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    včera 18:33 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána (𝕏) nová verze 24.7 open source firewallové a routovací platformy OPNsense (Wikipedie). Jedná se o fork pfSense postavený na FreeBSD. Kódový název OPNsense 24.7 je Thriving Tiger. Přehled novinek v příspěvku na fóru.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 05:11 | Bezpečnostní upozornění

    Binarly REsearch upozorňuje na bezpečnostní problém PKFail (YouTube) v ekosystému UEFI. Stovky modelů zařízení používají pro Secure Boot testovací Platform Key vygenerovaný American Megatrends International (AMI) a jeho privátní část byla při úniku dat prozrazena. Do milionů zařízení (seznam v pdf) po celém světě tak útočníci mohou do Secure Bootu vložit podepsaný malware. Otestovat firmware si lze na stránce Ukázka PoC na Linuxu na Windows na YouTube.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 11
    včera 02:22 | Nová verze

    Mobilní operační systém /e/OS (Wikipedie) založený na Androidu / LineageOS, ale bez aplikací a služeb od Googlu, byl vydán ve verzi 2.2 (Mastodon, 𝕏). Přehled novinek na GitLabu. Vypíchnuta je rodičovská kontrola.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    včera 01:22 | IT novinky

    Společnost OpenAI představila vyhledávač SearchGPT propojující OpenAI modely umělé inteligence a informace z webů v reálném čase. Zatím jako prototyp pro vybrané uživatele. Zapsat se lze do pořadníku čekatelů.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 00:11 | Nová verze

    Distribuce Linux Mint 22 „Wilma“ byla vydána. Je založená na Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, ale s desktopovým prostředím Cinnamon (aktuálně verze 6.2), příp. MATE nebo Xfce, balíkem aplikací XApp, integrací balíčků Flatpak a dalšími změnami. Více v přehledu novinekpoznámkách k vydání.

    Fluttershy, yay! | Komentářů: 2
    25.7. 17:44 | Zajímavý článek Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    25.7. 17:22 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 14 integrovaného vývojového prostředí (IDE) Qt Creator. Podrobný přehled novinek v cgitu. Vypíchnout lze podporu rozšíření v Lua.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.7. 17:11 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána verze 1.80.0 programovacího jazyka Rust (Wikipedie). Podrobnosti v poznámkách k vydání. Vyzkoušet Rust lze například na stránce Rust by Example.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.7. 14:11 | IT novinky

    Apple oznámil, že v beta verzi spustil své Apple Maps na webu. Podporován je také webový prohlížeč Chrome. Ne však na Linuxu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 23
    25.7. 13:11 | IT novinky

    Portál Stack Overflow po roce opět vyzpovídal své uživatele, jedná se především o vývojáře softwaru, a zveřejnil detailní výsledky průzkumu. Průzkumu se letos zúčastnilo více než 65 tisíc vývojářů. Z Česka jich bylo 710. Ze Slovenska 246.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0

    Dotaz: WIFI: Kompilace hostap 0.2.7 - ok, kompilace hostap cvs s chybou

    12.10.2005 22:24 radek
    WIFI: Kompilace hostap 0.2.7 - ok, kompilace hostap cvs s chybou
    Přečteno: 108×
    Pripojuju se k WIFI se zabezpecenym WPA, IP dostavam z DHCP.

    Mel jsem hostap 0.2.7(kompilace bez problemu), kvuli wpa jsem jsem zkompiloval wpa_suplicant pro hostap. Ale pri spusteni mi wpa_suplicant vypsal hlasku, ze nemam podporu scanu, tak jsem dle stranek Simandl: stahnul hostap cvs, ktery by mel v modu managed podporovat scan okoli. Avsak mi klekne kompilace viz:
    phoenix:/usr/local/src/packages/hostap_cvs_030220_200_01# make pci
    gcc -I/usr/src/linux/include -include driver/modules/hostap_crypt.ver -include driver/modules/hostap.ver -O2 -D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE -Wall -g -c  -I/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/mach-generic -I/usr/src/linux/include/asm/mach-default -DMODVERSIONS -include /usr/src/linux/include/linux/modversions.h -fomit-frame-pointer -o driver/modules/hostap_pci.o driver/modules/hostap_pci.c
    command line:9:1: /usr/src/linux/include/linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory
    In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/asm/processor.h:18,
                     from /usr/src/linux/include/asm/thread_info.h:16,
                     from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/thread_info.h:21,
                     from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/spinlock.h:12,
                     from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/capability.h:45,
                     from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h:7,
                     from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/module.h:10,
                     from driver/modules/hostap_pci.c:9:
    /usr/src/linux/include/asm/system.h: In function `__set_64bit_var':
    /usr/src/linux/include/asm/system.h:193: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
    /usr/src/linux/include/asm/system.h:193: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
    In file included from driver/modules/hostap_wlan.h:8,
                     from driver/modules/hostap_pci.c:24:
    driver/modules/hostap_crypt.h: At top level:
    driver/modules/hostap_crypt.h:40: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_crypt.h:40: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_crypt.h:41: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_crypt.h:41: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_crypt.h:42: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_crypt.h:42: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    In file included from driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:57,
                     from driver/modules/hostap_pci.c:103:
    driver/modules/hostap.h:6: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:6: error: conflicting types for `_set_ver'
    driver/modules/hostap_crypt.h:42: error: previous declaration of `_set_ver'
    driver/modules/hostap.h:12: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:12: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:12: error: conflicting types for `_set_ver'
    driver/modules/hostap.h:6: error: previous declaration of `_set_ver'
    driver/modules/hostap.h:13: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:13: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:14: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:14: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:15: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:15: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:16: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:16: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:18: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:18: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:20: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:20: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:21: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:21: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:22: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:22: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:23: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:23: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:24: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:24: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:25: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:25: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:26: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:26: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:28: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:28: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:29: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:29: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:34: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:34: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:35: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:35: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:40: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:40: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap.h:41: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap.h:41: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    In file included from driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:58,
                     from driver/modules/hostap_pci.c:103:
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:208: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:208: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:209: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:209: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:210: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:210: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:212: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:212: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:222: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:222: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:223: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:223: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:225: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:225: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:230: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:230: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:233: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:233: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:234: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:234: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:238: error: `_set_ver' declared as function returning a function
    driver/modules/hostap_ap.h:238: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
    In file included from driver/modules/hostap_pci.c:103:
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `prism2_setup_rids':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:854: error: `hostap_get_porttype' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:854: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:854: error: for each function it appears in.)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:854: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:855: error: `hostap_set_word' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:855: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:866: error: `hostap_set_string' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:867: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:875: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:897: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:905: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:915: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:925: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:934: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:944: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:951: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:969: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:976: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:985: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:987: error: `hostap_set_encryption' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:987: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:992: error: `hostap_set_antsel' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:992: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:995: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `handle_reset_queue':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1291: error: `hostap_netif_wake_queues' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1291: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `prism2_transmit_cb':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1379: error: `hostap_netif_wake_queues' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1379: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1408: error: `hostap_netif_stop_queues' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1408: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `prism2_transmit':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1430: error: `hostap_netif_stop_queues' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1430: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1443: error: `hostap_get_stats' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1443: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1445: error: `hostap_netif_wake_queues' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1445: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `prism2_tx':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1578: error: `hostap_get_stats' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1578: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1765: error: `hostap_handle_sta_tx' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1766: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1774: error: `hostap_dump_tx_header' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1774: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:1866: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2001: error: `hostap_handle_sta_release' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2001: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `prism2_rx_80211':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2140: error: `hostap_80211_get_hdrlen' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2140: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `monitor_rx':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2263: error: `hostap_get_stats' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2263: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `prism2_rx':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2405: error: `hostap_get_stats' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2405: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2446: error: `hostap_dump_rx_header' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2446: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `hostap_rx_frame_mgmt':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2595: error: `hostap_rx' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2595: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `hostap_rx_frame_decrypt':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2702: error: `hostap_handle_sta_crypto' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2702: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2752: error: `hostap_handle_sta_release' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2752: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `hostap_rx_skb':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2774: error: `hostap_get_stats' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2774: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2787: error: `hostap_dump_rx_header' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2787: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2811: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2829: error: `hostap_handle_sta_rx' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2829: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2940: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2985: error: `hostap_is_sta_assoc' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:2985: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `prism2_alloc_ev':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3069: error: `hostap_netif_wake_queues' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3069: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `hostap_tx_callback':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3137: error: `hostap_80211_get_hdrlen' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3137: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `hostap_sta_tx_exc_tasklet':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3251: error: `hostap_handle_sta_tx_exc' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3251: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `hostap_info_tasklet':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3347: error: `hostap_info_process' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3347: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `prism2_check_sta_fw_version':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3689: error: `hostap_check_sta_fw_version' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3689: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `prism2_init_local_data':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3975: error: `hostap_set_multicast_list_queue' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3975: warning: passing arg 2 of `HOSTAP_QUEUE_INIT' makes pointer from integer without a cast
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3981: error: `hostap_info_init' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:3981: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:4015: error: `hostap_setup_dev' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:4015: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `prism2_init_dev':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:4101: error: `hostap_init_proc' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:4101: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:4106: error: `hostap_init_data' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:4106: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c: In function `prism2_free_local_data':
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:4154: error: `hostap_free_data' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:4154: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:4160: error: `hostap_remove_proc' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_hw.c:4160: error: called object is not a function
    driver/modules/hostap_pci.c: In function `prism2_pci_probe':
    driver/modules/hostap_pci.c:212: warning: passing arg 2 of `request_irq' from incompatible pointer type
    driver/modules/hostap_pci.c: In function `prism2_pci_suspend':
    driver/modules/hostap_pci.c:283: error: `hostap_netif_stop_queues' undeclared (first use in this function)
    driver/modules/hostap_pci.c:283: error: called object is not a function
    make: *** [driver/modules/hostap_pci.o] Error 1
    dekuju za jsem z tooh zoufalej :)


    Johny z Podoli avatar 12.10.2005 22:51 Johny z Podoli | skóre: 26 | blog: rocfdebian
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: WIFI: Kompilace hostap 0.2.7 - ok, kompilace hostap cvs s chybou
    máš v téhle ceste zdrojáky jádra? /usr/src/linux/include/linux/ ?

    vidím totiž tohle: command line:9:1: /usr/src/linux/include/linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory
    Můj web o táborech: Letní dětské tábory, Hudební tábor , Můj nový blog na
    12.10.2005 23:08 radek
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: WIFI: Kompilace hostap 0.2.7 - ok, kompilace hostap cvs s chybou
    zdrojaky mam v /usr/src/linux

    koukal jsem se do makefile k hostapu, kde se cesta nastavuje a je to OK.
    13.10.2005 09:19 radek
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: WIFI: Kompilace hostap 0.2.7 - ok, kompilace hostap cvs s chybou
    Soubor modversions.h v zadne casti zdrojaku kernelu neni...
    command line:9:1: /usr/src/linux/include/linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory
    tak nevim, co s tim...

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