Přímý přenos (YouTube) z konference LinuxDays 2024, jež probíhá tento víkend v Praze v prostorách Fakulty informačních technologií Českého vysokého učení v Praze (FIT ČVUT). Na programu je spousta zajímavých přednášek.
Elon Musk na akci We, Robot (YouTube, 𝕏) představil Robotaxi, Robovan a vylepšeného Tesla Bota (Optimus).
Internet Archive je offline (𝕏, Bluesky, Mastodon). Unikly údaje 31 milionů uživatelů. Probíhal / probíhá na něj DDoS útok.
Alyssa Rosenzweig se v příspěvku na svém blogu rozepsala o hraní AAA her na Asahi Linuxu. Na YouTube je záznam její včerejší přednášky na XDC 2024 (X.Org Developer's Conference).
Vláda schválila Národní polovodičovou strategii: Česká republika má velký potenciál stát se významným hráčem v oblasti výroby čipů, zejména v evropském měřítku. Využít tento potenciál je cílem Národní polovodičové strategie, kterou připravilo Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu ve spolupráci s experty, a která navazuje na evropský Akt o čipech.
V lete vyšiel Aeonwave 4.0, ktorý niekoľkonásobne menej vyťažuje procesor pri interpretácií priestorového zvuku než OpenAL Soft. Autor hľadá prispievateľov do knižnice libaaxopenal za účelom pridania ALC_EXT_EFX rozšírení využívaných napr. v hre Doom 3 cez port Dhewm3 v Linuxe.
Linuxová distribuce Ubuntu 24.10 „Oracular Oriole“ byla vydána. Jde o průběžné vydání s podporou 9 měsíců. Obsahuje mj. Linux 6.11 či GNOME 47 s několika odkazy na první vydání Ubuntu (4.10 „Warty Warthog“) před 20 lety. K dispozici jsou také oficiální deriváty s odlišnými výchozími desktopovými prostředími anebo balíky aplikací.
Deno (Wikipedie), běhové prostředí (runtime) pro JavaScript, TypeScript a WebAssembly, bylo vydáno v nové major verzi 2.0 (YouTube). Důležité změny v Migration Guide.
Apache Tomcat (Wikipedie) slaví 25 let. Při té příležitosti byla vydána nová verze 11.0. Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání.
Open source 3D herní a simulační engine Open 3D Engine (O3DE) byl vydán v nové verzi 24.09.0. Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání. O3DE má nového maskota: Odie.
pnpdump --outputfile=/etc/isapnp.conf
pak sem ji zapnul isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
. Ted už tyto kody davat po každém startu nemusím, ale problém je s alsou, kde jsme nucen po každém startu PC spustit alsaconf
a projet průvodce.
Já bych to ale chtěl udělat tak aby se to všechno nastavilo automaticky. # cat /etc/modules.conf ### This file is automatically generated by update-modules" # # Please do not edit this file directly. If you want to change or add # anything please take a look at the files in /etc/modutils and read # the manpage for update-modules. # ### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/0keep # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! # This file is not marked as conffile to make sure if you upgrade modutils # it will be restored in case some modifications have been made. # # The keep command is necessary to prevent insmod and friends from ignoring # the builtin defaults of a path-statement is encountered. Until all other # packages use the new `add path'-statement this keep-statement is essential # to keep your system working keep ### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/0keep ### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/actions # Special actions that are needed for some modules # The BTTV module does not load the tuner module automatically, # so do that in here post-install bttv insmod tuner post-remove bttv rmmod tuner ### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/actions ### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/aliases # Aliases to tell insmod/modprobe which modules to use # Uncomment the network protocols you don't want loaded: # alias net-pf-1 off # Unix # alias net-pf-2 off # IPv4 # alias net-pf-3 off # Amateur Radio AX.25 # alias net-pf-4 off # IPX # alias net-pf-5 off # DDP / appletalk # alias net-pf-6 off # Amateur Radio NET/ROM # alias net-pf-9 off # X.25 # alias net-pf-10 off # IPv6 # alias net-pf-11 off # ROSE / Amateur Radio X.25 PLP # alias net-pf-19 off # Acorn Econet alias net-pf-24 pppoe alias char-major-10-175 agpgart alias char-major-10-200 tun alias char-major-81 bttv alias char-major-108 ppp_generic alias /dev/ppp ppp_generic alias tty-ldisc-3 ppp_async alias tty-ldisc-14 ppp_synctty alias ppp-compress-21 bsd_comp alias ppp-compress-24 ppp_deflate alias ppp-compress-26 ppp_deflate # Crypto modules (see http://www.kerneli.org/) alias loop-xfer-gen-0 loop_gen alias loop-xfer-3 loop_fish2 alias loop-xfer-gen-10 loop_gen alias cipher-2 des alias cipher-3 fish2 alias cipher-4 blowfish alias cipher-6 idea alias cipher-7 serp6f alias cipher-8 mars6 alias cipher-11 rc62 alias cipher-15 dfc2 alias cipher-16 rijndael alias cipher-17 rc5 ### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/aliases ### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/alsa-base # snd module options options snd device_mode=0660 # autoloader aliases alias char-major-116 snd alias char-major-14 soundcore alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0 alias sound-slot-1 snd-card-1 alias sound-slot-2 snd-card-2 alias sound-slot-3 snd-card-3 alias sound-slot-4 snd-card-4 alias sound-slot-5 snd-card-5 alias sound-slot-6 snd-card-6 alias sound-slot-7 snd-card-7 above sound-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss above sound-slot-1 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss above sound-slot-2 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss above sound-slot-3 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss above sound-slot-4 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss above sound-slot-5 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss above sound-slot-6 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss above sound-slot-7 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss # Load optional modules above their base modules above snd-pcm snd-pcm-oss above snd-mixer snd-mixer-oss above snd-seq snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi # Cause a script to be run after snd-emu8000-synth module initialization post-install snd-emu8000-synth /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-emu8000-synth # Cause a script to be run after card driver module initialization post-install snd-ad1816a /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ad1816a post-install snd-ad1848 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ad1848 post-install snd-ali5451 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ali5451 post-install snd-als100 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-als100 post-install snd-als4000 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-als4000 post-install snd-asihpi /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-asihpi post-install snd-atiixp /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-atiixp post-install snd-au8810 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-au8810 post-install snd-au8820 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-au8820 post-install snd-au8830 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-au8830 post-install snd-azt2320 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-azt2320 post-install snd-azt3328 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-azt3328 post-install snd-azx /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-azx post-install snd-ca0106 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ca0106 post-install snd-cmi8330 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cmi8330 post-install snd-cmipci /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cmipci post-install snd-cs4231 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4231 post-install snd-cs4232 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4232 post-install snd-cs4236 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4236 post-install snd-cs4281 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4281 post-install snd-cs46xx /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs46xx post-install snd-darla20 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-darla20 post-install snd-darla24 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-darla24 post-install snd-dt019x /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-dt019x post-install snd-emu10k1 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-emu10k1 post-install snd-emu10k1x /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-emu10k1x post-install snd-ens1370 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ens1370 post-install snd-ens1371 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ens1371 post-install snd-es1688 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es1688 post-install snd-es18xx /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es18xx post-install snd-es1938 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es1938 post-install snd-es1968 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es1968 post-install snd-es968 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es968 post-install snd-fm801 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-fm801 post-install snd-gina20 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gina20 post-install snd-gina24 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gina24 post-install snd-gina3g /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gina3g post-install snd-gusclassic /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gusclassic post-install snd-gusextreme /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gusextreme post-install snd-gusmax /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gusmax post-install snd-harmony /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-harmony post-install snd-hdsp /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-hdsp post-install snd-hdspm /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-hdspm post-install snd-ice1712 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ice1712 post-install snd-ice1724 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ice1724 post-install snd-indigo /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-indigo post-install snd-indigodj /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-indigodj post-install snd-indigoio /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-indigoio post-install snd-intel8x0 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-intel8x0 post-install snd-interwave /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-interwave post-install snd-interwave-stb /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-interwave-stb post-install snd-korg1212 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-korg1212 post-install snd-layla20 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-layla20 post-install snd-layla24 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-layla24 post-install snd-layla3g /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-layla3g post-install snd-maestro3 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-maestro3 post-install snd-mia /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mia post-install snd-mixart /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mixart post-install snd-mona /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mona post-install snd-mpu401 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mpu401 post-install snd-msnd-pinnacle /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-msnd-pinnacle post-install snd-mtpav /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mtpav post-install snd-nm256 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-nm256 post-install snd-opl3sa2 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opl3sa2 post-install snd-opti92x-ad1848 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opti92x-ad1848 post-install snd-opti92x-cs4231 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opti92x-cs4231 post-install snd-opti93x /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opti93x post-install snd-pc98-cs4232 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pc98-cs4232 post-install snd-pcxhr /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pcxhr post-install snd-pdaudiocf /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pdaudiocf post-install snd-pdplus /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pdplus post-install snd-portman2x4 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-portman2x4 post-install snd-powermac /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-powermac post-install snd-rme32 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-rme32 post-install snd-rme96 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-rme96 post-install snd-rme9652 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-rme9652 post-install snd-sa11xx-uda1341 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sa11xx-uda1341 post-install snd-sb16 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sb16 post-install snd-sb8 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sb8 post-install snd-sbawe /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sbawe post-install snd-serialmidi /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-serialmidi post-install snd-serial-u16550 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-serial-u16550 post-install snd-sgalaxy /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sgalaxy post-install snd-sonicvibes /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sonicvibes post-install snd-sscape /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sscape post-install snd-sun-amd7930 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sun-amd7930 post-install snd-sun-cs4231 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sun-cs4231 post-install snd-sun-dbri /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sun-dbri post-install snd-trident /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-trident post-install snd-usb-audio /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-usb-audio post-install snd-usb-usx2y /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-usb-usx2y post-install snd-via82xx /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-via82xx post-install snd-vx222 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-vx222 post-install snd-vxp440 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-vxp440 post-install snd-vxpocket /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-vxpocket post-install snd-wavefront /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-wavefront post-install snd-ymfpci /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ymfpci # Prevent abnormal drivers from grabbing index 0 options snd-atiixp-modem index=-2 options snd-bt87x index=-2 options snd-intel8x0m index=-2 options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2 ### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/alsa-base ### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/apm alias char-major-10-134 apm alias /dev/apm_bios /dev/misc/apm_bios alias /dev/misc/apm_bios apm ### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/apm ### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/lirc #This file is modified by lirc's maintainer scripts. #Any 'options' line asociated with the selected hardware will be replaced. #However 'add options' lines will be left alone, so you can use that for #additional module parameters. # ej: # add options lirc_serial sense=0 options lirc_serial io= irq= ### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/lirc ### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/paths # This file contains a list of paths that modprobe should scan, # beside the ones that are compiled into the modutils tools # themselves. ### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/paths ### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/arch/i386 alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc alias char-major-10-144 nvram alias binfmt-0064 binfmt_aout alias char-major-10-135 rtc ### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/arch/i386
# cat /etc/modprobe.conf alias snd-card-0 snd-sb16 options snd-sb16 index=0Tento kod je taky napsany v
# cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound alias snd-card-0 snd-sb16 options snd-sb16 index=0
Tiskni Sdílej: