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    včera 23:33 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 4.8.0 programu na úpravu digitálních fotografií darktable (Wikipedie).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 23:11 | Zajímavý článek

    Nová čísla časopisů od nakladatelství Raspberry Pi: MagPi 142 (pdf) a HackSpace 79 (pdf).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 18:22 | Nová verze

    Qtractor (Wikipedie) dospěl do verze 1.0.0. Jedná se o Audio/MIDI vícestopý sekvencer.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 14:33 | Nová verze

    Byl vydán svobodný kancelářský balík OnlyOffice Docs 8.1. Vedle četných oprav přináší několik funkcí včetně podpory editace textu v PDF a vytváření formulářů v PDF.

    Fluttershy, yay! | Komentářů: 11
    včera 12:33 | Zajímavý článek

    Daniel Stenberg, autor nástroje curl, z databáze SteamDB zjistil, že aktuálně 22 734 her na Steamu používá curl.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 4
    20.6. 19:55 | IT novinky

    Společnost Anthropic vydala Claude 3.5 Sonnet, tj. novou verzi své umělé inteligence Claude (Wikipedie). Videoukázky na YouTube. S Claude 3, stejně jak s GPT-3.5, Llama 3 a Mixtral, si lze pokecat bez přihlašování na DuckDuckGo AI Chat.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    20.6. 16:55 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová stabilní verze 6.8 webového prohlížeče Vivaldi (Wikipedie). Postavena je na Chromiu 126. Přehled novinek i s náhledy v příspěvku na blogu a na YouTube. Vypíchnuta jsou vylepšení v integrovaném poštovním klientu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 1
    20.6. 12:11 | Zajímavý článek

    Příspěvek Aukce domén – měsíc po spuštění na blogu CZ.NIC shrnuje první měsíc provozu Aukce domén .CZ. Aukcemi prošlo celkem 18 174 domén, z toho na 742 z nich byl učiněn alespoň 1 příhoz. Nejdražší aukcí byla na doménu s cenou 95 001 Kč, která však nebyla včas uhrazena. Nejdražší aukcí, která byla vydražena i zaplacena je s cenovkou 55 600 Kč.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 15
    20.6. 11:11 | IT novinky

    Před 40 lety, 19. června 1984, Bob Scheifler představil první verzi okenního systému X (X Window System). Vycházela z okenního systému W (W Window System).

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 44
    20.6. 11:00 | Nová verze

    Desktopové prostředí MATE bylo vydáno ve verzi 1.28. V gitových repozitářích je sice už od února, ale oznámení vydání se na webu objevilo s několikaměsíčním zpožděním (únorové datum zveřejnění je nepravdivé). Jde o první velké vydání od roku 2021. Uživatelsky nejvýznamnější pokrok je v podpoře Waylandu.

    Fluttershy, yay! | Komentářů: 0

    Dotaz: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI

    3.2.2006 00:06 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Přečteno: 315×
    Dobrý den, mám ati radeon 9200 256MB a mám málo fps :
    641 frames in 5.6 seconds = 113.949 FPS
    572 frames in 5.5 seconds = 104.119 FPS
    573 frames in 5.9 seconds = 97.777 FPS
    572 frames in 5.6 seconds = 101.705 FPS
    458 frames in 5.1 seconds = 90.655 FPS
    Je to normální? nebo to je málo? kolik má být normální hodnota u této karty?? přidávám i výpis z logu Xtek:
    X Window System Version 7.0.0
    Release Date: 21 December 2005
    X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.0
    Build Operating System:Linux 2.6.15-gentoo-r1 i686
    Current Operating System: Linux Melqart 2.6.15-nitro3 #12 SMP PREEMPT Thu Feb 2 23:28:22 CET 2006 i686
    Build Date: 29 January 2006
    	Before reporting problems, check
    	to make sure that you have the latest version.
    Module Loader present
    Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
    	(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
    	(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
    (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Thu Feb  2 23:53:22 2006
    (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
    (==) ServerLayout "Simple Layout"
    (**) |-->Screen "Screen 1" (0)
    (**) |   |-->Monitor "siemens"
    (**) |   |-->Device "ati 9200"
    (**) |-->Input Device "Mouse1"
    (**) |-->Input Device "Keyboard1"
    (**) FontPath set to "/usr/share/fonts/misc,/usr/share/fonts/75dpi,/usr/share/fonts/100dpi,/usr/share/fonts/TTF,/usr/share/fonts/Type1,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/local/,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
    (**) RgbPath set to "/usr/lib/X11/rgb"
    (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
    Couldn't open RGB_DB '/usr/lib/X11/rgb'
    (II) Module ABI versions:
    	X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.2
    	X.Org Video Driver: 0.8
    	X.Org XInput driver : 0.5
    	X.Org Server Extension : 0.2
    	X.Org Font Renderer : 0.4
    (II) Loader running on linux
    (II) LoadModule: "bitmap"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts/
    (II) Module bitmap: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.0
    	Module class: X.Org Font Renderer
    	ABI class: X.Org Font Renderer, version 0.4
    (II) Loading font Bitmap
    (II) LoadModule: "pcidata"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
    (II) Module pcidata: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.0
    	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 0.8
    (--) using VT number 7
    (II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
    (II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 8086,2570 card 1043,80f2 rev 02 class 06,00,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 8086,2571 card 0000,0000 rev 02 class 06,04,00 hdr 01
    (II) PCI: 00:1d:0: chip 8086,24d2 card 1043,80a6 rev 02 class 0c,03,00 hdr 80
    (II) PCI: 00:1d:1: chip 8086,24d4 card 1043,80a6 rev 02 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 00:1d:2: chip 8086,24d7 card 1043,80a6 rev 02 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 00:1d:3: chip 8086,24de card 1043,80a6 rev 02 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 00:1d:7: chip 8086,24dd card 1043,80a6 rev 02 class 0c,03,20 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 00:1e:0: chip 8086,244e card 0000,0000 rev c2 class 06,04,00 hdr 01
    (II) PCI: 00:1f:0: chip 8086,24d0 card 0000,0000 rev 02 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
    (II) PCI: 00:1f:1: chip 8086,24db card 1043,80a6 rev 02 class 01,01,8a hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 00:1f:3: chip 8086,24d3 card 1043,80a6 rev 02 class 0c,05,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 00:1f:5: chip 8086,24d5 card 1043,812a rev 02 class 04,01,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 01:00:0: chip 1002,5961 card 174b,7c13 rev 01 class 03,00,00 hdr 80
    (II) PCI: 01:00:1: chip 1002,5941 card 174b,7c12 rev 01 class 03,80,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 02:03:0: chip 1106,3044 card 1043,808a rev 80 class 0c,00,10 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 02:05:0: chip 11ab,4320 card 1043,811a rev 13 class 02,00,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 02:09:0: chip 10ec,8139 card 10ec,8139 rev 10 class 02,00,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 02:0d:0: chip 1814,0101 card 1043,0127 rev 00 class 02,80,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: End of PCI scan
    (II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
    (II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:0:0), (0,0,2), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
    (II) Bus 0 I/O range:
    	[0] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B]
    (II) Bus 0 non-prefetchable memory range:
    	[0] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
    (II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range:
    	[0] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
    (II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
    (II) Bus 1: bridge is at (0:1:0), (0,1,1), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
    (II) Bus 1 I/O range:
    	[0] -1	0	0x0000c000 - 0x0000cfff (0x1000) IX[B]
    (II) Bus 1 non-prefetchable memory range:
    	[0] -1	0	0xfe900000 - 0xfe9fffff (0x100000) MX[B]
    (II) Bus 1 prefetchable memory range:
    	[0] -1	0	0xdbf00000 - 0xfbefffff (0x20000000) MX[B]
    (II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
    (II) Bus 2: bridge is at (0:30:0), (0,2,2), BCTRL: 0x0002 (VGA_EN is cleared)
    (II) Bus 2 I/O range:
    	[0] -1	0	0x0000d000 - 0x0000dfff (0x1000) IX[B]
    (II) Bus 2 non-prefetchable memory range:
    	[0] -1	0	0xfea00000 - 0xfeafffff (0x100000) MX[B]
    (II) Bus 2 prefetchable memory range:
    	[0] -1	0	0x30000000 - 0x300fffff (0x100000) MX[B]
    (II) PCI-to-ISA bridge:
    (II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:31:0), (0,-1,-1), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
    (--) PCI:*(1:0:0) ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200] rev 1, Mem @ 0xf0000000/27, 0xfe9f0000/16, I/O @ 0xc000/8, BIOS @ 0xfe9c0000/17
    (--) PCI: (1:0:1) ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200] (Secondary) rev 1, Mem @ 0xe8000000/27, 0xfe9e0000/16
    (II) Addressable bus resource ranges are
    	[0] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
    	[1] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B]
    (II) OS-reported resource ranges:
    	[0] -1	0	0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
    	[1] -1	0	0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
    	[2] -1	0	0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
    	[3] -1	0	0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
    	[4] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
    	[5] -1	0	0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
    	[6] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
    (II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0xfc000000 from 0xfdffffff to 0xfbffffff
    (II) Active PCI resource ranges:
    	[0] -1	0	0xfeafc000 - 0xfeafdfff (0x2000) MX[B]
    	[1] -1	0	0xfeaff400 - 0xfeaff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[2] -1	0	0xfeaf8000 - 0xfeafbfff (0x4000) MX[B]
    	[3] -1	0	0xfeaff800 - 0xfeafffff (0x800) MX[B]
    	[4] -1	0	0xfebff400 - 0xfebff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[5] -1	0	0xfebff800 - 0xfebff9ff (0x200) MX[B]
    	[6] -1	0	0x30100000 - 0x301003ff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[7] -1	0	0xfebffc00 - 0xfebfffff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[8] -1	0	0xfc000000 - 0xfbffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
    	[9] -1	0	0xfe9e0000 - 0xfe9effff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[10] -1	0	0xe8000000 - 0xefffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[11] -1	0	0xfe9c0000 - 0xfe9dffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
    	[12] -1	0	0xfe9f0000 - 0xfe9fffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[13] -1	0	0xf0000000 - 0xf7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[14] -1	0	0x0000d400 - 0x0000d4ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[15] -1	0	0x0000d800 - 0x0000d8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[16] -1	0	0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc7f (0x80) IX[B]
    	[17] -1	0	0x0000ee80 - 0x0000eebf (0x40) IX[B]
    	[18] -1	0	0x0000e800 - 0x0000e8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[19] -1	0	0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[20] -1	0	0x0000fc00 - 0x0000fc0f (0x10) IX[B]
    	[21] -1	0	0x0000ef80 - 0x0000ef9f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[22] -1	0	0x0000ef40 - 0x0000ef5f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[23] -1	0	0x0000ef20 - 0x0000ef3f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[24] -1	0	0x0000ef00 - 0x0000ef1f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[25] -1	0	0x0000c000 - 0x0000c0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
    (II) Active PCI resource ranges after removing overlaps:
    	[0] -1	0	0xfeafc000 - 0xfeafdfff (0x2000) MX[B]
    	[1] -1	0	0xfeaff400 - 0xfeaff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[2] -1	0	0xfeaf8000 - 0xfeafbfff (0x4000) MX[B]
    	[3] -1	0	0xfeaff800 - 0xfeafffff (0x800) MX[B]
    	[4] -1	0	0xfebff400 - 0xfebff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[5] -1	0	0xfebff800 - 0xfebff9ff (0x200) MX[B]
    	[6] -1	0	0x30100000 - 0x301003ff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[7] -1	0	0xfebffc00 - 0xfebfffff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[8] -1	0	0xfc000000 - 0xfbffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
    	[9] -1	0	0xfe9e0000 - 0xfe9effff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[10] -1	0	0xe8000000 - 0xefffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[11] -1	0	0xfe9c0000 - 0xfe9dffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
    	[12] -1	0	0xfe9f0000 - 0xfe9fffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[13] -1	0	0xf0000000 - 0xf7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[14] -1	0	0x0000d400 - 0x0000d4ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[15] -1	0	0x0000d800 - 0x0000d8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[16] -1	0	0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc7f (0x80) IX[B]
    	[17] -1	0	0x0000ee80 - 0x0000eebf (0x40) IX[B]
    	[18] -1	0	0x0000e800 - 0x0000e8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[19] -1	0	0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[20] -1	0	0x0000fc00 - 0x0000fc0f (0x10) IX[B]
    	[21] -1	0	0x0000ef80 - 0x0000ef9f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[22] -1	0	0x0000ef40 - 0x0000ef5f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[23] -1	0	0x0000ef20 - 0x0000ef3f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[24] -1	0	0x0000ef00 - 0x0000ef1f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[25] -1	0	0x0000c000 - 0x0000c0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
    (II) OS-reported resource ranges after removing overlaps with PCI:
    	[0] -1	0	0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
    	[1] -1	0	0x00100000 - 0x300fffff (0x30000000) MX[B]E(B)
    	[2] -1	0	0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
    	[3] -1	0	0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
    	[4] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
    	[5] -1	0	0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
    	[6] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
    (II) All system resource ranges:
    	[0] -1	0	0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
    	[1] -1	0	0x00100000 - 0x300fffff (0x30000000) MX[B]E(B)
    	[2] -1	0	0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
    	[3] -1	0	0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
    	[4] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
    	[5] -1	0	0xfeafc000 - 0xfeafdfff (0x2000) MX[B]
    	[6] -1	0	0xfeaff400 - 0xfeaff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[7] -1	0	0xfeaf8000 - 0xfeafbfff (0x4000) MX[B]
    	[8] -1	0	0xfeaff800 - 0xfeafffff (0x800) MX[B]
    	[9] -1	0	0xfebff400 - 0xfebff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[10] -1	0	0xfebff800 - 0xfebff9ff (0x200) MX[B]
    	[11] -1	0	0x30100000 - 0x301003ff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[12] -1	0	0xfebffc00 - 0xfebfffff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[13] -1	0	0xfc000000 - 0xfbffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
    	[14] -1	0	0xfe9e0000 - 0xfe9effff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[15] -1	0	0xe8000000 - 0xefffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[16] -1	0	0xfe9c0000 - 0xfe9dffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
    	[17] -1	0	0xfe9f0000 - 0xfe9fffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[18] -1	0	0xf0000000 - 0xf7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[19] -1	0	0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
    	[20] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[21] -1	0	0x0000d400 - 0x0000d4ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[22] -1	0	0x0000d800 - 0x0000d8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[23] -1	0	0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc7f (0x80) IX[B]
    	[24] -1	0	0x0000ee80 - 0x0000eebf (0x40) IX[B]
    	[25] -1	0	0x0000e800 - 0x0000e8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[26] -1	0	0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[27] -1	0	0x0000fc00 - 0x0000fc0f (0x10) IX[B]
    	[28] -1	0	0x0000ef80 - 0x0000ef9f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[29] -1	0	0x0000ef40 - 0x0000ef5f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[30] -1	0	0x0000ef20 - 0x0000ef3f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[31] -1	0	0x0000ef00 - 0x0000ef1f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[32] -1	0	0x0000c000 - 0x0000c0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
    (II) LoadModule: "dbe"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    (II) Module dbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.0
    	Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    	ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.2
    (II) Loading extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
    (II) LoadModule: "glx"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    (II) Module glx: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.0
    	ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.2
    (II) Loading sub module "GLcore"
    (II) LoadModule: "GLcore"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    (II) Module GLcore: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.0
    	ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.2
    (II) Loading extension GLX
    (II) LoadModule: "dri"
    (WW) Warning, couldn't open module dri
    (II) UnloadModule: "dri"
    (EE) Failed to load module "dri" (module does not exist, 0)
    (II) LoadModule: "extmod"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    (II) Module extmod: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.0
    	Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    	ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.2
    (II) Loading extension SHAPE
    (II) Loading extension MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD
    (II) Loading extension BIG-REQUESTS
    (II) Loading extension SYNC
    (II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
    (II) Loading extension XC-MISC
    (II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
    (II) Loading extension XFree86-Misc
    (II) Loading extension DPMS
    (II) Loading extension TOG-CUP
    (II) Loading extension Extended-Visual-Information
    (II) Loading extension XVideo
    (II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
    (II) Loading extension X-Resource
    (II) LoadModule: "freetype"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts/
    (II) Module freetype: vendor="X.Org Foundation & the After X-TT Project"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 2.1.0
    	Module class: X.Org Font Renderer
    	ABI class: X.Org Font Renderer, version 0.4
    (II) Loading font FreeType
    (II) LoadModule: "radeon"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
    (II) Module radeon: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 4.0.3
    	Module class: X.Org Video Driver
    	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 0.8
    (II) LoadModule: "ati"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
    (II) Module ati: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 6.5.7
    	Module class: X.Org Video Driver
    	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 0.8
    (II) LoadModule: "mouse"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/
    (II) Module mouse: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.3
    	Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
    	ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.5
    (II) LoadModule: "kbd"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/
    (II) Module kbd: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.1
    	Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
    	ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.5
    (II) ATI: ATI driver (version 6.5.7) for chipsets: ati, ativga
    (II) R128: Driver for ATI Rage 128 chipsets:
    	ATI Rage 128 Mobility M3 LE (PCI), ATI Rage 128 Mobility M3 LF (AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Mobility M4 MF (AGP), ATI Rage 128 Mobility M4 ML (AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro GL PA (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro GL PB (PCI/AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro GL PC (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro GL PD (PCI),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro GL PE (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro GL PF (AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PG (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PH (PCI/AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PI (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PJ (PCI/AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PK (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PL (PCI/AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PM (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PN (PCI/AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PO (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PP (PCI),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PQ (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PR (PCI),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PS (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PT (PCI/AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PU (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PV (PCI/AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PW (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro VR PX (PCI/AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 GL RE (PCI), ATI Rage 128 GL RF (AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 RG (AGP), ATI Rage 128 VR RK (PCI),
    	ATI Rage 128 VR RL (AGP), ATI Rage 128 4X SE (PCI/AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 4X SF (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 4X SG (PCI/AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 4X SH (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 4X SK (PCI/AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 4X SL (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 4X SM (AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 4X SN (PCI/AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TF (AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TL (AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TR (AGP),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TS (AGP?), ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TT (AGP?),
    	ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TU (AGP?)
    (II) RADEON: Driver for ATI Radeon chipsets: ATI Radeon QD (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon QE (AGP), ATI Radeon QF (AGP), ATI Radeon QG (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon VE/7000 QY (AGP/PCI), ATI Radeon VE/7000 QZ (AGP/PCI),
    	ATI ES1000 515E (PCI), ATI ES1000 5969 (PCI),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility M7 LW (AGP),
    	ATI Mobility FireGL 7800 M7 LX (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LY (AGP), ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LZ (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon IGP320 (A3) 4136, ATI Radeon IGP320M (U1) 4336,
    	ATI Radeon IGP330/340/350 (A4) 4137,
    	ATI Radeon IGP330M/340M/350M (U2) 4337,
    	ATI Radeon 7000 IGP (A4+) 4237, ATI Radeon Mobility 7000 IGP 4437,
    	ATI FireGL 8700/8800 QH (AGP), ATI Radeon 8500 QL (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon 9100 QM (AGP), ATI Radeon 8500 AIW BB (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon 8500 AIW BC (AGP), ATI Radeon 7500 QW (AGP/PCI),
    	ATI Radeon 7500 QX (AGP/PCI), ATI Radeon 9000/PRO If (AGP/PCI),
    	ATI Radeon 9000 Ig (AGP/PCI), ATI FireGL Mobility 9000 (M9) Ld (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 (M9) Lf (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 (M9) Lg (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon 9100 IGP (A5) 5834,
    	ATI Radeon Mobility 9100 IGP (U3) 5835, ATI Radeon 9100 PRO IGP 7834,
    	ATI Radeon Mobility 9200 IGP 7835, ATI Radeon 9200PRO 5960 (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon 9200 5961 (AGP), ATI Radeon 9200 5962 (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon 9200SE 5964 (AGP), ATI FireMV 2200 (PCI),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility 9200 (M9+) 5C61 (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility 9200 (M9+) 5C63 (AGP), ATI Radeon 9500 AD (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon 9500 AE (AGP), ATI Radeon 9600TX AF (AGP),
    	ATI FireGL Z1 AG (AGP), ATI Radeon 9700 Pro ND (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon 9700/9500Pro NE (AGP), ATI Radeon 9700 NF (AGP),
    	ATI FireGL X1 NG (AGP), ATI Radeon 9600 AP (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon 9600SE AQ (AGP), ATI Radeon 9600XT AR (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon 9600 AS (AGP), ATI FireGL T2 AT (AGP),
    	ATI FireGL RV360 AV (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility 9600/9700 (M10/M11) NP (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 (M10) NQ (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 (M11) NR (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 (M10) NS (AGP),
    	ATI FireGL Mobility T2 (M10) NT (AGP),
    	ATI FireGL Mobility T2e (M11) NV (AGP), ATI Radeon 9650,
    	ATI Radeon 9800SE AH (AGP), ATI Radeon 9800 AI (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon 9800 AJ (AGP), ATI FireGL X2 AK (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon 9800PRO NH (AGP), ATI Radeon 9800 NI (AGP),
    	ATI FireGL X2 NK (AGP), ATI Radeon 9800XT NJ (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon X600 (RV380) 3E50 (PCIE),
    	ATI FireGL V3200 (RV380) 3E54 (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility X600 (M24) 3150 (PCIE),
    	ATI FireGL M24 GL 3154 (PCIE), ATI Radeon X300 (RV370) 5B60 (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X600 (RV370) 5B62 (PCIE),
    	ATI FireGL V3100 (RV370) 5B64 (PCIE),
    	ATI FireGL D1100 (RV370) 5B65 (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility M300 (M22) 5460 (PCIE),
    	ATI FireGL M22 GL 5464 (PCIE), ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 5A41 (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5A42 (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 5A61 (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5A62 (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 5954 (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 5974 (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5975 (PCIE), ATI FireGL V5000 (RV410) (PCIE),
    	ATI Mobility FireGL V5000 (M26) (PCIE),
    	ATI Mobility FireGL V5000 (M26) (PCIE),
    	ATI Mobility Radeon X700 (M26) (PCIE),
    	ATI Mobility Radeon X700 (M26) (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X700 PRO (RV410) (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X700 XT (RV410) (PCIE), ATI Radeon X700 (RV410) (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X700 SE (RV410) (PCIE), ATI Radeon X700 SE (RV410) (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X800 (R420) JH (AGP), ATI Radeon X800PRO (R420) JI (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon X800SE (R420) JJ (AGP), ATI Radeon X800 (R420) JK (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon X800 (R420) JL (AGP), ATI FireGL X3 (R420) JM (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon Mobility 9800 (M18) JN (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon X800XT (R420) JP (AGP), ATI Radeon X800 SE (R420) (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon X800 (R423) UH (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X800PRO (R423) UI (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X800LE (R423) UJ (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X800SE (R423) UK (PCIE),
    	ATI FireGL V7200 (R423) UQ (PCIE), ATI FireGL V5100 (R423) UR (PCIE),
    	ATI FireGL V7100 (R423) UT (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X800XT (R423) 5D57 (PCIE), ATI FireGL V7100 (R423) (PCIE),
    	ATI Mobility FireGL V5100 (M28) (PCIE),
    	ATI Mobility Radeon X800 (M28) (PCIE),
    	ATI Mobility Radeon X800 XT (M28) (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X800 (R430) (PCIE), ATI Radeon X800 XL (R430) (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X800 SE (R430) (PCIE), ATI Radeon X800 XTP (R430) (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X850 5D4C (PCIE), ATI Radeon FireGL (R480) GL 5D50 (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X850 SE (R480) (PCIE), ATI Radeon X850 PRO (R480) (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X850 XT (R480) (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X850 XT PE (R480) (PCIE),
    	ATI Radeon X850 PRO (R480) (AGP), ATI Radeon X850 SE (R480) (AGP),
    	ATI Radeon X850 XT (R480) (AGP), ATI Radeon X850 XT PE (R480) (AGP)
    (II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
    (--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
    (WW) RADEON: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found
    (--) Chipset ATI Radeon 9200 5961 (AGP) found
    (II) resource ranges after xf86ClaimFixedResources() call:
    	[0] -1	0	0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
    	[1] -1	0	0x00100000 - 0x300fffff (0x30000000) MX[B]E(B)
    	[2] -1	0	0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
    	[3] -1	0	0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
    	[4] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
    	[5] -1	0	0xfeafc000 - 0xfeafdfff (0x2000) MX[B]
    	[6] -1	0	0xfeaff400 - 0xfeaff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[7] -1	0	0xfeaf8000 - 0xfeafbfff (0x4000) MX[B]
    	[8] -1	0	0xfeaff800 - 0xfeafffff (0x800) MX[B]
    	[9] -1	0	0xfebff400 - 0xfebff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[10] -1	0	0xfebff800 - 0xfebff9ff (0x200) MX[B]
    	[11] -1	0	0x30100000 - 0x301003ff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[12] -1	0	0xfebffc00 - 0xfebfffff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[13] -1	0	0xfc000000 - 0xfbffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
    	[14] -1	0	0xfe9e0000 - 0xfe9effff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[15] -1	0	0xe8000000 - 0xefffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[16] -1	0	0xfe9c0000 - 0xfe9dffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
    	[17] -1	0	0xfe9f0000 - 0xfe9fffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[18] -1	0	0xf0000000 - 0xf7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[19] -1	0	0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
    	[20] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[21] -1	0	0x0000d400 - 0x0000d4ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[22] -1	0	0x0000d800 - 0x0000d8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[23] -1	0	0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc7f (0x80) IX[B]
    	[24] -1	0	0x0000ee80 - 0x0000eebf (0x40) IX[B]
    	[25] -1	0	0x0000e800 - 0x0000e8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[26] -1	0	0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[27] -1	0	0x0000fc00 - 0x0000fc0f (0x10) IX[B]
    	[28] -1	0	0x0000ef80 - 0x0000ef9f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[29] -1	0	0x0000ef40 - 0x0000ef5f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[30] -1	0	0x0000ef20 - 0x0000ef3f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[31] -1	0	0x0000ef00 - 0x0000ef1f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[32] -1	0	0x0000c000 - 0x0000c0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
    (II) Loading sub module "radeon"
    (II) LoadModule: "radeon"
    (II) Reloading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
    (II) resource ranges after probing:
    	[0] -1	0	0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
    	[1] -1	0	0x00100000 - 0x300fffff (0x30000000) MX[B]E(B)
    	[2] -1	0	0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
    	[3] -1	0	0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
    	[4] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
    	[5] -1	0	0xfeafc000 - 0xfeafdfff (0x2000) MX[B]
    	[6] -1	0	0xfeaff400 - 0xfeaff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[7] -1	0	0xfeaf8000 - 0xfeafbfff (0x4000) MX[B]
    	[8] -1	0	0xfeaff800 - 0xfeafffff (0x800) MX[B]
    	[9] -1	0	0xfebff400 - 0xfebff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[10] -1	0	0xfebff800 - 0xfebff9ff (0x200) MX[B]
    	[11] -1	0	0x30100000 - 0x301003ff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[12] -1	0	0xfebffc00 - 0xfebfffff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[13] -1	0	0xfc000000 - 0xfbffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
    	[14] -1	0	0xfe9e0000 - 0xfe9effff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[15] -1	0	0xe8000000 - 0xefffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[16] -1	0	0xfe9c0000 - 0xfe9dffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
    	[17] -1	0	0xfe9f0000 - 0xfe9fffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[18] -1	0	0xf0000000 - 0xf7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[19] 0	0	0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B]
    	[20] 0	0	0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B]
    	[21] 0	0	0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B]
    	[22] -1	0	0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
    	[23] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[24] -1	0	0x0000d400 - 0x0000d4ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[25] -1	0	0x0000d800 - 0x0000d8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[26] -1	0	0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc7f (0x80) IX[B]
    	[27] -1	0	0x0000ee80 - 0x0000eebf (0x40) IX[B]
    	[28] -1	0	0x0000e800 - 0x0000e8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[29] -1	0	0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[30] -1	0	0x0000fc00 - 0x0000fc0f (0x10) IX[B]
    	[31] -1	0	0x0000ef80 - 0x0000ef9f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[32] -1	0	0x0000ef40 - 0x0000ef5f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[33] -1	0	0x0000ef20 - 0x0000ef3f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[34] -1	0	0x0000ef00 - 0x0000ef1f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[35] -1	0	0x0000c000 - 0x0000c0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
    	[36] 0	0	0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B]
    	[37] 0	0	0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B]
    (II) Setting vga for screen 0.
    (II) RADEON(0): MMIO registers at 0xfe9f0000
    (II) RADEON(0): PCI bus 1 card 0 func 0
    (**) RADEON(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
    (II) RADEON(0): Pixel depth = 24 bits stored in 4 bytes (32 bpp pixmaps)
    (==) RADEON(0): Default visual is TrueColor
    (II) Loading sub module "vgahw"
    (II) LoadModule: "vgahw"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
    (II) Module vgahw: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 0.1.0
    	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 0.8
    (II) RADEON(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 0x0000
    (==) RADEON(0): RGB weight 888
    (II) RADEON(0): Using 8 bits per RGB (8 bit DAC)
    (II) Loading sub module "int10"
    (II) LoadModule: "int10"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
    (II) Module int10: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.0
    	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 0.8
    (II) RADEON(0): initializing int10
    (II) RADEON(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
    (--) RADEON(0): Chipset: "ATI Radeon 9200 5961 (AGP)" (ChipID = 0x5961)
    (--) RADEON(0): Linear framebuffer at 0xf0000000
    (--) RADEON(0): BIOS at 0xfe9c0000
    (--) RADEON(0): VideoRAM: 131072 kByte (128 bit DDR SDRAM)
    (II) RADEON(0): Color tiling enabled by default
    (II) Loading sub module "ddc"
    (II) LoadModule: "ddc"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
    (II) Module ddc: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.0
    	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 0.8
    (II) Loading sub module "i2c"
    (II) LoadModule: "i2c"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
    (II) Module i2c: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.2.0
    	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 0.8
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C bus "DDC" initialized.
    (II) RADEON(0): Legacy BIOS detected
    (II) RADEON(0): Connector0: DDCType-2, DACType-1, TMDSType-0, ConnectorType-3
    (II) RADEON(0): Connector1: DDCType-3, DACType-0, TMDSType--1, ConnectorType-2
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" registered at address 0xA0.
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" removed.
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" registered at address 0xA0.
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" removed.
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" registered at address 0xA0.
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" removed.
    (II) RADEON(0): DDC Type: 2, Detected Type: 0
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" registered at address 0xA0.
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" removed.
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" registered at address 0xA0.
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" removed.
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" registered at address 0xA0.
    (II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" removed.
    (II) RADEON(0): DDC Type: 3, Detected Type: 0
    (II) RADEON(0): 
    (II) RADEON(0): Primary:
     Monitor   -- CRT
     Connector -- VGA
     DAC Type  -- Primary
     TMDS Type -- NONE
     DDC Type  -- VGA_DDC
    (II) RADEON(0): Secondary:
     Monitor   -- NONE
     Connector -- DVI-I
     DAC Type  -- TVDAC/ExtDAC
     TMDS Type -- Internal
     DDC Type  -- DVI_DDC
    (II) RADEON(0): PLL parameters: rf=2700 rd=12 min=20000 max=40000; xclk=18900
    (WW) RADEON(0): Failed to detect secondary monitor, MergedFB/Clone mode disabled
    (==) RADEON(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    (II) RADEON(0): Validating modes on Primary head ---------
    (II) RADEON(0): siemens: Using hsync range of 28.00-49.00 kHz
    (II) RADEON(0): siemens: Using vrefresh range of 43.00-72.00 Hz
    (II) RADEON(0): Clock range:  20.00 to 400.00 MHz
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "640x350" (vrefresh out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "320x175" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "640x400" (vrefresh out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "320x200" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "720x400" (vrefresh out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "360x200" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (vrefresh out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (vrefresh out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (vrefresh out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (vrefresh out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (vrefresh out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (vrefresh out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (vrefresh out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1152x864" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "576x432" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1280x960" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1280x960" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1792x1344" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "896x672" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1792x1344" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "896x672" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1856x1392" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "928x696" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1856x1392" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "928x696" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1920x1440" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "960x720" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1920x1440" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "960x720" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "832x624" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "416x312" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "576x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1400x1050" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1400x1050" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1600x1024" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "800x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1920x1440" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "960x720" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "2048x1536" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "2048x1536" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "2048x1536" (hsync out of range)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using mode "640x400" (no mode of this name)
    (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1152x768" (width too large for virtual size)
    (--) RADEON(0): Virtual size is 1024x768 (pitch 1024)
    (**) RADEON(0): *Default mode "1024x768": 65.0 MHz, 48.4 kHz, 60.0 Hz
    (II) RADEON(0): Modeline "1024x768"   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync
    (**) RADEON(0): *Default mode "800x600": 50.0 MHz, 48.1 kHz, 72.2 Hz
    (II) RADEON(0): Modeline "800x600"   50.00  800 856 976 1040  600 637 643 666 +hsync +vsync
    (**) RADEON(0): *Default mode "640x480": 25.2 MHz, 31.5 kHz, 60.0 Hz
    (II) RADEON(0): Modeline "640x480"   25.20  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync
    (**) RADEON(0):  Default mode "800x600": 40.0 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 60.3 Hz
    (II) RADEON(0): Modeline "800x600"   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync
    (**) RADEON(0):  Default mode "800x600": 36.0 MHz, 35.2 kHz, 56.2 Hz
    (II) RADEON(0): Modeline "800x600"   36.00  800 824 896 1024  600 601 603 625 +hsync +vsync
    (**) RADEON(0):  Default mode "400x300": 25.0 MHz, 48.1 kHz, 72.2 Hz (D)
    (II) RADEON(0): Modeline "400x300"   25.00  400 428 488 520  300 318 321 333 doublescan +hsync +vsync
    (**) RADEON(0):  Default mode "400x300": 20.0 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 60.3 Hz (D)
    (II) RADEON(0): Modeline "400x300"   20.00  400 420 484 528  300 300 302 314 doublescan +hsync +vsync
    (==) RADEON(0): DPI set to (75, 75)
    (II) Loading sub module "fb"
    (II) LoadModule: "fb"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
    (II) Module fb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.0
    	ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.2
    (II) Loading sub module "ramdac"
    (II) LoadModule: "ramdac"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
    (II) Module ramdac: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 0.1.0
    	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 0.8
    (==) RADEON(0): Using XAA acceleration architecture
    (II) Loading sub module "xaa"
    (II) LoadModule: "xaa"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
    (II) Module xaa: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.2.0
    	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 0.8
    (II) RADEON(0): No MM_TABLE found - assuming CARD is not TV-in capable.
    (!!) RADEON(0): For information on using the multimedia capabilities
    	of this adapter, please see
    (--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp
    (II) do I need RAC?  No, I don't.
    (II) resource ranges after preInit:
    	[0] 0	0	0xfe9f0000 - 0xfe9fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
    	[1] 0	0	0xf0000000 - 0xf7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B]
    	[2] -1	0	0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
    	[3] -1	0	0x00100000 - 0x300fffff (0x30000000) MX[B]E(B)
    	[4] -1	0	0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
    	[5] -1	0	0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
    	[6] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
    	[7] -1	0	0xfeafc000 - 0xfeafdfff (0x2000) MX[B]
    	[8] -1	0	0xfeaff400 - 0xfeaff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[9] -1	0	0xfeaf8000 - 0xfeafbfff (0x4000) MX[B]
    	[10] -1	0	0xfeaff800 - 0xfeafffff (0x800) MX[B]
    	[11] -1	0	0xfebff400 - 0xfebff4ff (0x100) MX[B]
    	[12] -1	0	0xfebff800 - 0xfebff9ff (0x200) MX[B]
    	[13] -1	0	0x30100000 - 0x301003ff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[14] -1	0	0xfebffc00 - 0xfebfffff (0x400) MX[B]
    	[15] -1	0	0xfc000000 - 0xfbffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
    	[16] -1	0	0xfe9e0000 - 0xfe9effff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[17] -1	0	0xe8000000 - 0xefffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[18] -1	0	0xfe9c0000 - 0xfe9dffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
    	[19] -1	0	0xfe9f0000 - 0xfe9fffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
    	[20] -1	0	0xf0000000 - 0xf7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
    	[21] 0	0	0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B](OprU)
    	[22] 0	0	0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B](OprU)
    	[23] 0	0	0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B](OprU)
    	[24] 0	0	0x0000c000 - 0x0000c0ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[25] -1	0	0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
    	[26] -1	0	0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[27] -1	0	0x0000d400 - 0x0000d4ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[28] -1	0	0x0000d800 - 0x0000d8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[29] -1	0	0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc7f (0x80) IX[B]
    	[30] -1	0	0x0000ee80 - 0x0000eebf (0x40) IX[B]
    	[31] -1	0	0x0000e800 - 0x0000e8ff (0x100) IX[B]
    	[32] -1	0	0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[33] -1	0	0x0000fc00 - 0x0000fc0f (0x10) IX[B]
    	[34] -1	0	0x0000ef80 - 0x0000ef9f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[35] -1	0	0x0000ef40 - 0x0000ef5f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[36] -1	0	0x0000ef20 - 0x0000ef3f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[37] -1	0	0x0000ef00 - 0x0000ef1f (0x20) IX[B]
    	[38] -1	0	0x0000c000 - 0x0000c0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
    	[39] 0	0	0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B](OprU)
    	[40] 0	0	0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B](OprU)
    (II) RADEON(0): Memory manager initialized to (0,0) (1024,8191)
    (II) RADEON(0): Reserved area from (0,768) to (1024,770)
    (II) RADEON(0): Largest offscreen area available: 1024 x 7421
    (II) RADEON(0): Render acceleration enabled
    (II) RADEON(0): Using XFree86 Acceleration Architecture (XAA)
    	Screen to screen bit blits
    	Solid filled rectangles
    	8x8 mono pattern filled rectangles
    	Indirect CPU to Screen color expansion
    	Solid Lines
    	Scanline Image Writes
    	Offscreen Pixmaps
    	Setting up tile and stipple cache:
    		32 128x128 slots
    		32 256x256 slots
    		16 512x512 slots
    (II) RADEON(0): Acceleration enabled
    (==) RADEON(0): Backing store disabled
    (==) RADEON(0): Silken mouse enabled
    (II) RADEON(0): Using hardware cursor (scanline 770)
    (II) RADEON(0): Largest offscreen area available: 1024 x 7417
    (II) RADEON(0): No video input capabilities detected and no information is provided - disabling multimedia i2c
    (II) Loading sub module "theatre_detect"
    (II) LoadModule: "theatre_detect"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/multimedia/
    (II) Module theatre_detect: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    	compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
    	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 0.8
    (II) RADEON(0): no multimedia table present, disabling Rage Theatre.
    (==) RandR enabled
    (II) Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XTEST
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
    (II) Initializing built-in extension LBX
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XC-APPGROUP
    (II) Initializing built-in extension SECURITY
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XFIXES
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XFree86-Bigfont
    (II) Initializing built-in extension RENDER
    (II) Initializing built-in extension RANDR
    (II) Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
    (II) Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XEVIE
    (**) Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
    (**) Mouse1: Device: "/dev/input/mice"
    (**) Mouse1: Protocol: "ExplorerPS/2"
    (**) Option "CorePointer"
    (**) Mouse1: Core Pointer
    (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    (**) Option "Emulate3Buttons"
    (**) Mouse1: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50
    (**) Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
    (**) Mouse1: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4, 5, 6 and 7
    (**) Mouse1: Buttons: 11
    (**) Option "CoreKeyboard"
    (**) Keyboard1: Core Keyboard
    (**) Option "Protocol" "standard"
    (**) Keyboard1: Protocol: standard
    (**) Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
    (**) Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
    (**) Keyboard1: XkbRules: "xorg"
    (**) Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
    (**) Keyboard1: XkbModel: "pc105"
    (**) Option "XkbLayout" "cz"
    (**) Keyboard1: XkbLayout: "cz"
    (**) Option "XkbVariant" "cz"
    (**) Keyboard1: XkbVariant: "cz"
    (**) Option "CustomKeycodes" "off"
    (**) Keyboard1: CustomKeycodes disabled
    (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Keyboard1" (type: KEYBOARD)
    (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Mouse1" (type: MOUSE)
    (II) Mouse1: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded
    Could not init font path element /usr/lib/X11/fonts/local/, removing from list!
    a ještě konfig Xtek:
    # File generated by xorgconfig.
    # Copyright 2004 The X.Org Foundation
    # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
    # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
    # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
    # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
    # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
    # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
    # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
    # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    # Except as contained in this notice, the name of The X.Org Foundation shall
    # not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
    # dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from
    # The X.Org Foundation.
    # **********************************************************************
    # Refer to the xorg.conf(5x) man page for details about the format of 
    # this file.
    # **********************************************************************
    # **********************************************************************
    # Module section -- this  section  is used to specify
    # which dynamically loadable modules to load.
    # **********************************************************************
    Section "Module"
    # This loads the DBE extension module.
        Load        "dbe"  	# Double buffer extension
        Load	"glx"
        Load	"dri"
    # This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
    # initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
        SubSection  "extmod"
          Option    "omit xfree86-dga"   # don't initialise the DGA extension
    # This loads the font modules
    #    Load        "type1"
    #    Load        "speedo"
        Load        "freetype"
    #    Load        "xtt"
    # This loads the GLX module
    #    Load       "glx"
    # This loads the DRI module
    #    Load       "dri"
    # **********************************************************************
    # Files section.  This allows default font and rgb paths to be set
    # **********************************************************************
    Section "Files"
    # The location of the RGB database.  Note, this is the name of the
    # file minus the extension (like ".txt" or ".db").  There is normally
    # no need to change the default.
        RgbPath	"/usr/lib/X11/rgb"
    # Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated together),
    # as well as specifying multiple comma-separated entries in one FontPath
    # command (or a combination of both methods)
        FontPath   "/usr/share/fonts/misc"
        FontPath   "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi"
        FontPath   "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi"
        FontPath   "/usr/share/fonts/TTF"
        FontPath   "/usr/share/fonts/Type1"
        FontPath   "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/local/"
        FontPath   "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
        FontPath   "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
        FontPath   "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
    #    FontPath   "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
        FontPath   "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
    #    FontPath   "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/"
    #    FontPath   "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/freefont/"
        FontPath   "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
        FontPath   "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
    # The module search path.  The default path is shown here.
    #    ModulePath "/usr/lib/modules"
    # **********************************************************************
    # Server flags section.
    # **********************************************************************
    Section "ServerFlags"
    # Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is 
    # received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, but may
    # provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging
    #    Option "NoTrapSignals"
    # Uncomment this to disable the  VT switch sequence
    # (where n is 1 through 12).  This allows clients to receive these key
    # events.
    #    Option "DontVTSwitch"
    # Uncomment this to disable the  server abort sequence
    # This allows clients to receive this key event.
    #    Option "DontZap"
    # Uncomment this to disable the  mode switching
    # sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key events.
    #    Option "Dont Zoom"
    # Uncomment this to disable tuning with the xvidtune client. With
    # it the client can still run and fetch card and monitor attributes,
    # but it will not be allowed to change them. If it tries it will
    # receive a protocol error.
    #    Option "DisableVidModeExtension"
    # Uncomment this to enable the use of a non-local xvidtune client. 
    #    Option "AllowNonLocalXvidtune"
    # Uncomment this to disable dynamically modifying the input device
    # (mouse and keyboard) settings. 
    #    Option "DisableModInDev"
    # Uncomment this to enable the use of a non-local client to
    # change the keyboard or mouse settings (currently only xset).
    #    Option "AllowNonLocalModInDev"
    # **********************************************************************
    # Input devices
    # **********************************************************************
    # **********************************************************************
    # Core keyboard's InputDevice section
    # **********************************************************************
    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier	"Keyboard1"
        Driver	"kbd"
    # For most OSs the protocol can be omitted (it defaults to "Standard").
    # When using XQUEUE (only for SVR3 and SVR4, but not Solaris),
    # uncomment the following line.
    #    Option     "Protocol"      "Xqueue"
        Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
    # Specify which keyboard LEDs can be user-controlled (eg, with xset(1))
    #    Option	"Xleds"      "1 2 3"
    #    Option "LeftAlt"     "Meta"
    #    Option "RightAlt"    "ModeShift"
    # To customise the XKB settings to suit your keyboard, modify the
    # lines below (which are the defaults).  For example, for a non-U.S.
    # keyboard, you will probably want to use:
    #    Option "XkbModel"    "pc105"
    # If you have a US Microsoft Natural keyboard, you can use:
    #    Option "XkbModel"    "microsoft"
    # Then to change the language, change the Layout setting.
    # For example, a german layout can be obtained with:
    #    Option "XkbLayout"   "de"
    # or:
    #    Option "XkbLayout"   "de"
    #    Option "XkbVariant"  "nodeadkeys"
    # If you'd like to switch the positions of your capslock and
    # control keys, use:
    #    Option "XkbOptions"  "ctrl:swapcaps"
    # These are the default XKB settings for Xorg
    #    Option "XkbRules"    "xorg"
    #    Option "XkbModel"    "pc105"
    #    Option "XkbLayout"   "us"
    #    Option "XkbVariant"  ""
    #    Option "XkbOptions"  ""
    #    Option "XkbDisable"
        Option "XkbRules"	"xorg"
        Option "XkbModel"	"pc105"
        Option "XkbLayout"	"cz"
        Option "XkbVariant"	"cz"
    # **********************************************************************
    # Core Pointer's InputDevice section
    # **********************************************************************
    Section "InputDevice"
    # Identifier and driver
        Identifier	"Mouse1"
        Driver	"mouse"
        Option "Protocol"    "ExplorerPS/2"	# Explorer PS/2
        Option "Device"      "/dev/input/mice"
    # When using XQUEUE, comment out the above two lines, and uncomment
    # the following line.
    #    Option "Protocol"	"Xqueue"
    # Mouse-speed setting for PS/2 mouse.
    #    Option "Resolution"	"256"
    # Baudrate and SampleRate are only for some Logitech mice. In
    # almost every case these lines should be omitted.
    #    Option "BaudRate"	"9600"
    #    Option "SampleRate"	"150"
    # Mouse wheel mapping.  Default is to map vertical wheel to buttons 4 & 5,
    # horizontal wheel to buttons 6 & 7.   Change if your mouse has more than
    # 3 buttons and you need to map the wheel to different button ids to avoid
    # conflicts.
        Option "ZAxisMapping"   "4 5 6 7"
    # Emulate3Buttons is an option for 2-button mice
    # Emulate3Timeout is the timeout in milliseconds (default is 50ms)
        Option "Emulate3Buttons"
    #    Option "Emulate3Timeout"    "50"
    # ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice
    #    Option "ChordMiddle"
    # **********************************************************************
    # Other input device sections 
    # this is optional and is required only if you
    # are using extended input devices.  This is for example only.  Refer
    # to the xorg.conf man page for a description of the options.
    # **********************************************************************
    # Section "InputDevice" 
    #    Identifier  "Mouse2"
    #    Driver      "mouse"
    #    Option      "Protocol"      "MouseMan"
    #    Option      "Device"        "/dev/mouse2"
    # EndSection
    # Section "InputDevice"
    #    Identifier "spaceball"
    #    Driver     "magellan"
    #    Option     "Device"        "/dev/cua0"
    # EndSection
    # Section "InputDevice"
    #    Identifier "spaceball2"
    #    Driver     "spaceorb"
    #    Option     "Device"        "/dev/cua0"
    # EndSection
    # Section "InputDevice"
    #    Identifier "touchscreen0"
    #    Driver     "microtouch"
    #    Option     "Device"        "/dev/ttyS0"
    #    Option     "MinX"          "1412"
    #    Option     "MaxX"          "15184"
    #    Option     "MinY"          "15372"
    #    Option     "MaxY"          "1230"
    #    Option     "ScreenNumber"  "0"
    #    Option     "ReportingMode" "Scaled"
    #    Option     "ButtonNumber"  "1"
    #    Option     "SendCoreEvents"
    # EndSection
    # Section "InputDevice"
    #    Identifier "touchscreen1"
    #    Driver     "elo2300"
    #    Option     "Device"        "/dev/ttyS0"
    #    Option     "MinX"          "231"
    #    Option     "MaxX"          "3868"
    #    Option     "MinY"          "3858"
    #    Option     "MaxY"          "272"
    #    Option     "ScreenNumber"  "0"
    #    Option     "ReportingMode" "Scaled"
    #    Option     "ButtonThreshold"       "17"
    #    Option     "ButtonNumber"  "1"
    #    Option     "SendCoreEvents"
    # EndSection
    # **********************************************************************
    # Monitor section
    # **********************************************************************
    # Any number of monitor sections may be present
    Section "Monitor"
        Identifier  "siemens"
    # HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.
    # HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
    # comma separated list of ranges of values.
        HorizSync   28-49
    #    HorizSync	30-64         # multisync
    #    HorizSync	31.5, 35.2    # multiple fixed sync frequencies
    #    HorizSync	15-25, 30-50  # multiple ranges of sync frequencies
    # VertRefresh is in Hz unless units are specified.
    # VertRefresh may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
    # comma separated list of ranges of values.
        VertRefresh 43-72
    # **********************************************************************
    # Graphics device section
    # **********************************************************************
    # Any number of graphics device sections may be present
    # Standard VGA Device:
    Section "Device"
        Identifier	"Standard VGA"
        VendorName	"Unknown"
        BoardName	"Unknown"
    # The chipset line is optional in most cases.  It can be used to override
    # the driver's chipset detection, and should not normally be specified.
    #    Chipset	"generic"
    # The Driver line must be present.  When using run-time loadable driver
    # modules, this line instructs the server to load the specified driver
    # module.  Even when not using loadable driver modules, this line
    # indicates which driver should interpret the information in this section.
        Driver     "vga"
    # The BusID line is used to specify which of possibly multiple devices
    # this section is intended for.  When this line isn't present, a device
    # section can only match up with the primary video device.  For PCI
    # devices a line like the following could be used.  This line should not
    # normally be included unless there is more than one video device
    # intalled.
    #    BusID      "PCI:0:10:0"
    #    VideoRam	256
    #    Clocks	25.2 28.3
    # Device configured by xorgconfig:
    Section "Device"
        Identifier  "ati 9200"
        Driver      "radeon"
        #VideoRam    262144
        # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate
    # **********************************************************************
    # Screen sections
    # **********************************************************************
    # Any number of screen sections may be present.  Each describes
    # the configuration of a single screen.  A single specific screen section
    # may be specified from the X server command line with the "-screen"
    # option.
    Section "Screen"
        Identifier  "Screen 1"
        Device      "ati 9200"
        Monitor     "siemens"
        DefaultDepth 24
        Subsection "Display"
            Depth       8
            Modes       "800x600" "640x480" "640x400"
            ViewPort    0 0
        Subsection "Display"
            Depth       16
            Modes       "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" "640x400"
            ViewPort    0 0
        Subsection "Display"
            Depth       24
            Modes       "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" "640x400"
            ViewPort    0 0
    # **********************************************************************
    # ServerLayout sections.
    # **********************************************************************
    # Any number of ServerLayout sections may be present.  Each describes
    # the way multiple screens are organised.  A specific ServerLayout
    # section may be specified from the X server command line with the
    # "-layout" option.  In the absence of this, the first section is used.
    # When now ServerLayout section is present, the first Screen section
    # is used alone.
    Section "ServerLayout"
    # The Identifier line must be present
        Identifier  "Simple Layout"
    # Each Screen line specifies a Screen section name, and optionally
    # the relative position of other screens.  The four names after
    # primary screen name are the screens to the top, bottom, left and right
    # of the primary screen.  In this example, screen 2 is located to the
    # right of screen 1.
        Screen "Screen 1"
    # Each InputDevice line specifies an InputDevice section name and
    # optionally some options to specify the way the device is to be
    # used.  Those options include "CorePointer", "CoreKeyboard" and
    # "SendCoreEvents".
        InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
        InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"
     Section "DRI"
        Mode 0666
    Za pomoc předem děkuji.
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!


    3.2.2006 00:18 EpiX
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Vlastnim Ati Radeon 9000, coz jsou to podobne karty. Ja mam fps 2000 a vice. Jake mate nainstalovany ovladace? A jede vam akcelerace? Poslete vypis > glxinfo | grep direct.
    3.2.2006 00:21 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    tohle mi vyjelo: Melqart ~ # glxinfo | grep direct direct rendering: No OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect Jinak používám radeon.
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    David Watzke avatar 3.2.2006 00:19 David Watzke | skóre: 74 | blog: Blog... | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Je to málo. Velmi málo.

    Btw, příště buď jen relevantní část logu, nebo to hoď někam na web, je to docela... biggy.
    “Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it’ll always get you the right ones” ―John Lennon
    3.2.2006 00:43 Thunder.m | skóre: 35 | blog: e17
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    A na co potřebuješ víc FPS? Pokud chceš víc FPS jen v glxgears tak musíš nainstalovat R200, to je opensource "ovladač" pro Radeon karty, pokud chceš hrát i jiné věci, jako třeba Quake 4, Warcraft 3, tak ti pomůže binární ovladač, no a pokud chceš hrát i většinu her přes Cedegu, tak ti pomůže jedině kamarádka Nvidia :)
    3.2.2006 00:55 Spike | skóre: 30 | blog: Communicator | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Blbost, používám driver "radeon", tak jako on, a mám ~1600 FPS s Radeon 7500 v glxgears.

    Koukám, že má 7.0...

    Máš zapnutý USE-flag "dri"? A máš emergnutý xf86-video-ati?

    Záleží také na konfiguraci kernelu: musíš v něm mít ZAPNUTÝ agpgart pro svůj chipset na desce a VYPNUTÝ Direct Rendering Manager.
    3.2.2006 01:15 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Use flag jsem zapnutý neměl..zapsal jsem si ho..a prekompilovávám..pak dám vědět co dál...jinak nvidii si kupobvat nebudu...a agpart nastavený mám..tamto je taky zakázané....jinak by se mi objevil neznámý ovladač,ne?
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    3.2.2006 07:25 Spike | skóre: 30 | blog: Communicator | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Jasně, kašli na nVidii. Ale teda... Když zapnu EXA, tak se mi plynule překresluje scrollování mapy v Battle for Wesnoth, Armagetron Advanced fungoval i předtím, ale Warsow ("lehce" modifikovaný Quake2 engine) si s tímto driverem nezahraju, přitom ve Windows to bylo "už" hratelné, takže tady není problém v kartě, ale v ovladači. :(
    3.2.2006 09:11 neal_cz | skóre: 29
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Řekl bych, že problém by mohl být v tomhle:
    (II) LoadModule: "dri"
    (WW) Warning, couldn't open module dri
    (II) UnloadModule: "dri"
    (EE) Failed to load module "dri" (module does not exist, 0)
    3.2.2006 09:31 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Tka jsem prekompiloval skoro vše, co potřeboval ,aby mi s tím fragem dri prekompiloval ty ovladace pro ati....a pořád je výsledek stejný...:( Nevíte co dále s tím?
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    3.2.2006 09:48 pzad | skóre: 30 | blog: pzad
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Nerobi mu problem ten modul "dbe" ?
    3.2.2006 12:33 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    To nevím..jak to zjistím?
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    3.2.2006 12:33 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    To nevím..jak to zjistím?
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    3.2.2006 12:33 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    To nevím..jak to zjistím?
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    3.2.2006 12:34 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    To nevím..jak to zjistím?
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    3.2.2006 13:19 pzad | skóre: 30 | blog: pzad
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Skuste zakomentovat toto v xorg.cof
    # This loads the DBE extension module.

    Load "dbe" # Double buffer extension
    3.2.2006 14:17 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Zkusil jsem...efekt stejný..pořád to hází maximálně 116 snímků...:((( Nemá někdo taky ati radeon 9200 aby mi poslal jeho xorg.conf ???
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    3.2.2006 17:33 Spike | skóre: 30 | blog: Communicator | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Máš nainstalovaný eselect? (eselect-opengl)

    Co ti nahlásí eselect opengl list?

    [1] xorg-x11 *

    DRM (Direct Rendering Manager) v jádru VYPNOUT, ne jak radí Ctirad Feřtr, neboť v Gentoo je kdyžtak balík x11-drm, ale popravdě si nejsem jistý, zda je potřeba pro fungování akcelerace v 7.0 (já ho sice v systému ještě mám, ale závislost nikde nevidím, takže je možná DRM součástí nějakého jiného balíku (xf86-video-ati?))

    Takže pro jistotu znovu:

    V /etc/make.conf přidat do USE flag "dri" a do proměnné VIDEO_CARDS "ati" (pokud bys instaloval x11-drm, tak by tam mělo být (ještě) "radeon"). Kde se tyto proměnné projeví:

    x11-base/xorg-server-1.0.1-r2 USE="dri ipv6 -debug -minimal -xprint"

    x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati- USE="dri -debug"

    x11-base/xorg-x11-7.0-r1 USE="-3dfx" INPUT_DEVICES="zkráceno" VIDEO_CARDS="ati zkráceno"
    3.2.2006 14:19 Ctirad Feřtr | skóre: 43 | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    agpgart, drm a radeon driver v jádru máš?
    3.2.2006 15:16 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Když dám do jádra radeon driver (a´t old nebo new) PC při bootu se zrestartuje...:(
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    3.2.2006 16:30 Ctirad Feřtr | skóre: 43 | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Tak musíš zařídit, aby se to nezrestartovalo, jinak ti akcelerace nepojede. Nejspíš jádro kompiluješ pro jiný (novější/nekompatibilní) CPU než máš.
    3.2.2006 17:27 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    toho docílím jak? měl jsem genoo-*sources jádro..a nyní mám nicro sources..zkoušel jsem to u obou dvou..a u obou mi to resetoval....kde tedy mohu mít chybu?
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    3.2.2006 17:59 Ctirad Feřtr | skóre: 43 | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Když to jádro konfiguruješ, tak je tam přece volba CPU type (nebo tak nějak) a tam musíš mít zvolený tvůj CPU nebo nějaký nižší, případně generický x86.
    3.2.2006 17:35 Spike | skóre: 30 | blog: Communicator | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Tenhle radeon driver je ale úplně pro něco jiného - pro podporu framebufferu (v konzoli např.) Doporučuji vypnout (old i new), osobně mám lepší zkušenosti s vesafb-tng (tedy až na žalostnou rychlost).
    3.2.2006 18:10 Ctirad Feřtr | skóre: 43 | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Správná připomínka. Frafebuffer bych dal pro teď úplně pryč. Ten správný radeon driver je v device drivers -> character devices -> ATI radeon a nad tím direct rendering manager a ještě nad tím agpgart a příslušný čipset. To je všechno potřeba zapnout.

    Pak ještě zkontrolovat, jestli je v "processor type and features" zapnuté MTRR.
    3.2.2006 15:16 epix | skóre: 1 | Ostrava
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Doporucuji stahnout binarni ovladace z Nainstalovat a spustit fglrxconfig. Jestli to pote nepujde bude v tom neco vic :)
    Open Mind. Open Source.
    3.2.2006 16:33 Ctirad Feřtr | skóre: 43 | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Tak příště nic takového nedoporučuj.

    1) V gentoo se nic stahovat z nemusí, protože je na to balík ati-drivers

    2) Tyhle ovladače mají smysl až pro novější ATI karty.
    3.2.2006 15:16 epix | skóre: 1 | Ostrava
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Doporucuji stahnout binarni ovladace z Nainstalovat a spustit fglrxconfig. Jestli to pote nepujde bude v tom neco vic :)
    Open Mind. Open Source.
    3.2.2006 17:25 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Zkoušel jsem..efekt stejný....nejede to...další návrhy?
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    3.2.2006 18:14 drak
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Chyba bude tu:
    (II) LoadModule: "dri"
    (WW) Warning, couldn't open module dri
    (II) UnloadModule: "dri"
    (EE) Failed to load module "dri" (module does not exist, 0)
    takže se především podívejte, že tam takový modul vůbec máte...

    Nevim jak je to v xorg 7.0, ale v 6.9:
    $ find /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/ -iname '*'
    3.2.2006 18:17 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Na tuto cestu je jen link...nic víc..a evidentně tam nic není..:(
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    3.2.2006 18:25 drak
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Ta cesta má být /usr/lib/xorg/modules, jak snadno zjistíte na řádku 23 z těch zasraně zbytečných 785 řádků logu...
    3.2.2006 18:56 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Omlouvám se , za těch zbytečných XXX řádků,ale jednou jsem byl seřván za to, že jsem nedal kompletní výpis..tak tak nyní činím... Jinak všechny moduly tak samozřejmě jsou..takže tady chyba není dále?
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    4.2.2006 11:58 sir Turbis | skóre: 19 | Varnsdorf
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Jak koukám do jádra..jak koukám...vše mám dle sebe dobře...mohl by mi někdo poradit nebo přímo poslat návod,co vše tam musí být? Jelikož dle netu tam mám vše..jen ty ovladače tam nechtějí ani za boha jít...:(
    Don't hurry up, death is faster!
    vencour avatar 4.2.2006 18:17 vencour | skóre: 56 | blog: Tady je Vencourovo | Praha+západní Čechy
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI

    Mam Radeona 9250 256MB, konfig kernelu 2.6.15 a dalsi fajly dle Tvych pozadavku muzu poslat.

    Ty nejhlubší objevy nečekají nutně za příští hvězdou. Jsou uvnitř nás utkány do vláken, která nás spojují, nás všechny.
    7.2.2006 08:52 Jan Kundrát (jkt) | skóre: 27 | blog: jkt | Praha - Bohnice
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    7.2.2006 10:05 Aleš Kapica | skóre: 51 | blog: kenyho_stesky | Ostrava
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Nějak jsem nepochopil jak: "...abyste zprovoznili agpgart, budete na některých čipových sadách AMD64 muset zakázat podporu K8 IOMMU."
    7.2.2006 10:11 Jan Kundrát (jkt) | skóre: 27 | blog: jkt | Praha - Bohnice
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Málo FPS na grafice od ATI
    Momentalne tu nemam zadny amd64 system, nicmene predpokladam, ze k tomu, aby "fungovalo AGP", se musi zakazat volba "K8 IOMMU" v konfiguraci jadra.

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