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    včera 18:33 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána (𝕏) nová verze 24.7 open source firewallové a routovací platformy OPNsense (Wikipedie). Jedná se o fork pfSense postavený na FreeBSD. Kódový název OPNsense 24.7 je Thriving Tiger. Přehled novinek v příspěvku na fóru.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 05:11 | Bezpečnostní upozornění

    Binarly REsearch upozorňuje na bezpečnostní problém PKFail (YouTube) v ekosystému UEFI. Stovky modelů zařízení používají pro Secure Boot testovací Platform Key vygenerovaný American Megatrends International (AMI) a jeho privátní část byla při úniku dat prozrazena. Do milionů zařízení (seznam v pdf) po celém světě tak útočníci mohou do Secure Bootu vložit podepsaný malware. Otestovat firmware si lze na stránce Ukázka PoC na Linuxu na Windows na YouTube.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 11
    včera 02:22 | Nová verze

    Mobilní operační systém /e/OS (Wikipedie) založený na Androidu / LineageOS, ale bez aplikací a služeb od Googlu, byl vydán ve verzi 2.2 (Mastodon, 𝕏). Přehled novinek na GitLabu. Vypíchnuta je rodičovská kontrola.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    včera 01:22 | IT novinky

    Společnost OpenAI představila vyhledávač SearchGPT propojující OpenAI modely umělé inteligence a informace z webů v reálném čase. Zatím jako prototyp pro vybrané uživatele. Zapsat se lze do pořadníku čekatelů.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 00:11 | Nová verze

    Distribuce Linux Mint 22 „Wilma“ byla vydána. Je založená na Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, ale s desktopovým prostředím Cinnamon (aktuálně verze 6.2), příp. MATE nebo Xfce, balíkem aplikací XApp, integrací balíčků Flatpak a dalšími změnami. Více v přehledu novinekpoznámkách k vydání.

    Fluttershy, yay! | Komentářů: 2
    25.7. 17:44 | Zajímavý článek Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    25.7. 17:22 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 14 integrovaného vývojového prostředí (IDE) Qt Creator. Podrobný přehled novinek v cgitu. Vypíchnout lze podporu rozšíření v Lua.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.7. 17:11 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána verze 1.80.0 programovacího jazyka Rust (Wikipedie). Podrobnosti v poznámkách k vydání. Vyzkoušet Rust lze například na stránce Rust by Example.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.7. 14:11 | IT novinky

    Apple oznámil, že v beta verzi spustil své Apple Maps na webu. Podporován je také webový prohlížeč Chrome. Ne však na Linuxu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 23
    25.7. 13:11 | IT novinky

    Portál Stack Overflow po roce opět vyzpovídal své uživatele, jedná se především o vývojáře softwaru, a zveřejnil detailní výsledky průzkumu. Průzkumu se letos zúčastnilo více než 65 tisíc vývojářů. Z Česka jich bylo 710. Ze Slovenska 246.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0

    Dotaz: skript useradd - co vlastne dela useradd ?

    17.5.2006 13:51 jist | skóre: 17 | blog: bloxnij | Strakonice
    skript useradd - co vlastne dela useradd ?
    Přečteno: 494×

    delam do skoly semestralku pro bash, prepsat prikazy useradd a userdel. Co vlastne presne dela useradd nebo userdel, myslim tim napr. ze zedituje /etc/passwd, kam prida radek, do ktereho da jmeno, heslo ktere podle prepinace vygeneruje (jak?) nebo nastavi disabled, atd...

    Hledal jsem presny postup, zatim marne

    //no code


    Diskuse byla administrátory uzamčena.
    FAQ: Proč byl uzamčen/smazán můj dotaz v Poradně?

    17.5.2006 14:02 jist | skóre: 17 | blog: bloxnij | Strakonice
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: skript useradd - co vlastne dela useradd ?
    Napr. by me zajimalo jakym algoritmem se hashuje heslo do /etc/shadow
    //no code
    17.5.2006 14:11 happy barney | skóre: 34 | blog: dont_worry_be_happy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: skript useradd - co vlastne dela useradd ?
    heslo nastav prazdne, alebo neplatne, na konci pusti "passwd $user" a mas po problemoch.
    17.5.2006 14:23 Semo | skóre: 45 | blog: Semo
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: skript useradd - co vlastne dela useradd ?
    Este si mozes postudovat aj prikaz adduser, ktory sa lisi od prikazu useradd.
    If you hold a Unix shell up to your ear, you can you hear the C.
    17.5.2006 14:24 Petr Šobáň | skóre: 80 | blog: soban | Olomouc
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: skript useradd - co vlastne dela useradd ?
    Jednoduše přidá nebo smaže řádek z /etc/passwd a /etc/shadow a vytvoří domovský adresář v /home/* a překopíruje do něj základní soubory.

    Jinak více viz zdroják useradd.c :
     * Copyright 1991 - 1994, Julianne Frances Haugh
     * All rights reserved.
     * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
     * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
     * are met:
     * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
     *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
     *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
     *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
     * 3. Neither the name of Julianne F. Haugh nor the names of its contributors
     *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
     *    without specific prior written permission.
    #include <config.h>
    #ident "$Id: useradd.c,v 1.89 2005/12/15 15:06:28 kloczek Exp $"
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <getopt.h>
    #include <grp.h>
    #include <lastlog.h>
    #include <pwd.h>
    #ifdef USE_PAM
    #include "pam_defs.h"
    #endif				/* USE_PAM */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include "chkname.h"
    #include "defines.h"
    #include "faillog.h"
    #include "getdef.h"
    #include "groupio.h"
    #include "nscd.h"
    #include "prototypes.h"
    #include "pwauth.h"
    #include "pwio.h"
    #ifdef	SHADOWGRP
    #include "sgroupio.h"
    #include "shadowio.h"
    #ifndef SKEL_DIR
    #define SKEL_DIR "/etc/skel"
    #define USER_DEFAULTS_FILE "/etc/default/useradd"
    #define NEW_USER_FILE "/etc/default/nuaddXXXXXX"
     * Needed for MkLinux DR1/2/2.1 - J.
    #ifndef LASTLOG_FILE
    #define LASTLOG_FILE "/var/log/lastlog"
     * Global variables
     * These defaults are used if there is no defaults file.
    static gid_t def_group = 100;
    static const char *def_gname = "other";
    static const char *def_home = "/home";
    static const char *def_shell = "";
    static const char *def_template = SKEL_DIR;
    static const char *def_create_mail_spool = "no";
    static long def_inactive = -1;
    static const char *def_expire = "";
    static char def_file[] = USER_DEFAULTS_FILE;
    #define	VALID(s)	(strcspn (s, ":\n") == strlen (s))
    static const char *user_name = "";
    static const char *user_pass = "!";
    static uid_t user_id;
    static gid_t user_gid;
    static const char *user_comment = "";
    static const char *user_home = "";
    static const char *user_shell = "";
    static const char *create_mail_spool = "";
    static long user_expire = -1;
    static int is_shadow_pwd;
    #ifdef SHADOWGRP
    static int is_shadow_grp;
    static char **user_groups;	/* NULL-terminated list */
    static long sys_ngroups;
    static int do_grp_update = 0;	/* group files need to be updated */
    static char *Prog;
    static int
     bflg = 0,			/* new default root of home directory */
        cflg = 0,			/* comment (GECOS) field for new account */
        dflg = 0,			/* home directory for new account */
        Dflg = 0,			/* set/show new user default values */
        eflg = 0,			/* days since 1970-01-01 when account is locked */
        fflg = 0,			/* days until account with expired password is locked */
        gflg = 0,			/* primary group ID for new account */
        Gflg = 0,			/* secondary group set for new account */
        kflg = 0,			/* specify a directory to fill new user directory */
        mflg = 0,			/* create user's home directory if it doesn't exist */
        nflg = 0,			/* create a group having the same name as the user */
        oflg = 0,			/* permit non-unique user ID to be specified with -u */
        sflg = 0,			/* shell program for new account */
        uflg = 0;			/* specify user ID for new account */
    extern char *optarg;
    extern int optind;
    static int home_added;
     * exit status values
    #define E_SUCCESS	0	/* success */
    #define E_PW_UPDATE	1	/* can't update password file */
    #define E_USAGE		2	/* invalid command syntax */
    #define E_BAD_ARG	3	/* invalid argument to option */
    #define E_UID_IN_USE	4	/* UID already in use (and no -o) */
    #define E_NOTFOUND	6	/* specified group doesn't exist */
    #define E_NAME_IN_USE	9	/* username already in use */
    #define E_GRP_UPDATE	10	/* can't update group file */
    #define E_HOMEDIR	12	/* can't create home directory */
    #define	E_MAIL_SPOOL	13	/* can't create mail spool */
    #define DGROUP			"GROUP="
    #define HOME			"HOME="
    #define SHELL			"SHELL="
    #define INACT			"INACTIVE="
    #define EXPIRE			"EXPIRE="
    #define SKEL			"SKEL="
    /* local function prototypes */
    static void fail_exit (int);
    static struct group *getgr_nam_gid (const char *);
    static long get_number (const char *);
    static uid_t get_uid (const char *);
    static void get_defaults (void);
    static void show_defaults (void);
    static int set_defaults (void);
    static int get_groups (char *);
    static void usage (void);
    static void new_pwent (struct passwd *);
    static long scale_age (long);
    static void new_spent (struct spwd *);
    static void grp_update (void);
    static void find_new_uid (void);
    static void process_flags (int argc, char **argv);
    static void close_files (void);
    static void open_files (void);
    static void faillog_reset (uid_t);
    static void lastlog_reset (uid_t);
    static void usr_update (void);
    static void create_home (void);
    static void create_mail (void);
     * fail_exit - undo as much as possible
    static void fail_exit (int code)
    	if (home_added)
    		rmdir (user_home);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    	audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog, "adding user", user_name, -1,
    	SYSLOG ((LOG_INFO, "failed adding user `%s', data deleted", user_name));
    	exit (code);
    static struct group *getgr_nam_gid (const char *name)
    	gid_t gid;
    	char *ep;
    	gid = strtoul (name, &ep, 10);
    	if (*name != '\0' && *ep == '\0')	/* valid numeric GID */
    		return getgrgid (gid);
    	return getgrnam (name);
    static long get_number (const char *cp)
    	long val;
    	char *ep;
    	val = strtol (cp, &ep, 10);
    	if (*cp != '\0' && *ep == '\0')	/* valid number */
    		return val;
    	fprintf (stderr, _("%s: invalid numeric argument `%s'\n"), Prog, cp);
    	exit (E_BAD_ARG);
    static uid_t get_uid (const char *cp)
    	uid_t val;
    	char *ep;
    	val = strtoul (cp, &ep, 10);
    	if (*cp != '\0' && *ep == '\0')	/* valid number */
    		return val;
    	fprintf (stderr, _("%s: invalid numeric argument `%s'\n"), Prog, cp);
    	exit (E_BAD_ARG);
    #define MATCH(x,y) (strncmp((x),(y),strlen(y)) == 0)
     * get_defaults - read the defaults file
     *	get_defaults() reads the defaults file for this command. It sets the
     *	various values from the file, or uses built-in default values if the
     *	file does not exist.
    static void get_defaults (void)
    	FILE *fp;
    	char buf[1024];
    	char *cp, *ep;
    	const struct group *grp;
    	 * Open the defaults file for reading.
    	if (!(fp = fopen (def_file, "r")))
    	 * Read the file a line at a time. Only the lines that have relevant
    	 * values are used, everything else can be ignored.
    	while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, fp)) {
    		if ((cp = strrchr (buf, '\n')))
    			*cp = '\0';
    		if (!(cp = strchr (buf, '=')))
    		 * Primary GROUP identifier
    		if (MATCH (buf, DGROUP)) {
    			unsigned int val = (unsigned int) strtoul (cp, &ep, 10);
    			if (*cp != '\0' && *ep == '\0') {	/* valid number */
    				def_group = val;
    				if ((grp = getgrgid (def_group))) {
    					def_gname = xstrdup (grp->gr_name);
    				} else {
    					fprintf (stderr,
    						 _("%s: unknown GID %s\n"),
    						 Prog, cp);
    			} else if ((grp = getgrnam (cp))) {
    				def_group = grp->gr_gid;
    				def_gname = xstrdup (cp);
    			} else {
    				fprintf (stderr,
    					 _("%s: unknown group %s\n"), Prog, cp);
    		 * Default HOME filesystem
    		else if (MATCH (buf, HOME)) {
    			def_home = xstrdup (cp);
    		 * Default Login Shell command
    		else if (MATCH (buf, SHELL)) {
    			def_shell = xstrdup (cp);
    		 * Default Password Inactive value
    		else if (MATCH (buf, INACT)) {
    			long val = strtol (cp, &ep, 10);
    			if (*cp != '\0' && *ep == '\0')	/* valid number */
    				def_inactive = val;
    				def_inactive = -1;
    		 * Default account expiration date
    		else if (MATCH (buf, EXPIRE)) {
    			def_expire = xstrdup (cp);
    		 * Default Skeleton information
    		else if (MATCH (buf, SKEL)) {
    			if (*cp == '\0')
    				cp = SKEL_DIR;	/* XXX warning: const */
    			def_template = xstrdup (cp);
    		 * Create by default user mail spool or not ?
    		else if (MATCH (buf, CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL)) {
    			if (*cp == '\0')
    				cp = CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL;	/* XXX warning: const */
    			def_create_mail_spool = xstrdup (cp);
     * show_defaults - show the contents of the defaults file
     *	show_defaults() displays the values that are used from the default
     *	file and the built-in values.
    static void show_defaults (void)
    	printf ("GROUP=%u\n", (unsigned int) def_group);
    	printf ("HOME=%s\n", def_home);
    	printf ("INACTIVE=%ld\n", def_inactive);
    	printf ("EXPIRE=%s\n", def_expire);
    	printf ("SHELL=%s\n", def_shell);
    	printf ("SKEL=%s\n", def_template);
    	printf ("CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL=%s\n", def_create_mail_spool);
     * set_defaults - write new defaults file
     *	set_defaults() re-writes the defaults file using the values that
     *	are currently set. Duplicated lines are pruned, missing lines are
     *	added, and unrecognized lines are copied as is.
    static int set_defaults (void)
    	FILE *ifp;
    	FILE *ofp;
    	char buf[1024];
    	static char new_file[] = NEW_USER_FILE;
    	char *cp;
    	int ofd;
    	int out_group = 0;
    	int out_home = 0;
    	int out_inactive = 0;
    	int out_expire = 0;
    	int out_shell = 0;
    	int out_skel = 0;
    	int out_create_mail_spool = 0;
    	 * Create a temporary file to copy the new output to.
    	if ((ofd = mkstemp (new_file)) == -1) {
    		fprintf (stderr,
    			 _("%s: cannot create new defaults file\n"), Prog);
    		return -1;
    	if (!(ofp = fdopen (ofd, "w"))) {
    		fprintf (stderr, _("%s: cannot open new defaults file\n"),
    		return -1;
    	 * Open the existing defaults file and copy the lines to the
    	 * temporary file, using any new values. Each line is checked
    	 * to insure that it is not output more than once.
    	if (!(ifp = fopen (def_file, "r"))) {
    		fprintf (ofp, "# useradd defaults file\n");
    		goto skip;
    	while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, ifp)) {
    		if ((cp = strrchr (buf, '\n')))
    			*cp = '\0';
    		if (!out_group && MATCH (buf, DGROUP)) {
    			fprintf (ofp, DGROUP "%u\n", (unsigned int) def_group);
    		} else if (!out_home && MATCH (buf, HOME)) {
    			fprintf (ofp, HOME "%s\n", def_home);
    		} else if (!out_inactive && MATCH (buf, INACT)) {
    			fprintf (ofp, INACT "%ld\n", def_inactive);
    		} else if (!out_expire && MATCH (buf, EXPIRE)) {
    			fprintf (ofp, EXPIRE "%s\n", def_expire);
    		} else if (!out_shell && MATCH (buf, SHELL)) {
    			fprintf (ofp, SHELL "%s\n", def_shell);
    		} else if (!out_skel && MATCH (buf, SKEL)) {
    			fprintf (ofp, SKEL "%s\n", def_template);
    		} else if (!out_create_mail_spool
    			   && MATCH (buf, CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL)) {
    			fprintf (ofp, CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL "%s\n",
    		} else
    			fprintf (ofp, "%s\n", buf);
    	fclose (ifp);
    	 * Check each line to insure that every line was output. This
    	 * causes new values to be added to a file which did not previously
    	 * have an entry for that value.
    	if (!out_group)
    		fprintf (ofp, DGROUP "%u\n", (unsigned int) def_group);
    	if (!out_home)
    		fprintf (ofp, HOME "%s\n", def_home);
    	if (!out_inactive)
    		fprintf (ofp, INACT "%ld\n", def_inactive);
    	if (!out_expire)
    		fprintf (ofp, EXPIRE "%s\n", def_expire);
    	if (!out_shell)
    		fprintf (ofp, SHELL "%s\n", def_shell);
    	if (!out_skel)
    		fprintf (ofp, SKEL "%s\n", def_template);
    	if (!out_create_mail_spool)
    		fprintf (ofp, CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL "%s\n", def_create_mail_spool);
    	 * Flush and close the file. Check for errors to make certain
    	 * the new file is intact.
    	fflush (ofp);
    	if (ferror (ofp) || fclose (ofp)) {
    		unlink (new_file);
    		return -1;
    	 * Rename the current default file to its backup name.
    	snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%s-", def_file);
    	if (rename (def_file, buf) && errno != ENOENT) {
    		snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, _("%s: rename: %s"), Prog, def_file);
    		perror (buf);
    		unlink (new_file);
    		return -1;
    	 * Rename the new default file to its correct name.
    	if (rename (new_file, def_file)) {
    		snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, _("%s: rename: %s"), Prog, new_file);
    		perror (buf);
    		return -1;
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    	audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog, "changing user defaults",
    		      NULL, -1, 1);
    		 "useradd defaults: GROUP=%u, HOME=%s, SHELL=%s, INACTIVE=%ld, "
    		 "EXPIRE=%s, SKEL=%s, CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL=%s",
    		 (unsigned int) def_group, def_home, def_shell,
    		 def_inactive, def_expire, def_template,
    	return 0;
     * get_groups - convert a list of group names to an array of group IDs
     *	get_groups() takes a comma-separated list of group names and
     *	converts it to a NULL-terminated array. Any unknown group
     *	names are reported as errors.
    static int get_groups (char *list)
    	char *cp;
    	const struct group *grp;
    	int errors = 0;
    	int ngroups = 0;
    	if (!*list)
    		return 0;
    	 * So long as there is some data to be converted, strip off
    	 * each name and look it up. A mix of numerical and string
    	 * values for group identifiers is permitted.
    	do {
    		 * Strip off a single name from the list
    		if ((cp = strchr (list, ',')))
    			*cp++ = '\0';
    		 * Names starting with digits are treated as numerical
    		 * GID values, otherwise the string is looked up as is.
    		grp = getgr_nam_gid (list);
    		 * There must be a match, either by GID value or by
    		 * string name.
    		if (!grp) {
    			fprintf (stderr, _("%s: unknown group %s\n"),
    				 Prog, list);
    		list = cp;
    		 * If the group doesn't exist, don't dump core...
    		 * Instead, try the next one.  --marekm
    		if (!grp)
    #ifdef	USE_NIS
    		 * Don't add this group if they are an NIS group. Tell
    		 * the user to go to the server for this group.
    		if (__isgrNIS ()) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 _("%s: group `%s' is a NIS group.\n"),
    				 Prog, grp->gr_name);
    		if (ngroups == sys_ngroups) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 ("%s: too many groups specified (max %d).\n"),
    				 Prog, ngroups);
    		 * Add the group name to the user's list of groups.
    		user_groups[ngroups++] = xstrdup (grp->gr_name);
    	} while (list);
    	user_groups[ngroups] = (char *) 0;
    	 * Any errors in finding group names are fatal
    	if (errors)
    		return -1;
    	return 0;
     * usage - display usage message and exit
    static void usage (void)
    	fprintf (stderr, _("Usage: useradd [options] LOGIN\n"
    			   "  -b, --base-dir BASE_DIR	base directory for the new user account\n"
    			   "				home directory\n"
    			   "  -c, --comment COMMENT		set the GECOS field for the new user account\n"
    			   "  -d, --home-dir HOME_DIR	home directory for the new user account\n"
    			   "  -D, --defaults		print or save modified default useradd\n"
    			   "				configuration\n"
    			   "  -e, --expiredate EXPIRE_DATE	set account expiration date to EXPIRE_DATE\n"
    			   "  -f, --inactive INACTIVE	set password inactive after expiration\n"
    			   "				to INACTIVE\n"
    			   "  -g, --gid GROUP		force use GROUP for the new user account\n"
    			   "  -G, --groups GROUPS		list of supplementary groups for the new\n"
    			   "				user account\n"
    			   "  -h, --help			display this help message and exit\n"
    			   "  -k, --skel SKEL_DIR		specify an alternative skel directory\n"
    			   "  -K, --key KEY=VALUE		overrides /etc/login.defs defaults\n"
    			   "  -m, --create-home		create home directory for the new user\n"
    			   "				account\n"
    			   "  -o, --non-unique		allow create user with duplicate\n"
    			   "				(non-unique) UID\n"
    			   "  -p, --password PASSWORD	use encrypted password for the new user\n"
    			   "				account\n"
    			   "  -s, --shell SHELL		the login shell for the new user account\n"
    			   "  -u, --uid UID			force use the UID for the new user account\n"));
    	exit (E_USAGE);
     * new_pwent - initialize the values in a password file entry
     *	new_pwent() takes all of the values that have been entered and
     *	fills in a (struct passwd) with them.
    static void new_pwent (struct passwd *pwent)
    	memzero (pwent, sizeof *pwent);
    	pwent->pw_name = (char *) user_name;
    	if (is_shadow_pwd)
    		pwent->pw_passwd = (char *) SHADOW_PASSWD_STRING;
    		pwent->pw_passwd = (char *) user_pass;
    	pwent->pw_uid = user_id;
    	pwent->pw_gid = user_gid;
    	pwent->pw_gecos = (char *) user_comment;
    	pwent->pw_dir = (char *) user_home;
    	pwent->pw_shell = (char *) user_shell;
    static long scale_age (long x)
    	if (x <= 0)
    		return x;
    	return x * (DAY / SCALE);
     * new_spent - initialize the values in a shadow password file entry
     *	new_spent() takes all of the values that have been entered and
     *	fills in a (struct spwd) with them.
    static void new_spent (struct spwd *spent)
    	memzero (spent, sizeof *spent);
    	spent->sp_namp = (char *) user_name;
    	spent->sp_pwdp = (char *) user_pass;
    	spent->sp_lstchg = time ((time_t *) 0) / SCALE;
    	spent->sp_min = scale_age (getdef_num ("PASS_MIN_DAYS", -1));
    	spent->sp_max = scale_age (getdef_num ("PASS_MAX_DAYS", -1));
    	spent->sp_warn = scale_age (getdef_num ("PASS_WARN_AGE", -1));
    	spent->sp_inact = scale_age (def_inactive);
    	spent->sp_expire = scale_age (user_expire);
    	spent->sp_flag = -1;
     * grp_update - add user to secondary group set
     *	grp_update() takes the secondary group set given in user_groups
     *	and adds the user to each group given by that set.
    static void grp_update (void)
    	const struct group *grp;
    	struct group *ngrp;
    #ifdef	SHADOWGRP
    	const struct sgrp *sgrp;
    	struct sgrp *nsgrp;
    	 * Test for unique entries of user_groups in /etc/group
    	char **user_groups_tmp = user_groups;
    	while (*user_groups_tmp) {
    		int count = 0;
    		for (gr_rewind (), grp = gr_next (); grp && count < 2;
    		     grp = gr_next ()) {
    			if (strcmp (*user_groups_tmp, grp->gr_name) == 0) {
    		if (count > 1) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 "%s: error not unique group names in group file\n",
    			fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);
    	/* Locking and opening of the group files moved to open_files() --gafton */
    	 * Scan through the entire group file looking for the groups that
    	 * the user is a member of.
    	for (gr_rewind (), grp = gr_next (); grp; grp = gr_next ()) {
    		 * See if the user specified this group as one of their
    		 * concurrent groups.
    		if (!is_on_list (user_groups, grp->gr_name))
    		 * Make a copy - gr_update() will free() everything
    		 * from the old entry, and we need it later.
    		ngrp = __gr_dup (grp);
    		if (!ngrp) {
    			fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);	/* XXX */
    		 * Add the username to the list of group members and
    		 * update the group entry to reflect the change.
    		ngrp->gr_mem = add_list (ngrp->gr_mem, user_name);
    		if (!gr_update (ngrp)) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 _("%s: error adding new group entry\n"), Prog);
    			fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    		audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog,
    			      "adding user to group", user_name, -1, 1);
    		SYSLOG ((LOG_INFO, "add `%s' to group `%s'",
    			 user_name, ngrp->gr_name));
    #ifdef	SHADOWGRP
    	if (!is_shadow_grp)
    	 * Scan through the entire shadow group file looking for the groups
    	 * that the user is a member of. The administrative list isn't
    	 * modified.
    	for (sgr_rewind (), sgrp = sgr_next (); sgrp; sgrp = sgr_next ()) {
    		 * See if the user specified this group as one of their
    		 * concurrent groups.
    		if (!gr_locate (sgrp->sg_name))
    		if (!is_on_list (user_groups, sgrp->sg_name))
    		 * Make a copy - sgr_update() will free() everything
    		 * from the old entry, and we need it later.
    		nsgrp = __sgr_dup (sgrp);
    		if (!nsgrp) {
    			fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);	/* XXX */
    		 * Add the username to the list of group members and
    		 * update the group entry to reflect the change.
    		nsgrp->sg_mem = add_list (nsgrp->sg_mem, user_name);
    		if (!sgr_update (nsgrp)) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 _("%s: error adding new group entry\n"), Prog);
    			fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    		audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog,
    			      "adding user to shadow group", user_name, -1, 1);
    		SYSLOG ((LOG_INFO, "add `%s' to shadow group `%s'",
    			 user_name, nsgrp->sg_name));
    #endif				/* SHADOWGRP */
     * find_new_uid - find the next available UID
     *	find_new_uid() locates the next highest unused UID in the password
     *	file, or checks the given user ID against the existing ones for
     *	uniqueness.
    static void find_new_uid (void)
    	const struct passwd *pwd;
    	uid_t uid_min, uid_max;
    	uid_min = getdef_unum ("UID_MIN", 1000);
    	uid_max = getdef_unum ("UID_MAX", 60000);
    	 * Start with some UID value if the user didn't provide us with
    	 * one already.
    	if (!uflg)
    		user_id = uid_min;
    	 * Search the entire password file, either looking for this
    	 * UID (if the user specified one with -u) or looking for the
    	 * largest unused value.
    #ifdef NO_GETPWENT
    	pw_rewind ();
    	while ((pwd = pw_next ())) {
    #else				/* using getpwent() we can check against NIS users etc. */
    	setpwent ();
    	while ((pwd = getpwent ())) {
    		if (strcmp (user_name, pwd->pw_name) == 0) {
    			fprintf (stderr, _("%s: name %s is not unique\n"),
    				 Prog, user_name);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    			audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog, "adding user",
    				      user_name, user_id, 0);
    			exit (E_NAME_IN_USE);
    		if (uflg && user_id == pwd->pw_uid) {
    			fprintf (stderr, _("%s: UID %u is not unique\n"),
    				 Prog, (unsigned int) user_id);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    			audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog, "adding user",
    				      user_name, user_id, 0);
    			exit (E_UID_IN_USE);
    		if (!uflg && pwd->pw_uid >= user_id) {
    			if (pwd->pw_uid > uid_max)
    			user_id = pwd->pw_uid + 1;
    	 * If a user with UID equal to UID_MAX exists, the above algorithm
    	 * will give us UID_MAX+1 even if not unique. Search for the first
    	 * free UID starting with UID_MIN (it's O(n*n) but can be avoided
    	 * by not having users with UID equal to UID_MAX).  --marekm
    	if (!uflg && user_id == uid_max + 1) {
    		for (user_id = uid_min; user_id < uid_max; user_id++) {
    #ifdef NO_GETPWENT
    			pw_rewind ();
    			while ((pwd = pw_next ())
    			       && pwd->pw_uid != user_id);
    			if (!pwd)
    			if (!getpwuid (user_id))
    		if (user_id == uid_max) {
    			fprintf (stderr, _("%s: can't get unique UID\n"), Prog);
    			fail_exit (E_UID_IN_USE);
      * find_new_gid - find the next available GID
      *     find_new_gid() locates the next highest unused GID in the group
      *     file, or checks the given group ID against the existing ones for
      *     uniqueness.
    static void find_new_gid ()
    	const struct group *grp;
    	gid_t gid_min, gid_max;
    	gid_min = getdef_num ("GID_MIN", 500);
    	gid_max = getdef_num ("GID_MAX", 60000);
    	 * Start with some GID value if the user didn't provide us with
    	 * one already.
    	user_gid = gid_min;
    	 * Search the entire group file, either looking for this
    	 * GID (if the user specified one with -g) or looking for the
    	 * largest unused value.
    #ifdef NO_GETGRENT
    	gr_rewind ();
    	while ((grp = gr_next ()))
    	setgrent ();
    	while ((grp = getgrent ()))
    		if (strcmp (user_name, grp->gr_name) == 0) {
    			user_gid = grp->gr_gid;
    		if (grp->gr_gid >= user_gid) {
    			if (grp->gr_gid > gid_max)
    			user_gid = grp->gr_gid + 1;
    #ifndef NO_GETGRENT		/* glibc does have this, so ... */
    	/* A quick test gets here: if the UID is available
    	 * as a GID, go ahead and use it */
    	if (!getgrgid (user_id)) {
    		user_gid = user_id;
    	if (user_gid == gid_max + 1) {
    		for (user_gid = gid_min; user_gid < gid_max; user_gid++) {
    #ifdef NO_GETGRENT
    			gr_rewind ();
    			while ((grp = gr_next ()) && grp->gr_gid != user_gid);
    			if (!grp)
    			if (!getgrgid (user_gid))
    		if (user_gid == gid_max) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 "%s: can't get unique gid (run out of GIDs)\n",
    			fail_exit (4);
     * process_flags - perform command line argument setting
     *	process_flags() interprets the command line arguments and sets
     *	the values that the user will be created with accordingly. The
     *	values are checked for sanity.
    static void process_flags (int argc, char **argv)
    	const struct group *grp;
    	int anyflag = 0;
    	char *cp;
    		 * Parse the command line options.
    		int c;
    		static struct option long_options[] = {
    			{"base-dir", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
    			{"comment", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
    			{"home-dir", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
    			{"defaults", required_argument, NULL, 'D'},
    			{"expiredate", required_argument, NULL, 'e'},
    			{"inactive", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
    			{"gid", required_argument, NULL, 'g'},
    			{"groups", required_argument, NULL, 'G'},
    			{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
    			{"skel", required_argument, NULL, 'k'},
    			{"key", required_argument, NULL, 'K'},
    			{"create-home", no_argument, NULL, 'm'},
    			{"non-unique", no_argument, NULL, 'o'},
    			{"password", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
    			{"shell", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
    			{"uid", required_argument, NULL, 'u'},
    			{NULL, 0, NULL, '\0'}
    		while ((c =
    			getopt_long (argc, argv, "b:c:d:De:f:g:G:k:K:mMop:s:u:",
    				     long_options, NULL)) != -1) {
    			switch (c) {
    			case 'b':
    				if (!Dflg)
    					usage ();
    				if (!VALID (optarg)
    				    || optarg[0] != '/') {
    					fprintf (stderr,
    						 ("%s: invalid base directory `%s'\n"),
    						 Prog, optarg);
    					exit (E_BAD_ARG);
    				def_home = optarg;
    			case 'c':
    				if (!VALID (optarg)) {
    					fprintf (stderr,
    						 ("%s: invalid comment `%s'\n"),
    						 Prog, optarg);
    					exit (E_BAD_ARG);
    				user_comment = optarg;
    			case 'd':
    				if (!VALID (optarg)
    				    || optarg[0] != '/') {
    					fprintf (stderr,
    						 ("%s: invalid home directory `%s'\n"),
    						 Prog, optarg);
    					exit (E_BAD_ARG);
    				user_home = optarg;
    			case 'D':
    				if (anyflag)
    					usage ();
    			case 'e':
    				if (*optarg) {
    					user_expire = strtoday (optarg);
    					if (user_expire == -1) {
    						fprintf (stderr,
    							 ("%s: invalid date `%s'\n"),
    							 Prog, optarg);
    						exit (E_BAD_ARG);
    				} else
    					user_expire = -1;
    				 * -e "" is allowed - it's a no-op without /etc/shadow
    				if (*optarg && !is_shadow_pwd) {
    					fprintf (stderr,
    						 ("%s: shadow passwords required for -e\n"),
    					exit (E_USAGE);
    				if (Dflg)
    					def_expire = optarg;
    			case 'f':
    				def_inactive = get_number (optarg);
    				 * -f -1 is allowed - it's a no-op without /etc/shadow
    				if (def_inactive != -1 && !is_shadow_pwd) {
    					fprintf (stderr,
    						 ("%s: shadow passwords required for -f\n"),
    					exit (E_USAGE);
    			case 'g':
    				grp = getgr_nam_gid (optarg);
    				if (!grp) {
    					fprintf (stderr,
    						 ("%s: unknown group %s\n"),
    						 Prog, optarg);
    					exit (E_NOTFOUND);
    				if (Dflg) {
    					def_group = grp->gr_gid;
    					def_gname = optarg;
    				} else {
    					user_gid = grp->gr_gid;
    			case 'G':
    				if (get_groups (optarg))
    					exit (E_NOTFOUND);
    				if (user_groups[0])
    			case 'h':
    				usage ();
    			case 'k':
    				def_template = optarg;
    			case 'K':
    				 * override login.defs defaults (-K name=value)
    				 * example: -K UID_MIN=100 -K UID_MAX=499
    				 * note: -K UID_MIN=10,UID_MAX=499 doesn't work yet
    				cp = strchr (optarg, '=');
    				if (!cp) {
    					fprintf (stderr,
    						 ("%s: -K requires KEY=VALUE\n"),
    					exit (E_BAD_ARG);
    				/* terminate name, point to value */
    				*cp++ = '\0';
    				if (putdef_str (optarg, cp) < 0)
    					exit (E_BAD_ARG);
    			case 'm':
    			case 'o':
    			case 'p':	/* set encrypted password */
    				if (!VALID (optarg)) {
    					fprintf (stderr,
    						 ("%s: invalid field `%s'\n"),
    						 Prog, optarg);
    					exit (E_BAD_ARG);
    				user_pass = optarg;
    			case 's':
    				if (!VALID (optarg)
    				    || (optarg[0]
    					&& (optarg[0] != '/'
    					    && optarg[0] != '*'))) {
    					fprintf (stderr,
    						 ("%s: invalid shell `%s'\n"),
    						 Prog, optarg);
    					exit (E_BAD_ARG);
    				user_shell = optarg;
    				def_shell = optarg;
    			case 'u':
    				user_id = get_uid (optarg);
    				usage ();
    	 * Certain options are only valid in combination with others.
    	 * Check it here so that they can be specified in any order.
    	if ((oflg && !uflg) || (kflg && !mflg))
    		usage ();
    	 * Either -D or username is required. Defaults can be set with -D
    	 * for the -b, -e, -f, -g, -s options only.
    	if (Dflg) {
    		if (optind != argc)
    			usage ();
    		if (uflg || oflg || Gflg || dflg || cflg || mflg)
    			usage ();
    	} else {
    		if (optind != argc - 1)
    			usage ();
    		user_name = argv[optind];
    		if (!check_user_name (user_name)) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 ("%s: invalid user name '%s'\n"),
    				 Prog, user_name);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    			audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog, "adding user",
    				      user_name, -1, 0);
    			exit (E_BAD_ARG);
    		if (!dflg) {
    			char *uh;
    			uh = xmalloc (strlen (def_home) +
    				      strlen (user_name) + 2);
    			sprintf (uh, "%s/%s", def_home, user_name);
    			user_home = uh;
    	if (!eflg)
    		user_expire = strtoday (def_expire);
    	if (!gflg)
    		user_gid = def_group;
    	if (!sflg)
    		user_shell = def_shell;
     * close_files - close all of the files that were opened
     *	close_files() closes all of the files that were opened for this
     *	new user. This causes any modified entries to be written out.
    static void close_files (void)
    	if (!pw_close ()) {
    		fprintf (stderr, _("%s: cannot rewrite password file\n"), Prog);
    		fail_exit (E_PW_UPDATE);
    	if (is_shadow_pwd && !spw_close ()) {
    		fprintf (stderr,
    			 _("%s: cannot rewrite shadow password file\n"), Prog);
    		fail_exit (E_PW_UPDATE);
    	if (do_grp_update) {
    		if (!gr_close ()) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 _("%s: cannot rewrite group file\n"), Prog);
    			fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);
    		gr_unlock ();
    #ifdef	SHADOWGRP
    		if (is_shadow_grp && !sgr_close ()) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 ("%s: cannot rewrite shadow group file\n"),
    			fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);
    		if (is_shadow_grp)
    			sgr_unlock ();
    	if (is_shadow_pwd)
    		spw_unlock ();
    	pw_unlock ();
     * open_files - lock and open the password files
     *	open_files() opens the two password files.
    static void open_files (void)
    	if (!pw_lock ()) {
    		fprintf (stderr, _("%s: unable to lock password file\n"), Prog);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    		audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog,
    			      "locking password file", user_name, user_id, 0);
    		exit (E_PW_UPDATE);
    	if (!pw_open (O_RDWR)) {
    		fprintf (stderr, _("%s: unable to open password file\n"), Prog);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    		audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog,
    			      "opening password file", user_name, user_id, 0);
    		pw_unlock ();
    		exit (E_PW_UPDATE);
    	if (is_shadow_pwd && !spw_lock ()) {
    		fprintf (stderr,
    			 _("%s: cannot lock shadow password file\n"), Prog);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    		audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog,
    			      "locking shadow password file", user_name,
    			      user_id, 0);
    		pw_unlock ();
    		exit (E_PW_UPDATE);
    	if (is_shadow_pwd && !spw_open (O_RDWR)) {
    		fprintf (stderr,
    			 _("%s: cannot open shadow password file\n"), Prog);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    		audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog,
    			      "opening shadow password file", user_name,
    			      user_id, 0);
    		spw_unlock ();
    		pw_unlock ();
    		exit (E_PW_UPDATE);
    	 * Lock and open the group file.
    	if (!gr_lock ()) {
    		fprintf (stderr, _("%s: error locking group file\n"), Prog);
    		fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);
    	if (!gr_open (O_RDWR)) {
    		fprintf (stderr, _("%s: error opening group file\n"), Prog);
    		fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);
    #ifdef  SHADOWGRP
    	if (is_shadow_grp && !sgr_lock ()) {
    		fprintf (stderr,
    			 _("%s: error locking shadow group file\n"), Prog);
    		fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);
    	if (is_shadow_grp && !sgr_open (O_RDWR)) {
    		fprintf (stderr,
    			 _("%s: error opening shadow group file\n"), Prog);
    		fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);
    static char *empty_list = NULL;
     * new_grent - initialize the values in a group file entry
     *      new_grent() takes all of the values that have been entered and fills
     *      in a (struct group) with them.
    static void new_grent (struct group *grent)
    	memzero (grent, sizeof *grent);
    	grent->gr_name = (char *) user_name;
    	grent->gr_passwd = SHADOW_PASSWD_STRING;	/* XXX warning: const */
    	grent->gr_gid = user_gid;
    	grent->gr_mem = &empty_list;
    #ifdef  SHADOWGRP
     * new_sgent - initialize the values in a shadow group file entry
     *      new_sgent() takes all of the values that have been entered and fills
     *      in a (struct sgrp) with them.
    static void new_sgent (struct sgrp *sgent)
    	memzero (sgent, sizeof *sgent);
    	sgent->sg_name = (char *) user_name;
    	sgent->sg_passwd = "!";	/* XXX warning: const */
    	sgent->sg_adm = &empty_list;
    	sgent->sg_mem = &empty_list;
    #endif				/* SHADOWGRP */
     * grp_add - add new group file entries
     *      grp_add() writes the new records to the group files.
    static void grp_add (void)
    	struct group grp;
    #ifdef  SHADOWGRP
    	struct sgrp sgrp;
    #endif				/* SHADOWGRP */
    	 * Create the initial entries for this new group.
    	new_grent (&grp);
    #ifdef  SHADOWGRP
    	new_sgent (&sgrp);
    #endif				/* SHADOWGRP */
    	 * Write out the new group file entry.
    	if (!gr_update (&grp)) {
    		fprintf (stderr, _("%s: error adding new group entry\n"), Prog);
    		fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);
    #ifdef  SHADOWGRP
    	 * Write out the new shadow group entries as well.
    	if (is_shadow_grp && !sgr_update (&sgrp)) {
    		fprintf (stderr, _("%s: error adding new group entry\n"), Prog);
    		fail_exit (E_GRP_UPDATE);
    #endif				/* SHADOWGRP */
    	SYSLOG ((LOG_INFO, "new group: name=%s, GID=%u", user_name, user_gid));
    static void faillog_reset (uid_t uid)
    	struct faillog fl;
    	int fd;
    	fd = open (FAILLOG_FILE, O_RDWR);
    	if (fd >= 0) {
    		memzero (&fl, sizeof (fl));
    		lseek (fd, (off_t) sizeof (fl) * uid, SEEK_SET);
    		write (fd, &fl, sizeof (fl));
    		close (fd);
    static void lastlog_reset (uid_t uid)
    	struct lastlog ll;
    	int fd;
    	fd = open (LASTLOG_FILE, O_RDWR);
    	if (fd >= 0) {
    		memzero (&ll, sizeof (ll));
    		lseek (fd, (off_t) sizeof (ll) * uid, SEEK_SET);
    		write (fd, &ll, sizeof (ll));
    		close (fd);
     * usr_update - create the user entries
     *	usr_update() creates the password file entries for this user
     *	and will update the group entries if required.
    static void usr_update (void)
    	struct passwd pwent;
    	struct spwd spent;
    	if (!oflg)
    		find_new_uid ();
    	 * Fill in the password structure with any new fields, making
    	 * copies of strings.
    	new_pwent (&pwent);
    	new_spent (&spent);
    	 * Create a syslog entry. We need to do this now in case anything
    	 * happens so we know what we were trying to accomplish.
    		 "new user: name=%s, UID=%u, GID=%u, home=%s, shell=%s",
    		 user_name, (unsigned int) user_id,
    		 (unsigned int) user_gid, user_home, user_shell));
    	 * Initialize faillog and lastlog entries for this UID in case
    	 * it belongs to a previously deleted user. We do it only if
    	 * no user with this UID exists yet (entries for shared UIDs
    	 * are left unchanged).  --marekm
    	if (!getpwuid (user_id)) {
    		faillog_reset (user_id);
    		lastlog_reset (user_id);
    	 * Put the new (struct passwd) in the table.
    	if (!pw_update (&pwent)) {
    		fprintf (stderr,
    			 _("%s: error adding new password entry\n"), Prog);
    		exit (E_PW_UPDATE);
    	 * Put the new (struct spwd) in the table.
    	if (is_shadow_pwd && !spw_update (&spent)) {
    		fprintf (stderr,
    			 ("%s: error adding new shadow password entry\n"),
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    		audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog,
    			      "adding shadow password", user_name, user_id, 0);
    		exit (E_PW_UPDATE);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    	audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog, "adding user", user_name,
    		      user_id, 1);
    	 * Do any group file updates for this user.
    	if (do_grp_update)
    		grp_update ();
     * create_home - create the user's home directory
     *	create_home() creates the user's home directory if it does not
     *	already exist. It will be created mode 755 owned by the user
     *	with the user's default group.
    static void create_home (void)
    	if (access (user_home, F_OK)) {
    		/* XXX - create missing parent directories.  --marekm */
    		if (mkdir (user_home, 0)) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 ("%s: cannot create directory %s\n"),
    				 Prog, user_home);
    			fail_exit (E_HOMEDIR);
    		chown (user_home, user_id, user_gid);
    		chmod (user_home, 0777 & ~getdef_num ("UMASK", 022));
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    		audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog,
    			      "adding home directory", user_name, user_id, 1);
     * create_mail - create the user's mail spool
     *	create_mail() creates the user's mail spool if it does not already
     *	exist. It will be created mode 660 owned by the user and group
     *	'mail'
    static void create_mail (void)
    	char *ms;
    	int fd;
    	struct group *mail;
    	gid_t mail_gid;
    	mode_t mode;
    	if (strcasecmp (create_mail_spool, "yes") == 0) {
    		mail = getgrnam ("mail");
    		if (mail == NULL) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 ("No group named \"mail\" exists, creating mail spool with mode 0600.\n"));
    			mode = 0600;
    			mail_gid = user_gid;
    		} else {
    			mode = 0660;
    			mail_gid = mail->gr_gid;
    		ms = malloc (strlen (user_name) + 11);
    		if (ms != NULL) {
    			sprintf (ms, "/var/mail/%s", user_name);
    			if (access (ms, R_OK) != 0) {
    				fd = open (ms,
    					   O_CREAT | O_EXCL |
    					   O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0);
    				if (fd != -1) {
    					fchown (fd, user_id, mail_gid);
    					fchmod (fd, mode);
    					close (fd);
    			} else {
    				fprintf (stderr,
    					 ("Can't create mail spool for user %s.\n"),
    				fail_exit (E_MAIL_SPOOL);
    		free (ms);
     * main - useradd command
    int main (int argc, char **argv)
    #ifdef USE_PAM
    	pam_handle_t *pamh = NULL;
    	struct passwd *pampw;
    	int retval;
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    	audit_help_open ();
    	 * Get my name so that I can use it to report errors.
    	Prog = Basename (argv[0]);
    	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
    	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
    	textdomain (PACKAGE);
    	OPENLOG ("useradd");
    	sys_ngroups = sysconf (_SC_NGROUPS_MAX);
    	user_groups = malloc ((1 + sys_ngroups) * sizeof (char *));
    	 * Initialize the list to be empty
    	user_groups[0] = (char *) 0;
    	is_shadow_pwd = spw_file_present ();
    #ifdef SHADOWGRP
    	is_shadow_grp = sgr_file_present ();
    	get_defaults ();
    	process_flags (argc, argv);
    #ifdef USE_PAM
    	retval = PAM_SUCCESS;
    	pampw = getpwuid (getuid ());
    	if (pampw == NULL) {
    		retval = PAM_USER_UNKNOWN;
    	if (retval == PAM_SUCCESS) {
    		retval = pam_start ("useradd", pampw->pw_name, &conv, &pamh);
    	if (retval == PAM_SUCCESS) {
    		retval = pam_authenticate (pamh, 0);
    		if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS) {
    			pam_end (pamh, retval);
    	if (retval == PAM_SUCCESS) {
    		retval = pam_acct_mgmt (pamh, 0);
    		if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS) {
    			pam_end (pamh, retval);
    	if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS) {
    		fprintf (stderr, _("%s: PAM authentication failed\n"), Prog);
    		exit (1);
    #endif				/* USE_PAM */
    	 * See if we are messing with the defaults file, or creating
    	 * a new user.
    	if (Dflg) {
    		if (gflg || bflg || fflg || eflg || sflg)
    			exit (set_defaults ()? 1 : 0);
    		show_defaults ();
    		exit (E_SUCCESS);
    	 * Start with a quick check to see if the user exists.
    	if (getpwnam (user_name)) {
    		fprintf (stderr, _("%s: user %s exists\n"), Prog, user_name);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    		audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog, "adding user",
    			      user_name, -1, 0);
    		exit (E_NAME_IN_USE);
    	 * Don't blindly overwrite a group when a user is added...
    	 * If you already have a group username, and want to add the user
    	 * to that group, use useradd -g username username.
    	 * --bero
    	if (!gflg) {
    		if (getgrnam (user_name)) {
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 ("%s: group %s exists - if you want to add this user to that group, use -g.\n"),
    				 Prog, user_name);
    #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
    			audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog,
    				      "adding group", user_name, -1, 0);
    			exit (E_NAME_IN_USE);
    	 * Do the hard stuff:
    	 * - open the files,
    	 * - create the user entries,
    	 * - create the home directory,
    	 * - create user mail spool,
    	 * - flush nscd caches for passwd and group services,
    	 * - then close and update the files.
    	open_files ();
    	/* first, seek for a valid uid to use for this user.
    	 * We do this because later we can use the uid we found as
    	 * gid too ... --gafton */
    	find_new_uid ();
    	/* do we have to add a group for that user? This is why we need to
    	 * open the group files in the open_files() function  --gafton */
    	if (!(nflg || gflg)) {
    		find_new_gid ();
    		grp_add ();
    	usr_update ();
    	if (mflg) {
    		create_home ();
    		if (home_added)
    			copy_tree (def_template, user_home, user_id, user_gid);
    			fprintf (stderr,
    				 ("%s: warning: the home directory already exists.\n"
    				  "Not copying any file from skel directory into it.\n"),
    	} else if (getdef_str ("CREATE_HOME")) {
    		 * RedHat added the CREATE_HOME option in login.defs in their
    		 * version of shadow-utils (which makes -m the default, with
    		 * new -M option to turn it off). Unfortunately, this
    		 * changes the way useradd works (it can be run by scripts
    		 * expecting some standard behaviour), compared to other
    		 * Unices and other Linux distributions, and also adds a lot
    		 * of confusion :-(.
    		 * So we now recognize CREATE_HOME and give a warning here
    		 * (better than "configuration error ... notify administrator"
    		 * errors in every program that reads /etc/login.defs). -MM
    		fprintf (stderr,
    			 ("%s: warning: CREATE_HOME not supported, please use -m instead.\n"),
    	create_mail ();
    	nscd_flush_cache ("passwd");
    	nscd_flush_cache ("group");
    	close_files ();
    #ifdef USE_PAM
    	if (retval == PAM_SUCCESS)
    		pam_end (pamh, PAM_SUCCESS);
    #endif				/* USE_PAM */
    	exit (E_SUCCESS);
    	/* NOT REACHED */
    17.5.2006 14:44 jist | skóre: 17 | blog: bloxnij | Strakonice
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: skript useradd - co vlastne dela useradd ?
    diky vsem za reakce
    //no code
    17.5.2006 14:47 Kníže Ignor | skóre: 19 | blog: stoupa
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: skript useradd - co vlastne dela useradd ?
    To tě fakt samotného nenapadlo podívat se do toho zdrojáku? Co si mám o tobě myslet?
    Jestli máš zálohu mého blogu, tak mi ji pošli. Nějak jsem si ho smazal :-)
    17.5.2006 15:09 jist | skóre: 17 | blog: bloxnij | Strakonice
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: skript useradd - co vlastne dela useradd ?
    Myslet si samozrejme muzes co chces! v tom ti nikdo nebrani (:
    //no code
    7.7.2006 08:51 Zdeněk Burda | skóre: 61 | blog: Zdendův blog | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: skript useradd - co vlastne dela useradd ?
    Ahoj, na diskuzi se zamreli spambot a poslal uz nekolik desitek spamu. Protoze je problem v diskuzi vyresen, zamkl jsem ji.
    -- Nezdar není hanbou, hanbou je strach z pokusu.

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