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    včera 18:33 | Nová verze

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    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
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    Binarly REsearch upozorňuje na bezpečnostní problém PKFail (YouTube) v ekosystému UEFI. Stovky modelů zařízení používají pro Secure Boot testovací Platform Key vygenerovaný American Megatrends International (AMI) a jeho privátní část byla při úniku dat prozrazena. Do milionů zařízení (seznam v pdf) po celém světě tak útočníci mohou do Secure Bootu vložit podepsaný malware. Otestovat firmware si lze na stránce Ukázka PoC na Linuxu na Windows na YouTube.

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    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0

    Pokud jste jerryadair, přihlaste se a bude vám zobrazena vaše domovská stránka.


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    Some Model King Platform Bed Cheap Review

    Nothing beats getting into bed after the hustles of the day for some rest. For this reason, many people prefer having a king-size bed for how spacious it is. King size beds seemingly are expensive, but that is not necessarily true. It is possible to find good quality ones at pocket-friendly prices. With some assistance, you could find one that you like that doesn't leave you in debt or strains you to pay up. Below is a list of cheap platform beds worth considering.

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    1)   Kaniel button tufted upholstered platform bed

    This piece will completely transform your room. Its fantastic upholstery and padding that is cushioned give the bed a classy look. Manufactured wood is essential in the crafting of this frame. Manufacturers recommend it for residential use.

    There are 12 slats spaced seven inches apart. The bed features a headboard and a finished back but no footboard. It withstands up to 500 pounds. In the case of defects in the foundation caused by the manufacturer, there is a one-year warranty. A screwdriver is the only additional tool required during assembly.

    2)   Mcgovern platform bed


    The foundation features bold clean lines that naturally fit into any décor. The bed frame is constructed with metal and manufactured wood. The additional frame material is plywood and steel.

    It has one support center leg, and the bed can hold 500 pounds. The recommended thickness for the mattress is 10 inches. Wood is used in the construction of the twelve slats of this bed. You cannot pair the base with an adjustable bed. It is a low profile bed frame and is therefore suitable for individuals with kids. To further reassure you, the bed comes with a limited five-year warranty.

    3)   Boswell tufted upholstered low profile

    The lightly fluffed design of this bed makes it stand out. Its upholstery material is made from 100% linen and is filled with foam. This particular bed frame is made from solid wood.

    It can comfortably hold two people since its design allows it to hold 600 pounds. It has six support legs, which increase the overall sturdiness of the bed. A headboard and footboard are present in this make. The slat system provides a comfortable base eliminating the need for a box spring. The assembly of the fifteen parts is made easy by the easy-to-follow manual.

    4)   Elmina tufted solid wood.

    A gorgeous piece that features a headboard with buttonless square tufting at a very affordable price. The slats and thick side rails give you the freedom to not use a box spring. The headboard has a linen fabric finish.

    It comes in four solid colors, charcoal, stone, navy, and cream. The frame can be paired with an adjustable bed. It has eight center support legs to spread the weight evenly. It features both a headboard and a footboard and has a finished back. A warranty valid for two years against manufacture defects is offered.

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    5)   Bushwick platform bed

    If you would like to change from the ordinary wood bed frame, this is an excellent choice. The bed's frame and slats are made from metal, assuring you of the structure's durability.  It has four center support legs that distribute weight evenly. It can withstand up to five hundred pounds.

    The manufacturers recommend a mattress that is 8 inches. The assembly will be required, and the only additional tool you will need is an Allen Key. The makers advocate the bed for home use. Both a commercial and product warranty is available.

    6)   Maggie platform bed


    This thoughtfully crafted bed frame promises to be the highlight of your bedroom.  The wood used is recycled. The bed frame makes use of pine, acacia, and plywood for its construction. The twelve slats of this bed are constructed from manufactured wood.

    It has three center support legs that add to the sturdiness of the frame. The bed will support five hundred pounds. A headboard and footboard are not featured in this make. Moreover, it is approved for residential use only. Two people complete the assembly task with ease. Manufacturers recommend that you avoid power tools.

    The bed comes with a warranty valid for five years. The frame is not to be paired with an adjustable bed.

    7)   Duffield upholstered low profile platform bed.

    This bed frame has black faux leather upholstery, which is easy to clean. For added comfort, manufacturers fill it with foam. The twelve slats are crafted from solid wood and, the spacing is three inches apart, allowing your mattress ventilation.

    Its headboard is adjustable and can, therefore, fit different scenarios.  The square legs of this bed are tapered and protect your flooring. The delivery is conveniently done in one large box (the other parts are packed in the headboard). You are required to fully assemble the bed during which you should avoid power tools.

    8)   Norland tufted upholstered platform bed

    The modern design of this bed allows it to fit perfectly in your master suite or guest bedroom.  Manufactured and solid wood is used in the frame's construction. The tufted board has a simple yet well-thought design that you'll love. There are thirteen slats with a spacing of three inches

    The manufacturers made the frame compatible with an adjustable bed. The bed will support up to seven hundred pounds. The supplier intended it for residential use. A thirty-day limited product warranty is available, but there is no commercial warranty.

    The ash-gray on this bed will allow you to pick out complements and ornaments for your room without fear that they will fail to blend.


    There are a lot of well-constructed, durable king-size beds that are affordable. With a little shopping around, you will find picture-perfect platform bed frame king that will take your bedroom space to a new level and still not empty your bank account. The packaging and method of delivery will leave you wowed.

    Whether you want a wood frame or a metallic bed frame, your needs will be catered to. During the scouting, see whether a warranty is offered to have your mind at ease.

    Datum registrace: 18. 3. 2021


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