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Rozšířené hledání
    dnes 16:11 | Nová verze

    Bylo oznámeno (cs) vydání Fedora Linuxu 40. Přehled novinek ve Fedora Workstation 40 a Fedora KDE 40 na stránkách Fedora Magazinu. Současně byl oznámen notebook Slimbook Fedora 2.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 3
    dnes 13:44 | Upozornění

    ČTK (Česká tisková kancelář) upozorňuje (X), že na jejím zpravodajském webu České noviny byly dnes dopoledne neznámým útočníkem umístěny dva smyšlené texty, které nepocházejí z její produkce. Jde o text s titulkem „BIS zabránila pokusu o atentát na nově zvoleného slovenského prezidenta Petra Pelligriniho“ a o údajné mimořádné prohlášení ministra Lipavského k témuž. Tyto dezinformace byly útočníky zveřejněny i s příslušnými notifikacemi v mobilní aplikaci Českých novin. ČTK ve svém zpravodajském servisu žádnou informaci v tomto znění nevydala.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 10
    dnes 13:33 | Komunita

    Byla založena nadace Open Home Foundation zastřešující více než 240 projektů, standardů, ovladačů a knihoven (Home Assistant, ESPHome, Zigpy, Piper, Improv Wi-Fi, Wyoming, …) pro otevřenou chytrou domácnost s důrazem na soukromí, možnost výběru a udržitelnost.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    dnes 13:00 | Nová verze

    Společnost Meta otevírá svůj operační systém Meta Horizon OS pro headsety pro virtuální a rozšířenou realitu. Vedle Meta Quest se bude používat i v připravovaných headsetech od Asusu a Lenova.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    dnes 04:33 | IT novinky

    Společnost Espressif (ESP8266, ESP32, …) získala většinový podíl ve společnosti M5Stack, čímž posiluje ekosystém AIoT.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 23:44 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová stabilní verze 3.5 svobodného multiplatformního softwaru pro editování a nahrávání zvukových souborů Audacity (Wikipedie). Přehled novinek také na YouTube. Nově lze využívat cloud ( Ke stažení je oficiální AppImage. Zatím starší verze Audacity lze instalovat také z Flathubu a Snapcraftu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 16:44 | Zajímavý článek

    50 let operačního systému CP/M, článek na webu Computer History Museum věnovaný operačnímu systému CP/M. Gary Kildall z Digital Research jej vytvořil v roce 1974.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    včera 16:22 | Pozvánky

    Byl zveřejněn program a spuštěna registrace na letošní konferenci Prague PostgreSQL Developer Day, která se koná 4. a 5. června. Na programu jsou 4 workshopy a 8 přednášek na různá témata o PostgreSQL, od konfigurace a zálohování po využití pro AI a vector search. Stejně jako v předchozích letech se konference koná v prostorách FIT ČVUT v Praze.

    TomasVondra | Komentářů: 0
    včera 03:00 | IT novinky

    Po 48 letech Zilog končí s výrobou 8bitového mikroprocesoru Zilog Z80 (Z84C00 Z80). Mikroprocesor byl uveden na trh v červenci 1976. Poslední objednávky jsou přijímány do 14. června [pdf].

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 6
    včera 02:00 | IT novinky

    Ještě letos vyjde Kingdom Come: Deliverance II (YouTube), pokračování počítačové hry Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Wikipedie, ProtonDB Gold).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 12
    KDE Plasma 6
    Celkem 692 hlasů
     Komentářů: 4, poslední 6.4. 15:51

    Dotaz: Freeradius chyba

    5.4.2010 15:32 detektiv | skóre: 3
    Freeradius chyba
    Přečteno: 422×

    Dobrý den, potřeboval bych poradit. Mám nainstalovaný Freeradius na serveru lenny, chtěl bych jen ověřování na soubor users.

    Lokálně mě ověří uživatele, ale pomocí wifi ne. Procházím log a na žádnou chybu jsem nepřišel.

    Mohl by mě někdo poradit kde mám chybu? Přikládám výpis obraovky po příkazu freeradius -X a pak po pokusu ověření uživatele:

    freeradius -X:

    client localhost {
    ipaddr =
    require_message_authenticator = no
    secret = "testing123"
    nastype = "other"
    client {
    require_message_authenticator = no
    secret = "123456"
    nastype = "other"
    radiusd: #### Loading Realms and Home Servers ####
    proxy server {
    retry_delay = 5
    retry_count = 3
    default_fallback = no
    dead_time = 120
    wake_all_if_all_dead = no
    home_server localhost {
    ipaddr =
    port = 1812
    type = "auth"
    secret = "testing123"
    response_window = 20
    max_outstanding = 65536
    zombie_period = 40
    status_check = "status-server"
    ping_check = "none"
    ping_interval = 30
    check_interval = 30
    num_answers_to_alive = 3
    num_pings_to_alive = 3
    revive_interval = 120
    status_check_timeout = 4
    home_server_pool my_auth_failover {
    type = fail-over
    home_server = localhost
    realm {
    auth_pool = my_auth_failover
    realm LOCAL {
    radiusd: #### Instantiating modules ####
    instantiate {
    Module: Linked to module rlm_exec
    Module: Instantiating exec
    exec {
    wait = yes
    input_pairs = "request"
    shell_escape = yes
    Module: Linked to module rlm_expr
    Module: Instantiating expr
    Module: Linked to module rlm_expiration
    Module: Instantiating expiration
    expiration {
    reply-message = "Password Has Expired  "
    Module: Linked to module rlm_logintime
    Module: Instantiating logintime
    logintime {
    reply-message = "You are calling outside your allowed timespan  "
    minimum-timeout = 60
    radiusd: #### Loading Virtual Servers ####
    server inner-tunnel {
    modules {
    Module: Checking authenticate {...} for more modules to load
    Module: Linked to module rlm_pap
    Module: Instantiating pap
    pap {
    encryption_scheme = "auto"
    auto_header = no
    Module: Linked to module rlm_chap
    Module: Instantiating chap
    Module: Linked to module rlm_mschap
    Module: Instantiating mschap
    mschap {
    use_mppe = yes
    require_encryption = no
    require_strong = no
    with_ntdomain_hack = no
    Module: Linked to module rlm_unix
    Module: Instantiating unix
    unix {
    radwtmp = "/var/log/freeradius/radwtmp"
    Module: Linked to module rlm_eap
    Module: Instantiating eap
    eap {
    default_eap_type = "md5"
    timer_expire = 60
    ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
    cisco_accounting_username_bug = no
    Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_md5
    Module: Instantiating eap-md5
    Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_leap
    Module: Instantiating eap-leap
    Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_gtc
    Module: Instantiating eap-gtc
    gtc {
    challenge = "Password: "
    auth_type = "PAP"
    rlm_eap: Ignoring EAP-Type/tls because we do not have OpenSSL support.
    rlm_eap: Ignoring EAP-Type/ttls because we do not have OpenSSL support.
    rlm_eap: Ignoring EAP-Type/peap because we do not have OpenSSL support.
    Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_mschapv2
    Module: Instantiating eap-mschapv2
    mschapv2 {
    with_ntdomain_hack = no
    Module: Checking authorize {...} for more modules to load
    Module: Linked to module rlm_realm
    Module: Instantiating suffix
    realm suffix {
    format = "suffix"
    delimiter = "@"
    ignore_default = no
    ignore_null = no
    Module: Linked to module rlm_files
    Module: Instantiating files
    files {
    usersfile = "/etc/freeradius/users"
    acctusersfile = "/etc/freeradius/acct_users"
    preproxy_usersfile = "/etc/freeradius/preproxy_users"
    compat = "no"
    Module: Checking session {...} for more modules to load
    Module: Linked to module rlm_radutmp
    Module: Instantiating radutmp
    radutmp {
    filename = "/var/log/freeradius/radutmp"
    username = "%{User-Name}"
    case_sensitive = yes
    check_with_nas = yes
    perm = 384
    callerid = yes
    Module: Checking post-proxy {...} for more modules to load
    Module: Checking post-auth {...} for more modules to load
    Module: Linked to module rlm_attr_filter
    Module: Instantiating attr_filter.access_reject
    attr_filter attr_filter.access_reject {
    attrsfile = "/etc/freeradius/attrs.access_reject"
    key = "%{User-Name}"
    server {
    modules {
    Module: Checking authenticate {...} for more modules to load
    Module: Checking authorize {...} for more modules to load
    Module: Linked to module rlm_preprocess
    Module: Instantiating preprocess
    preprocess {
    huntgroups = "/etc/freeradius/huntgroups"
    hints = "/etc/freeradius/hints"
    with_ascend_hack = no
    ascend_channels_per_line = 23
    with_ntdomain_hack = no
    with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
    with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
    with_alvarion_vsa_hack = no
    Module: Checking preacct {...} for more modules to load
    Module: Linked to module rlm_acct_unique
    Module: Instantiating acct_unique
    acct_unique {
    key = "User-Name, Acct-Session-Id, NAS-IP-Address, Client-IP-Address, NAS-Port"
    Module: Checking accounting {...} for more modules to load
    Module: Linked to module rlm_detail
    Module: Instantiating detail
    detail {
    detailfile = "/var/log/freeradius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail-%Y%m%d"
    header = "%t"
    detailperm = 384
    dirperm = 493
    locking = no
    log_packet_header = no
    Module: Instantiating attr_filter.accounting_response
    attr_filter attr_filter.accounting_response {
    attrsfile = "/etc/freeradius/attrs.accounting_response"
    key = "%{User-Name}"
    Module: Checking session {...} for more modules to load
    Module: Checking post-proxy {...} for more modules to load
    Module: Checking post-auth {...} for more modules to load
    radiusd: #### Opening IP addresses and Ports ####
    listen {
    type = "auth"
    ipaddr = *
    port = 0
    listen {
    type = "acct"
    ipaddr = *
    port = 0
    main {
    snmp = no
    smux_password = ""
    snmp_write_access = no
    Listening on authentication address * port 1812
    Listening on accounting address * port 1813
    Listening on proxy address * port 1814
    Ready to process requests.

    Výpis po pokusu přihlášení uživatele:

    User-Name = "steve"
    NAS-IP-Address =
    NAS-Port = 0
    Called-Station-Id = "00-06-25-53-C4-44"
    Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-AF-39-16-4C"
    NAS-Identifier = "DWL-900AP+"
    Framed-MTU = 1380
    NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
    EAP-Message = 0x02010016017374657665406578616d706c652e636f6d
    Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    Proxy-State = 0x34
    Proxying request 0 to home server port 1812
    Sending Access-Request of id 38 to port 1812
    User-Name = "steve"
    NAS-IP-Address =
    NAS-Port = 0
    Called-Station-Id = "00-06-25-53-C4-44"
    Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-AF-39-16-4C"
    NAS-Identifier = "DWL-900AP+"
    Framed-MTU = 1380
    NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
    EAP-Message = 0x02010016017374657665406578616d706c652e636f6d
    Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    Proxy-State = 0x34
    Going to the next request
    Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
    rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1814, id=38, length=146
    User-Name = "steve"
    NAS-IP-Address =
    NAS-Port = 0
    Called-Station-Id = "00-06-25-53-C4-44"
    Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-AF-39-16-4C"
    NAS-Identifier = "DWL-900AP+"
    Framed-MTU = 1380
    NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
    EAP-Message = 0x02010016017374657665406578616d706c652e636f6d
    Message-Authenticator = 0x029564472d5046845551542895755322
    Proxy-State = 0x34
    +- entering group authorize
    ++[preprocess] returns ok
    ++[chap] returns noop
    ++[mschap] returns noop
    rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "steve", looking up realm NULL
    rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
    ++[suffix] returns noop
    rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 1 length 22
    rlm_eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
    ++[eap] returns updated
    ++[unix] returns notfound
    ++[files] returns noop
    ++[expiration] returns noop
    ++[logintime] returns noop
    rlm_pap: WARNING! No "known good" password found for the user.  Authentication may fail because of this.
    ++[pap] returns noop
    rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
    auth: type "EAP"
    +- entering group authenticate
    rlm_eap: Identity does not match User-Name, setting from EAP Identity.
    rlm_eap: Failed in handler
    ++[eap] returns invalid
    auth: Failed to validate the user.
    Login incorrect: [steve/<via Auth-Type = EAP>] (from client localhost port 0 cli 00-15-AF-39-16-4C)
    Found Post-Auth-Type Reject
    +- entering group REJECT
    expand: %{User-Name} -> steve
    attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
    ++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns updated
    Delaying reject of request 1 for 1 seconds
    Going to the next request
    Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
    Sending delayed reject for request 1
    Sending Access-Reject of id 38 to port 1814
    Proxy-State = 0x34
    Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
    rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host port 1812, id=38, length=23
    Proxy-State = 0x34
    +- entering group post-proxy
    rlm_eap: No pre-existing handler found
    ++[eap] returns noop
    Login incorrect (Home Server says so): [<no User-Password attribute>] (from client port 0 cli 00-15-AF-39-16-4C)
    Found Post-Auth-Type Reject
    +- entering group REJECT
    expand: %{User-Name} ->
    attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
    ++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns updated
    Sending Access-Reject of id 4 to port 1238
    Finished request 0.
    Going to the next request
    Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
    rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1238, id=5, length=155
    User-Name = ""
    NAS-IP-Address =
    NAS-Port = 0
    Called-Station-Id = "00-06-25-53-C4-44"
    Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-AF-39-16-4C"
    NAS-Identifier = "DWL-900AP+"
    Framed-MTU = 1380
    NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
    EAP-Message = 0x02010016017374657665406578616d706c652e636f6d
    Message-Authenticator = 0x4f5425f4dd6b1b41389eda17d1918b8a
    +- entering group authorize
    ++[preprocess] returns ok
    ++[chap] returns noop
    ++[mschap] returns noop
    rlm_realm: Looking up realm "" for User-Name = ""
    rlm_realm: Found realm ""
    rlm_realm: Adding Stripped-User-Name = "steve"
    rlm_realm: Adding Realm = ""
    rlm_realm: Proxying request from user steve to realm
    rlm_realm: Preparing to proxy authentication request to realm ""
    ++[suffix] returns updated
    rlm_eap: Request is supposed to be proxied to Realm  Not doing EAP.
    ++[eap] returns noop
    ++[unix] returns notfound
    ++[files] returns noop
    ++[expiration] returns noop
    ++[logintime] returns noop
    ++[pap] returns noop
    Sending Access-Request of id 85 to port 1812
    User-Name = "steve"
    NAS-IP-Address =
    NAS-Port = 0
    Called-Station-Id = "00-06-25-53-C4-44"
    Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-AF-39-16-4C"
    NAS-Identifier = "DWL-900AP+"
    Framed-MTU = 1380
    NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
    EAP-Message = 0x02010016017374657665406578616d706c652e636f6d
    Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    Proxy-State = 0x35
    Proxying request 2 to home server port 1812
    Sending Access-Request of id 85 to port 1812
    User-Name = "steve"
    NAS-IP-Address =
    NAS-Port = 0
    Called-Station-Id = "00-06-25-53-C4-44"
    Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-AF-39-16-4C"
    NAS-Identifier = "DWL-900AP+"
    Framed-MTU = 1380
    NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
    EAP-Message = 0x02010016017374657665406578616d706c652e636f6d
    Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    Proxy-State = 0x35
    Going to the next request
    Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
    rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1814, id=85, length=146
    User-Name = "steve"
    NAS-IP-Address =
    NAS-Port = 0
    Called-Station-Id = "00-06-25-53-C4-44"
    Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-AF-39-16-4C"
    NAS-Identifier = "DWL-900AP+"
    Framed-MTU = 1380
    NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
    EAP-Message = 0x02010016017374657665406578616d706c652e636f6d
    Message-Authenticator = 0x4db0a4fc255b87ca20e388f45a08d9ab
    Proxy-State = 0x35
    +- entering group authorize
    ++[preprocess] returns ok
    ++[chap] returns noop
    ++[mschap] returns noop
    rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "steve", looking up realm NULL
    rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
    ++[suffix] returns noop
    rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 1 length 22
    rlm_eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
    ++[eap] returns updated
    ++[unix] returns notfound
    ++[files] returns noop
    ++[expiration] returns noop
    ++[logintime] returns noop
    rlm_pap: WARNING! No "known good" password found for the user.  Authentication may fail because of this.
    ++[pap] returns noop
    rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
    auth: type "EAP"
    +- entering group authenticate
    rlm_eap: Identity does not match User-Name, setting from EAP Identity.
    rlm_eap: Failed in handler
    ++[eap] returns invalid
    auth: Failed to validate the user.
    Login incorrect: [steve/<via Auth-Type = EAP>] (from client localhost port 0 cli 00-15-AF-39-16-4C)
    Found Post-Auth-Type Reject
    +- entering group REJECT
    expand: %{User-Name} -> steve
    attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
    ++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns updated
    Delaying reject of request 3 for 1 seconds
    Going to the next request
    Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
    Sending delayed reject for request 3
    Sending Access-Reject of id 85 to port 1814
    Proxy-State = 0x35
    Waking up in 1.5 seconds.
    rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host port 1812, id=85, length=23
    Proxy-State = 0x35
    +- entering group post-proxy
    rlm_eap: No pre-existing handler found
    ++[eap] returns noop
    Login incorrect (Home Server says so): [<no User-Password attribute>] (from client port 0 cli 00-15-AF-39-16-4C)
    Found Post-Auth-Type Reject
    +- entering group REJECT
    expand: %{User-Name} ->
    attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
    ++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns updated
    Sending Access-Reject of id 5 to port 1238
    Finished request 2.
    Going to the next request
    Waking up in 1.4 seconds.
    Cleaning up request 1 ID 38 with timestamp +42
    Cleaning up request 0 ID 4 with timestamp +42
    Waking up in 3.4 seconds.
    Cleaning up request 3 ID 85 with timestamp +45
    Cleaning up request 2 ID 5 with timestamp +45
    Ready to process requests.

    Na otázku zatím nikdo bohužel neodpověděl.

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