Byla vydána verze 3.6 multiplatformního integrovaného vývojového prostředí (IDE) pro rychlý vývoj aplikaci (RAD) ve Free Pascalu Lazarus (Wikipedie). Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání. Využíván je Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) 3.2.2.
Na čem aktuálně pracují vývojáři GNOME a KDE? Pravidelný přehled novinek v Týden v GNOME a Týden v KDE.
Byla vydána nová verze 8.8 multiplatformní digitální pracovní stanice pro práci s audiem (DAW) Ardour. Přehled oprav, vylepšení a novinek v oficiálním oznámení.
Byla vydána nová major verze 11.0.0 nástroje mitmproxy určeného pro vytváření interaktivních MITM proxy pro HTTP a HTTPS komunikaci. Přehled novinek v příspěvku na blogu. Vypíchnuta je plná podpora HTTP/3 a vylepšená podpora DNS.
Richard Hughes na svém blogu představil nejnovější major verzi 2.0.0 nástroje fwupd umožňujícího aktualizovat firmware zařízení na počítačích s Linuxem. Podrobný přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání. Přehled podporovaných zařízení, nejnovějších firmwarů a zapojených výrobců na stránkách LVFS (Linux Vendor Firmware Service).
Počítačová hra Kvark (Steam) od studia Perun Creative dospěla do verze 1.0 (𝕏). Běží také na Linuxu.
Byla vydána (𝕏) zářijová aktualizace aneb nová verze 1.94 editoru zdrojových kódů Visual Studio Code (Wikipedie). Přehled novinek i s náhledy a animovanými gify v poznámkách k vydání. Ve verzi 1.94 vyjde také VSCodium, tj. komunitní sestavení Visual Studia Code bez telemetrie a licenčních podmínek Microsoftu.
O víkendu 5. a 6. října se koná ne-konference jOpenSpace. Pokud si chcete kouzlo živých přednášek vychutnat společně s námi, sledujte live streamy: sobota a neděle. Začínáme lehce po 9 hodině ranní. Zpracované záznamy jsou obvykle k dispozici do 14 dní na našem YouTube kanále.
Hodiny s unixovým časem dnes odbily 20 000 dnů. Unixový čas je počet sekund uplynulých od půlnoci 1. ledna 1970. Dnes ve 02:00 to bylo 1 728 000 000 sekund, tj. 20 000 dnů.
Notebook NitroPad V56 od společnosti Nitrokey byl oficiálně certifikován pro Qubes OS verze 4. Qubes OS (Wikipedie) je svobodný a otevřený operační systém zaměřený na bezpečnost desktopu.
A proč to teda trvá z linuxu na linux v nautilusu stejně dlouho ?
64 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 SET INFORMATION G:\Documents and Settings\user\ntuser.dat.LOG SUCCESS Length: 4096
65 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 SET INFORMATION G:\Documents and Settings\user\ntuser.dat.LOG SUCCESS Length: 4096
66 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 SET INFORMATION G:\Documents and Settings\user\ntuser.dat.LOG SUCCESS Length: 4096
67 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION G:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop SUCCESS Attributes: D
68 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 SET INFORMATION G:\Documents and Settings\user\ntuser.dat.LOG SUCCESS Length: 4096
69 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 SET INFORMATION G:\Documents and Settings\user\ntuser.dat.LOG SUCCESS Length: 8192
70 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION G:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat SUCCESS Length: 655360
71 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION G:\WINNT\Web\default.htt SUCCESS Attributes: H
72 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION G:\WINNT\Web\folder.htt SUCCESS Attributes: H
73 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION G:\WINNT\system32\shell32.dll SUCCESS Attributes: A
74 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION G:\WINNT\system32\shell32.dll SUCCESS Attributes: A
75 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION G:\WINNT\system32\shell32.dll SUCCESS Attributes: A
76 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION G:\WINNT\system32\shell32.dll SUCCESS Attributes: A
77 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION G:\WINNT\system32\shell32.dll SUCCESS Attributes: A
78 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
79 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
80 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
81 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
82 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
83 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
84 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
85 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
86 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
87 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: 00000000
88 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
89 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
90 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
91 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
92 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS\Base\ PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
93 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS\Base\.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
94 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
95 11:53:52 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
213 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\desktop.ini FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
214 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION G:\WINNT\system32\shell32.dll SUCCESS Attributes: A
215 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
216 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 DIRECTORY M:\ SUCCESS FileBothDirectoryInformation: *
217 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 DIRECTORY M:\ SUCCESS FileBothDirectoryInformation
218 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 DIRECTORY M:\ SUCCESS FileBothDirectoryInformation
219 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 DIRECTORY M:\ NO MORE FILES FileBothDirectoryInformation
220 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
221 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION G:\WINNT\system32\shell32.dll SUCCESS Attributes: A
222 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
223 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 DIRECTORY M:\ TOO MANY COMMANDS Change Notify
224 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
225 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
226 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
227 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
228 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
229 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SilverFast SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
230 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\SilverFast SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
231 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\SilverFast SUCCESS
232 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SilverFast SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
233 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\SilverFast SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
234 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\SilverFast SUCCESS
235 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SilverFast\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
236 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
237 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SilverFast SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
238 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\SilverFast SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
239 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\SilverFast SUCCESS
240 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SilverFast\CVS\Base\SilverFast PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
241 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SilverFast\CVS\Base\SilverFast.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
242 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SilverFast SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
243 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\SilverFast SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
244 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\SilverFast SUCCESS
245 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
246 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
247 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
248 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
249 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
250 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
251 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS
252 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
253 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
254 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS
255 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SERVICE_PACKS\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
256 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
257 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
258 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
259 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS
260 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SERVICE_PACKS\CVS\Base\SERVICE_PACKS PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
261 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SERVICE_PACKS\CVS\Base\SERVICE_PACKS.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
262 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
263 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
264 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\SERVICE_PACKS SUCCESS
265 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
266 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
267 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
268 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
269 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\scan SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
270 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\scan SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
271 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\scan SUCCESS
272 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\scan SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
273 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\scan SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
274 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\scan SUCCESS
275 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\scan\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
276 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
277 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\scan SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
278 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\scan SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
279 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\scan SUCCESS
280 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\scan\CVS\Base\scan PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
281 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\scan\CVS\Base\scan.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
282 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\scan SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
283 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\scan SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
284 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\scan SUCCESS
285 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
286 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
287 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
288 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
289 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\QCW32 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
290 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\QCW32 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
291 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\QCW32 SUCCESS
292 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\QCW32 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
293 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\QCW32 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
294 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\QCW32 SUCCESS
295 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\QCW32\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
296 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
297 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\QCW32 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
298 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\QCW32 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
299 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\QCW32 SUCCESS
300 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\QCW32\CVS\Base\QCW32 PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
301 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\QCW32\CVS\Base\QCW32.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
302 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\QCW32 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
303 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\QCW32 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
304 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\QCW32 SUCCESS
305 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
306 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
307 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
308 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
309 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\public_html SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
310 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\public_html SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
311 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\public_html SUCCESS
312 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\public_html SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
313 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\public_html SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
314 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\public_html SUCCESS
315 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\public_html\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
316 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
317 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\public_html SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
318 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\public_html SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
319 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\public_html SUCCESS
320 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\public_html\CVS\Base\public_html PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
321 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\public_html\CVS\Base\public_html.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
322 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\public_html SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
323 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\public_html SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
324 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\public_html SUCCESS
325 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
326 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
327 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
328 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
329 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
330 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
331 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS
332 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
333 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
334 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS
335 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ProgramFiles\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
336 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
337 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
338 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
339 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS
340 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ProgramFiles\CVS\Base\ProgramFiles PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
341 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ProgramFiles\CVS\Base\ProgramFiles.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
342 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
343 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
344 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ProgramFiles SUCCESS
345 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
346 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
347 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
348 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
349 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\pagios SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
350 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\pagios SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
351 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\pagios SUCCESS
352 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\pagios SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
353 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\pagios SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
354 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\pagios SUCCESS
355 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\pagios\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
356 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
357 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\pagios SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
358 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\pagios SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
359 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\pagios SUCCESS
360 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\pagios\CVS\Base\pagios PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
361 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\pagios\CVS\Base\pagios.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
362 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\pagios SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
363 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\pagios SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
364 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\pagios SUCCESS
365 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
366 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
367 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
368 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
369 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\Okno SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
370 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\Okno SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
371 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\Okno SUCCESS
372 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\Okno SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
373 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\Okno SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
374 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\Okno SUCCESS
375 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\Okno\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
376 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
377 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\Okno SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
378 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\Okno SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
379 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\Okno SUCCESS
380 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\Okno\CVS\Base\Okno PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
381 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\Okno\CVS\Base\Okno.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
382 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\Okno SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
383 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\Okno SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
384 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\Okno SUCCESS
385 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
386 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
387 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
388 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
389 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\obrazky SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
390 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\obrazky SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
391 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\obrazky SUCCESS
392 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\obrazky SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
393 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\obrazky SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
394 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\obrazky SUCCESS
395 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\obrazky\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
396 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
397 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\obrazky SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
398 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\obrazky SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
399 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\obrazky SUCCESS
400 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\obrazky\CVS\Base\obrazky PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
401 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\obrazky\CVS\Base\obrazky.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
402 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\obrazky SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
403 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\obrazky SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
404 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\obrazky SUCCESS
405 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
406 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
407 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
408 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
409 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
410 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
411 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS
412 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
413 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
414 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS
415 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON_D90\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
416 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
417 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
418 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
419 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS
420 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON_D90\CVS\Base\NIKON_D90 PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
421 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON_D90\CVS\Base\NIKON_D90.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
422 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
423 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
424 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\NIKON_D90 SUCCESS
425 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
426 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
427 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
428 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
429 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
430 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\NIKON SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
431 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\NIKON SUCCESS
432 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
433 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\NIKON SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
434 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\NIKON SUCCESS
435 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
436 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
437 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
438 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\NIKON SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
439 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\NIKON SUCCESS
440 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON\CVS\Base\NIKON PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
441 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON\CVS\Base\NIKON.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
442 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\NIKON SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
443 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\NIKON SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
444 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\NIKON SUCCESS
445 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
446 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
447 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
448 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
449 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\music SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
450 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\music SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
451 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\music SUCCESS
452 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\music SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
453 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\music SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
454 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\music SUCCESS
455 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\music\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
456 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
457 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\music SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
458 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\music SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
459 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\music SUCCESS
460 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\music\CVS\Base\music PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
461 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\music\CVS\Base\music.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
462 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\music SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
463 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\music SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
464 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\music SUCCESS
465 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
466 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileNameInformation
467 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\ SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
468 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\ SUCCESS
469 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\MP3 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
470 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\MP3 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
471 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\MP3 SUCCESS
472 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\MP3 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
473 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\MP3 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
474 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\MP3 SUCCESS
475 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\MP3\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
476 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\CVS FILE NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
477 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\MP3 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
478 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\MP3 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
479 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\MP3 SUCCESS
480 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\MP3\CVS\Base\MP3 PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
481 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\MP3\CVS\Base\MP3.gz PATH NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All
482 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\MP3 SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All
483 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 QUERY INFORMATION M:\MP3 SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
484 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 CLOSE M:\MP3 SUCCESS
485 11:53:53 explorer.exe:1324 OPEN M:\ SUCCESS Options: Open Directory Access: All
Při dalších otevřeních už jsou ikonky nakešované v paměti. Hlavně, že je to uživatelsky pěkné a vespod může být hnůj.
Jediné, co se asi dá dělat je na Linuxový stroj dát více paměti, aby měl nakešované soubory a pak třeba zkusit nějaký filesystém s optimalizací na prohledávání souborů v i-nodech.
smbclient -U "user" -L "share"
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.0]
Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
** IPC$ IPC IPC Service (sith-backup stroj)
zápis Disk
domovska Disk
zaloha Disk
veřejné Disk
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.0]
Server Comment
--------- -------
SITH-BACKUP sith-backup stroj
Workgroup Master
--------- -------
Pak jsem zkusil denyovat ten IPC$ share a ... není to dobrý nápad. :) Tak nevím.
Tiskni Sdílej: