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    dnes 11:00 | Nová verze

    Zulip Server z open source komunikační platformy Zulip (Wikipedie, GitHub) byl vydán ve verzi 9.0. Přehled novinek v příspěvku na blogu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 18:33 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána (𝕏) nová verze 24.7 open source firewallové a routovací platformy OPNsense (Wikipedie). Jedná se o fork pfSense postavený na FreeBSD. Kódový název OPNsense 24.7 je Thriving Tiger. Přehled novinek v příspěvku na fóru.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 05:11 | Bezpečnostní upozornění

    Binarly REsearch upozorňuje na bezpečnostní problém PKFail (YouTube) v ekosystému UEFI. Stovky modelů zařízení používají pro Secure Boot testovací Platform Key vygenerovaný American Megatrends International (AMI) a jeho privátní část byla při úniku dat prozrazena. Do milionů zařízení (seznam v pdf) po celém světě tak útočníci mohou do Secure Bootu vložit podepsaný malware. Otestovat firmware si lze na stránce Ukázka PoC na Linuxu na Windows na YouTube.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 13
    včera 02:22 | Nová verze

    Mobilní operační systém /e/OS (Wikipedie) založený na Androidu / LineageOS, ale bez aplikací a služeb od Googlu, byl vydán ve verzi 2.2 (Mastodon, 𝕏). Přehled novinek na GitLabu. Vypíchnuta je rodičovská kontrola.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 3
    včera 01:22 | IT novinky

    Společnost OpenAI představila vyhledávač SearchGPT propojující OpenAI modely umělé inteligence a informace z webů v reálném čase. Zatím jako prototyp pro vybrané uživatele. Zapsat se lze do pořadníku čekatelů.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 00:11 | Nová verze

    Distribuce Linux Mint 22 „Wilma“ byla vydána. Je založená na Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, ale s desktopovým prostředím Cinnamon (aktuálně verze 6.2), příp. MATE nebo Xfce, balíkem aplikací XApp, integrací balíčků Flatpak a dalšími změnami. Více v přehledu novinekpoznámkách k vydání.

    Fluttershy, yay! | Komentářů: 2
    25.7. 17:44 | Zajímavý článek Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    25.7. 17:22 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 14 integrovaného vývojového prostředí (IDE) Qt Creator. Podrobný přehled novinek v cgitu. Vypíchnout lze podporu rozšíření v Lua.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.7. 17:11 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána verze 1.80.0 programovacího jazyka Rust (Wikipedie). Podrobnosti v poznámkách k vydání. Vyzkoušet Rust lze například na stránce Rust by Example.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.7. 14:11 | IT novinky

    Apple oznámil, že v beta verzi spustil své Apple Maps na webu. Podporován je také webový prohlížeč Chrome. Ne však na Linuxu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 23

    Dotaz: nelze použít KDM !

    2.5.2007 18:14 Tomáš
    nelze použít KDM !
    Přečteno: 117×
    Dobrý den, mám Mandrivu 2007 pro 64 bit proc. a v nabíce pro nastavení grafických režimů mám na výběr pouze XDM a GDM. Nainstaloval jsem ovladač pro KDM a zjevně bez potíží, ale v nastavení se mi vůbec nenabízí tato možnost. Co s tím? Děkuji za každou radu.


    pdp7 avatar 2.5.2007 19:00 pdp7 | skóre: 33 | blog: Mravenec_v_LCD_monitoru | Zákupy u České lípy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    Instaloval jsi ovladac KDM??? A co to je ovladac KDM?

    PS: Ja bych normalne nainstaloval KDM (zrejme ho tam jeste nemas ;-))
    2.5.2007 19:03 Largo | skóre: 3
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    urpmi kdebase-kdm
    2.5.2007 19:19 Tomáš
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    Když jsem tohle zadal do terminálu, tak mi to napsalo, žádný balíček s kdebase-kdm. Když jsem napsal
    urpmi kdebase - kdm, tak mi to napsalo spoustu řádků a nějakých dat. Teda vůbec nevím jak to nainstalovat.
    Když spustím drakconf a dám přehled software k instalaci a zadám do pole vyhledávání kdm, tak je nainstalované.
    2.5.2007 19:36 Largo | skóre: 3
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    Mám dojem,že kdm nie je na dvd,treba ho nainštalovat z internetu.Máte nadefinované zdoje? Najlepšie pomocou easyurpmi
    vencour avatar 2.5.2007 19:37 vencour | skóre: 56 | blog: Tady je Vencourovo | Praha+západní Čechy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !

    Hm, koukam na MDV 2006, co ji mam zkopírovanou jako zálohu, jinak už ji používam ... v /etc/kde máte adresář kdm? V /etc/X11/dm.d mam 3 soubory, snad podle nich ... podle 10kdm.conf, 20gdm.conf, 30xdm.conf jsem měl dané dm v nabídce? Pak mam ještě v /etc/X11 prefdm, zdá se mi obsah napovídat, kde hledat ...

    V Gentoo mam v /etc/conf.d/ konf. soubor xdm, a v něm zvoleno DISPLAYMANAGER="kdm"

    Ty nejhlubší objevy nečekají nutně za příští hvězdou. Jsou uvnitř nás utkány do vláken, která nás spojují, nás všechny.
    vencour avatar 2.5.2007 19:47 vencour | skóre: 56 | blog: Tady je Vencourovo | Praha+západní Čechy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !

    Upřesnění, snad to pomůže ... ta Mandriva měla v /usr/bin mj. ... kdm,, kdm_config, kdm_greet a kdmctl.

    Ty nejhlubší objevy nečekají nutně za příští hvězdou. Jsou uvnitř nás utkány do vláken, která nás spojují, nás všechny.
    2.5.2007 20:28 Tomáš
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    Tak v etc/X11/dm.d jsou ty tři soubory v /etc/conf.d/ konf. soubor xdm, a v něm zvoleno DISPLAYMANAGER="kdm"
    tam taky je, ale je to příliš složité a vůbec tomu nerozumim na to abych tam něco měnil a v tom souboru je
    display manager="kdm" display manager="xdm" display manager="gnome" ...prostě všechny v tom /usr/bin je jenom ostatní tam nejsou... :-(
    vencour avatar 2.5.2007 20:50 vencour | skóre: 56 | blog: Tady je Vencourovo | Praha+západní Čechy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !

    Hm, cože vám řekne rpm -qa | grep kdm? Já mam u jednoho známýho na MDV2006


    Ty nejhlubší objevy nečekají nutně za příští hvězdou. Jsou uvnitř nás utkány do vláken, která nás spojují, nás všechny.
    2.5.2007 20:56 Tomáš
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    napíše mi to: mandriva-kdm-config-2007-27mdv2007.0

    a to kdm je vybarveně červeně...
    vencour avatar 2.5.2007 21:04 vencour | skóre: 56 | blog: Tady je Vencourovo | Praha+západní Čechy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !

    Ok, zkontrolujte si, ověřte systém třeba s ftp ... zda máte vše, co je (asi) potřeba ...

    Ty nejhlubší objevy nečekají nutně za příští hvězdou. Jsou uvnitř nás utkány do vláken, která nás spojují, nás všechny.
    2.5.2007 21:13 Tomáš
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    ...ale bohužel nevim, jak mám skontrolovat vškeré množství souborů...doinstaloval jsem zatim jenom jenom kdmtheme-...:-(
    vencour avatar 2.5.2007 21:20 vencour | skóre: 56 | blog: Tady je Vencourovo | Praha+západní Čechy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !

    Ok, já navrhoval zkusit nainstalovat to kdm*. Co to, že je vybarvené červeně, to mi nic neříká ...

    Ty nejhlubší objevy nečekají nutně za příští hvězdou. Jsou uvnitř nás utkány do vláken, která nás spojují, nás všechny.
    2.5.2007 21:26 Tomáš
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    nainstalovat znamená nainstalovat všechno co je v té ftp složce?
    pdp7 avatar 2.5.2007 21:36 pdp7 | skóre: 33 | blog: Mravenec_v_LCD_monitoru | Zákupy u České lípy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !

    Pokud mas 64 bit stroj nainstaluj tenhle balik


    a pokud 32 bit tak

    2.5.2007 21:55 Tomáš
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    tak po instalaci se mi zobrazilo v nabídce kdm...ale po restartu systému to už vůbec nefunguje...:-( zobrazí se na chvíli modrá obrazovka s černou myší, pak zhasne...a znova pořád dokola, prostě to nenaběhne...
    pdp7 avatar 2.5.2007 22:05 pdp7 | skóre: 33 | blog: Mravenec_v_LCD_monitoru | Zákupy u České lípy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    Njn. To je ta bajecna Mandriva.

    Dej sem vypis souboru /var/log/Xorg.0.log
    3.5.2007 15:41 Tomáš
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    omlouvám se za spoždění...ale je to trochu obsáhlé to obsah toho souboru:

    X Window System Version 7.1.1 Release Date: 12 May 2006 X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.1.1 Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.173mdv x86_64 Current Operating System: Linux localhost 2.6.175mdv #1 SMP Wed Sep 13 14:28:02 EDT 2006 x86_64 Build Date: 17 September 2006 Before reporting problems, check to make sure that you have the latest version. Module Loader present Markers: () probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting, (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational, (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown. (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Thu May 3 15:37:28 2007 (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" (==) ServerLayout "layout1" (**) |> Screen "screen1" (0) (**) | |> Monitor "monitor1" (**) | |> Device "device1" (**) |> Input Device "Keyboard1" (**) |> Input Device "Mouse1" (**) FontPath set to: unix/:1, /usr/share/fonts/misc:unscaled (==) RgbPath set to "/usr/share/X11/rgb" (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib64/xorg/modules" (**) Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" (**) Extension "Composite" is enabled (II) Open ACPI successful (/var/run/acpid.socket) (II) Module ABI versions: X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.3 X.Org Video Driver: 1.0 X.Org XInput driver : 0.6 X.Org Server Extension : 0.3 X.Org Font Renderer : 0.5 (II) Loader running on linux (II) LoadModule: "bitmap" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/fonts/ (II) Module bitmap: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0 Module class: X.Org Font Renderer ABI class: X.Org Font Renderer, version 0.5 (II) Loading font Bitmap (II) LoadModule: "pcidata" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/ (II) Module pcidata: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0 ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0 Using vt 7 () using VT number 7 (II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex) (II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 10de,02f4 card 10de,02f4 rev a2 class 05,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:00:1: chip 10de,02fa card 10de,02fa rev a2 class 05,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:00:2: chip 10de,02fe card 10de,02fe rev a2 class 05,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:00:3: chip 10de,02f8 card 10de,02f8 rev a2 class 05,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:00:4: chip 10de,02f9 card 10de,02f9 rev a2 class 05,00,00 hdr 00 (II) PCI: 00:00:5: chip 10de,02ff card 10de,02ff rev a2 class 05,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:00:6: chip 10de,027f card 10de,027f rev a2 class 05,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:00:7: chip 10de,027e card 10de,027e rev a2 class 05,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:03:0: chip 10de,02fd card 0000,0000 rev a1 class 06,04,00 hdr 01 (II) PCI: 00:04:0: chip 10de,02fb card 0000,0000 rev a1 class 06,04,00 hdr 01 (II) PCI: 00:08:0: chip 10de,0369 card 1043,cb84 rev a1 class 05,00,00 hdr 00 (II) PCI: 00:09:0: chip 10de,0360 card 1043,cb84 rev a2 class 06,01,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:09:1: chip 10de,0368 card 1043,cb84 rev a2 class 0c,05,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:09:2: chip 10de,036a card 1043,cb84 rev a2 class 05,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:0a:0: chip 10de,036c card 1043,cb84 rev a1 class 0c,03,10 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:0a:1: chip 10de,036d card 1043,cb84 rev a2 class 0c,03,20 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:0c:0: chip 10de,036e card 1043,cb84 rev a1 class 01,01,8a hdr 00 (II) PCI: 00:0d:0: chip 10de,037f card 1043,cb84 rev a2 class 01,01,85 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:0d:1: chip 10de,037f card 1043,cb84 rev a2 class 01,01,85 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:0d:2: chip 10de,037f card 1043,cb84 rev a2 class 01,01,85 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:0e:0: chip 10de,0370 card 0000,0000 rev a2 class 06,04,01 hdr 81 (II) PCI: 00:0e:1: chip 10de,0371 card 1043,81f6 rev a2 class 04,03,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:10:0: chip 10de,0373 card 1043,cb84 rev a2 class 06,80,00 hdr 00 (II) PCI: 00:11:0: chip 10de,0373 card 1043,cb84 rev a2 class 06,80,00 hdr 00 (II) PCI: 00:12:0: chip 10de,0376 card 0000,0000 rev a2 class 06,04,00 hdr 01 (II) PCI: 00:14:0: chip 10de,0374 card 0000,0000 rev a2 class 06,04,00 hdr 01 (II) PCI: 00:16:0: chip 10de,0375 card 0000,0000 rev a2 class 06,04,00 hdr 01 (II) PCI: 00:17:0: chip 10de,0377 card 0000,0000 rev a2 class 06,04,00 hdr 01 (II) PCI: 00:18:0: chip 1022,1100 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 06,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:18:1: chip 1022,1101 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 06,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:18:2: chip 1022,1102 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 06,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 00:18:3: chip 1022,1103 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 06,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 02:00:0: chip 1002,7291 card 174b,e140 rev 00 class 03,00,00 hdr 80 (II) PCI: 02:00:1: chip 1002,72b1 card 174b,e141 rev 00 class 03,80,00 hdr 00 (II) PCI: 06:00:0: chip 1095,3132 card 1043,819f rev 01 class 01,80,00 hdr 00 (II) PCI: End of PCI scan (II) PCItoPCI bridge: (II) Bus 1: bridge is at (0:3:0), (0,1,1), BCTRL: 0x0004 (VGA_EN is cleared) (II) PCItoPCI bridge: (II) Bus 2: bridge is at (0:4:0), (0,2,2), BCTRL: 0x001c (VGA_EN is set) (II) Bus 2 I/O range: [0] 1 0 0x00009000 0x000090ff (0x100) IX[B] [1] 1 0 0x00009400 0x000094ff (0x100) IX[B] [2] 1 0 0x00009800 0x000098ff (0x100) IX[B] [3] 1 0 0x00009c00 0x00009cff (0x100) IX[B] (II) Bus 2 nonprefetchable memory range: [0] 1 0 0xfdf00000 0xfdffffff (0x100000) MX[B] (II) Bus 2 prefetchable memory range: [0] 1 0 0xe0000000 0xefffffff (0x10000000) MX[B] (II) PCItoISA bridge: (II) Bus 1: bridge is at (0:9:0), (0,1, 1), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set) (II) Subtractive PCItoPCI bridge: (II) Bus 3: bridge is at (0:14:0), (0,3,3), BCTRL: 0x0a04 (VGA_EN is cleared) (II) PCItoPCI bridge: (II) Bus 4: bridge is at (0:18:0), (0,4,4), BCTRL: 0x0004 (VGA_EN is cleared) (II) PCItoPCI bridge: (II) Bus 5: bridge is at (0:20:0), (0,5,5), BCTRL: 0x0004 (VGA_EN is cleared) (II) PCItoPCI bridge: (II) Bus 6: bridge is at (0:22:0), (0,6,6), BCTRL: 0x0004 (VGA_EN is cleared) (II) Bus 6 I/O range: [0] 1 0 0x00008000 0x000080ff (0x100) IX[B] [1] 1 0 0x00008400 0x000084ff (0x100) IX[B] [2] 1 0 0x00008800 0x000088ff (0x100) IX[B] [3] 1 0 0x00008c00 0x00008cff (0x100) IX[B] (II) Bus 6 nonprefetchable memory range: [0] 1 0 0xfde00000 0xfdefffff (0x100000) MX[B] (II) PCItoPCI bridge: (II) Bus 7: bridge is at (0:23:0), (0,7,7), BCTRL: 0x0004 (VGA_EN is cleared) (II) HosttoPCI bridge: (II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:24:0), (0,0,7), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set) (II) Bus 0 I/O range: [0] 1 0 0x00000000 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B] (II) Bus 0 nonprefetchable memory range: [0] 1 0 0x00000000 0xffffffff (0x100000000) MX[B] (II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range: [0] 1 0 0x00000000 0xffffffff (0x100000000) MX[B] () PCI:*(2:0:0) ATI Technologies Inc unknown chipset (0x7291) rev 0, Mem @ 0xe0000000/28, 0xfdff0000/16, I/O @ 0x9c00/8, BIOS @ 0xfdfc0000/17 () PCI: (2:0:1) ATI Technologies Inc unknown chipset (0x72b1) rev 0, Mem @ 0xfdfe0000/16 (II) Addressable bus resource ranges are [0] 1 0 0x00000000 0xffffffff (0x100000000) MX[B] [1] 1 0 0x00000000 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B] (II) OSreported resource ranges: [0] 1 0 0x00100000 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B) [1] 1 0 0x000f0000 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B] [2] 1 0 0x000c0000 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B] [3] 1 0 0x00000000 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B] [4] 1 0 0x0000ffff 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B] [5] 1 0 0x00000000 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B] (II) Active PCI resource ranges: [0] 1 0 0xfdef8000 0xfdefbfff (0x4000) MX[B] [1] 1 0 0xfdeff000 0xfdeff07f (0x80) MX[B] [2] 1 0 0xfe025000 0xfe02500f (0x10) MX[B] [3] 1 0 0xfe026000 0xfe0260ff (0x100) MX[B] [4] 1 0 0xfe027000 0xfe027fff (0x1000) MX[B] [5] 1 0 0xfe028000 0xfe02800f (0x10) MX[B] [6] 1 0 0xfe029000 0xfe0290ff (0x100) MX[B] [7] 1 0 0xfe02a000 0xfe02afff (0x1000) MX[B] [8] 1 0 0xfe020000 0xfe023fff (0x4000) MX[B] [9] 1 0 0xfe02b000 0xfe02bfff (0x1000) MX[B] [10] 1 0 0xfe02c000 0xfe02cfff (0x1000) MX[B] [11] 1 0 0xfe02d000 0xfe02dfff (0x1000) MX[B] [12] 1 0 0xfe02e000 0xfe02e0ff (0x100) MX[B] [13] 1 0 0xfe02f000 0xfe02ffff (0x1000) MX[B] [14] 1 0 0xfdfc0000 0xfdfdffff (0x20000) MX[B](B) [15] 1 0 0xfdff0000 0xfdffffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) [16] 1 0 0xe0000000 0xefffffff (0x10000000) MX[B](B) [17] 1 0 0x00008c00 0x00008c7f (0x80) IX[B] [18] 1 0 0x0000ac00 0x0000ac07 (0x8) IX[B] [19] 1 0 0x0000b000 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[B] [20] 1 0 0x0000b400 0x0000b40f (0x10) IX[B] [21] 1 0 0x0000b800 0x0000b803 (0x4) IX[B] [22] 1 0 0x0000bc00 0x0000bc07 (0x8) IX[B] [23] 1 0 0x0000c000 0x0000c003 (0x4) IX[B] [24] 1 0 0x0000c400 0x0000c407 (0x8) IX[B] [25] 1 0 0x0000c800 0x0000c80f (0x10) IX[B] [26] 1 0 0x00000b60 0x00000b63 (0x4) IX[B] [27] 1 0 0x00000960 0x00000967 (0x8) IX[B] [28] 1 0 0x00000be0 0x00000be3 (0x4) IX[B] [29] 1 0 0x000009e0 0x000009e7 (0x8) IX[B] [30] 1 0 0x0000dc00 0x0000dc0f (0x10) IX[B] [31] 1 0 0x00000b70 0x00000b73 (0x4) IX[B] [32] 1 0 0x00000970 0x00000977 (0x8) IX[B] [33] 1 0 0x00000bf0 0x00000bf3 (0x4) IX[B] [34] 1 0 0x000009f0 0x000009f7 (0x8) IX[B] [35] 1 0 0x0000f000 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B] [36] 1 0 0x00001c40 0x00001c7f (0x40) IX[B] [37] 1 0 0x00001c00 0x00001c3f (0x40) IX[B] [38] 1 0 0x0000fc00 0x0000fc3f (0x40) IX[B] [39] 1 0 0x00009c00 0x00009cff (0x100) IX[B](B) (II) Inactive PCI resource ranges: [0] 1 0 0xfdfe0000 0xfdfeffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) (II) Active PCI resource ranges after removing overlaps: [0] 1 0 0xfdef8000 0xfdefbfff (0x4000) MX[B] [1] 1 0 0xfdeff000 0xfdeff07f (0x80) MX[B] [2] 1 0 0xfe025000 0xfe02500f (0x10) MX[B] [3] 1 0 0xfe026000 0xfe0260ff (0x100) MX[B] [4] 1 0 0xfe027000 0xfe027fff (0x1000) MX[B] [5] 1 0 0xfe028000 0xfe02800f (0x10) MX[B] [6] 1 0 0xfe029000 0xfe0290ff (0x100) MX[B] [7] 1 0 0xfe02a000 0xfe02afff (0x1000) MX[B] [8] 1 0 0xfe020000 0xfe023fff (0x4000) MX[B] [9] 1 0 0xfe02b000 0xfe02bfff (0x1000) MX[B] [10] 1 0 0xfe02c000 0xfe02cfff (0x1000) MX[B] [11] 1 0 0xfe02d000 0xfe02dfff (0x1000) MX[B] [12] 1 0 0xfe02e000 0xfe02e0ff (0x100) MX[B] [13] 1 0 0xfe02f000 0xfe02ffff (0x1000) MX[B] [14] 1 0 0xfdfc0000 0xfdfdffff (0x20000) MX[B](B) [15] 1 0 0xfdff0000 0xfdffffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) [16] 1 0 0xe0000000 0xefffffff (0x10000000) MX[B](B) [17] 1 0 0x00008c00 0x00008c7f (0x80) IX[B] [18] 1 0 0x0000ac00 0x0000ac07 (0x8) IX[B] [19] 1 0 0x0000b000 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[B] [20] 1 0 0x0000b400 0x0000b40f (0x10) IX[B] [21] 1 0 0x0000b800 0x0000b803 (0x4) IX[B] [22] 1 0 0x0000bc00 0x0000bc07 (0x8) IX[B] [23] 1 0 0x0000c000 0x0000c003 (0x4) IX[B] [24] 1 0 0x0000c400 0x0000c407 (0x8) IX[B] [25] 1 0 0x0000c800 0x0000c80f (0x10) IX[B] [26] 1 0 0x00000b60 0x00000b63 (0x4) IX[B] [27] 1 0 0x00000960 0x00000967 (0x8) IX[B] [28] 1 0 0x00000be0 0x00000be3 (0x4) IX[B] [29] 1 0 0x000009e0 0x000009e7 (0x8) IX[B] [30] 1 0 0x0000dc00 0x0000dc0f (0x10) IX[B] [31] 1 0 0x00000b70 0x00000b73 (0x4) IX[B] [32] 1 0 0x00000970 0x00000977 (0x8) IX[B] [33] 1 0 0x00000bf0 0x00000bf3 (0x4) IX[B] [34] 1 0 0x000009f0 0x000009f7 (0x8) IX[B] [35] 1 0 0x0000f000 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B] [36] 1 0 0x00001c40 0x00001c7f (0x40) IX[B] [37] 1 0 0x00001c00 0x00001c3f (0x40) IX[B] [38] 1 0 0x0000fc00 0x0000fc3f (0x40) IX[B] [39] 1 0 0x00009c00 0x00009cff (0x100) IX[B](B) (II) Inactive PCI resource ranges after removing overlaps: [0] 1 0 0xfdfe0000 0xfdfeffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) (II) OSreported resource ranges after removing overlaps with PCI: [0] 1 0 0x00100000 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B) [1] 1 0 0x000f0000 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B] [2] 1 0 0x000c0000 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B] [3] 1 0 0x00000000 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B] [4] 1 0 0x0000ffff 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B] [5] 1 0 0x00000000 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B] (II) All system resource ranges: [0] 1 0 0x00100000 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B) [1] 1 0 0x000f0000 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B] [2] 1 0 0x000c0000 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B] [3] 1 0 0x00000000 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B] [4] 1 0 0xfdef8000 0xfdefbfff (0x4000) MX[B] [5] 1 0 0xfdeff000 0xfdeff07f (0x80) MX[B] [6] 1 0 0xfe025000 0xfe02500f (0x10) MX[B] [7] 1 0 0xfe026000 0xfe0260ff (0x100) MX[B] [8] 1 0 0xfe027000 0xfe027fff (0x1000) MX[B] [9] 1 0 0xfe028000 0xfe02800f (0x10) MX[B] [10] 1 0 0xfe029000 0xfe0290ff (0x100) MX[B] [11] 1 0 0xfe02a000 0xfe02afff (0x1000) MX[B] [12] 1 0 0xfe020000 0xfe023fff (0x4000) MX[B] [13] 1 0 0xfe02b000 0xfe02bfff (0x1000) MX[B] [14] 1 0 0xfe02c000 0xfe02cfff (0x1000) MX[B] [15] 1 0 0xfe02d000 0xfe02dfff (0x1000) MX[B] [16] 1 0 0xfe02e000 0xfe02e0ff (0x100) MX[B] [17] 1 0 0xfe02f000 0xfe02ffff (0x1000) MX[B] [18] 1 0 0xfdfc0000 0xfdfdffff (0x20000) MX[B](B) [19] 1 0 0xfdff0000 0xfdffffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) [20] 1 0 0xe0000000 0xefffffff (0x10000000) MX[B](B) [21] 1 0 0xfdfe0000 0xfdfeffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) [22] 1 0 0x0000ffff 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B] [23] 1 0 0x00000000 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B] [24] 1 0 0x00008c00 0x00008c7f (0x80) IX[B] [25] 1 0 0x0000ac00 0x0000ac07 (0x8) IX[B] [26] 1 0 0x0000b000 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[B] [27] 1 0 0x0000b400 0x0000b40f (0x10) IX[B] [28] 1 0 0x0000b800 0x0000b803 (0x4) IX[B] [29] 1 0 0x0000bc00 0x0000bc07 (0x8) IX[B] [30] 1 0 0x0000c000 0x0000c003 (0x4) IX[B] [31] 1 0 0x0000c400 0x0000c407 (0x8) IX[B] [32] 1 0 0x0000c800 0x0000c80f (0x10) IX[B] [33] 1 0 0x00000b60 0x00000b63 (0x4) IX[B] [34] 1 0 0x00000960 0x00000967 (0x8) IX[B] [35] 1 0 0x00000be0 0x00000be3 (0x4) IX[B] [36] 1 0 0x000009e0 0x000009e7 (0x8) IX[B] [37] 1 0 0x0000dc00 0x0000dc0f (0x10) IX[B] [38] 1 0 0x00000b70 0x00000b73 (0x4) IX[B] [39] 1 0 0x00000970 0x00000977 (0x8) IX[B] [40] 1 0 0x00000bf0 0x00000bf3 (0x4) IX[B] [41] 1 0 0x000009f0 0x000009f7 (0x8) IX[B] [42] 1 0 0x0000f000 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B] [43] 1 0 0x00001c40 0x00001c7f (0x40) IX[B] [44] 1 0 0x00001c00 0x00001c3f (0x40) IX[B] [45] 1 0 0x0000fc00 0x0000fc3f (0x40) IX[B] [46] 1 0 0x00009c00 0x00009cff (0x100) IX[B](B) (II) LoadModule: "dbe" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/ (II) Module dbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0 Module class: X.Org Server Extension ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3 (II) Loading extension DOUBLEBUFFER (II) LoadModule: "v4l" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/ (II) Module v4l: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.0, module version = 0.1.1 ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0 (II) LoadModule: "extmod" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/ (II) Module extmod: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0 Module class: X.Org Server Extension ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3 (II) Loading extension SHAPE (II) Loading extension MultiBuffering (II) Loading extension MITSUNDRYNONSTANDARD (II) Loading extension BIGREQUESTS (II) Loading extension SYNC (II) Loading extension MITSCREENSAVER (II) Loading extension XCMISC (II) Loading extension XFree86VidModeExtension (II) Loading extension XFree86Misc (II) Loading extension XFree86DGA (II) Loading extension DPMS (II) Loading extension TOGCUP (II) Loading extension ExtendedVisualInformation (II) Loading extension XVideo (II) Loading extension XVideoMotionCompensation (II) Loading extension XResource (II) LoadModule: "type1" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/fonts/ (II) Module type1: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.2 Module class: X.Org Font Renderer ABI class: X.Org Font Renderer, version 0.5 (II) Loading font Type1 (II) LoadModule: "freetype" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/fonts/ (II) Module freetype: vendor="X.Org Foundation & the After XTT Project" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 2.1.0 Module class: X.Org Font Renderer ABI class: X.Org Font Renderer, version 0.5 (II) Loading font FreeType (II) LoadModule: "glx" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/ (II) Module glx: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0 ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3 (==) AIGLX enabled (II) Loading extension GLX (II) LoadModule: "dri" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/ (II) Module dri: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0 ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3 (II) Loading sub module "drm" (II) LoadModule: "drm" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/linux/ (II) Module drm: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0 ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3 (II) Loading extension XFree86DRI (II) LoadModule: "vesa" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/ (II) Module vesa: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.0, module version = 1.2.0 Module class: X.Org Video Driver ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0 (II) LoadModule: "kbd" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/input/ (II) Module kbd: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.0, module version = 1.1.0 Module class: X.Org XInput Driver ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.6 (II) LoadModule: "mouse" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/input/ (II) Module mouse: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.0, module version = 1.1.1 Module class: X.Org XInput Driver ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.6 (II) v4l driver for Video4Linux (II) VESA: driver for VESA chipsets: vesa (II) Primary Device is: PCI 02:00:0 () Assigning device section with no busID to primary device () Chipset vesa found (II) resource ranges after xf86ClaimFixedResources() call: [0] 1 0 0x00100000 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B) [1] 1 0 0x000f0000 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B] [2] 1 0 0x000c0000 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B] [3] 1 0 0x00000000 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B] [4] 1 0 0xfdef8000 0xfdefbfff (0x4000) MX[B] [5] 1 0 0xfdeff000 0xfdeff07f (0x80) MX[B] [6] 1 0 0xfe025000 0xfe02500f (0x10) MX[B] [7] 1 0 0xfe026000 0xfe0260ff (0x100) MX[B] [8] 1 0 0xfe027000 0xfe027fff (0x1000) MX[B] [9] 1 0 0xfe028000 0xfe02800f (0x10) MX[B] [10] 1 0 0xfe029000 0xfe0290ff (0x100) MX[B] [11] 1 0 0xfe02a000 0xfe02afff (0x1000) MX[B] [12] 1 0 0xfe020000 0xfe023fff (0x4000) MX[B] [13] 1 0 0xfe02b000 0xfe02bfff (0x1000) MX[B] [14] 1 0 0xfe02c000 0xfe02cfff (0x1000) MX[B] [15] 1 0 0xfe02d000 0xfe02dfff (0x1000) MX[B] [16] 1 0 0xfe02e000 0xfe02e0ff (0x100) MX[B] [17] 1 0 0xfe02f000 0xfe02ffff (0x1000) MX[B] [18] 1 0 0xfdfc0000 0xfdfdffff (0x20000) MX[B](B) [19] 1 0 0xfdff0000 0xfdffffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) [20] 1 0 0xe0000000 0xefffffff (0x10000000) MX[B](B) [21] 1 0 0xfdfe0000 0xfdfeffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) [22] 1 0 0x0000ffff 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B] [23] 1 0 0x00000000 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B] [24] 1 0 0x00008c00 0x00008c7f (0x80) IX[B] [25] 1 0 0x0000ac00 0x0000ac07 (0x8) IX[B] [26] 1 0 0x0000b000 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[B] [27] 1 0 0x0000b400 0x0000b40f (0x10) IX[B] [28] 1 0 0x0000b800 0x0000b803 (0x4) IX[B] [29] 1 0 0x0000bc00 0x0000bc07 (0x8) IX[B] [30] 1 0 0x0000c000 0x0000c003 (0x4) IX[B] [31] 1 0 0x0000c400 0x0000c407 (0x8) IX[B] [32] 1 0 0x0000c800 0x0000c80f (0x10) IX[B] [33] 1 0 0x00000b60 0x00000b63 (0x4) IX[B] [34] 1 0 0x00000960 0x00000967 (0x8) IX[B] [35] 1 0 0x00000be0 0x00000be3 (0x4) IX[B] [36] 1 0 0x000009e0 0x000009e7 (0x8) IX[B] [37] 1 0 0x0000dc00 0x0000dc0f (0x10) IX[B] [38] 1 0 0x00000b70 0x00000b73 (0x4) IX[B] [39] 1 0 0x00000970 0x00000977 (0x8) IX[B] [40] 1 0 0x00000bf0 0x00000bf3 (0x4) IX[B] [41] 1 0 0x000009f0 0x000009f7 (0x8) IX[B] [42] 1 0 0x0000f000 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B] [43] 1 0 0x00001c40 0x00001c7f (0x40) IX[B] [44] 1 0 0x00001c00 0x00001c3f (0x40) IX[B] [45] 1 0 0x0000fc00 0x0000fc3f (0x40) IX[B] [46] 1 0 0x00009c00 0x00009cff (0x100) IX[B](B) (II) resource ranges after probing: [0] 1 0 0x00100000 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B) [1] 1 0 0x000f0000 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B] [2] 1 0 0x000c0000 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B] [3] 1 0 0x00000000 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B] [4] 1 0 0xfdef8000 0xfdefbfff (0x4000) MX[B] [5] 1 0 0xfdeff000 0xfdeff07f (0x80) MX[B] [6] 1 0 0xfe025000 0xfe02500f (0x10) MX[B] [7] 1 0 0xfe026000 0xfe0260ff (0x100) MX[B] [8] 1 0 0xfe027000 0xfe027fff (0x1000) MX[B] [9] 1 0 0xfe028000 0xfe02800f (0x10) MX[B] [10] 1 0 0xfe029000 0xfe0290ff (0x100) MX[B] [11] 1 0 0xfe02a000 0xfe02afff (0x1000) MX[B] [12] 1 0 0xfe020000 0xfe023fff (0x4000) MX[B] [13] 1 0 0xfe02b000 0xfe02bfff (0x1000) MX[B] [14] 1 0 0xfe02c000 0xfe02cfff (0x1000) MX[B] [15] 1 0 0xfe02d000 0xfe02dfff (0x1000) MX[B] [16] 1 0 0xfe02e000 0xfe02e0ff (0x100) MX[B] [17] 1 0 0xfe02f000 0xfe02ffff (0x1000) MX[B] [18] 1 0 0xfdfc0000 0xfdfdffff (0x20000) MX[B](B) [19] 1 0 0xfdff0000 0xfdffffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) [20] 1 0 0xe0000000 0xefffffff (0x10000000) MX[B](B) [21] 1 0 0xfdfe0000 0xfdfeffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) [22] 0 0 0x000a0000 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B] [23] 0 0 0x000b0000 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B] [24] 0 0 0x000b8000 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B] [25] 1 0 0x0000ffff 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B] [26] 1 0 0x00000000 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B] [27] 1 0 0x00008c00 0x00008c7f (0x80) IX[B] [28] 1 0 0x0000ac00 0x0000ac07 (0x8) IX[B] [29] 1 0 0x0000b000 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[B] [30] 1 0 0x0000b400 0x0000b40f (0x10) IX[B] [31] 1 0 0x0000b800 0x0000b803 (0x4) IX[B] [32] 1 0 0x0000bc00 0x0000bc07 (0x8) IX[B] [33] 1 0 0x0000c000 0x0000c003 (0x4) IX[B] [34] 1 0 0x0000c400 0x0000c407 (0x8) IX[B] [35] 1 0 0x0000c800 0x0000c80f (0x10) IX[B] [36] 1 0 0x00000b60 0x00000b63 (0x4) IX[B] [37] 1 0 0x00000960 0x00000967 (0x8) IX[B] [38] 1 0 0x00000be0 0x00000be3 (0x4) IX[B] [39] 1 0 0x000009e0 0x000009e7 (0x8) IX[B] [40] 1 0 0x0000dc00 0x0000dc0f (0x10) IX[B] [41] 1 0 0x00000b70 0x00000b73 (0x4) IX[B] [42] 1 0 0x00000970 0x00000977 (0x8) IX[B] [43] 1 0 0x00000bf0 0x00000bf3 (0x4) IX[B] [44] 1 0 0x000009f0 0x000009f7 (0x8) IX[B] [45] 1 0 0x0000f000 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B] [46] 1 0 0x00001c40 0x00001c7f (0x40) IX[B] [47] 1 0 0x00001c00 0x00001c3f (0x40) IX[B] [48] 1 0 0x0000fc00 0x0000fc3f (0x40) IX[B] [49] 1 0 0x00009c00 0x00009cff (0x100) IX[B](B) [50] 0 0 0x000003b0 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B] [51] 0 0 0x000003c0 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B] (II) Setting vga for screen 0. (II) Loading sub module "vbe" (II) LoadModule: "vbe" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/ (II) Module vbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.1.0 ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0 (II) Loading sub module "int10" (II) LoadModule: "int10" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/ (II) Module int10: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0 ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0 (II) VESA(0): initializing int10 (II) VESA(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000 (II) VESA(0): VESA BIOS detected (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE Version 3.0 (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE Total Mem: 16384 kB (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM: ATI ATOMBIOS (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Software Rev: 9.13 (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Vendor: (C) 19882005, ATI Technologies Inc. (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Product: RV560 (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Product Rev: 01.00 (**) VESA(0): Depth 24, () framebuffer bpp 32 (==) VESA(0): RGB weight 888 (==) VESA(0): Default visual is TrueColor (==) VESA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) (II) Loading sub module "ddc" (II) LoadModule: "ddc" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/ (II) Module ddc: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0 ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0 (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC supported (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC Level 2 (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC transfer in appr. 1 sec. (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC read successfully (II) VESA(0): Manufacturer: IVM Model: 4670 Serial#: 0 (II) VESA(0): Year: 2002 Week: 37 (II) VESA(0): EDID Version: 1.3 (II) VESA(0): Digital Display Input (II) VESA(0): DFP 1.x compatible TMDS (II) VESA(0): Max HImage Size [cm]: horiz.: 34 vert.: 27 (II) VESA(0): Gamma: 2.20 (II) VESA(0): DPMS capabilities: StandBy Suspend Off; RGB/Color Display (II) VESA(0): Default color space is primary color space (II) VESA(0): First detailed timing is preferred mode (II) VESA(0): GTF timings supported (II) VESA(0): redX: 0.625 redY: 0.340 greenX: 0.280 greenY: 0.595 (II) VESA(0): blueX: 0.155 blueY: 0.070 whiteX: 0.281 whiteY: 0.311 (II) VESA(0): Supported VESA Video Modes: (II) VESA(0): 720x400@70Hz (II) VESA(0): 640x480@60Hz (II) VESA(0): 640x480@67Hz (II) VESA(0): 640x480@72Hz (II) VESA(0): 640x480@75Hz (II) VESA(0): 800x600@56Hz (II) VESA(0): 800x600@60Hz (II) VESA(0): 800x600@72Hz (II) VESA(0): 800x600@75Hz (II) VESA(0): 832x624@75Hz (II) VESA(0): 1024x768@60Hz (II) VESA(0): 1024x768@70Hz (II) VESA(0): 1024x768@75Hz (II) VESA(0): Manufacturer's mask: 0 (II) VESA(0): Supported Future Video Modes: (II) VESA(0): #0: hsize: 1280 vsize 1024 refresh: 60 vid: 32897 (II) VESA(0): #1: hsize: 1024 vsize 768 refresh: 60 vid: 16481 (II) VESA(0): #2: hsize: 1024 vsize 768 refresh: 85 vid: 22881 (II) VESA(0): #3: hsize: 800 vsize 600 refresh: 60 vid: 16453 (II) VESA(0): #4: hsize: 800 vsize 600 refresh: 85 vid: 22853 (II) VESA(0): #5: hsize: 640 vsize 480 refresh: 60 vid: 16433 (II) VESA(0): #6: hsize: 640 vsize 480 refresh: 85 vid: 22833 (II) VESA(0): Supported additional Video Mode: (II) VESA(0): clock: 108.0 MHz Image Size: 360 x 290 mm (II) VESA(0): h_active: 1280 h_sync: 1328 h_sync_end 1440 h_blank_end 1688 h_border: 0 (II) VESA(0): v_active: 1024 v_sync: 1025 v_sync_end 1028 v_blanking: 1066 v_border: 0 (II) VESA(0): Ranges: V min: 56 V max: 85 Hz, H min: 31 H max: 64 kHz, PixClock max 110 MHz (II) VESA(0): Monitor name: AS4332 (II) VESA(0): Serial No: 0 (II) VESA(0): Searching for matching VESA mode(s): Mode: 100 (640x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 640 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 63 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 640 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 101 (640x480) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 640 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 480 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 50 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 640 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 50 LinNumberOfImagePages: 50 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 103 (800x600) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 832 XResolution: 800 YResolution: 600 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 14 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 31 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 832 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 31 LinNumberOfImagePages: 31 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 105 (1024x768) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1024 XResolution: 1024 YResolution: 768 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 18 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1024 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 18 LinNumberOfImagePages: 18 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 107 (1280x1024) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 1280 YResolution: 1024 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 11 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 11 LinNumberOfImagePages: 11 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 110 (640x480) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 480 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 24 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 24 LinNumberOfImagePages: 24 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 111 (640x480) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 480 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 24 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 24 LinNumberOfImagePages: 24 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 113 (800x600) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1600 XResolution: 800 YResolution: 600 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 14 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 16 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1600 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 16 LinNumberOfImagePages: 16 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 114 (800x600) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1600 XResolution: 800 YResolution: 600 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 14 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 16 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1600 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 16 LinNumberOfImagePages: 16 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 116 (1024x768) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2048 XResolution: 1024 YResolution: 768 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 9 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2048 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 9 LinNumberOfImagePages: 9 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 117 (1024x768) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2048 XResolution: 1024 YResolution: 768 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 9 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2048 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 9 LinNumberOfImagePages: 9 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 119 (1280x1024) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2560 XResolution: 1280 YResolution: 1024 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 5 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2560 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 5 LinNumberOfImagePages: 5 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 11a (1280x1024) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2560 XResolution: 1280 YResolution: 1024 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 5 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2560 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 5 LinNumberOfImagePages: 5 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 10d (320x200) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 640 XResolution: 320 YResolution: 200 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 8 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 127 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 640 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 127 LinNumberOfImagePages: 127 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 10e (320x200) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 640 XResolution: 320 YResolution: 200 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 8 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 127 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 640 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 127 LinNumberOfImagePages: 127 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 120 (320x200) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 320 YResolution: 200 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 8 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 63 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 193 (320x240) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 320 XResolution: 320 YResolution: 240 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 8 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 127 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 320 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 127 LinNumberOfImagePages: 127 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 194 (320x240) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 640 XResolution: 320 YResolution: 240 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 8 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 84 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 640 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 84 LinNumberOfImagePages: 84 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 195 (320x240) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 640 XResolution: 320 YResolution: 240 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 8 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 84 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 640 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 84 LinNumberOfImagePages: 84 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 196 (320x240) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 320 YResolution: 240 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 8 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 50 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 50 LinNumberOfImagePages: 50 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1b3 (512x384) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 512 XResolution: 512 YResolution: 384 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 63 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 512 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1b4 (512x384) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1024 XResolution: 512 YResolution: 384 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 35 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1024 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 35 LinNumberOfImagePages: 35 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1b5 (512x384) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1024 XResolution: 512 YResolution: 384 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 35 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1024 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 35 LinNumberOfImagePages: 35 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 1b6 (512x384) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2048 XResolution: 512 YResolution: 384 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 18 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2048 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 18 LinNumberOfImagePages: 18 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1c3 (640x350) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 640 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 350 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 14 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 63 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 640 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1c4 (640x350) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 350 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 14 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 35 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 35 LinNumberOfImagePages: 35 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1c5 (640x350) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 350 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 14 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 35 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 35 LinNumberOfImagePages: 35 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 1c6 (640x350) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2560 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 350 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 14 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 17 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2560 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 17 LinNumberOfImagePages: 17 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 183 (640x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 640 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 63 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 640 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 184 (640x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 31 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 31 LinNumberOfImagePages: 31 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 185 (640x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 31 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 31 LinNumberOfImagePages: 31 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 186 (640x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2560 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 15 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2560 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 15 LinNumberOfImagePages: 15 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 133 (720x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 768 XResolution: 720 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 50 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 768 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 50 LinNumberOfImagePages: 50 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 134 (720x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1472 XResolution: 720 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 27 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1472 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 27 LinNumberOfImagePages: 27 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 135 (720x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1472 XResolution: 720 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 27 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1472 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 27 LinNumberOfImagePages: 27 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 136 (720x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2944 XResolution: 720 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 13 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2944 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 13 LinNumberOfImagePages: 13 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 153 (1152x864) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1152 XResolution: 1152 YResolution: 864 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 15 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1152 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 15 LinNumberOfImagePages: 15 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 154 (1152x864) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2304 XResolution: 1152 YResolution: 864 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 7 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2304 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 7 LinNumberOfImagePages: 7 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 155 (1152x864) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2304 XResolution: 1152 YResolution: 864 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 7 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2304 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 7 LinNumberOfImagePages: 7 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 156 (1152x864) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 4608 XResolution: 1152 YResolution: 864 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 3 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 4608 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 3 LinNumberOfImagePages: 3 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 163 (1280x1024) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 1280 YResolution: 1024 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 11 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 11 LinNumberOfImagePages: 11 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 164 (1280x1024) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2560 XResolution: 1280 YResolution: 1024 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 5 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2560 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 5 LinNumberOfImagePages: 5 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 165 (1280x1024) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2560 XResolution: 1280 YResolution: 1024 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 5 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2560 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 5 LinNumberOfImagePages: 5 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 166 (1280x1024) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 5120 XResolution: 1280 YResolution: 1024 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 2 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 5120 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 121 (640x480) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2560 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 480 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 12 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2560 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 12 LinNumberOfImagePages: 12 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 122 (800x600) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 3200 XResolution: 800 YResolution: 600 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 14 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 7 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 3200 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 7 LinNumberOfImagePages: 7 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 123 (1024x768) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 4096 XResolution: 1024 YResolution: 768 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 4 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 4096 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 4 LinNumberOfImagePages: 4 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 124 (1280x1024) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 5120 XResolution: 1280 YResolution: 1024 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 2 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 5120 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 143 (1400x1050) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1408 XResolution: 1400 YResolution: 1050 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 10 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1408 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 10 LinNumberOfImagePages: 10 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 144 (1400x1050) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2816 XResolution: 1400 YResolution: 1050 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 4 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2816 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 4 LinNumberOfImagePages: 4 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 145 (1400x1050) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2816 XResolution: 1400 YResolution: 1050 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 4 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2816 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 4 LinNumberOfImagePages: 4 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *(WW) (1400x1050,monitor1) mode clock 122MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz Mode: 146 (1400x1050) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 5632 XResolution: 1400 YResolution: 1050 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 1 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 5632 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1 LinNumberOfImagePages: 1 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 173 (1600x1200) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1600 XResolution: 1600 YResolution: 1200 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 7 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1600 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 7 LinNumberOfImagePages: 7 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 174 (1600x1200) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 3200 XResolution: 1600 YResolution: 1200 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 3 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 3200 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 3 LinNumberOfImagePages: 3 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 175 (1600x1200) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 3200 XResolution: 1600 YResolution: 1200 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 3 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 3200 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 3 LinNumberOfImagePages: 3 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *(WW) (1600x1200,monitor1) mode clock 162MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz Mode: 176 (1600x1200) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 6400 XResolution: 1600 YResolution: 1200 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 1 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 6400 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1 LinNumberOfImagePages: 1 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 183 (640x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 640 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 63 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 640 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinNumberOfImagePages: 63 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 184 (640x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 31 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 31 LinNumberOfImagePages: 31 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 185 (640x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1280 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 31 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 31 LinNumberOfImagePages: 31 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *Mode: 186 (640x400) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 2560 XResolution: 640 YResolution: 400 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 15 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 2560 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 15 LinNumberOfImagePages: 15 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1d3 (1856x1392) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1856 XResolution: 1856 YResolution: 1392 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 5 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1856 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 5 LinNumberOfImagePages: 5 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1d4 (1856x1392) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 3712 XResolution: 1856 YResolution: 1392 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 2 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 3712 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1d5 (1856x1392) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 3712 XResolution: 1856 YResolution: 1392 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 2 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 3712 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *(WW) (1856x1392,monitor1) mode clock 218.3MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz (WW) (1856x1392,monitor1) mode clock 288MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz (II) VESA(0): Not using builtin mode "1856x1392" (hsync out of range) Mode: 1d6 (1856x1392) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 7424 XResolution: 1856 YResolution: 1392 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 1 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 7424 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1 LinNumberOfImagePages: 1 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1e3 (1920x1440) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 1920 XResolution: 1920 YResolution: 1440 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 8 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 4 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 4 RedMaskSize: 0 RedFieldPosition: 0 GreenMaskSize: 0 GreenFieldPosition: 0 BlueMaskSize: 0 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 1920 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 4 LinNumberOfImagePages: 4 LinRedMaskSize: 0 LinRedFieldPosition: 0 LinGreenMaskSize: 0 LinGreenFieldPosition: 0 LinBlueMaskSize: 0 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1e4 (1920x1440) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 3840 XResolution: 1920 YResolution: 1440 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 2 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 10 GreenMaskSize: 5 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 3840 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 10 LinGreenMaskSize: 5 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 Mode: 1e5 (1920x1440) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 3840 XResolution: 1920 YResolution: 1440 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 16 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 2 RedMaskSize: 5 RedFieldPosition: 11 GreenMaskSize: 6 GreenFieldPosition: 5 BlueMaskSize: 5 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 3840 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinNumberOfImagePages: 2 LinRedMaskSize: 5 LinRedFieldPosition: 11 LinGreenMaskSize: 6 LinGreenFieldPosition: 5 LinBlueMaskSize: 5 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 *(WW) (1920x1440,monitor1) mode clock 234MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz (WW) (1920x1440,monitor1) mode clock 297MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz (WW) (1920x1440,monitor1) mode clock 341.35MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz (II) VESA(0): Not using builtin mode "1920x1440" (hsync out of range) Mode: 1e6 (1920x1440) ModeAttributes: 0xbb WinAAttributes: 0x7 WinBAttributes: 0x0 WinGranularity: 64 WinSize: 64 WinASegment: 0xa000 WinBSegment: 0x0 WinFuncPtr: 0xc0004d09 BytesPerScanline: 7680 XResolution: 1920 YResolution: 1440 XCharSize: 8 YCharSize: 16 NumberOfPlanes: 1 BitsPerPixel: 32 NumberOfBanks: 1 MemoryModel: 6 BankSize: 0 NumberOfImages: 1 RedMaskSize: 8 RedFieldPosition: 16 GreenMaskSize: 8 GreenFieldPosition: 8 BlueMaskSize: 8 BlueFieldPosition: 0 RsvdMaskSize: 0 RsvdFieldPosition: 0 DirectColorModeInfo: 0 PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000 LinBytesPerScanLine: 7680 BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1 LinNumberOfImagePages: 1 LinRedMaskSize: 8 LinRedFieldPosition: 16 LinGreenMaskSize: 8 LinGreenFieldPosition: 8 LinBlueMaskSize: 8 LinBlueFieldPosition: 0 LinRsvdMaskSize: 0 LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0 MaxPixelClock: 400000000 (II) VESA(0): Total Memory: 256 64KB banks (16384kB) (WW) VESA(0): config file hsync range 31.579kHz not within DDC hsync ranges. (WW) VESA(0): config file vrefresh range 5090Hz not within DDC vrefresh ranges. (II) VESA(0): monitor1: Using hsync range of 31.5079.00 kHz (II) VESA(0): monitor1: Using vrefresh range of 50.0090.00 Hz (II) VESA(0): Not using mode "832x624" (no mode of this name) (II) VESA(0): Not using mode "480x360" (no mode of this name) (II) VESA(0): Not using mode "320x240" (no mode of this name) (II) VESA(0): Not using builtin mode "1600x1200" (width too large for virtual size) (II) VESA(0): Not using builtin mode "1400x1050" (width too large for virtual size) () VESA(0): Virtual size is 1280x1024 (pitch 1280) (**) VESA(0): *Builtin mode "1280x1024" (**) VESA(0): *Builtin mode "1152x864" (**) VESA(0): *Builtin mode "1024x768" (**) VESA(0): *Builtin mode "800x600" (**) VESA(0): *Builtin mode "640x480" (**) VESA(0): Builtin mode "1280x1024" (**) VESA(0): Builtin mode "720x400" (**) VESA(0): Builtin mode "640x400" (**) VESA(0): Builtin mode "640x400" (**) VESA(0): Builtin mode "640x350" () VESA(0): Display dimensions: (340, 270) mm () VESA(0): DPI set to (95, 96) (WW) (1280x1024,monitor1) mode clock 135MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz (WW) (1280x1024,monitor1) mode clock 157.5MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz (II) VESA(0): Attempting to use 60Hz refresh for mode "1280x1024" (166) (II) VESA(0): Attempting to use 75Hz refresh for mode "1152x864" (156) (II) VESA(0): Attempting to use 85Hz refresh for mode "1024x768" (123) (II) VESA(0): Attempting to use 85Hz refresh for mode "800x600" (122) (II) VESA(0): Attempting to use 85Hz refresh for mode "640x480" (121) (WW) (1280x1024,monitor1) mode clock 135MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz (WW) (1280x1024,monitor1) mode clock 157.5MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz (II) VESA(0): Attempting to use 60Hz refresh for mode "1280x1024" (124) (II) VESA(0): Attempting to use 85Hz refresh for mode "720x400" (136) (II) VESA(0): Attempting to use 85Hz refresh for mode "640x400" (186) (II) VESA(0): Attempting to use 85Hz refresh for mode "640x400" (186) (II) VESA(0): Attempting to use 85Hz refresh for mode "640x350" (1c6) (**) VESA(0): Using "Shadow Framebuffer" (II) Loading sub module "shadow" (II) LoadModule: "shadow" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/ (II) Module shadow: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.1.0 ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.3 (II) Loading sub module "fb" (II) LoadModule: "fb" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/ (II) Module fb: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0 ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.3 () Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp (II) do I need RAC? No, I don't. (II) resource ranges after preInit: [0] 1 0 0x00100000 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B) [1] 1 0 0x000f0000 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B] [2] 1 0 0x000c0000 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B] [3] 1 0 0x00000000 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B] [4] 1 0 0xfdef8000 0xfdefbfff (0x4000) MX[B] [5] 1 0 0xfdeff000 0xfdeff07f (0x80) MX[B] [6] 1 0 0xfe025000 0xfe02500f (0x10) MX[B] [7] 1 0 0xfe026000 0xfe0260ff (0x100) MX[B] [8] 1 0 0xfe027000 0xfe027fff (0x1000) MX[B] [9] 1 0 0xfe028000 0xfe02800f (0x10) MX[B] [10] 1 0 0xfe029000 0xfe0290ff (0x100) MX[B] [11] 1 0 0xfe02a000 0xfe02afff (0x1000) MX[B] [12] 1 0 0xfe020000 0xfe023fff (0x4000) MX[B] [13] 1 0 0xfe02b000 0xfe02bfff (0x1000) MX[B] [14] 1 0 0xfe02c000 0xfe02cfff (0x1000) MX[B] [15] 1 0 0xfe02d000 0xfe02dfff (0x1000) MX[B] [16] 1 0 0xfe02e000 0xfe02e0ff (0x100) MX[B] [17] 1 0 0xfe02f000 0xfe02ffff (0x1000) MX[B] [18] 1 0 0xfdfc0000 0xfdfdffff (0x20000) MX[B](B) [19] 1 0 0xfdff0000 0xfdffffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) [20] 1 0 0xe0000000 0xefffffff (0x10000000) MX[B](B) [21] 1 0 0xfdfe0000 0xfdfeffff (0x10000) MX[B](B) [22] 0 0 0x000a0000 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B] [23] 0 0 0x000b0000 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B] [24] 0 0 0x000b8000 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B] [25] 1 0 0x0000ffff 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B] [26] 1 0 0x00000000 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B] [27] 1 0 0x00008c00 0x00008c7f (0x80) IX[B] [28] 1 0 0x0000ac00 0x0000ac07 (0x8) IX[B] [29] 1 0 0x0000b000 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[B] [30] 1 0 0x0000b400 0x0000b40f (0x10) IX[B] [31] 1 0 0x0000b800 0x0000b803 (0x4) IX[B] [32] 1 0 0x0000bc00 0x0000bc07 (0x8) IX[B] [33] 1 0 0x0000c000 0x0000c003 (0x4) IX[B] [34] 1 0 0x0000c400 0x0000c407 (0x8) IX[B] [35] 1 0 0x0000c800 0x0000c80f (0x10) IX[B] [36] 1 0 0x00000b60 0x00000b63 (0x4) IX[B] [37] 1 0 0x00000960 0x00000967 (0x8) IX[B] [38] 1 0 0x00000be0 0x00000be3 (0x4) IX[B] [39] 1 0 0x000009e0 0x000009e7 (0x8) IX[B] [40] 1 0 0x0000dc00 0x0000dc0f (0x10) IX[B] [41] 1 0 0x00000b70 0x00000b73 (0x4) IX[B] [42] 1 0 0x00000970 0x00000977 (0x8) IX[B] [43] 1 0 0x00000bf0 0x00000bf3 (0x4) IX[B] [44] 1 0 0x000009f0 0x000009f7 (0x8) IX[B] [45] 1 0 0x0000f000 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B] [46] 1 0 0x00001c40 0x00001c7f (0x40) IX[B] [47] 1 0 0x00001c00 0x00001c3f (0x40) IX[B] [48] 1 0 0x0000fc00 0x0000fc3f (0x40) IX[B] [49] 1 0 0x00009c00 0x00009cff (0x100) IX[B](B) [50] 0 0 0x000003b0 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B] [51] 0 0 0x000003c0 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B] (II) Loading sub module "int10" (II) LoadModule: "int10" (II) Reloading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/ (II) VESA(0): initializing int10 (II) VESA(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000 (II) VESA(0): VESA BIOS detected (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE Version 3.0 (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE Total Mem: 16384 kB (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM: ATI ATOMBIOS (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Software Rev: 9.13 (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Vendor: (C) 19882005, ATI Technologies Inc. (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Product: RV560 (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Product Rev: 01.00 (==) VESA(0): Writecombining range (0xe0000000,0x1000000) (II) VESA(0): virtual address = 0x2b7d78994000, physical address = 0xe0000000, size = 16777216 (II) VESA(0): VBESetVBEMode failed...Tried again without customized values. (==) VESA(0): Default visual is TrueColor (==) VESA(0): Backing store disabled (**) Option "dpms" (**) VESA(0): DPMS enabled (==) RandR enabled (II) Setting vga for screen 0. (II) Initializing builtin extension MITSHM (II) Initializing builtin extension XInputExtension (II) Initializing builtin extension XTEST (II) Initializing builtin extension XKEYBOARD (II) Initializing builtin extension LBX (II) Initializing builtin extension XCAPPGROUP (II) Initializing builtin extension SECURITY (II) Initializing builtin extension XINERAMA (II) Initializing builtin extension XFIXES (II) Initializing builtin extension XFree86Bigfont (II) Initializing builtin extension RENDER (II) Initializing builtin extension RANDR (II) Initializing builtin extension COMPOSITE (II) Initializing builtin extension DAMAGE (II) Initializing builtin extension XEVIE (EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable (II) Loading local sub module "GLcore" (II) LoadModule: "GLcore" (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/ (II) Module GLcore: vendor="X.Org Foundation" compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0 ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3 (II) GLX: Initialized MESAPROXY GL provider for screen 0 (**) Option "CoreKeyboard" (**) Keyboard1: Core Keyboard (**) Option "Protocol" "standard" (**) Keyboard1: Protocol: standard (**) Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30" (**) Option "XkbRules" "xorg" (**) Keyboard1: XkbRules: "xorg" (**) Option "XkbModel" "pc105" (**) Keyboard1: XkbModel: "pc105" (**) Option "XkbLayout" "cz" (**) Keyboard1: XkbLayout: "cz" (**) Option "XkbOptions" "compose:rwin" (**) Keyboard1: XkbOptions: "compose:rwin" (**) Option "CustomKeycodes" "off" (**) Keyboard1: CustomKeycodes disabled (**) Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2" (**) Mouse1: Device: "/dev/mouse" (**) Mouse1: Protocol: "ExplorerPS/2" (**) Option "CorePointer" (**) Mouse1: Core Pointer (**) Option "Device" "/dev/mouse" (==) Mouse1: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50 (**) Mouse1: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5 (**) Mouse1: Buttons: 9 (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Mouse1" (type: MOUSE) (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Keyboard1" (type: KEYBOARD) (II) Mouse1: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded
    3.5.2007 17:25 jm
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    Super! Na tenhle binec jsme tady vsichni cekali! :-D
    pdp7 avatar 3.5.2007 19:08 pdp7 | skóre: 33 | blog: Mravenec_v_LCD_monitoru | Zákupy u České lípy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    No s toho bince jsem vycet tohle (EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable

    Takze: Edituj jako root soubor /etc/X11/xorg.conf pridej do nej toto
    Section "ServerFlags"
            Option "AIGLX"      "false"
    pdp7 avatar 3.5.2007 19:16 pdp7 | skóre: 33 | blog: Mravenec_v_LCD_monitoru | Zákupy u České lípy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    PS: Nechapu co to je Mandriva za divnou distribuci kdyz instalaci pitomyho DM pro KDEcka rozesere konfiguraci Xek.

    Zrejme se v tom balicku musi vyskytovat neco opravdu zvlastniho (aha :-D uz vim proc neni KDM na inst. dyvku) => protoze rozesere system :-D:-D Hahaha.
    3.5.2007 17:26 rastos | skóre: 62 | blog: rastos
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    Toto by malo byť trestné.
    vencour avatar 3.5.2007 17:40 vencour | skóre: 56 | blog: Tady je Vencourovo | Praha+západní Čechy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !

    Pro autora ... vygrepuj errory (EE) a ty sem pastni ...

    Ty nejhlubší objevy nečekají nutně za příští hvězdou. Jsou uvnitř nás utkány do vláken, která nás spojují, nás všechny.
    3.5.2007 19:20 Tomáš
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    tak teda něco jsem našel...

    (EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable

    no to je jediný, co jsem našel...
    Jiří Němec avatar 3.5.2007 19:11 Jiří Němec | skóre: 22 | blog: BluPix | Horní Smrčné
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    Příště to hoďte na pastebin.
    Spock: "Logic, logic, logic. Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
    2.5.2007 21:53 jarda | skóre: 22 | blog: nadoraz | Chomutov
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    Červeně to vypisuje výraz který hledal grep, nic jiného to neznamená.
    Připíjím na krásu našich koní a rychlost našich žen.
    3.5.2007 19:34 Tomáš
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    přidal jsem to tam...snad se správným formátováním...ale chová se to úplně stejně...:-(
    pdp7 avatar 3.5.2007 19:53 pdp7 | skóre: 33 | blog: Mravenec_v_LCD_monitoru | Zákupy u České lípy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !
    A ta hlaska (EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable je vtom logu furt?

    Ja uz fakt nevim. Zkus si s tim nejak pohrat v tom drakconfu nebo jak se to jmenuje. Zmackni ctrl+alt+F2 ukaze se ti vyzva pro prihlaseni, prihlas se jako root pak zadej prikaz drakconf. Prolez to.
    3.5.2007 22:12 Tomáš
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM ! tak díky za pomoc...ještě se na to podívám...v nejhoršim...půjdu zase na wkona nebo na Ubuntu...
    vencour avatar 3.5.2007 22:44 vencour | skóre: 56 | blog: Tady je Vencourovo | Praha+západní Čechy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nelze použít KDM !

    Příručku od pana Ivana Bíbra k Mandrivě jsi četl? I tma bys moh najít odpovědi na své otázky.

    Ty nejhlubší objevy nečekají nutně za příští hvězdou. Jsou uvnitř nás utkány do vláken, která nás spojují, nás všechny.

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