Všem na AbcLinuxu vše nejlepší k Valentýnu aneb Dni lásky ke svobodnému softwaru (I love Free Software Day, Mastodon, 𝕏).
Vývojáři openSUSE Tumbleweed oznámili, že u nových instalací se ve výchozím stavu přechází z AppArmor na SELinux. Uživatelé, kteří chtějí zůstat na AppArmor si mohou AppArmor vybrat v instalátoru.
Hector "marcan" Martin skončil jako vedoucí projektu Asahi Linux aneb Linux na Apple Siliconu. Projekt ale pokračuje dál.
PostgreSQL byl vydán ve verzích 17.3, 16.7, 15.11, 14.16 a 13.19. Řešena je zranitelnost CVE-2025-1094 s CVSS 8.1 a více než 70 chyb.
Dnes je Světový den rádia. Použili jste někdy GNU Radio?
Před 33 lety, ve čtvrtek 13. února 1992, se tehdejší Česká a Slovenská Federativní Republika oficiálně (a slavnostně) připojila k Internetu.
Byla vydána nová verze 9.10 z Debianu vycházející linuxové distribuce DietPi pro (nejenom) jednodeskové počítače. Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání.
Český LibreOffice tým vydává překlad příručky LibreOffice Math 24.8. Math je modul editoru vzorců v kancelářském balíku LibreOffice a poskytuje možnosti rozvržení pro zobrazení matematických, chemických, elektrických nebo vědeckých vzorců ve standardní písemné notaci. Příručka je ke stažení na stránce dokumentace.
Společnost Backblaze zveřejnila statistiky spolehlivosti pevných disků používaných ve svých datových centrech za rok 2024. Ke konci roku 2024 vlastnila 305 180 pevných disků. Průměrná AFR (Annualized Failure Rate), tj. pravděpodobnost, že disk během roku selže, byla 1,57 %. V roce 2023 to bylo 1,70 %. V roce 2022 to bylo 1,37 %.
Intel vydal 34 upozornění na bezpečnostní chyby ve svých produktech. Současně vydal verzi 20250211 mikrokódů pro své procesory řešící 5 bezpečnostních chyb.
ADB3800TW login: root Password: ~ # ~ # lsmod Module Size Used by Tainted: P pwc 71844 0 r422vdec 5324 0 st231dbg 18012 0 vconf 17220 0 audio 33312 0 snd_usb_audio 34048 0 snd_usb_lib 6112 1 snd_usb_audio snd_rawmidi 11488 1 snd_usb_lib snd-st7100 3196 0 snd_pcm_oss 31264 0 snd_mixer_oss 10048 1 snd_pcm_oss snd_pcm 44549 3 snd_usb_audio,snd-st7100,snd_pcm_oss snd_page_alloc 3364 1 snd_pcm snd_timer 11300 1 snd_pcm snd 23192 7 snd_usb_audio,snd_rawmidi,snd-st7100,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer soundcore 3172 2 audio,snd aec 2232 0 videodev 4640 1 pwc ohci_hcd 9800 0 stb7100_common 1036 1 ohci_hcd usbcore 62460 6 pwc,audio,snd_usb_audio,snd_usb_lib,ohci_hcd gp_mixer 12936 0 systime 1444 0 vbi7100 4376 0 llfinisher 748 0 aud 51928 2 snd-st7100,llfinisher faad 88832 1 aud hdcp 17208 0 edid 15648 2 fb 1265676 2 gp_mixer mp2vdec 35084 0 h264vdec 233600 0 vdisp 33440 3 r422vdec,mp2vdec,h264vdec avll 43828 6 r422vdec,aud,fb,mp2vdec,h264vdec,vdisp tsmerge 15024 0 compositor 5360 3 gp_mixer,llfinisher,fb mixer 3452 4 llfinisher,fb,vdisp,compositor vidout 27880 10 gp_mixer,llfinisher,aud,hdcp,edid,fb,vdisp,avll,compositor,mixer dco_clk 9300 4 llfinisher,aud,avll,vidout dmx 34512 114 vbi7100,aud,mp2vdec,h264vdec,avll,tsmerge st231cm 7512 3 aud,mp2vdec,h264vdec bigprivarea 2196 7 vconf,aud,fb,mp2vdec,h264vdec,vdisp,st231cm gpio 2440 0 ptiinit 548 0 stpti4_core 163048 2 dmx,ptiinit mme_host 19396 3 aud,h264vdec,st231cm embxshm 17672 1 st231cm embxmailbox 7436 5 st231dbg,vconf,aec,st231cm,embxshm embxshell 17060 5 h264vdec,st231cm,mme_host,embxshm,embxmailbox st231_audio 2003744 1 st231cm st231_video 573312 1 st231cm firmware 11256 0 pwroff 1580 0 dm9000ea 9424 1 fdma 13712 4 aud,mp2vdec,h264vdec,tsmerge bios_iptv 7144 0 bios 2344 0 nand_map 3236 0 nand 23684 3 nand_map nand_ecc 1216 1 nand nand_ids 2816 1 nand ifp_G04B 9176 0 nor_map 3952 0 part 2344 2 nand_map,nor_map jffs2 94944 2 zlib_inflate 16608 1 jffs2 zlib_deflate 16552 1 jffs2 cfi_probe 6304 0 gen_probe 1920 1 cfi_probe cfi_cmdset_0020 21956 0 cfi_cmdset_0002 20288 0 cfi_cmdset_0001 20096 1 cfi_util 2240 3 cfi_cmdset_0020,cfi_cmdset_0002,cfi_cmdset_0001 chipreg 992 2 nor_map,cfi_probe mtdpart 5856 6 nand_map,nand,nor_map,cfi_cmdset_0020,cfi_cmdset_0002,cfi_cmdset_0001 mtdchar 4256 0 mtdblock 2720 0 mtd_blkdevs 4832 1 mtdblock mtdcore 4260 11 nand,nor_map,jffs2,mtdpart,mtdchar,mtd_blkdevs ir_map_sejin_9RC60C 640 0 ir_prot_sejin 10684 0 ir_stb7100 696 0 adb_display 7496 1 ifp_G04B adb_input 14620 4 ifp_G04B,ir_map_sejin_9RC60C,ir_prot_sejin,ir_stb7100 pwm-st7100 1476 2 avll,dmx pwrpanic 848 2 nand_map,nor_map llbrusher 14808 2 llfinisher,compositor scart 8520 3 llfinisher i2c-stb7100 13476 0 ~ # ~ #
Xfbdev fdisk killall pivot_root sync [ fgrep klogd poweroff sysctl [[ find ln printf syslogd ar free logger ps tail ash freeramdisk login pwd tar basename fsck.minix logread rdate tee bunzip2 gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders losetup readlink test busybox getopt ls realpath top bzcat getsplash lsmod reboot touch cat getty makedevs renice true chgrp grep md5sum reset tty chmod groups mdev rm udhcpc chown gtk-query-immodules-2.0 mesg rmdir umount chroot gunzip mkdir rmmod uname clear gzip mkfifo route uptime cp halt mkfs.minix run-parts usleep date head mknod scartd utelnetd dd hexdump mkswap scp uufilter df hostname modprobe sed vi dhcp_tokens hwclock more seq wc dircolors ifconfig mount setup_opch_loader wget dirname indicators mozilla.sh sh which dmesg indicators.sh mv sleep whoami du init netstat ssh-keygen wmn echo insmod nice sshd xargs egrep ip nslookup start-stop-daemon xev env ipcrm pango-querymodules stty xkbd expr ipcs passwd swapoff xmodmap false iptvdem pidof swapon xmodmap.def fbset key_listener ping switch_leds xpilot fdflush kill pipe_progress switch_root zcat
~ # ~ # dmesg tail RKER node found at 0x01c90000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01c94000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01c98000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01c9c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ca0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ca4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ca8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cac000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cb0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cb4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cb8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cbc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cc0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cc4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cc8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ccc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cd0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cd4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cd8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cdc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ce0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ce4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ce8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cec000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cf0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cf4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cf8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cfc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d00000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d04000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d08000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d0c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d10000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d14000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d18000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d1c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d20000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d24000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d28000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d2c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d30000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d34000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d38000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d3c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d40000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d44000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d48000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d4c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d50000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d54000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d58000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d5c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d60000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d64000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d68000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d6c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d70000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d74000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d78000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d7c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d80000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d84000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d88000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d8c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d90000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d94000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d98000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d9c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01da0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01da4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01da8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dac000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01db0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01db4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01db8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dbc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dc0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dc4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dc8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dcc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dd0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dd4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dd8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ddc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01de0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01de4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01de8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dec000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01df0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01df4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01df8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dfc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e00000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e04000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e08000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e0c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e10000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e14000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e1c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e20000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e24000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e28000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e2c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e30000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e34000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e38000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e3c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e40000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e44000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e48000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e4c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e50000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e54000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e58000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e5c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e60000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e64000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e68000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e6c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e70000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e74000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e78000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e7c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e80000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e84000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e88000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e8c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e90000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e94000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e98000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e9c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ea0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ea4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ea8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01eac000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01eb0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01eb4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01eb8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ebc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ec0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ec4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ec8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ecc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ed0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ed4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ed8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01edc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ee0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ee4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <4>Empty flash at 0x02052eb4 ends at 0x02053000 <6>Mounted devfs on /dev <4>Freeing unused kernel memory: 52k freed <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Stdrivers-bios_iptv_v_1_2_1_0_on_10_01_2007 $ FDMA Init start <1>FDMA firmware version is 0x00030205 <4>rev: 0x00c0 <4>FDMA Init OK $Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>< ... > I/O: a0c00000, VID: 90000a46 CHIP Revision 19 <4>< ... > MAC address provided: <4>Found MAC address 00:03:91:bd:0f:0f <4>< ... > found <4>$Name: Stdrivers-firmware_v_2_0_13_0_on_08_01_2007 $ <4>$Name: Stdrivers-st231-video_v_1_0_25_0_on_13_02_2007 $ <4>Video Code loader <4>Code start address = 0xa4000000 <4>Video Code started <4>$Name: Stdrivers-st231-audio_v_2_0_19_0_on_13_02_2007 $ <4>Audio Code loader <4>Code start address = 0xa4200000 <4>Audio Code started <4>$Name: Stdrivers-multicom311_v_1_0_8_0_on_13_02_2007 $ <4>MME_Init() [3.1.1] done ... <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>Testing SRAM <4>j = 1000, i = 2048 (0xffffc801:0xffffc801) <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>GPIO for user applications <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <6>bigprivarea: Allocated 16384 pages at 0xb0000000. <4>MINI_MME_Init()... <4>[st231cm enabled] <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>DCO_CLK driver v.2.1.0 <4>$Name: Stdrivers-avll-vidout_v_2_0_47_0_on_05_06_2006 $ <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Stdrivers-compositor_v_1_0_12_0_on_10_11_2006 $ <4>[COMPO_S]: Compositor_init: Enters $Name: Stdrivers-mux-tsmerge_v_1_0_19_0_on_18_04_2007 $ <4>TSMERGE_RAM: 0x0 <4>TSMERGE_RAM: 0x600 <4>TSMERGE_RAM: 0x600 <4>TSMERGE_RAM: 0xc00 <4>TSMERGE_RAM: 0x1200 <4>#TSMHW_STREAM_0: cfg:0x000400a0 cfg2:0x00000000 sta:0x00000000, sync:0x00bc4700 <4>#TSMHW_STREAM_1: cfg:0x00000600 cfg2:0x00000000 sta:0x00000000, sync:0x00bc4700 <4>#TSMHW_STREAM_2: cfg:0x000406a0 cfg2:0x00000000 sta:0x00000000, sync:0x00bc4700 <4>#TSMHW_STREAM_3: cfg:0x00070ca0 cfg2:0x00000000 sta:0x00000000, sync:0x00bc4744 <4>#TSMHW_STREAM_4: cfg:0x00001200 cfg2:0x00000000 sta:0x00000000, sync:0x00000000 <4>TSMHW_PRG_CNT_0 : 0x0 <4>TSMHW_PRG_CNT_1 : 0x0 <4>TSMHW_PRG_CNT_2 : 0x0 <4>TSMHW_PRG_CNT_3 : 0x0 <4>TSMHW_PRG_CNT_4 : 0x0 <4>TSM_PTI0_DEST : 0xd <4>TSM_PTI1_DEST : 0xd <4>TSM_P1394_DEST : 0x0 <4>TSM_SWTS_CFG_EXPANDED: 0x84000016 <4>TSM_PTI_ALT_OUT_CFG : 0x0 <4>TSM_P1394_CFG : 0x0 <4>TSM_SYS_CFG : 0x0 <4>TSM_SW_RESET : 0x80000000 <4>$Name: Stdrivers-avll_v_2_0_0_59_on_16_11_2006 $ <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Stdrivers-avll_v_2_0_0_59_on_16_11_2006 $ <4>st231cm_RegisterDriver <4>h264vdec register succesful <4>st231cm_DspLock <4>lock from h264vdec <4>h264vdec st231cm_DspLock ok: 15 <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>st231cm_RegisterDriver <4>mp2vdec register succesful <4>Register DMX: 1 <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>COMPO_Add_Callback: adds handle C0100000 idx = 0 <4>HDCP driver for user applications - dev:hdmi_hdcp num:2170 <4>HDCP registerred (0) <4>$Name$ <4>st231cm_RegisterDriver <4>aud register succesful <4>st231cm_DspLock <4>lock from aud <4>aud st231cm_DspLock ok: 15 <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <6>Graphic plane mixer: Aug 2 2007 <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>COMPO_Add_Callback: adds handle C0100001 idx = 1 <6>usbcore: registered new driver usbfs <6>usbcore: registered new driver hub <4>2004 Nov 08 USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver (ST40) <4>ST40_start_host_control <4>ST40_start_host_control proceeding <6>drivers/usb/host/ohci-stcore.c: requesting IRQ 168 <6>drivers/usb/host/ohci-stcore.c: ohci_hcd (ST40) at 0xb91ffc00, irq 168 <6>ST40-ohci ST40-ohci1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 <6>hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected <6>Linux video capture interface: v1.00 <4>aec: initmodule <4>Enabling audio decoder 4 <6>mixer: Assigning Master id:0 index:0 <6>mixer: Assigning PCM id:4 index:0 <6>mixer: Assigning Video id:22 index:0 <6>usbcore: registered new driver snd-usb-audio <6>usbcore: registered new driver audio <6>drivers/usb/class/audio.c: v1.0.0:USB Audio Class driver <4>MINI_MME_Init()... <4>VCONF [OK] <4>[ST231DBG task enabled] <4>R422 Decoder ID 2 <4>r422vdec: Initialisation OK <6>pwc: Philips webcam module version 10.0.11-unofficial loaded. <6>pwc: Supports Philips PCA645/646, PCVC675/680/690, PCVC720[40]/730/740/750 & PCVC830/840. <6>pwc: Also supports the Askey VC010, various Logitech Quickcams, Samsung MPC-C10 and MPC-C30, <6>pwc: the Creative WebCam 5 & Pro Ex, SOTEC Afina Eye and Visionite VCS-UC300 and VCS-UM100. <7>pwc: Trace options: 0x0001 <6>usbcore: registered new driver Philips webcam <5>JFFS2 notice: (114) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x02052e00: read 0x9ee5f013, calculated 0xd2272a47. <4>++BRUSHER_DriverClose <4>--BRUSHER_DriverClose <4>Version 100 <4>++COMPO_FinishInit <4> COMPO_FinishInit: send COMPO_NOTIFY_START_CHANGE <4> COMPO_FinishInit: send COMPO_NOTIFY_END_CHANGE <4>--COMPO_FinishInit <4>st231cm_ForceReloadDsp <4>ST231CM DSP Try reload : 0 0 <4>ST231CM DSP Reload - ST231CM_RELOAD_ALLOWED <4>st231cm_DspUnlock <4>unlock from aud <4>deinit aud OK <4>st231cm_DspUnlock <4>unlock from h264vdec <4>deinit h264vdec OK <4>ST231CM DSP Reload time : 35 (0) <4>Enabling audio decoder 0 <4>st231cm_DspLock <4>lock from aud <4>aud st231cm_DspLock ok: 15 <4>Disabling audio decoder 0 <4>Enabling audio decoder 0 <4>mp2vdec_postprocessing = 0 <4>Disabling audio decoder 0 <4>Enabling audio decoder 0 <4>Disabling audio decoder 0 <4>Enabling audio decoder 0 <4>mp2vdec_postprocessing = 0 ~ # ~ #Výpis s připojeným paměťovým USB flash médiem:
/ # / # dmesg tail ARKER node found at 0x01c94000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01c98000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01c9c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ca0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ca4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ca8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cac000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cb0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cb4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cb8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cbc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cc0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cc4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cc8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ccc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cd0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cd4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cd8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cdc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ce0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ce4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ce8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cec000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cf0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cf4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cf8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01cfc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d00000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d04000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d08000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d0c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d10000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d14000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d18000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d1c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d20000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d24000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d28000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d2c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d30000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d34000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d38000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d3c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d40000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d44000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d48000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d4c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d50000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d54000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d58000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d5c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d60000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d64000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d68000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d6c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d70000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d74000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d78000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d7c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d80000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d84000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d88000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d8c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d90000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d94000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d98000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01d9c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01da0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01da4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01da8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dac000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01db0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01db4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01db8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dbc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dc0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dc4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dc8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dcc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dd0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dd4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dd8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ddc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01de0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01de4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01de8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dec000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01df0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01df4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01df8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01dfc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e00000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e04000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e08000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e0c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e10000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e14000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e1c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e20000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e24000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e28000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e2c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e30000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e34000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e38000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e3c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e40000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e44000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e48000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e4c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e50000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e54000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e58000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e5c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e60000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e64000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e68000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e6c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e70000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e74000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e78000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e7c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e80000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e84000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e88000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e8c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e90000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e94000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e98000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01e9c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ea0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ea4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ea8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01eac000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01eb0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01eb4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01eb8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ebc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ec0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ec4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ec8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ecc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ed0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ed4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ed8000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01edc000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ee0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01ee4000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0 <4>Empty flash at 0x02052eb4 ends at 0x02053000 <6>Mounted devfs on /dev <4>Freeing unused kernel memory: 52k freed <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Stdrivers-bios_iptv_v_1_2_1_0_on_10_01_2007 $ FDMA Init start <1>FDMA firmware version is 0x00030205 <4>rev: 0x00c0 <4>FDMA Init OK $Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>< ... > I/O: a0c00000, VID: 90000a46 CHIP Revision 19 <4>< ... > MAC address provided: <4>Found MAC address 00:03:91:bd:0f:0f <4>< ... > found <4>$Name: Stdrivers-firmware_v_2_0_13_0_on_08_01_2007 $ <4>$Name: Stdrivers-st231-video_v_1_0_25_0_on_13_02_2007 $ <4>Video Code loader <4>Code start address = 0xa4000000 <4>Video Code started <4>$Name: Stdrivers-st231-audio_v_2_0_19_0_on_13_02_2007 $ <4>Audio Code loader <4>Code start address = 0xa4200000 <4>Audio Code started <4>$Name: Stdrivers-multicom311_v_1_0_8_0_on_13_02_2007 $ <4>MME_Init() [3.1.1] done ... <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>Testing SRAM <4>j = 1000, i = 2048 (0xffffc801:0xffffc801) <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>GPIO for user applications <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <6>bigprivarea: Allocated 16384 pages at 0xb0000000. <4>MINI_MME_Init()... <4>[st231cm enabled] <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>DCO_CLK driver v.2.1.0 <4>$Name: Stdrivers-avll-vidout_v_2_0_47_0_on_05_06_2006 $ <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Stdrivers-compositor_v_1_0_12_0_on_10_11_2006 $ <4>[COMPO_S]: Compositor_init: Enters $Name: Stdrivers-mux-tsmerge_v_1_0_19_0_on_18_04_2007 $ <4>TSMERGE_RAM: 0x0 <4>TSMERGE_RAM: 0x600 <4>TSMERGE_RAM: 0x600 <4>TSMERGE_RAM: 0xc00 <4>TSMERGE_RAM: 0x1200 <4>#TSMHW_STREAM_0: cfg:0x000400a0 cfg2:0x00000000 sta:0x00000000, sync:0x00bc4700 <4>#TSMHW_STREAM_1: cfg:0x00000600 cfg2:0x00000000 sta:0x00000000, sync:0x00bc4700 <4>#TSMHW_STREAM_2: cfg:0x000406a0 cfg2:0x00000000 sta:0x00000000, sync:0x00bc4700 <4>#TSMHW_STREAM_3: cfg:0x00070ca0 cfg2:0x00000000 sta:0x00000000, sync:0x00bc4744 <4>#TSMHW_STREAM_4: cfg:0x00001200 cfg2:0x00000000 sta:0x00000000, sync:0x00000000 <4>TSMHW_PRG_CNT_0 : 0x0 <4>TSMHW_PRG_CNT_1 : 0x0 <4>TSMHW_PRG_CNT_2 : 0x0 <4>TSMHW_PRG_CNT_3 : 0x0 <4>TSMHW_PRG_CNT_4 : 0x0 <4>TSM_PTI0_DEST : 0xd <4>TSM_PTI1_DEST : 0xd <4>TSM_P1394_DEST : 0x0 <4>TSM_SWTS_CFG_EXPANDED: 0x84000016 <4>TSM_PTI_ALT_OUT_CFG : 0x0 <4>TSM_P1394_CFG : 0x0 <4>TSM_SYS_CFG : 0x0 <4>TSM_SW_RESET : 0x80000000 <4>$Name: Stdrivers-avll_v_2_0_0_59_on_16_11_2006 $ <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Stdrivers-avll_v_2_0_0_59_on_16_11_2006 $ <4>st231cm_RegisterDriver <4>h264vdec register succesful <4>st231cm_DspLock <4>lock from h264vdec <4>h264vdec st231cm_DspLock ok: 15 <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>st231cm_RegisterDriver <4>mp2vdec register succesful <4>Register DMX: 1 <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>COMPO_Add_Callback: adds handle C0100000 idx = 0 <4>HDCP driver for user applications - dev:hdmi_hdcp num:2170 <4>HDCP registerred (0) <4>$Name$ <4>st231cm_RegisterDriver <4>aud register succesful <4>st231cm_DspLock <4>lock from aud <4>aud st231cm_DspLock ok: 15 <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <6>Graphic plane mixer: Aug 2 2007 <4>$Name: Platform_ST7100_TLF_SDK_1_1_11_on_2006_11_14_1119 $ <4>COMPO_Add_Callback: adds handle C0100001 idx = 1 <6>usbcore: registered new driver usbfs <6>usbcore: registered new driver hub <4>2004 Nov 08 USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver (ST40) <4>ST40_start_host_control <4>ST40_start_host_control proceeding <6>drivers/usb/host/ohci-stcore.c: requesting IRQ 168 <6>drivers/usb/host/ohci-stcore.c: ohci_hcd (ST40) at 0xb91ffc00, irq 168 <6>ST40-ohci ST40-ohci1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 <6>hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected <6>Linux video capture interface: v1.00 <4>aec: initmodule <4>Enabling audio decoder 4 <6>mixer: Assigning Master id:0 index:0 <6>mixer: Assigning PCM id:4 index:0 <6>mixer: Assigning Video id:22 index:0 <6>usbcore: registered new driver snd-usb-audio <6>usbcore: registered new driver audio <6>drivers/usb/class/audio.c: v1.0.0:USB Audio Class driver <4>MINI_MME_Init()... <4>VCONF [OK] <4>[ST231DBG task enabled] <4>R422 Decoder ID 2 <4>r422vdec: Initialisation OK <6>pwc: Philips webcam module version 10.0.11-unofficial loaded. <6>pwc: Supports Philips PCA645/646, PCVC675/680/690, PCVC720[40]/730/740/750 & PCVC830/840. <6>pwc: Also supports the Askey VC010, various Logitech Quickcams, Samsung MPC-C10 and MPC-C30, <6>pwc: the Creative WebCam 5 & Pro Ex, SOTEC Afina Eye and Visionite VCS-UC300 and VCS-UM100. <7>pwc: Trace options: 0x0001 <6>usbcore: registered new driver Philips webcam <5>JFFS2 notice: (114) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x02052e00: read 0x9ee5f013, calculated 0xd2272a47. <4>++BRUSHER_DriverClose <4>--BRUSHER_DriverClose <4>Version 100 <4>++COMPO_FinishInit <4> COMPO_FinishInit: send COMPO_NOTIFY_START_CHANGE <4> COMPO_FinishInit: send COMPO_NOTIFY_END_CHANGE <4>--COMPO_FinishInit <4>st231cm_ForceReloadDsp <4>ST231CM DSP Try reload : 0 0 <4>ST231CM DSP Reload - ST231CM_RELOAD_ALLOWED <4>st231cm_DspUnlock <4>unlock from aud <4>deinit aud OK <4>st231cm_DspUnlock <4>unlock from h264vdec <4>deinit h264vdec OK <4>ST231CM DSP Reload time : 35 (0) <4>Enabling audio decoder 0 <4>st231cm_DspLock <4>lock from aud <4>aud st231cm_DspLock ok: 15 <4>Disabling audio decoder 0 <4>Enabling audio decoder 0 <4>mp2vdec_postprocessing = 0 <4>Disabling audio decoder 0 <4>Enabling audio decoder 0 <4>Disabling audio decoder 0 <4>Enabling audio decoder 0 <4>mp2vdec_postprocessing = 0 <6>usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using ST40-ohci and address 2 / # / #
~ # ~ # insmod usb_storage insmod: usb_storage: No such file or directory ~ #
Takže tam bohužel není.
Já tomu vůbec nerozumím, takže bych chtěl požádat o přesný odkaz, kde, co stáhnout.Byl jsem na těch tzv. oficiálních stránkách STLinuxu, ale zdají se mi nějaké divné.
Google toho našel více, ale co stáhnout?
Používám OS Windows. Se set-top-boxem je PC propojen síťovým kabelem - napojení přes telnet pomocí WinSCP nebo PUTTY, potom ještě přes COM1 napojení na konzoly pomocí PUTTY.Když si od někud stáhnu ten správný balíček usbutils a uložím ho v PC na C:/a/
Co dál?
Ten balíček mohu dát do HFS - Http File Server 2.2f, aby se tam jednodušeji pomocí nějakého příkazu nahrál, nebo pomocí WinSCP ho rovnou nakopírovat do odpovídající složky a tam ho případně rozbalit, ale co dál? Potřebuji instrukce.Toto je v set-top-boxu ADB3800TW:
~ # ~ # cat /proc/cpuinfo machine : ADB E88 board processor : 0 cpu family : sh4 cpu type : STb710x cpu flags : fpu cache type : split (harvard) icache size : 16KiB dcache size : 32KiB bogomips : 264.60 cpu clock : 265.50MHz bus clock : 201.00MHz module clock : 66.37MHz ~ # ~ # cat /proc/version Linux version (gcc version 3.4.3 (STMicroelectronics/Linux Base 3.4.3-19) [build Mar 10 2006]) #67 Wed Oct 31 14:12:53 CET 2007 ~ # ~ #
ls -l /dev/blockZkoušel jste flash disk naformátovat jako ext2 a připojit? Zkoušel jste příkazy apt-get, rpm, dpkg (balíčkovací systémy)?
~ # ~ # ls -l /dev/block ls: /dev/block: No such file or directory ~ # ~ #Ano, ext2 a jiné formáty byly zkoušeny, bohužel se stejným neúspěchem. - není podpora mass storage V našem FW to neudělá vůbec nic. V Cyber Vaca to alespoň vypíše typ té klíčenky (jsou tam trochu jiné moduly pro to USB). Ale POZOR v Cyber Vaca je i trochu jiné jádro, takže moduly přenosné rozhodně nejsou. Aplikace ale ano (ssh, mediacentrum a tak dále). Příkazy apt-get, rpm, dpkg u embeded systému neexistují, místo nich se používá ipkg (s parametry). Ale ani ten zde bohužel nemáme, stejně jako žádný repozitář, odkud by se ty binárky daly stáhnout.
/ # / # / # find /lib/modules /lib/modules /lib/modules/audio.ko /lib/modules/st231_video.ko /lib/modules/bigprivarea.ko /lib/modules/st231cm.ko /lib/modules/fb.ko /lib/modules/stpti4_core.ko /lib/modules/st231_audio.ko /lib/modules/edid.ko /lib/modules/faad.ko /lib/modules/pwroff.ko /lib/modules/soundcore.ko /lib/modules/fdma.ko /lib/modules/snd-usb-audio.ko /lib/modules/dco_clk.ko /lib/modules/embxshm.ko /lib/modules/systime.ko /lib/modules/snd-mixer-oss.ko /lib/modules/tsmerge.ko /lib/modules/h264vdec.ko /lib/modules/ohci-hcd.ko /lib/modules/hdcp.ko /lib/modules/gpio.ko /lib/modules/snd-pcm-oss.ko /lib/modules/gp_mixer.ko /lib/modules/mp2vdec.ko /lib/modules/llfinisher.ko /lib/modules/dm9000ea.ko /lib/modules/stb7100-common.ko /lib/modules/snd-st7100.ko /lib/modules/mme_host.ko /lib/modules/vbi7100.ko /lib/modules/ptiinit.ko /lib/modules/vconf.ko /lib/modules/snd-page-alloc.ko /lib/modules/vidout.ko /lib/modules/compositor.ko /lib/modules/vdisp.ko /lib/modules/embxmailbox.ko /lib/modules/st231dbg.ko /lib/modules/snd-rawmidi.ko /lib/modules/embxshell.ko /lib/modules/snd-timer.ko /lib/modules/aec.ko /lib/modules/aud.ko /lib/modules/dmx.ko /lib/modules/snd-usb-lib.ko /lib/modules/videodev.ko /lib/modules/pwc.ko /lib/modules/bios_iptv.ko /lib/modules/snd.ko /lib/modules/mixer.ko /lib/modules/snd-pcm.ko /lib/modules/r422vdec.ko /lib/modules/bios.ko /lib/modules/usbcore.ko /lib/modules/avll.ko /lib/modules/firmware.ko /lib/modules/ / # / #Jinak všechny poznatky a informace přidávám sem: http://forum.ican3800.zajsoft.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=246