Byla vydána nová verze 2.47.0 distribuovaného systému správy verzí Git. Přispělo 83 vývojářů, z toho 28 nových. Přehled novinek v příspěvku na blogu GitHubu a v poznámkách k vydání.
Bylo vydáno OpenBSD 7.6. Opět bez písničky.
Programovací jazyk Python byl vydán v nové major verzi 3.13.0. Podrobný přehled novinek v changelogu.
Lze získat roota pouze se zapalovačem? Ano, lze.
Konference LinuxDays 2024 proběhne již tento víkend 12. a 13. října v Praze. Na programu je spousta zajímavých přednášek a workshopů, zástup zajímavých osobností a stánky řady projektů: Fedora, openSUSE,, Mozilla, brmlab, OpenAlt a mnoho dalších. Vstup zdarma.
Představeny byly oficiální Raspberry Pi microSD karty třídy A2 a silikonový kryt na Raspberry Pi 5.
OpenRazer byl vydán ve verzi 3.9.0. Jedná se o svobodný software, ovladač a démon, umožňující nastavovat klávesnice, notebooky, myši, podložky pod myš, keypady, sluchátka a další zařízení od společnosti Razer na GNU/Linuxu.
Byla vydána verze 3.6 multiplatformního integrovaného vývojového prostředí (IDE) pro rychlý vývoj aplikaci (RAD) ve Free Pascalu Lazarus (Wikipedie). Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání. Využíván je Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) 3.2.2.
Na čem aktuálně pracují vývojáři GNOME a KDE? Pravidelný přehled novinek v Týden v GNOME a Týden v KDE.
Byla vydána nová verze 8.8 multiplatformní digitální pracovní stanice pro práci s audiem (DAW) Ardour. Přehled oprav, vylepšení a novinek v oficiálním oznámení.
Mam na serveri nainstalovany debian lenny 5.0.4, z dotdeb MySQL 5.1.44 a vykompilovany sphinx modul do MySQL.
Modul vidim v enginoch. Ak vytvorim ale tabulku so storage engine, MySQL server spadne.
Tu prikladam log zo syslog:
Mar 30 23:46:54 victorius mysqld: Version: '5.1.44-0.dotdeb.0-log' socket:
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 (Debian)
Mar 31 00:09:01 victorius /USR/SBIN/CRON[20402]: (root) CMD ( [ -x
/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ]&& [ -d /var/lib/php5 ]&& find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin
+$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -n 200 -r -0 rm)
Mar 31 00:12:58 victorius mysqld: 100331 0:12:58 [Warning] Storage engine 'SPHINX' has
conflicting typecode. Assigning value 42.
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: 100331 0:13:22 - mysqld got signal 11 ;
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: This could be because you hit a bug. It is also
possible that this binary
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: or one of the libraries it was linked against is
corrupt, improperly built,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by
malfunctioning hardware.
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: We will try our best to scrape up some info that will
hopefully help diagnose
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: the problem, but since we have already crashed,
something is definitely wrong
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: and this may fail.
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld:
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: key_buffer_size=16777216
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: read_buffer_size=131072
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: max_used_connections=2
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: max_threads=50000
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: threads_connected=2
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: It is possible that mysqld could use up to
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size +
sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 109324977 K
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: bytes of memory
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld:
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: thd: 0x7f59d1898940
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: Attempting backtrace. You can use the following
information to find out
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this,
something went
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: terribly wrong...
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: stack_bottom = 0x4095a100 thread_stack 0x30000
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(my_print_stacktrace+0x29)
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(handle_segfault+0x36a) [0x7f59ced78dfa]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /lib/ [0x7f59ce5dfa80]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
const*, int, unsigned int)+0x17a) [0x7f59ca84391a]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(handler::ha_open(st_table*, char
const*, int, int)+0x3f) [0x7f59cee7174f]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(open_table_from_share(THD*,
st_table_share*, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, st_tab
le*, bool)+0x57a) [0x7f59cedcd4da]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld [0x7f59cedc6c90]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(open_table(THD*, TABLE_LIST*,
st_mem_root*, bool*, unsigned int)+0x5e3) [0x7f59cedc85a3]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(open_tables(THD*, TABLE_LIST**,
unsigned int*, unsigned int)+0x719) [0x7f59cedc94a9]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(open_normal_and_derived_tables(THD*,
TABLE_LIST*, unsigned int)+0x1e) [0x7f59cedc962e]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(get_all_tables(THD*, TABLE_LIST*,
Item*)+0xb77) [0x7f59ceea8747]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(get_schema_tables_result(JOIN*,
enum_schema_table_state)+0x1f0) [0x7f59cee991f0]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(JOIN::exec()+0x61d) [0x7f59cedf783d]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(mysql_select(THD*, Item***,
TABLE_LIST*, unsigned int, List<Item>&, Item*, unsigned int, st_order*, st_ord
er*, Item*, st_order*, unsigned long long, select_result*, st_select_lex_unit*,
st_select_lex*)+0x124) [0x7f59cedf3884]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(handle_select(THD*, st_lex*,
select_result*, unsigned long)+0x16c) [0x7f59cedf955c]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld [0x7f59ced8730f]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(mysql_execute_command(THD*)+0x10d9)
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(mysql_parse(THD*, char const*,
unsigned int, char const**)+0x36e) [0x7f59ced8fc8e]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(dispatch_command(enum_server_command,
THD*, char*, unsigned int)+0xe38) [0x7f59ced90ad8]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(do_command(THD*)+0xe8) [0x7f59ced91508]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld(handle_one_connection+0x22e)
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /lib/ [0x7f59ce5d7fc7]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /lib/ [0x7f59cd13359d]
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: Trying to get some variables.
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: thd->query at 0x7f59d18a3230 = SELECT *,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `TABLE_SCHEMA` AS `Db`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `TABLE_NAME` AS `Name`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `ENGINE` AS `Engine`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `ENGINE` AS `Type`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `VERSION` AS `Version`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `ROW_FORMAT` AS `Row_format`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `TABLE_ROWS` AS `Rows`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `AVG_ROW_LENGTH` AS `Avg_row_length`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `DATA_LENGTH` AS `Data_length`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `MAX_DATA_LENGTH` AS `Max_data_length`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `INDEX_LENGTH` AS `Index_length`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `DATA_FREE` AS `Data_free`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `AUTO_INCREMENT` AS `Auto_increment`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `CREATE_TIME` AS `Create_time`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `UPDATE_TIME` AS `Update_time`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `CHECK_TIME` AS `Check_time`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `TABLE_COLLATION` AS `Collation`,
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: `CHECKSUM` AS `
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: thd->thread_id=7
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: thd->killed=NOT_KILLED
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: The manual page at contains
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: information that should help you find out what is
causing the crash.
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld_safe: Number of processes running now: 0
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld_safe: mysqld restarted
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: 100331 0:13:22 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table './mysql/plugin' is marked as
crashed and should be repaired
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table 'plugin' is marked as crashed
and should be repaired
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: 100331 0:13:22 [Warning] Checking table:
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: 100331 0:13:22 [ERROR] 1 client is using or hasn't
closed the table properly
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: 100331 0:13:22 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0
44233 [/code]
Thanks for reply.
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: 100331 0:13:22 [Warning] Storage engine 'SPHINX' has
conflicting typecode. Assigning value 42.
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: 100331 0:13:22 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
Mar 31 00:13:22 victorius mysqld: 100331 0:13:22 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for
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