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    včera 21:33 | Komunita

    Fedora 40 release party v Praze proběhne v pátek 17. května od 18:30 v prostorách společnosti Etnetera Core na adrese Jankovcova 1037/49, Praha 7. Součástí bude program kratších přednášek o novinkách ve Fedoře.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 4
    včera 21:11 | IT novinky

    Stack Overflow se dohodl s OpenAI o zpřístupnění obsahu Stack Overflow pro vylepšení OpenAI AI modelů.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 17:55 | Nová verze

    AlmaLinux byl vydán v nové stabilní verzi 9.4 (Mastodon, 𝕏). S kódovým názvem Seafoam Ocelot. Přehled novinek v příspěvku na blogu a v poznámkách k vydání.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 17:11 | IT novinky

    Před 50 lety, 5. května 1974 v žurnálu IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vint Cerf a Bob Kahn popsali protokol TCP (pdf).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 13:44 | Zajímavý článek

    Bylo vydáno do češtiny přeložené číslo 717 týdeníku WeeklyOSM přinášející zprávy ze světa OpenStreetMap.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 04:00 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána (Mastodon, 𝕏) nová stabilní verze 2.10.38 svobodné aplikace pro úpravu a vytváření rastrové grafiky GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). Přehled novinek v oznámení o vydání a v souboru NEWS na GitLabu. Nový GIMP je již k dispozici také na Flathubu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 6
    včera 00:22 | Komunita

    Google zveřejnil seznam 1220 projektů od 195 organizací (Debian, GNU, openSUSE, Linux Foundation, Haiku, Python, …) přijatých do letošního, již dvacátého, Google Summer of Code.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    5.5. 22:22 | IT novinky

    Na základě DMCA požadavku bylo na konci dubna z GitHubu odstraněno 8535 repozitářů se zdrojovými kódy open source emulátoru přenosné herní konzole Nintendo Switch yuzu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 7
    5.5. 00:33 | Nová verze

    Webový prohlížeč Dillo (Wikipedie) byl vydán ve verzi 3.1.0. Po devíti letech od vydání předchozí verze 3.0.5. Doména již nepatří vývojářům Dilla.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    4.5. 15:00 | Komunita

    O víkendu probíhá v Bostonu, a také virtuálně, konference LibrePlanet 2024 organizovaná nadací Free Software Foundation (FSF).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    Podle hypotézy Mrtvý Internet mj. tvoří většinu online interakcí boti.
    Celkem 123 hlasů
     Komentářů: 8, poslední 4.5. 08:25


    Tento příspěvek byl označen našimi administrátory, neboť dle jejich názoru nevyhovoval pravidlům slušného chování či zákonům této země.


    Náš portál patří k posledním serverům na světě, které si udržují vysoký standard kvality diskusí. Komentáře jsou k věci, lidé se snaží druhým pomoci, nenadávají si. Schválně srovnejte kvalitu našich diskusí s konkurencí. Chceme tento standard uchovat, bohužel někteří návštěvníci se u nás začínají chovat tak, jak jsou zvyklí jinde. A to nehodláme tolerovat. Proto jsme zavedli cenzuru.

    K čemu je dobrá

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    Text takto označených příspěvků není v diskusi zobrazen. Místo něj je napsáno vysvětlení a odkaz na tuto stránku, kde je zobrazen nezměněný závadný příspěvek. Takto se každý náš čtenář může sám rozhodnout, zda si jej přečte (jde o explicitní akci) a zda měl náš administrátor pravdu, nebo byl příliš úzkostlivý.

    Závadný příspěvek

    Datum: 21.7.2020 16:36
    Od: juden
    Titulek: Re: Politické školení mužstva 2020
    In the Congressional Record, published by the United States Government Printing Office, Proceedings of the House, 1957, page 8559, you will find the documentation of the Communist plan for using the Negroes to achieve a Communist victory in America. In column one, on page 8559, you will find the following: "Israel Cohen, a leading Communist in England, in his A Racial Program For the Twentieth Century, wrote: 'We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will instill into the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America into our hands.'" There you have the Jewish-Communist program in a nutshell - the USE of the backward, childish and savage Negro race to destroy the White Race, which stands between the Jews and their mad goal of world domination from Israel. To make a mutiny - which is what Communism is -you need mobs of raging and savage people. The Jews, comprising only a fraction of one percent of the world's people, are too few to produce their own mobs, and they are too un-fond of physical violence to provide any large amount of their own "muscle." They need vast numbers of peanut-brained, violent but robot-like "troops." The Negro race is perfect for the needs of the Jews in fomenting their mutiny. But before the blacks can do the Jews and Marxists any good, they must first be placed in position and conditioned. In Africa (and in the rural South) the Blacks have neither the means, the spirit nor the tools to be of service to the Jewish schemers. They are so closely akin to unthinking animals, and they are so childishly satisfied and lethargic that there is no hope of making any successful mutiny with them. Voodoo, chicken-stealing, watermelon, razor-waving, dusky-sex, singing and dancing and other primitive pastimes keep the rural and forest Negro sufficiently satisfied (or at least unthinking about his lot) so that it is quite impossible to turn any significant number of such black men into a raging mob with any staying power for a revolution. To make a revolutionary animal of the Negro, you must first force him into a situation where he loses his normal ability to enjoy his primitive releases and pleasures, teach him to knowand enjoy the luxurious pleasures and vices of urban civilization, (such as heroin and White women) teach him that he has a right to those pleasures, force him into competition with White men for those pleasures, and then, when he fails, whisper to him that he is not really failing in that competition, but that "WHITE EXPLOITERS" ARE KEEPING HIM DOWN! The millions of primitive African blacks brought into our big cities as voting cattle by Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, and by all liberal leaders since then, are incapable of competing with the White Man. They can't make it in the schools; they can't make it in complex jobs; they can't make it in intellectual competition. The fact that a few mixed bloods can and do make it does not disprove the fact that the mass of Negroes is congenitally incompetent and inferior - any more than the fact that some chimpanzees can be taught to ride bicycles disproves the fact that chimpanzees aren't even as smart as the blacks. Millions and millions of these primitive misfits and incompetents are forced into urban, crowded living conditions, forced to compete with intelligent White people, forced to give up their natural pleasures in voodoo, uninhibited sex, etc., forced to try to pretend to be what they are not -forced to FAIL, day after day, week after week, month after month - finally get so frustrated and desperate that they are ready for any kind of violence and horror, since nothing could be much worse than the agonizing frustration they face every moment of their miserable lives. When the Jews and liberals keep harping at them they are "equal," that they have endless "rights," and that they have no real duties to go with those rights - then this half-animal population of Africans trying to "make it" as White Men, goes literally crazy. It starts in the schools. The little black kid is taught in the most aggressive way that he is every bit the equal of the White kids. But the fact is that he averages 60%-75% of the IQ of the average White kids.1 In the field of abstract thinking, cold reasoning, the Negro tests even lower. As a result, the black kid can't keep up. His schoolwork is terrible. The constant comparison with the work of the White kids frustrates, angers and upsets him all the more. In his own, colored school, this problem does not arise. But forced into competition with the Whites, the Negro starts failing - and suffering from the consequent humiliation -even in school. This is the cause of the Negro "drop-out" problem - not deprivation or poverty. Literally millions of White kids are poor and oppressed, and fight their way to an education. But the little Negro, understandably, doesn't have much ambition to continue in a contest he can see from the beginning he can't win. So he "drops out" - or is put in a special "track" in the schools, set up by the liberals to cover up the fact of Negro backwardness.In either case, it isn't long before he enters the competition for a good job. Naturally stupid, uneducated, and naturally inept at the requirements of modern technology, the black youth finds himself on the street and idle. Told that he has a right to all the things he sees the White man earning - fancy women, Cadillacs, fast living, etc. -the black boy becomes filled with such a burning envy and hatred it is hard for most people to even imagine. He turns to the only way left 1"THE INTELLIGENCE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN," GARRETT, H. E., Chairman, Psychology Columbia University. for him to GET what he is told he deserves, - violence. He becomes a criminal. He goes out and robs, burns, rapes, loots and finally kills; he is the classic "rioter." The U.S. Department of Justice and Labor have both published statistics on the Negro, which show that the Black 10% of our population commits move than 85% of the violent crimes against people, and by far the most crimes against property. (F.B.I. Uniform Crime Reports, 1966) The jails are filled and bursting with these frustrated, violent black animals, not because we are unjust, but because Negroes can't compete economically with White Men - and crime is the only way most of them can get what they are told they deserve." The U. S. Department of Labor has published a pamphlet called "The Negro Family." It is violently PRO-Negro, and full of excuses for these miserable people. Certainly it cannot be called a "bigoted" work. Yet here is what this booklet says on page 40 about Negro ability to compete with Whites. "The ultimate mark of inadequate preparation for life is the failure rate on the Armed Forces mental lest. The Armed Forces Qualification Test is not quite a mental test, nor yet an education test. It is a test of ability to perform at an acceptable level of competence. It roughly measures ability that ought to be found in an average 7th or 8th grade student. A grown young man who cannot pass this test is in trouble. Fifty-six percent of Negroes fail it. This is a rate almost four times that of the whites." Notice the last sentence in the first paragraph that men who fail this test are "in trouble." And that is the keynote of life for the young Negro, "TROUBLE." He is constantly causing and IN trouble both as an individual and as a group. Whenever the situation is ripe, hundreds and thousands of them act in their animal - like, anti-social manner and "riot." They loot, shoot, burn, kill and beat - almost without any sense at all - just out of animal frustration and hatred of a system which keeps telling them they are "equal," while their own dim brains constantly show them they are not only NOT equal, but they are so far below the White Man that only by violence can they achieve anything at all.This situation is guaranteed to make bloody revolutionaries out of millions of Negroes, especially young males. They have almost nothing to lose, and everything to gain. This Black army of the damned is precisely the right material for revolution. All that is needed to spark these millions of black human bombs into explosive and bloody violence on a mass scale is agitation and organization. So, long before 1900, they were already plotting and scheming how to agitate the Negroes into massive and bloody rebellion against the Whites and against the government of the United States. It wasn't really difficult. The Negroes have proven themselves, down through the ages, almost animal-like in their adaptation to all forms of manipulations and slavery. It should be remembered that most of the Negroes here in America did not get here because they were captured in Africa. No. The Arabs obtained the great majority of slaves by purchase. Their own folks sold them to the Arabs, usually for beads, salt, trinkets, etc. (And, in some cases, I think the Arabs got little for their good beads.)
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