Budgie, Ubuntu Cinnamon, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu Unity a Xubuntu. Jedná se o 10. LTS verzi.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 13
    25.4. 14:22 | Komunita

    Na YouTube je k dispozici videozáznam z včerejšího Czech Open Source Policy Forum 2024.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 3
    25.4. 13:22 | Nová verze

    Fossil (Wikipedie) byl vydán ve verzi 2.24. Jedná se o distribuovaný systém správy verzí propojený se správou chyb, wiki stránek a blogů s integrovaným webovým rozhraním. Vše běží z jednoho jediného spustitelného souboru a uloženo je v SQLite databázi.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.4. 12:44 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová stabilní verze 6.7 webového prohlížeče Vivaldi (Wikipedie). Postavena je na Chromiu 124. Přehled novinek i s náhledy v příspěvku na blogu. Vypíchnout lze Spořič paměti (Memory Saver) automaticky hibernující karty, které nebyly nějakou dobu používány nebo vylepšené Odběry (Feed Reader).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.4. 04:55 | Nová verze

    OpenJS Foundation, oficiální projekt konsorcia Linux Foundation, oznámila vydání verze 22 otevřeného multiplatformního prostředí pro vývoj a běh síťových aplikací napsaných v JavaScriptu Node.js (Wikipedie). V říjnu se verze 22 stane novou aktivní LTS verzí. Podpora je plánována do dubna 2027.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.4. 04:22 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána verze 8.2 open source virtualizační platformy Proxmox VE (Proxmox Virtual Environment, Wikipedie) založené na Debianu. Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání a v informačním videu. Zdůrazněn je průvodce migrací hostů z VMware ESXi do Proxmoxu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.4. 04:11 | Nová verze

    R (Wikipedie), programovací jazyk a prostředí určené pro statistickou analýzu dat a jejich grafické zobrazení, bylo vydáno ve verzi 4.4.0. Její kódové jméno je Puppy Cup.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    KDE Plasma 6
    Celkem 812 hlasů
     Komentářů: 4, poslední 6.4. 15:51

    Dotaz: Jak se dostat dál s kompilací TrueCryptu?

    21.12.2008 16:48 zdenek2008 | skóre: 26
    Jak se dostat dál s kompilací TrueCryptu?
    Přečteno: 762×
    Na Fedoře 8 bych si chtěl nainstalovat TrueCrypt, který si musím ale nejdříve sám zkompilovat. Bohužel dostávám takováhle hlášení:
    [xx@pc truecrypt-6.1a-source]$ make
    Compiling Keyfile.cpp
    Compiling Pkcs5Kdf.cpp
    Compiling Volume.cpp
    Compiling VolumeException.cpp
    Compiling VolumeHeader.cpp
    Compiling VolumeInfo.cpp
    Compiling VolumeLayout.cpp
    Compiling VolumePassword.cpp
    Compiling VolumePasswordCache.cpp
    Compiling Aescrypt.c
    Compiling Aeskey.c
    Compiling Aestab.c
    Compiling Blowfish.c
    Compiling Cast.c
    Compiling Des.c
    Compiling Rmd160.c
    Compiling Serpent.c
    Compiling Sha1.c
    Compiling Sha2.c
    Compiling Twofish.c
    Compiling Whirlpool.c
    Compiling Crc.c
    Compiling Endian.c
    Compiling GfMul.c
    Compiling Pkcs5.c
    Compiling SecurityToken.cpp
    Updating library Volume.a
    Package fuse was not found in the pkg-config search path.
    Perhaps you should add the directory containing `fuse.pc'
    to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
    No package 'fuse' found
    Package fuse was not found in the pkg-config search path.
    Perhaps you should add the directory containing `fuse.pc'
    to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
    No package 'fuse' found
    Compiling FuseService.cpp
    FuseService.cpp:12:18: warning: fuse.h: No such file or directory
    FuseService.cpp: In function ‘int TrueCrypt::fuse_service_open(const char*, TrueCrypt::fuse_file_info*)’:
    FuseService.cpp:172: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct TrueCrypt::fuse_file_info’
    FuseService.cpp:142: error: forward declaration of ‘struct TrueCrypt::fuse_file_info’
    FuseService.cpp: At global scope:
    FuseService.cpp:251: error: ‘fuse_fill_dir_t’ has not been declared
    FuseService.cpp: In function ‘int TrueCrypt::fuse_service_readdir(const char*, void*, int, off_t, TrueCrypt::fuse_file_info*)’:
    FuseService.cpp:261: error: ‘filler’ cannot be used as a function
    FuseService.cpp:262: error: ‘filler’ cannot be used as a function
    FuseService.cpp:263: error: ‘filler’ cannot be used as a function
    FuseService.cpp:264: error: ‘filler’ cannot be used as a function
    FuseService.cpp: In static member function ‘static bool TrueCrypt::FuseService::CheckAccessRights()’:
    FuseService.cpp:317: error: ‘fuse_get_context’ was not declared in this scope
    FuseService.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::FuseService::ExecFunctor::operator()(int, char**)’:
    FuseService.cpp:540: error: ‘fuse_operations’ does not name a type
    FuseService.cpp:542: error: ‘fuse_service_oper’ was not declared in this scope
    FuseService.cpp:582: error: ‘fuse_main’ was not declared in this scope
    make[1]: *** [FuseService.o] Error 1
    make: *** [all] Error 2
    [xx@pc truecrypt-6.1a-source]$
    Podle Kpackage je FUSE naistalovaný, tak nevím...


    21.12.2008 17:02 Peter Golis | skóre: 64 | blog: Bežné záležitosti | Bratislava
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Jak se dostat dál s kompilací TrueCryptu?

    Package fuse was not found in the pkg-config search path.
    Perhaps you should add the directory containing `fuse.pc'
    to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
    No package 'fuse' found


    21.12.2008 17:33 zdenek2008 | skóre: 26
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Jak se dostat dál s kompilací TrueCryptu?
    Doinstaloval jsem fuse-devel a libconfuse. Teď to vypadá jinak:
    [zm@localhost truecrypt-6.1a-source]$ make
    Compiling FuseService.cpp
    Updating library Driver.a
    Compiling CoreBase.cpp
    Compiling CoreException.cpp
    Compiling FatFormatter.cpp
    Compiling HostDevice.cpp
    Compiling MountOptions.cpp
    Compiling RandomNumberGenerator.cpp
    Compiling VolumeCreator.cpp
    Compiling CoreService.cpp
    Compiling CoreServiceRequest.cpp
    Compiling CoreServiceResponse.cpp
    Compiling CoreUnix.cpp
    Compiling CoreLinux.cpp
    Updating library Core.a
    make[1]: wx-config: Command not found
    make[1]: wx-config: Command not found
    Precompiling SystemPrecompiled.h
    SystemPrecompiled.h:9:19: warning: wx/wx.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:10:25: warning: wx/filename.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:11:24: warning: wx/mstream.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:12:25: warning: wx/snglinst.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:13:24: warning: wx/txtstrm.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:14:25: warning: wx/wfstream.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:17:20: warning: wx/dnd.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:18:26: warning: wx/hyperlink.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:19:25: warning: wx/listctrl.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:20:25: warning: wx/imaglist.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:21:22: warning: wx/power.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:22:24: warning: wx/taskbar.h: No such file or directory
    SystemPrecompiled.h:23:23: warning: wx/valgen.h: No such file or directory
    make[1]: wx-config: Command not found
    make[1]: wx-config: Command not found
    Compiling Application.cpp
    Application.cpp:10:25: warning: wx/stdpaths.h: No such file or directory
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:28: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:28: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:29: error: ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(TrueCrypt::int32)’ cannot be overloaded
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:28: error: with ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(int)’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:34: error: expected type-specifier before ‘wxString’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:42: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(char)’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:22: error: ‘StringArg’ was not declared in this scope
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(wchar_t)’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:23: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg’ does not have any field named ‘StringArg’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(const char*)’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:24: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg’ does not have any field named ‘StringArg’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(const wchar_t*)’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:25: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg’ does not have any field named ‘StringArg’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(const std::string&)’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:26: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg’ does not have any field named ‘StringArg’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(const std::wstring&)’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:27: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg’ does not have any field named ‘StringArg’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(int)’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:28: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg’ does not have any field named ‘StringArg’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:28: error: ‘str’ was not declared in this scope
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(TrueCrypt::int32)’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:29: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg’ does not have any field named ‘StringArg’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(TrueCrypt::uint32)’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:30: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg’ does not have any field named ‘StringArg’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(TrueCrypt::int64)’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:31: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg’ does not have any field named ‘StringArg’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg::StringFormatterArg(TrueCrypt::uint64)’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:32: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg’ does not have any field named ‘StringArg’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: At global scope:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:48: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:48: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:52: error: expected type-specifier before ‘wxString’
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:56: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In member function ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatter::operator std::wstring() const’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:51: error: ‘FormattedString’ was not declared in this scope
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h: In member function ‘TrueCrypt::StringFormatter::operator TrueCrypt::StringFormatterArg() const’:
    /home/zm/instalace/truecrypt-6.1a-source/Main/StringFormatter.h:53: error: ‘FormattedString’ was not declared in this scope
    Hotkey.h: At global scope:
    Hotkey.h:37: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    Hotkey.h:37: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    Hotkey.h:43: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    Hotkey.h:44: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    Hotkey.h:46: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    Hotkey.h:48: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    Hotkey.h:50: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    Hotkey.h:57: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    Hotkey.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::Hotkey::Hotkey(int, const std::wstring&, int)’:
    Hotkey.h:38: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::Hotkey’ does not have any field named ‘Description’
    Hotkey.h:38: error: ‘description’ was not declared in this scope
    Hotkey.h:38: error: ‘virtualKeyCode’ was not declared in this scope
    Hotkey.h:38: error: ‘virtualKeyModifiers’ was not declared in this scope
    UserPreferences.h: At global scope:
    UserPreferences.h:92: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    UserPreferences.h:93: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    UserPreferences.h:94: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserPreferences.h:94: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserPreferences.h:95: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserPreferences.h:95: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserPreferences.h:95: error: ‘void TrueCrypt::UserPreferences::SetValue(int)’ cannot be overloaded
    UserPreferences.h:94: error: with ‘void TrueCrypt::UserPreferences::SetValue(int)’
    UserPreferences.h:96: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserPreferences.h:96: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserPreferences.h:96: error: ‘void TrueCrypt::UserPreferences::SetValue(int)’ cannot be overloaded
    UserPreferences.h:94: error: with ‘void TrueCrypt::UserPreferences::SetValue(int)’
    UserPreferences.h:97: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserPreferences.h:97: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserPreferences.h:97: error: ‘void TrueCrypt::UserPreferences::SetValue(int)’ cannot be overloaded
    UserPreferences.h:94: error: with ‘void TrueCrypt::UserPreferences::SetValue(int)’
    UserPreferences.h:98: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserPreferences.h:98: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserPreferences.h:98: error: ‘void TrueCrypt::UserPreferences::SetValue(int)’ cannot be overloaded
    UserPreferences.h:94: error: with ‘void TrueCrypt::UserPreferences::SetValue(int)’
    UserPreferences.h:99: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserPreferences.h:99: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserPreferences.h:99: error: ‘void TrueCrypt::UserPreferences::SetValue(int)’ cannot be overloaded
    UserPreferences.h:94: error: with ‘void TrueCrypt::UserPreferences::SetValue(int)’
    CommandLineInterface.h:51: error: expected `)' before ‘&’ token
    CommandLineInterface.h:80: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    CommandLineInterface.h:80: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    CommandLineInterface.h:81: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    CommandLineInterface.h:81: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    FavoriteVolume.h:36: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    LanguageStrings.h:23: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    LanguageStrings.h:23: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘operator’
    UserInterfaceException.h:23: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserInterfaceException.h:23: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserInterfaceException.h:27: error: expected type-specifier before ‘wxString’
    UserInterfaceException.h:30: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    UserInterfaceException.h: In constructor ‘TrueCrypt::ErrorMessage::ErrorMessage(const std::string&, int)’:
    UserInterfaceException.h:23: error: class ‘TrueCrypt::ErrorMessage’ does not have any field named ‘Text’
    UserInterfaceException.h:23: error: ‘errorMessage’ was not declared in this scope
    UserInterfaceException.h: In member function ‘TrueCrypt::ErrorMessage::operator std::wstring() const’:
    UserInterfaceException.h:26: error: ‘Text’ was not declared in this scope
    UserInterface.h: At global scope:
    UserInterface.h:25: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
    UserInterface.h:29: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserInterface.h:29: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserInterface.h:42: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserInterface.h:42: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserInterface.h:43: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserInterface.h:43: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserInterface.h:44: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserInterface.h:44: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserInterface.h:45: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserInterface.h:45: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserInterface.h:47: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    UserInterface.h:63: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserInterface.h:63: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserInterface.h:66: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserInterface.h:66: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserInterface.h:69: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserInterface.h:69: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserInterface.h:70: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    UserInterface.h:70: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    UserInterface.h:71: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    UserInterface.h:72: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    UserInterface.h:74: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    UserInterface.h:77: error: ‘wxDateTime’ does not name a type
    UserInterface.h:78: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    UserInterface.h:79: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    UserInterface.h:98: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    UserInterface.h:99: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    UserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::UserInterface::ShowError(const char*) const’:
    UserInterface.h:62: error: no match for ‘operator[]’ in ‘TrueCrypt::LangString[langStringId]’
    UserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::UserInterface::ShowError(int) const’:
    UserInterface.h:63: error: ‘message’ was not declared in this scope
    UserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::UserInterface::ShowInfo(const std::exception&) const’:
    UserInterface.h:64: error: ‘ExceptionToMessage’ was not declared in this scope
    UserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::UserInterface::ShowInfo(const char*) const’:
    UserInterface.h:65: error: no match for ‘operator[]’ in ‘TrueCrypt::LangString[langStringId]’
    UserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::UserInterface::ShowInfo(int) const’:
    UserInterface.h:66: error: ‘message’ was not declared in this scope
    UserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::UserInterface::ShowWarning(const std::exception&) const’:
    UserInterface.h:67: error: ‘ExceptionToMessage’ was not declared in this scope
    UserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::UserInterface::ShowWarning(const char*) const’:
    UserInterface.h:68: error: no match for ‘operator[]’ in ‘TrueCrypt::LangString[langStringId]’
    UserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::UserInterface::ShowString(int) const’:
    UserInterface.h:69: error: ‘str’ was not declared in this scope
    UserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::UserInterface::ShowWarning(int) const’:
    UserInterface.h:70: error: ‘message’ was not declared in this scope
    Application.h: At global scope:
    Application.h:21: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxApp’ with no type
    Application.h:21: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    Application.h:22: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxApp’ with no type
    Application.h:22: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    Application.h:23: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    Application.h:23: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:25: error: ‘wxListCtrl’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:26: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxMenuItem’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:26: error: ‘wxMenuItem’ declared as a ‘virtual’ field
    GraphicUserInterface.h:26: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:27: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:27: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:31: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:33: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxHyperlinkCtrl’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:33: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:36: error: ‘wxListCtrl’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:38: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:38: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:39: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:39: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:40: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:40: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:41: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:41: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:43: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:44: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxTopLevelWindow’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:44: error: ‘wxTopLevelWindow’ declared as a ‘virtual’ field
    GraphicUserInterface.h:44: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:46: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:47: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:49: error: ‘wxFont’ does not name a type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:50: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:51: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxFrame’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:51: error: ‘wxFrame’ declared as a ‘virtual’ field
    GraphicUserInterface.h:51: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:52: error: expected `;' before ‘virtual’
    GraphicUserInterface.h:52: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:53: error: ‘wxListCtrl’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:54: error: ‘wxString’ does not name a type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:57: error: ‘wxListCtrl’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:59: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘*’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:59: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxWindow’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:63: error: ‘wxListCtrl’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:67: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:67: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:67: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxFileName’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:68: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:68: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:68: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:69: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:70: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:72: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:73: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:73: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:73: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:74: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:74: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:74: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:75: error: ‘wxWindow’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:76: error: ‘wxFrame’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:78: error: ‘wxListCtrl’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:79: error: ‘wxListCtrl’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:80: error: ‘wxListCtrl’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:82: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:82: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:84: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:84: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:86: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:86: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:87: error: ‘wxListCtrl’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:91: error: ‘wxControlWithItems’ was not declared in this scope
    GraphicUserInterface.h:91: error: ‘control’ was not declared in this scope
    GraphicUserInterface.h:91: error: expected `;' before ‘const’
    GraphicUserInterface.h:98: error: data member ‘GetSelectedData’ cannot be a member template
    GraphicUserInterface.h:101: error: ‘wxCloseEvent’ has not been declared
    GraphicUserInterface.h:107: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:107: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:110: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxFrame’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:110: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:115: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxFrame’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:115: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:116: error: ‘wxSingleInstanceChecker’ was not declared in this scope
    GraphicUserInterface.h:116: error: template argument 1 is invalid
    GraphicUserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::GraphicUserInterface::BeginBusyState() const’:
    GraphicUserInterface.h:30: error: ‘wxBeginBusyCursor’ was not declared in this scope
    GraphicUserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::GraphicUserInterface::EndBusyState() const’:
    GraphicUserInterface.h:42: error: ‘wxEndBusyCursor’ was not declared in this scope
    GraphicUserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::GraphicUserInterface::SetActiveFrame(int*)’:
    GraphicUserInterface.h:76: error: ‘ActiveFrame’ was not declared in this scope
    GraphicUserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::GraphicUserInterface::ShowErrorTopMost(char*) const’:
    GraphicUserInterface.h:81: error: no match for ‘operator[]’ in ‘TrueCrypt::LangString[langStringId]’
    GraphicUserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::GraphicUserInterface::ShowInfoTopMost(char*) const’:
    GraphicUserInterface.h:83: error: no match for ‘operator[]’ in ‘TrueCrypt::LangString[langStringId]’
    GraphicUserInterface.h: In member function ‘virtual void TrueCrypt::GraphicUserInterface::ShowWarningTopMost(char*) const’:
    GraphicUserInterface.h:85: error: no match for ‘operator[]’ in ‘TrueCrypt::LangString[langStringId]’
    GraphicUserInterface.h: At global scope:
    GraphicUserInterface.h:126: error: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h:136: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxWindow’ with no type
    GraphicUserInterface.h:136: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    GraphicUserInterface.h: In destructor ‘TrueCrypt::FreezeScope::~FreezeScope()’:
    GraphicUserInterface.h:133: error: ‘Window’ was not declared in this scope
    GraphicUserInterface.h: At global scope:
    GraphicUserInterface.h:139: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘(’ token
    TextUserInterface.h:24: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    TextUserInterface.h:24: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    TextUserInterface.h:25: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    TextUserInterface.h:25: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    TextUserInterface.h:26: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    TextUserInterface.h:26: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    TextUserInterface.h:28: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    TextUserInterface.h:28: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    TextUserInterface.h:29: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    TextUserInterface.h:29: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    TextUserInterface.h:30: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    TextUserInterface.h:30: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    TextUserInterface.h:37: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    TextUserInterface.h:37: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    TextUserInterface.h:38: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    TextUserInterface.h:38: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    TextUserInterface.h:39: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    TextUserInterface.h:39: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    TextUserInterface.h:40: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    TextUserInterface.h:40: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    TextUserInterface.h:61: error: ‘wxFFileInputStream’ was not declared in this scope
    TextUserInterface.h:61: error: template argument 1 is invalid
    TextUserInterface.h:62: error: ‘wxTextInputStream’ was not declared in this scope
    TextUserInterface.h:62: error: template argument 1 is invalid
    TextUserInterface.h:69: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
    Application.cpp:21: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Application.cpp:29: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
    Application.cpp:37: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
    Application.cpp:37: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxString’ with no type
    Application.cpp: In static member function ‘static TrueCrypt::FilePath TrueCrypt::Application::GetConfigFilePath(int)’:
    Application.cpp:39: error: ‘wxStandardPaths’ was not declared in this scope
    Application.cpp:39: error: expected `;' before ‘stdPaths’
    Application.cpp:49: error: ‘stdPaths’ was not declared in this scope
    Application.cpp:55: error: ‘createConfigDir’ was not declared in this scope
    Application.cpp:58: error: ‘configFileName’ was not declared in this scope
    Application.cpp:58: error: ‘wxFileName’ was not declared in this scope
    Application.cpp: In static member function ‘static TrueCrypt::DirectoryPath TrueCrypt::Application::GetExecutableDirectory()’:
    Application.cpp:64: error: ‘wxStandardPaths’ was not declared in this scope
    Application.cpp:64: error: ‘wxFileName’ was not declared in this scope
    Application.cpp: In static member function ‘static TrueCrypt::FilePath TrueCrypt::Application::GetExecutablePath()’:
    Application.cpp:69: error: ‘wxStandardPaths’ was not declared in this scope
    Application.cpp: In static member function ‘static void TrueCrypt::Application::Initialize(TrueCrypt::UserInterfaceType::Enum)’:
    Application.cpp:78: error: ‘wxAppInitializer’ was not declared in this scope
    Application.cpp:78: error: expected `;' before ‘wxTheAppInitializer’
    Application.cpp:85: error: ‘wxAppInitializer’ was not declared in this scope
    Application.cpp:85: error: expected `;' before ‘wxTheAppInitializer’
    make[1]: *** [Application.o] Error 1
    make: *** [all] Error 2
    [zm@localhost truecrypt-6.1a-source]$
    21.12.2008 18:03 Ladislav Hagara | skóre: 102 | blog: Ride the Raven
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Jak se dostat dál s kompilací TrueCryptu?
    21.12.2008 21:37 zdenek2008 | skóre: 26
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Jak se dostat dál s kompilací TrueCryptu?
    Díky, teď už to prošlo. Vytvořil se binární soubor ve složce zdrojáků. Asi bych měl nainstalovat kategorii Developer tools v Yum Extenderu, ale s tím se mi možná nainstaluje i hromada balíčků, které nikdy nepoužiju, ne? Ten binární soubor můžu přímo z té složky spustit a otevře se mi TrueCrypt. S ním si úspěšně vytvořím šifrovaný svazek, který pak neotevřu, protože mi program zahlásí "Failed to obtain administrator privileges: sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo". Tak jdu do souboru /etc/sudoers, ale ten vidím poprvé takže nevím co s ním. Možná bude lepší přemístit binární TrueCrypt do /bin nebo /sbin?
    21.12.2008 20:06 Petr Dvořáček
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Jak se dostat dál s kompilací TrueCryptu?

    mas nainstalovano libstdc++ ?


    PS: kterej blbec dal na tehle web tenhle blbej editor prispevku ?

    21.12.2008 21:47 zdenek2008 | skóre: 26
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Jak se dostat dál s kompilací TrueCryptu?
    Mám. Díky, už to funguje.

    P.S. Byl to takovej vyšší kudrnatej v kraťasech. Je to nějakej rozdíl než kdyby to byl ten malej plešatej s kšandama?
    21.12.2008 20:13 Dan Horák | skóre: 21
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Jak se dostat dál s kompilací TrueCryptu?

    Já bych radši zkusil použít už připravené balíčky z

    21.12.2008 21:38 zdenek2008 | skóre: 26
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Jak se dostat dál s kompilací TrueCryptu?
    O těch jsem bohužel nevěděl.

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