balíčkovací systémy,
souborové systémy,
Stage2Error :FATAL: stage2: Building the system failed!
3.2.2006 07:53
| Přečteno: 1100×
| poslední úprava: 3.2.2006 07:58
Dobre skore ranko. V dnoch minulych som si zaumienil sa trosku pohrat s gentoo linuxom. Moje hranie skoncilo uz pri instalacii : [ktora prebiehala celu noc/
Ked sa clovek rano zobudi a uvidi na obrazovke toto : FATAL: stage2: Building the system failed!
Please submit a bug report (after searching to make sure it's not a known issue and verifying you didn't do something stupid) with the contents of /var/log/install.log and /tmp/installprofile.xml
v dolnych riadkoch... nema moc dobru naladu do noveho dna... cely log a vsetka dokumentacia k tomuto problemu v pokracovani claaanku. Tak mi prosim pomozte.
GLI: February 02 2006 20:35:46 - Setting root password.
GLI: February 02 2006 20:35:49 - Portmap started.
GLI: February 02 2006 20:35:49 - Completed pre_install steps
GLI: February 02 2006 20:37:05 - Setting root password.
GLI: February 02 2006 20:37:05 - Livecd root password set.
GLI: February 02 2006 20:37:06 - Portmap started.
GLI: February 02 2006 20:37:06 - Completed pre_install steps
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:33 - partitioning: Processing /dev/sda...
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:33 - Partitioning: Second pass...
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:33 - Partitioning: Third pass....creating partitions
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:33 - Drive has 240121728 sectors
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:33 - Partition 1 has 100MB
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:33 - Adding primary partition 1 from 0 to 204800
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:34 - Formatting partition 1 as ext2 with: mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda1
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:34 - Partition 2 has 2020MB
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:34 - Adding primary partition 2 from 204801 to 4341761
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:35 - Formatting partition 2 as linux-swap with: mkswap /dev/sda2
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:35 - Partition 3 has 115126MB
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:35 - Adding primary partition 3 from 4341762 to 240119810
GLI: February 02 2006 20:50:36 - Formatting partition 3 as ext3 with: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda3
GLI: February 02 2006 20:51:35 - Mounted mountpoint: /
GLI: February 02 2006 20:51:35 - Created mountpoint/boot
GLI: February 02 2006 20:51:36 - Mounted mountpoint: /boot
GLI: February 02 2006 20:51:36 - Unpacking tarball: http://pandemonium.tiscali.de/pub/gentoo/releases/x86/current/stages/x86/stage1-x86-2005.1-r1.tar.bz2
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:50 - http://pandemonium.tiscali.de/pub/gentoo/releases/x86/current/stages/x86/stage1-x86-2005.1-r1.tar.bz2 was unpacked.
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:51 - fstab configured.
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:51 - Edited Config file /mnt/gentoo/etc/rc.conf
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:51 - Edited Config file /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:51 - Config files updated using etc-update. make.conf/fstab/rc.conf restored.
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:52 - Edited Config file /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:52 - Edited Config file /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:52 - Edited Config file /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:52 - Edited Config file /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:52 - Edited Config file /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:52 - Edited Config file /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:52 - Edited Config file /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:52 - Edited Config file /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:52 - Make.conf configured
GLI: February 02 2006 20:52:52 - Chroot environment ready.
GLI: February 02 2006 20:59:08 - ERROR! Could not sync the portage tree using emerge sync. Falling back to emerge-webrsync as a backup.
GLI: February 02 2006 20:59:08 - -- MARK --
GLI: February 02 2006 20:59:08 - Starting bootstrap.
GLI: February 02 2006 22:10:32 - Bootstrap complete.
GLI: February 02 2006 22:10:33 - -- MARK --
GLI: February 02 2006 22:10:33 - Starting emerge system.
GLI: February 02 2006 22:11:34 - Calling emerge: emerge -k --emptytree system
GLI: February 02 2006 22:56:20 - Exception received during 'Performing 'emerge system'': Stage2Error :FATAL: stage2: Building the system failed!
GLI: February 02 2006 22:56:20 - Traceback (most recent call last):
GLI: February 02 2006 22:56:20 - File "/opt/installer/GLIClientController.py", line 158, in run
GLI: February 02 2006 22:56:20 - File "/opt/installer/GLIArchitectureTemplate.py", line 314, in stage2
raise GLIException("Stage2Error", 'fatal','stage2', "Building the system failed!")
GLI: February 02 2006 22:56:20 - GLIException: Stage2Error :FATAL: stage2: Building the system failed!
checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable... contains current directory
configure: error:
*** LD_LIBRARY_PATH shouldn't contain the current directory when
*** building glibc. Please change the environment variable
*** and run configure again.
!!! ERROR: sys-libs/glibc-2.3.5-r2 failed.
!!! Function glibc_do_configure, Line 918, Exitcode 1
!!! failed to configure glibc
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status message.
>>> md5 src_uri

>>> md5 src_uri

>>> md5 src_uri

>>> md5 src_uri

>>> md5 src_uri

>>> md5 src_uri

>>> md5 src_uri

Exception received:
Stage2Error :FATAL: stage2: Building the system failed!
Please submit a bug report (after searching to make sure it's not a known issue and verifying you didn't do something stupid) with the contents of /var/log/install.log and /tmp/installprofile.xml
Nie som isty ci som pokracoval uplne spravne {klikaci instalator} Mohol by mi niekto poskytnut SK/CZ alebo aj ENG navod na instalaciu najnovsieho gentoo s grafickym instalatorom?????
Vložit další komentář
3.2.2006 08:55
Martin Beránek | skóre: 33
| blog:
| Brno
Re: Stage2Error :FATAL: stage2: Building the system failed!
3.2.2006 09:02
Re: Stage2Error :FATAL: stage2: Building the system failed!
7.4.2006 12:44
Re: Stage2Error :FATAL: stage2: Building the system failed!
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