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    včera 22:11 | IT novinky

    Společnost Meta Platforms na své dvoudenní konferenci Meta Connect 2024 představuje novinky: brýle Orion (původně Project Nazare) pro rozšířenou realitu (AR, Augmented Reality), nový VR headset Meta Quest 3S, vylepšené chytré brýle Ray-Ban Meta nebo Llama 3.2, tj. nejnovější verzi svého velkého jazykového modelu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 17:11 | Humor

    Počítačová hra XBill (Wikipedie) oslavila v létě 30 let. V devadesátkách Linuxáci poctivě bránili Billovi v instalaci Windows. Bohužel hry XSteve a XSatya nevznikly. A nemáme ani hru XTim. Proto není Linux na desktopu tak rozšířený ☺. Mimochodem, po 25 letech byl aktualizován XBill pro PalmOS.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 3
    včera 11:55 | Zajímavý software

    Počítačová hra Elite (Wikipedie), 3D vesmírní simulátor, byla vydána před 40 lety, 20. září 1984. Při té příležitosti byly zveřejněny další zdrojové kódy Elite pro platformy Apple, Atari, C64, NES a SNES a nedokončené Elite II pro BBC Micro.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 5
    24.9. 22:00 | Zajímavý software

    V květnu bylo oznámeno, že dnes budou zveřejněny zdrojové kódy přehrávače Winamp. Stalo se tak (𝕏). Zdrojové kódy jsou k dispozici na GitHubu. Nejedná se ale o svobodný a otevřený software (licence).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 6
    24.9. 13:55 | IT novinky

    Fiala navrhne odvolání Bartoše z postu vicepremiéra pro digitalizaci a ministra pro místní rozvoj ke 30. září. Důvodem je nezvládnutí digitalizace stavebního řízení, podle premiéra ji Bartoš není schopen dotáhnout do konce. „Po projednání analýzy digitálního stavebního řízení na vládě minulou středu a po dnešním ranním rozhovoru s panem vicepremiérem Ivanem Bartošem jsem bohužel nabyl jistoty, že není schopen tuto digitalizaci

    … více »
    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 43
    24.9. 12:33 | IT novinky

    Komunikační platforma Telegram začne po tlaku úřadů poskytovat vládám více informací o svých uživatelích. V pondělí to oznámil její zakladatel a generální ředitel Pavel Durov. Ten už několik týdnů ve Francii čelí obvinění, že nedělá dost pro to, aby platformu nevyužívaly i kriminální živly. To chce Durov nyní také změnit, informují tiskové agentury.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 31
    24.9. 12:22 | Zajímavý článek

    Nová čísla časopisů od nakladatelství Raspberry Pi: MagPi 145 (pdf) a Hello World 25 (pdf).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    24.9. 04:44 | Nová verze

    Programovací jazyk Hy (Wikipedie) dospěl do verze 1.0.0. Po téměř dvanácti letech vývoje. Jedná se o dialekt programovacího jazyka LISP navržený pro interakci s programovacím jazykem Python.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    23.9. 20:00 | Zajímavý software

    Zen je webový prohlížeč vycházející z Firefoxu. Vývoj probíhá na GitHubu. Instalovat lze také z Flathubu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 1
    23.9. 15:11 | Nová verze

    Organizace Apache Software Foundation (ASF) vydala verzi 23 integrovaného vývojového prostředí a vývojové platformy napsané v Javě NetBeans (Wikipedie). Přehled novinek na GitHubu. Instalovat lze také ze Snapcraftu a Flathubu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0

    Dotaz: Atheros v modu AP

    petka avatar 1.2.2010 17:08 petka | skóre: 25 | blog: heydax | Klasterec N/O
    Atheros v modu AP
    Přečteno: 669×
    Zdravim mam problem s
    02:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)
    , kdyz vytvorim ap bez klice , vse funguje jak ma , ale jakmile mu vnutim klic . Tak zadny klient se nepripoji . Pouzivam ovladac ath_pci , s adhocd a ath5k kartu v modu ap vubec nenastavim . Ve starsim jadre vse fungovalo.
    Ubuntu server - Asus E35M1​-M ​- AMD Hudson M1 , 2x Technisat Skystar2 , 2x 1GB Lan , WiFi mod AP ,vdr,mysql,apache2...

    Řešení dotazu:


    1.2.2010 22:17 Vojta
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Atheros v modu AP
    00:0e.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR2413 802.11bg NIC (rev 01).
    Tuto wifi kartu provozuju v AP módu následujícím způsobem:
    wlanconfig ath0 destroy
    wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap
    iwconfig ath0 channel 9
    ifconfig ath0

    režim AP a včetně šifrování zajišťuje hostapd. Konfigurák pro hostapd jsem našel na internetu.
    petka avatar 2.2.2010 14:55 petka | skóre: 25 | blog: heydax | Klasterec N/O
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Atheros v modu AP
    Koukal jsem na hostapd , ale nejak nechapu . Spustil jsem sluzbu nastavil konfigurak , ale nic . V iwconfig nic neni zadnz klic . Mohl by jste mi sem pastnou cely konfigurak .
    Ubuntu server - Asus E35M1​-M ​- AMD Hudson M1 , 2x Technisat Skystar2 , 2x 1GB Lan , WiFi mod AP ,vdr,mysql,apache2...
    Řešení 1× (petka (tazatel))
    2.2.2010 22:11 Vojta
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Atheros v modu AP

    ##### hostapd configuration file ##############################################
    # Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored

    # AP netdevice name (without 'ap' prefix, i.e., wlan0 uses wlan0ap for
    # management frames)

    # Driver interface type (hostap/wired/madwifi/prism54; default: hostap)

    # hostapd event logger configuration
    # Two output method: syslog and stdout (only usable if not forking to
    # background).
    # Module bitfield (ORed bitfield of modules that will be logged; -1 = all
    # modules):
    # bit 0 (1) = IEEE 802.11
    # bit 1 (2) = IEEE 802.1X
    # bit 2 (4) = RADIUS
    # bit 3 (8) = WPA
    # bit 4 (16) = driver interface
    # bit 5 (32) = IAPP
    # Levels (minimum value for logged events):
    #  0 = verbose debugging
    #  1 = debugging
    #  2 = informational messages
    #  3 = notification
    #  4 = warning

    # Debugging: 0 = no, 1 = minimal, 2 = verbose, 3 = msg dumps, 4 = excessive

    # Dump file for state information (on SIGUSR1)

    # Interface for separate control program. If this is specified, hostapd
    # will create this directory and a UNIX domain socket for listening to requests
    # from external programs (CLI/GUI, etc.) for status information and
    # configuration. The socket file will be named based on the interface name, so
    # multiple hostapd processes/interfaces can be run at the same time if more
    # than one interface is used.
    # /var/run/hostapd is the recommended directory for sockets and by default,
    # hostapd_cli will use it when trying to connect with hostapd.

    # Access control for the control interface can be configured by setting the
    # directory to allow only members of a group to use sockets. This way, it is
    # possible to run hostapd as root (since it needs to change network
    # configuration and open raw sockets) and still allow GUI/CLI components to be
    # run as non-root users. However, since the control interface can be used to
    # change the network configuration, this access needs to be protected in many
    # cases. By default, hostapd is configured to use gid 0 (root). If you
    # want to allow non-root users to use the contron interface, add a new group
    # and change this value to match with that group. Add users that should have
    # control interface access to this group.
    # This variable can be a group name or gid.

    ##### IEEE 802.11 related configuration #######################################

    # SSID to be used in IEEE 802.11 management frames

    # Station MAC address -based authentication
    # 0 = accept unless in deny list
    # 1 = deny unless in accept list
    # 2 = use external RADIUS server (accept/deny lists are searched first)

    # Accept/deny lists are read from separate files (containing list of
    # MAC addresses, one per line). Use absolute path name to make sure that the

    # files can be read on SIGHUP configuration reloads.

    # IEEE 802.11 specifies two authentication algorithms. hostapd can be
    # configured to allow both of these or only one. Open system authentication
    # should be used with IEEE 802.1X.
    # Bit fields of allowed authentication algorithms:
    # bit 0 = Open System Authentication
    # bit 1 = Shared Key Authentication (requires WEP)

    # Associate as a station to another AP while still acting as an AP on the same
    # channel.

    ##### IEEE 802.1X (and IEEE 802.1aa/D4) related configuration #################

    # Require IEEE 802.1X authorization

    # Use integrated EAP authenticator instead of external RADIUS authentication
    # server

    # Path for EAP authenticator user database

    # CA certificate (PEM or DER file) for EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS

    # Server certificate (PEM or DER file) for EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS

    # Private key matching with the server certificate for EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS
    # This may point to the same file as server_cert if both certificate and key
    # are included in a single file. PKCS#12 (PFX) file (.p12/.pfx) can also be
    # used by commenting out server_cert and specifying the PFX file as the
    # private_key.

    # Passphrase for private key
    #private_key_passwd=secret passphrase

    # Configuration data for EAP-SIM database/authentication gateway interface.
    # This is a text string in implementation specific format. The example
    # implementation in eap_sim_db.c uses this as the file name for the GSM
    # authentication triplets.

    # Optional displayable message sent with EAP Request-Identity

    # WEP rekeying (disabled if key lengths are not set or are set to 0)
    # Key lengths for default/broadcast and individual/unicast keys:
    # 5 = 40-bit WEP (also known as 64-bit WEP with 40 secret bits)
    # 13 = 104-bit WEP (also known as 128-bit WEP with 104 secret bits)
    # Rekeying period in seconds. 0 = do not rekey (i.e., set keys only once)

    # EAPOL-Key index workaround (set bit7) for WinXP Supplicant (needed only if
    # only broadcast keys are used)

    # EAP reauthentication period in seconds (default: 3600 seconds; 0 = disable
    # reauthentication).

    ##### IEEE 802.11f - Inter-Access Point Protocol (IAPP) #######################

    # Interface to be used for IAPP broadcast packets

    ##### RADIUS configuration ####################################################
    # for IEEE 802.1X with external Authentication Server, IEEE 802.11
    # authentication with external ACL for MAC addresses, and accounting

    # The own IP address of the access point (used as NAS-IP-Address)

    # Optional NAS-Identifier string for RADIUS messages. When used, this should be
    # a unique to the NAS within the scope of the RADIUS server. For example, a
    # fully qualified domain name can be used here.

    # RADIUS authentication server

    # RADIUS accounting server

    # Secondary RADIUS servers; to be used if primary one does not reply to
    # RADIUS packets. These are optional and there can be more than one secondary
    # server listed.

    # Retry interval for trying to return to the primary RADIUS server (in
    # seconds). RADIUS client code will automatically try to use the next server
    # when the current server is not replying to requests. If this interval is set,
    # primary server will be retried after configured amount of time even if the
    # currently used secondary server is still working.

    # Interim accounting update interval
    # If this is set (larger than 0) and acct_server is configured, hostapd will
    # send interim accounting updates every N seconds. Note: if set, this overrides
    # possible Acct-Interim-Interval attribute in Access-Accept message. Thus, this
    # value should not be configured in hostapd.conf, if RADIUS server is used to
    # control the interim interval.
    # This value should not be less 600 (10 minutes) and must not be less than
    # 60 (1 minute).

    # hostapd can be used as a RADIUS authentication server for other hosts. This
    # requires that the integrated EAP authenticator is also enabled and both
    # authentication services are sharing the same configuration.

    # File name of the RADIUS clients configuration for the RADIUS server. If this
    # commented out, RADIUS server is disabled.

    # The UDP port number for the RADIUS authentication server

    ##### WPA/IEEE 802.11i configuration ##########################################

    # Enable WPA. Setting this variable configures the AP to require WPA (either
    # WPA-PSK or WPA-RADIUS/EAP based on other configuration). For WPA-PSK, either
    # wpa_psk or wpa_passphrase must be set and wpa_key_mgmt must include WPA-PSK.
    # For WPA-RADIUS/EAP, ieee8021x must be set (but without dynamic WEP keys),
    # RADIUS authentication server must be configured, and WPA-EAP must be included
    # in wpa_key_mgmt.
    # This field is a bit field that can be used to enable WPA (IEEE 802.11i/D3.0)
    # and/or WPA2 (full IEEE 802.11i/RSN):
    # bit0 = WPA
    # bit1 = IEEE 802.11i/RSN (WPA2) (dot11RSNAEnabled)

    # WPA pre-shared keys for WPA-PSK. This can be either entered as a 256-bit
    # secret in hex format (64 hex digits), wpa_psk, or as an ASCII passphrase
    # (8..63 characters) that will be converted to PSK. This conversion uses SSID
    # so the PSK changes when ASCII passphrase is used and the SSID is changed.
    # wpa_psk (dot11RSNAConfigPSKValue)
    # wpa_passphrase (dot11RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase)

    # Optionally, WPA PSKs can be read from a separate text file (containing list
    # of (PSK,MAC address) pairs. This allows more than one PSK to be configured.
    # Use absolute path name to make sure that the files can be read on SIGHUP
    # configuration reloads.

    # Set of accepted key management algorithms (WPA-PSK, WPA-EAP, or both). The
    # entries are separated with a space.
    # (dot11RSNAConfigAuthenticationSuitesTable)
    #wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK WPA-EAP

    # Set of accepted cipher suites (encryption algorithms) for pairwise keys
    # (unicast packets). This is a space separated list of algorithms:

    # CCMP = AES in Counter mode with CBC-MAC [RFC 3610, IEEE 802.11i/D7.0]
    # TKIP = Temporal Key Integrity Protocol [IEEE 802.11i/D7.0]
    # Group cipher suite (encryption algorithm for broadcast and multicast frames)
    # is automatically selected based on this configuration. If only CCMP is
    # allowed as the pairwise cipher, group cipher will also be CCMP. Otherwise,
    # TKIP will be used as the group cipher.
    # (dot11RSNAConfigPairwiseCiphersTable)
    wpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMP

    # Time interval for rekeying GTK (broadcast/multicast encryption keys) in
    # seconds. (dot11RSNAConfigGroupRekeyTime)

    # Rekey GTK when any STA that possesses the current GTK is leaving the BSS.
    # (dot11RSNAConfigGroupRekeyStrict)

    # Time interval for rekeying GMK (master key used internally to generate GTKs
    # (in seconds).

    # Enable IEEE 802.11i/RSN/WPA2 pre-authentication. This is used to speed up
    # roaming be pre-authenticating IEEE 802.1X/EAP part of the full RSN
    # authentication and key handshake before actually associating with a new AP.
    # (dot11RSNAPreauthenticationEnabled)
    # Space separated list of interfaces from which pre-authentication frames are
    # accepted (e.g., 'eth0' or 'eth0 wlan0wds0'. This list should include all
    # interface that are used for connections to other APs. This could include
    # wired interfaces and WDS links. The normal wireless data interface towards
    # associated stations (e.g., wlan0) should not be added, since
    # pre-authentication is only used with APs other than the currently associated
    # one.

    petka avatar 5.2.2010 20:56 petka | skóre: 25 | blog: heydax | Klasterec N/O
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Atheros v modu AP
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