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    dnes 04:44 | Nová verze

    Nová čísla časopisů od nakladatelství Raspberry Pi: MagPi 140 (pdf) a HackSpace 77 (pdf).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    dnes 01:00 | Nová verze

    ESPHome, tj. open source systém umožňující nastavovat zařízení s čipy ESP (i dalšími) pomocí konfiguračních souborů a připojit je do domácí automatizace, například do Home Assistantu, byl vydán ve verzi 2024.4.0.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 22:11 | IT novinky Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 20:55 | Nová verze

    Neziskové průmyslové konsorcium Khronos Group vydalo verzi 1.1 specifikace OpenXR (Wikipedie), tj. standardu specifikujícího přístup k platformám a zařízením pro XR, tj. platformám a zařízením pro AR (rozšířenou realitu) a VR (virtuální realitu). Do základu se z rozšíření dostalo XR_EXT_local_floor. Společnost Collabora implementuje novou verzi specifikace do platformy Monado, tj. open source implementace OpenXR.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    včera 17:22 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 0.38.0 multimediálního přehrávače mpv (Wikipedie) vycházejícího z přehrávačů MPlayer a mplayer2. Přehled novinek, změn a oprav na GitHubu. Požadován je FFmpeg 4.4 nebo novější a také libplacebo 6.338.2 nebo novější.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 3
    včera 17:11 | Nová verze

    ClamAV (Wikipedie), tj. multiplatformní antivirový engine s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem pro detekci trojských koní, virů, malwaru a dalších škodlivých hrozeb, byl vydán ve verzích 1.3.1, 1.2.3 a 1.0.6. Ve verzi 1.3.1 je mimo jiné řešena bezpečnostní chyba CVE-2024-20380.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    včera 12:11 | IT novinky

    Digitální a informační agentura (DIA) oznámila (PDF, X a Facebook), že mobilní aplikace Portál občana je ode dneška oficiálně venku.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 8
    včera 05:11 | Komunita

    #HACKUJBRNO 2024, byly zveřejněny výsledky a výstupy hackathonu města Brna nad otevřenými městskými daty, který se konal 13. a 14. dubna 2024.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    17.4. 17:55 | IT novinky

    Společnost Volla Systeme stojící za telefony Volla spustila na Kickstarteru kampaň na podporu tabletu Volla Tablet s Volla OS nebo Ubuntu Touch.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 3
    17.4. 17:44 | IT novinky

    Společnost Boston Dynamics oznámila, že humanoidní hydraulický robot HD Atlas šel do důchodu (YouTube). Nastupuje nová vylepšená elektrická varianta (YouTube).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 1
    KDE Plasma 6
    Celkem 559 hlasů
     Komentářů: 4, poslední 6.4. 15:51

    Dotaz: Problem s kompilaci rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3

    andering avatar 2.8.2007 03:49 andering | skóre: 6 | Bystřice pod Hostýnem
    Problem s kompilaci rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3
    Přečteno: 558×
    Ahoj mam problem s kompilaci na GEntoo a to s balikem net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3

    Kernel: linux-2.6.21-gentoo-r4

    Omlouvam se nevim co ztoho je dulezite tak sem to sem dal cele :

      Preparing rt2x00core module
      CC [M]  /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.o
      CC [M]  /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2400pci.o
    In file included from include/asm/thread_info.h:16,
                     from include/linux/thread_info.h:21,
                     from include/linux/preempt.h:9,
                     from include/linux/spinlock.h:49,
                     from include/linux/seqlock.h:29,
                     from include/linux/time.h:7,
                     from include/linux/skbuff.h:19,
                     from include/linux/if_ether.h:111,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:27,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/asm/processor.h:82: error: ‘CONFIG_X86_L1_CACHE_SHIFT’ undeclared here (not in a function)
    include/asm/processor.h:82: error: requested alignment is not a constant
    In file included from include/linux/sched.h:51,
                     from include/linux/utsname.h:35,
                     from include/asm/elf.h:12,
                     from include/linux/elf.h:7,
                     from include/linux/module.h:15,
                     from include/linux/textsearch.h:9,
                     from include/linux/skbuff.h:26,
                     from include/linux/if_ether.h:111,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:27,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/linux/jiffies.h:18:5: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:20:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:22:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:24:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:26:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:28:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:30:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:33:3: error: #error You lose.
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:46: warning: "SHIFT_HZ" is not defined
    In file included from include/asm/thread_info.h:16,
                     from include/linux/thread_info.h:21,
                     from include/linux/preempt.h:9,
                     from include/linux/spinlock.h:49,
                     from include/linux/seqlock.h:29,
                     from include/linux/time.h:7,
                     from include/linux/skbuff.h:19,
                     from include/linux/if_ether.h:111,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:27,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/asm/processor.h:82: error: ‘CONFIG_X86_L1_CACHE_SHIFT’ undeclared here (not in a function)
    include/asm/processor.h:82: error: requested alignment is not a constant
    In file included from include/linux/utsname.h:35,
                     from include/asm/elf.h:12,
                     from include/linux/elf.h:7,
                     from include/linux/module.h:15,
                     from include/linux/textsearch.h:9,
                     from include/linux/skbuff.h:26,
                     from include/linux/if_ether.h:111,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:27,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/linux/sched.h:272:16: warning: "CONFIG_SPLIT_PTLOCK_CPUS" is not defined
    In file included from include/linux/utsname.h:35,
                     from include/asm/elf.h:12,
                     from include/linux/elf.h:7,
                     from include/linux/module.h:15,
                     from include/linux/textsearch.h:9,
                     from include/linux/skbuff.h:26,
                     from include/linux/if_ether.h:111,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:27,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/linux/sched.h: In function ‘dequeue_signal_lock’:
    include/linux/sched.h:1310: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘local_irq_save’
    include/linux/sched.h:1312: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘local_irq_restore’
    In file included from include/linux/sched.h:51,
                     from include/linux/utsname.h:35,
                     from include/asm/elf.h:12,
                     from include/linux/elf.h:7,
                     from include/linux/module.h:15,
                     from include/linux/textsearch.h:9,
                     from include/linux/skbuff.h:26,
                     from include/linux/if_ether.h:111,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:27,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/linux/jiffies.h:18:5: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:20:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:22:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:24:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:26:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:28:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:30:7: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:33:3: error: #error You lose.
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: warning: "CONFIG_HZ" is not defined
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:31: error: division by zero in #if
    include/linux/jiffies.h:225:46: warning: "SHIFT_HZ" is not defined
    In file included from include/linux/module.h:21,
                     from include/linux/textsearch.h:9,
                     from include/linux/skbuff.h:26,
                     from include/linux/if_ether.h:111,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:27,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/asm/module.h:62:2: error: #error unknown processor family
    In file included from include/asm/hardirq.h:5,
                     from include/linux/hardirq.h:7,
                     from include/linux/interrupt.h:11,
                     from include/linux/netdevice.h:568,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:28,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/linux/irq.h: At top level:
    include/linux/irq.h:178: error: requested alignment is not a constant
    In file included from include/linux/hardirq.h:7,
                     from include/linux/interrupt.h:11,
                     from include/linux/netdevice.h:568,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:28,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/asm/hardirq.h:12: error: requested alignment is not a constant
    In file included from include/linux/netdevice.h:568,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:28,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/linux/interrupt.h: In function ‘cli’:
    include/linux/interrupt.h:207: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘local_irq_disable’
    include/linux/interrupt.h: In function ‘sti’:
    include/linux/interrupt.h:211: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘local_irq_enable’
    include/linux/interrupt.h: In function ‘save_flags’:
    include/linux/interrupt.h:215: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘local_save_flags’
    In file included from include/linux/utsname.h:35,
                     from include/asm/elf.h:12,
                     from include/linux/elf.h:7,
                     from include/linux/module.h:15,
                     from include/linux/textsearch.h:9,
                     from include/linux/skbuff.h:26,
                     from include/linux/if_ether.h:111,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:27,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/linux/sched.h:272:16: warning: "CONFIG_SPLIT_PTLOCK_CPUS" is not defined
    In file included from include/linux/utsname.h:35,
                     from include/asm/elf.h:12,
                     from include/linux/elf.h:7,
                     from include/linux/module.h:15,
                     from include/linux/textsearch.h:9,
                     from include/linux/skbuff.h:26,
                     from include/linux/if_ether.h:111,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:27,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/linux/sched.h: In function ‘dequeue_signal_lock’:
    include/linux/sched.h:1310: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘local_irq_save’
    include/linux/sched.h:1312: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘local_irq_restore’
    In file included from include/linux/module.h:21,
                     from include/linux/textsearch.h:9,
                     from include/linux/skbuff.h:26,
                     from include/linux/if_ether.h:111,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:27,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/asm/module.h:62:2: error: #error unknown processor family
    In file included from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:36:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.h:251:38: error: macro "INIT_WORK" passed 3 arguments, but takes just 2
    In file included from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:36:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.h: In function ‘rt2x00_init_ring’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.h:251: error: ‘INIT_WORK’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.h:251: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.h:251: error: for each function it appears in.)
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.h: In function ‘rt2x00_disable_ring’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.h:270: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘cancel_delayed_work’ from incompatible pointer type
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c: In function ‘rt2x00_start_scan’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:914: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘queue_delayed_work’ from incompatible pointer type
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c: In function ‘rt2x00_stop_scan’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:922: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘cancel_delayed_work’ from incompatible pointer type
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c: In function ‘rt2x00_scan_periodic’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:996: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘queue_delayed_work’ from incompatible pointer type
    In file included from include/asm/hardirq.h:5,
                     from include/linux/hardirq.h:7,
                     from include/linux/interrupt.h:11,
                     from include/linux/netdevice.h:568,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:28,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/linux/irq.h: At top level:
    include/linux/irq.h:178: error: requested alignment is not a constant
    In file included from include/linux/hardirq.h:7,
                     from include/linux/interrupt.h:11,
                     from include/linux/netdevice.h:568,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:28,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/asm/hardirq.h:12: error: requested alignment is not a constant
    In file included from include/linux/netdevice.h:568,
                     from include/linux/etherdevice.h:28,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/ieee80211/net/ieee80211_compat.h:9,
                     from (command line):1:
    include/linux/interrupt.h: In function ‘cli’:
    include/linux/interrupt.h:207: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘local_irq_disable’
    include/linux/interrupt.h: In function ‘sti’:
    include/linux/interrupt.h:211: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘local_irq_enable’
    include/linux/interrupt.h: In function ‘save_flags’:
    include/linux/interrupt.h:215: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘local_save_flags’
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c: In function ‘rt2x00_link_up’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:1695: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘queue_delayed_work’ from incompatible pointer type
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c: In function ‘rt2x00_link_down’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:1703: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘cancel_delayed_work’ from incompatible pointer type
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c: In function ‘rt2x00_link_periodic’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:1803: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘queue_delayed_work’ from incompatible pointer type
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c: In function ‘rt2x00_open’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:3763: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘queue_delayed_work’ from incompatible pointer type
    In file included from include/asm/pci.h:6,
                     from include/linux/pci.h:744,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2400pci.c:30:
    include/linux/mm.h: In function ‘lowmem_page_address’:
    include/linux/mm.h:538: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘__page_to_pfn’
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:3910:59: error: macro "INIT_WORK" passed 3 arguments, but takes just 2
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c: In function ‘rt2x00_core_probe’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:3910: error: ‘INIT_WORK’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.c:3911:59: error: macro "INIT_WORK" passed 3 arguments, but takes just 2
    make[3]: *** [/var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2x00core.o] Error 1
    make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
    include/linux/mm.h: At top level:
    include/linux/mm.h:974: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before numeric constant
    In file included from include/linux/pci.h:744,
                     from /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2400pci.c:30:
    include/asm/pci.h: In function ‘pci_dac_dma_to_page’:
    include/asm/pci.h:72: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘__pfn_to_page’
    include/asm/pci.h:72: warning: return makes pointer from integer without a cast
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2400pci.c: In function ‘rt2x00_dev_radio_on’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2400pci.c:554: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘request_irq’ from incompatible pointer type
    make[3]: *** [/var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3/rt2400pci.o] Error 1
    make[2]: *** [_module_/var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3/work/rt2x00-2.0.0-b3] Error 2
    make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
    make: *** [rt2x00-debug] Error 2
    I think the hardest part of holding on is lettin go. ...A myslím že nejtěžěí na tom něčeho se držet je pustit se.


    Shadow avatar 2.8.2007 09:58 Shadow | skóre: 25 | blog: Brainstorm
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Problem s kompilaci rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3
    Na Gentoo sice odborník nejsem, ale tenhle balík je označený jako "hard masked", takže problémy se dají očekávat. Podle hlášek bych soudil, že modul je vytvořen pro jinou verzi jádra. Co zkusit balík "rt2x00-9999"? Ten "hard masked" není...
    If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise we do not believe in it at all.
    andering avatar 2.8.2007 17:50 andering | skóre: 6 | Bystřice pod Hostýnem
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Problem s kompilaci rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3
    OK dik, zkusil jsem rt2x00-9999 na jadru linux-2.6.22-gentoo a vznikl jiny problem. Nejprve to po me chtelo aby povolil v jadru CONFIG_NET_RADIO ,který tam není(od jadra 2.6.22 doslo k prejmenovani na CONFIG_WLAN_80211). Tak sem jednoduse (ikdyz myslim ze ne spravne) zapsal do linux/.config CONFIG_NET_RADIO , aby to proslo kontrolou... Avsak pri samotne kompilaci nastal jiny problem :

     * Preparing 80211 module
      CC [M]  /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/eeprom_93cx6/eeprom_93cx6.o
      CC [M]  /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00dev.o
      CC [M]  /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.o
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.c: In function ‘rt2x00mac_tx_rts_cts’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.c:61: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘ieee80211_ctstoself_get’ makes pointer from integer without a cast
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.c:61: warning: passing argument 3 of ‘ieee80211_ctstoself_get’ makes integer from pointer without a cast
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.c:61: warning: passing argument 4 of ‘ieee80211_ctstoself_get’ makes pointer from integer without a cast
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.c:61: warning: passing argument 5 of ‘ieee80211_ctstoself_get’ from incompatible pointer type
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.c:61: error: too many arguments to function ‘ieee80211_ctstoself_get’
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.c:65: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘ieee80211_rts_get’ makes pointer from integer without a cast
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.c:65: warning: passing argument 3 of ‘ieee80211_rts_get’ makes integer from pointer without a cast
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.c:65: warning: passing argument 4 of ‘ieee80211_rts_get’ makes pointer from integer without a cast
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.c:65: warning: passing argument 5 of ‘ieee80211_rts_get’ from incompatible pointer type
    /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.c:65: error: too many arguments to function ‘ieee80211_rts_get’
    make[3]: *** [/var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999/rt2x00mac.o] Error 1
    make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
    make[2]: *** [_module_/var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/rt2x00-9999/work/rt2x00-9999] Error 2
    make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
    make: *** [default] Error 2
    I think the hardest part of holding on is lettin go. ...A myslím že nejtěžěí na tom něčeho se držet je pustit se.
    Shadow avatar 2.8.2007 19:29 Shadow | skóre: 25 | blog: Brainstorm
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Problem s kompilaci rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3
    Pár rad k tomuto problému je tady, zkuste, jestli vám nepomohou.
    If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise we do not believe in it at all.
    andering avatar 2.8.2007 23:37 andering | skóre: 6 | Bystřice pod Hostýnem
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Problem s kompilaci rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3
    Moc Dekuji, ale to vyresilo jen muj prvni problem ,ale to hlavni nic, no zkusim se zeptat i tam .
    I think the hardest part of holding on is lettin go. ...A myslím že nejtěžěí na tom něčeho se držet je pustit se.
    andering avatar 3.8.2007 11:01 andering | skóre: 6 | Bystřice pod Hostýnem
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Problem s kompilaci rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3
    Tak sem nasel reseni zde: Jen by me zajimalo jestli je normalni ze se ten modul tak dlouho nacita cca 10 - 15 vterin

    Dekuji za spolupraci
    I think the hardest part of holding on is lettin go. ...A myslím že nejtěžěí na tom něčeho se držet je pustit se.
    3.8.2007 14:41 crusoe
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Problem s kompilaci rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3
    nie je to prilis , ja mam rt61 a trva to 0.5 sekundy , preco potrebujes rt2x00-9999 ? neskusal si iba rt2x00 ?
    andering avatar 3.8.2007 17:08 andering | skóre: 6 | Bystřice pod Hostýnem
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Problem s kompilaci rt2x00-2.0.0_beta3
    Uz se to samo zpravilo...rt2x00-9999 je rt2x00 akorat to 9999 je oznaceni verze...resp. ze se pouzije CVS pro stazeni. Teda doufam ze rikam pravdu :) dik.
    I think the hardest part of holding on is lettin go. ...A myslím že nejtěžěí na tom něčeho se držet je pustit se.

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