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    včera 18:33 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána (𝕏) nová verze 24.7 open source firewallové a routovací platformy OPNsense (Wikipedie). Jedná se o fork pfSense postavený na FreeBSD. Kódový název OPNsense 24.7 je Thriving Tiger. Přehled novinek v příspěvku na fóru.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 05:11 | Bezpečnostní upozornění

    Binarly REsearch upozorňuje na bezpečnostní problém PKFail (YouTube) v ekosystému UEFI. Stovky modelů zařízení používají pro Secure Boot testovací Platform Key vygenerovaný American Megatrends International (AMI) a jeho privátní část byla při úniku dat prozrazena. Do milionů zařízení (seznam v pdf) po celém světě tak útočníci mohou do Secure Bootu vložit podepsaný malware. Otestovat firmware si lze na stránce Ukázka PoC na Linuxu na Windows na YouTube.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 11
    včera 02:22 | Nová verze

    Mobilní operační systém /e/OS (Wikipedie) založený na Androidu / LineageOS, ale bez aplikací a služeb od Googlu, byl vydán ve verzi 2.2 (Mastodon, 𝕏). Přehled novinek na GitLabu. Vypíchnuta je rodičovská kontrola.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    včera 01:22 | IT novinky

    Společnost OpenAI představila vyhledávač SearchGPT propojující OpenAI modely umělé inteligence a informace z webů v reálném čase. Zatím jako prototyp pro vybrané uživatele. Zapsat se lze do pořadníku čekatelů.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 00:11 | Nová verze

    Distribuce Linux Mint 22 „Wilma“ byla vydána. Je založená na Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, ale s desktopovým prostředím Cinnamon (aktuálně verze 6.2), příp. MATE nebo Xfce, balíkem aplikací XApp, integrací balíčků Flatpak a dalšími změnami. Více v přehledu novinekpoznámkách k vydání.

    Fluttershy, yay! | Komentářů: 2
    25.7. 17:44 | Zajímavý článek Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    25.7. 17:22 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 14 integrovaného vývojového prostředí (IDE) Qt Creator. Podrobný přehled novinek v cgitu. Vypíchnout lze podporu rozšíření v Lua.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.7. 17:11 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána verze 1.80.0 programovacího jazyka Rust (Wikipedie). Podrobnosti v poznámkách k vydání. Vyzkoušet Rust lze například na stránce Rust by Example.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    25.7. 14:11 | IT novinky

    Apple oznámil, že v beta verzi spustil své Apple Maps na webu. Podporován je také webový prohlížeč Chrome. Ne však na Linuxu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 23
    25.7. 13:11 | IT novinky

    Portál Stack Overflow po roce opět vyzpovídal své uživatele, jedná se především o vývojáře softwaru, a zveřejnil detailní výsledky průzkumu. Průzkumu se letos zúčastnilo více než 65 tisíc vývojářů. Z Česka jich bylo 710. Ze Slovenska 246.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0

    Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim

    17.6.2008 23:04 | Přečteno: 2691× | Linux | poslední úprava: 3.7.2008 01:49

    It took me some time to actually make the jabber server working, few people seem to really care about cross-compiling their stuff, but I succeeded and here's the howto:

    0. Errata

    First of all, during the testing I found out I have to modify the environment settings - the static build of jabber did not work at all. I also added the location of newly compiled libs and headers so that they can be used by programs that depend on them. Some programs were in C++, so the CXX variable had to be set as well. Here's the final environment (P.S. in the end it seems some additions like CPPFLAGS would be needed for perfection, but I'm not in the mood of retrying):

    $ cat environment
    export LIBS="-L${TOOLCHAINS_HOME}/lib/gcc/mips-linux/3.4.2 \
            -L/var/usb/usb_1/lib \
    export INCLUDES="-I${TOOLCHAINS_HOME}/include/c++/3.4.2 \
            -I${TOOLCHAINS_HOME}/mips-linux/sys-include \
            -I/var/usb/usb_1/include \
            -I/home/hajma/Documents/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/kernel/linux/include \
            -I/var/usb/usb_1/include/ncurses \
    #export CFLAGS="${INCLUDES} ${LIBS} -static"
    #export LDFLAGS="-static"
    export CFLAGS="${INCLUDES} ${LIBS}"
    export LDFLAGS=""
    export CC="${TOOLCHAINS_HOME}/bin/mipsel-uclibc-gcc"
    export CXX="${TOOLCHAINS_HOME}/bin/mipsel-uclibc-g++"
    export PATH="${TOOLCHAINS_HOME}/bin:${PATH}"
    Let's use it:
    . environment

    Also the symlinking of the uclibc toolchain needed to be further enhanced for some package to get built:
    # cd /opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/bin
    # for A in mips-linux-uclibc-* ; do
    > ln -s ${A} mipsel-linux-${A#mips-linux-uclibc-}
    > done
    1a. jabberd
    $ cd GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource
    $ wget
    $ tar xvf jabberd14-
    $ cd jabberd14-
    $./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    This ends badly:
    checking for libpopt... configure: error: no

    Apparently the library for parsing command line parameters is needed. This was reported a year ago ...

    2. popt
    $ cd GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource
    $ wget
    $ tar xvf popt-1.14.tar.gz
    $ cd popt-1.14
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    checking for va_copy() function... configure: error: cannot run test program while cross compiling
    See `config.log' for more details.
    WTF! There's bug 25 about it that the developers closed, saying "va_copy is no longer needed or used in popt-1.14.". Hell, when it's not needed, why did you keep the check ... :-(
    I added a comment to the bug and sucessfully run:
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 ac_cv_va_copy=no
    $ make
    $ make install
    1b. jabberd
    $ cd ../jabberd14-
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    checking for libpopt... configure: error: no
    The previous step did not help much ... The configure script does not search for the popt.h in the provided directories - again something reported a year ago. It forced me to rise bug 93.
    $ CPPFLAGS="-I/var/usb/usb_1/include" ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    checking for GNUTLS... no
    No package 'gnutls' found
    configure: error: Couldn't find required GnuTLS installation
    Fine, let's get GnuTLS working first. Furthermore, ./configure --help reveals that some more libraries are needed by jabberd:
      --with-libidn=DIR       Where to find libidn (required)
      --with-libpth=DIR       Where to find libpth (required)
      --with-expat=DIR        Where to find libexpat (required)

    In addition GnuTLS requires some other libraries, libtasn1 and libgcrypt, so let's get them all first.

    3. GNU Portable Threads
    $ cd ..
    $ wget
    $ tar xvf pth-2.0.7.tar.gz
    $ cd pth-2.0.7
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    $ make
    $ make install
    4. Expat XML Parser
    $ cd ..
    $ wget
    $ tar xvf expat-2.0.1.tar.gz
    $ cd expat-2.0.1
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    $ make
    $ make install
    5. GNU IDN Library - Libidn
    $ cd ..
    $ wget
    $ tar xvf libidn-1.8.tar.gz
    $ cd libidn-1.8
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    $ make
    $ make install
    6. Tiny ASN.1 library - Libtasn1
    $ cd ..
    $ wget
    $ tar xvf libtasn1-1.4.tar.gz
    $ cd libtasn1-1.4
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    $ make
    $ make install
    To save me from
    checking for gpg-error-config... no
    checking for GPG Error - version >= 1.4... no
    configure: error: libgpg-error is needed.
                    See .

    when configuring libgcrypt, libgpg-error has to be done in advance.

    7. libgpg-error
    $ cd ..
    $ wget
    $ tar xvf libgpg-error-1.6.tar.bz2
    $ cd libgpg-error-1.6
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    $ make
    $ make install
    8. libgcrypt
    $ cd ..
    $ wget
    $ tar xvf libgcrypt-1.4.1.tar.gz
    $ cd libgcrypt-1.4.1
    The path to libggpg-error has to be specified explicitly:
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-gpg-error-prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-pth-prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    But it still does not help!:
    $ make
    /opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/bin/mipsel-uclibc-gcc -I/var/usb/usb_1/include -I/opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/include/c++/3.4.2 -I/opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/mips-linux/sys-include -I/var/usb/usb_1/include -I/home/hajma/Documents/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/kernel/linux/include -I/var/usb/usb_1/include/ncurses -Wall -Wpointer-arith -o .libs/version version.o  -L/opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/lib/gcc/mips-linux/3.4.2 -L/var/usb/usb_1/lib ../src/.libs/ -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/var/usb/usb_1/lib
    /opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools_gcc-3.4.2_uclibc-20050502/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-uclibc/3.4.2/../../../../mips-linux-uclibc/bin/ld: warning:, needed by ../src/.libs/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
    ../src/.libs/ undefined reference to `gpg_err_code_from_syserror'
    ../src/.libs/ undefined reference to `gpg_err_code_from_errno'
    ../src/.libs/ undefined reference to `gpg_strerror'
    ../src/.libs/ undefined reference to `gpg_strsource'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[2]: *** [version] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/libgcrypt-1.4.1/tests'
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/libgcrypt-1.4.1'
    make: *** [all] Error 2
    I found out the guys at OpenWRT had the same problem and have a patch available. I wanted to file a bug to the GnuPG bug tracker, but did not receive the confirmation mail when registering... Actually this was told to the author two years ago and he does not care at all.
    So here goes the needed modification:
    $ diff -u tests/ tests/
    --- tests/       2008-06-12 00:01:05.000000000 +0200
    +++ tests/   2008-06-12 00:01:11.000000000 +0200
    @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
     # a built header.
     AM_CPPFLAGS = -I../src -I$(top_srcdir)/src
    -LDADD = ../src/
     # pkbench uses mmap for no good reason.  Needs to be fixed.  Code for
     # this can be found in libksba/tests.
    and try again:
    $ make clean
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-gpg-error-prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-pth-prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    $ make
    $ make install
    9. The GNU Transport Layer Security Library
    $ cd ..
    $ wget
    $ tar xvf gnutls-2.2.5.tar.bz2
    $ cd gnutls-2.2.5
    To prevent a configure error
    checking for libgcrypt-config... no
    checking for LIBGCRYPT - version >= 1.2.4... no
    configure: error:
    *** libgcrypt was not found. You may want to get it from
    the prefix to libgcrypt has to be specified (and libtasn1 too, to avoid using the built-in one):
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libgcrypt-prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libtasn1-prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 
    but it still does not work:
    $ make
    /opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/bin/mipsel-uclibc-gcc -std=gnu99 -I/opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/include/c++/3.4.2 -I/opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/mips-linux/sys-include -I/var/usb/usb_1/include -I/home/hajma/Documents/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/kernel/linux/include -I/var/usb/usb_1/include/ncurses -D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE -pipe -I/var/usb/usb_1/include -I/opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/include/c++/3.4.2 -I/opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/mips-linux/sys-include -I/var/usb/usb_1/include -I/home/hajma/Documents/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/kernel/linux/include -I/var/usb/usb_1/include/ncurses -D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE -o ex-cert-select ex-cert-select.o  -L/opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/lib/gcc/mips-linux/3.4.2 -L/var/usb/usb_1/lib ./.libs/libexamples.a ../../gl/.libs/libgnu.a /var/usb/usb_1/lib/ /var/usb/usb_1/lib/ ../../lib/.libs/ ../../libextra/.libs/  -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/var/usb/usb_1/lib -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/gnutls-2.2.5/lib/.libs -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/gnutls-2.2.5/libextra/.libs -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/var/usb/usb_1/lib
    /opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools_gcc-3.4.2_uclibc-20050502/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-uclibc/3.4.2/../../../../mips-linux-uclibc/bin/ld: warning:, needed by ../../lib/.libs/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_write_value@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_delete_structure@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_get_length_der@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_get_tag_der@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_der_decoding_startEnd@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_der_decoding@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_create_element@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_copy_node@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_read_value@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_number_of_elements@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_array2tree@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_check_version@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_find_node@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_find_structure_from_oid@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    ../../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `asn1_der_coding@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[4]: *** [ex-cert-select] Error 1
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/gnutls-2.2.5/doc/examples'
    make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/gnutls-2.2.5/doc'
    make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/gnutls-2.2.5/doc'
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/gnutls-2.2.5'
    make: *** [all] Error 2
    After some experimentation (I told you I am no programmer) I found the following to work:
    $ LIBS="-ltasn1 $LIBS" ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libgcrypt-prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libtasn1-prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    $ make
    $ make install

    Also I found that the two official mirrors have both different directory structure, so I was missing the devel branch of GnuTLS. The above works with (and breaks with 2.2.5).

    1c. jabberd
    Let's not try to find more bugs and specify the needed components to the configure script now:
    $ cd ../jabberd14-
    $ CPPFLAGS="-I/var/usb/usb_1/include" ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libidn=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libpth=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-expat=/var/usb/usb_1
    but still bad luck:
    checking for GnuTLS... checking for mipsel-linux-pkg-config... no
    checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
    configure: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
    whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
    configuration is useful to you, please write to
    checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
    checking for GNUTLS... no
    No package 'gnutls' found
    configure: error: Couldn't find required GnuTLS installation
    And again, reported a year ago. We can fix that, but the show is still not at the end:
    $ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/var/usb/usb_1/lib/pkgconfig CPPFLAGS="-I/var/usb/usb_1/include" ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libidn=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libpth=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-expat=/var/usb/usb_1  
    checking for GnuTLS... checking for mipsel-linux-pkg-config... no
    checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
    configure: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
    whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
    configuration is useful to you, please write to
    checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
    checking for GNUTLS... yes
    checking for TLS 1.2 support in GnuTLS... yes
    checking for GNUTLSEXTRA... yes
    checking idna.h usability... yes
    checking idna.h presence... yes
    checking for idna.h... yes
    checking for stringprep_check_version in -lidn... no
    configure: error: Couldn't find required libidn installation
    Quick look into config.log reveals something familiar:
    /opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools_gcc-3.4.2_uclibc-20050502/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-uclibc/3.4.2/../../../../mips-linux-uclibc/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /var/usb/usb_1/lib/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
    /var/usb/usb_1/lib/ undefined reference to `asn1_write_value@LIBTASN1_0_3'
    /var/usb/usb_1/lib/ undefined reference to `gcry_sexp_release@GCRYPT_1.2'
    Let's see if the GnuTLS fix works here as well:
    LIBS="-ltasn1 $LIBS" PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/var/usb/usb_1/lib/pkgconfig CPPFLAGS="-I/var/usb/usb_1/include" ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libidn=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libpth=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-expat=/var/usb/usb_1
    checking for stringprep_check_version in -lidn... no
    No, it doesn't :-(, but config.log reveals we got one step further:
    /opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/bin/mipsel-uclibc-g++ -o conftest -g -O2 -I/va
    r/usb/usb_1/include -I/var/usb/usb_1/include -I/var/usb/usb_1/include -I/var/usb
    /usb_1/include conftest.cpp  -L/var/usb/usb_1/lib /var/usb/usb_1/lib/libgnutls-e /var/usb/usb_1/lib/ /var/usb/usb_1/lib/ -lresolv /v
    ar/usb/usb_1/lib/ -L/opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/lib/gcc/mips-li
    nux/3.4.2 -ldl -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/var/usb/usb_1/lib -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/var/usb/usb_1
    linux-uclibc/3.4.2/../../../../mips-linux-uclibc/bin/ld: warning:
    1, needed by /var/usb/usb_1/lib/, not found (try using -rpath
    or -rpath-link)
    Finally, this works:
    LIBS="-ltasn1 -lgpg-error -lgcrypt $LIBS" PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/var/usb/usb_1/lib/pkgconfig CPPFLAGS="-I/var/usb/usb_1/include" ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libidn=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-libpth=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-expat=/var/usb/usb_1
    but make fails:
    $ make
    /var/usb/usb_1/include/gnutls/openpgp.h: In function `void mio_tls_process_credentials(xmlnode_t*, const std::list<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> >&, const std::list<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> >&, gnutls_dh_params_int*, const std::list<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> >&, const std::list<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> >&)':
    /var/usb/usb_1/include/gnutls/openpgp.h:247: error: too few arguments to function `int gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key_file(gnutls_certificate_credentials_st*, const char*, const char*, gnutls_openpgp_crt_fmt_t)' error: at this point in file
    /var/usb/usb_1/include/gnutls/openpgp.h:271: error: too few arguments to function `int gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_keyring_file(gnutls_certificate_credentials_st*, const char*, gnutls_openpgp_crt_fmt_t)' error: at this point in file error: `gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_trustdb' undeclared (first use this function) error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
    make[3]: *** [mio_tls.lo] Error 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/jabberd14-'
    make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/jabberd14-'
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/jabberd14-'
    make: *** [all] Error 2
    This turned out to be easy, the Gentoo folks found and patched it couple of months ago (and it looks it is in the jabberd cvs now) and after applying it, the journey ends:
    $ make
    $ make install

    Wow, congratulations!!

    Let's get an editor so that we can modify the config files in place:

    10a. vim
    $ cd ..
    $ wget
    $ tar xvf vim-7.1.tar.bz2
    $ cd vim71
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-features=tiny
    checking for strip... strip
    configure: error: cannot compile a simple program, check CC and CFLAGS
      (cross compiling doesn't work)
    Would you expect an opensource app as big and widespread as Vim to be so broken? I would now. Fortunately the OpenWRT and FreeWRT people come to help again.
    $ wget --no-check-certificate
    $ patch -p1 <001-cross_compile.patch\?format\=txt
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-features=tiny
    checking --with-tlib argument... empty: automatic terminal library selection
    checking for tgetent in -lncurses... no
    checking for tgetent in -ltermlib... no
    checking for tgetent in -ltermcap... no
    checking for tgetent in -lcurses... no
    no terminal library found
    checking for tgetent()... configure: error: NOT FOUND!
          You need to install a terminal library; for example ncurses.
          Or specify the name of the library with --with-tlib.

    Seems some terminal library is needed ...

    11. The Ncurses (new curses) library
    $ cd ..
    $ wget
    $ tar xvf ncurses-5.6.tar.gz
    $ cd ncurses-5.6
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1
    $ make
    $ make install
    10b. vim
    $ cd ../vim71
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-features=tiny
    checking for tgetent in -lncurses... yes
    ncurses library is not usable
    checking for tgetent in -ltermlib... no
    checking for tgetent in -ltermcap... no
    checking for tgetent in -lcurses... no
    no terminal library found
    checking for tgetent()... configure: error: NOT FOUND!
          You need to install a terminal library; for example ncurses.
          Or specify the name of the library with --with-tlib.
    seems we have to force it:
    $ ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-features=tiny --with-tlib=ncurses 
    $ make
    Starting make in the src directory.
    If there are problems, cd to the src directory and run make there
    cd src && make first
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/vim71/src'
    CC="/opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/bin/mipsel-uclibc-gcc -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H   -I/var/usb/usb_1        " srcdir=. sh ./
    osdef0.c:10:44: termcap.h: No such file or directory
    In file included from term.c:33:
    /var/usb/usb_1/include/ncurses/termcap.h:64: error: conflicting types for 'tgoto'
    hmm, I guess I really need to use the CPPFLAGS, shouldn't I modify the environment file? Perhaps, but now it's too late, it's finished:
    $ make distclean
    $ CPPFLAGS="-I/var/usb/usb_1/include/ncurses" ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1 --with-features=tiny --with-tlib=ncurses --disable-gui --disable-gtktest --disable-xim --without-x --disable-multibyte --disable-netbeans --disable-cscope --disable-gpm 
    $ make
    $ make install
    strip /var/usb/usb_1/bin/vim
    strip: Unable to recognise the format of the input file `/var/usb/usb_1/bin/vim'
    make[1]: *** [installvimbin] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hajma/Dokumenty/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/vim71/src'
    make: *** [install] Error 2
    No, it's not finished... Let's just hack it:
    $ diff -u src/Makefile.old src/Makefile
    --- src/Makefile.old    2008-06-17 02:16:32.000000000 +0200
    +++ src/Makefile        2008-06-17 02:16:47.000000000 +0200
    @@ -999,7 +999,7 @@
     INSTALL_DATA_R = cp -r
     ### Program to run on installed binary
    -#STRIP = strip
    +STRIP = echo
     ### Permissions for binaries  {{{1
     BINMOD = 755
    $ make install

    I was quite surprised with the size of some files. Performing /opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/bin/mipsel-linux-sstrip on bin/ and lib/ helped a bit, but 1MB of vim suggests there's still place for optimizations.

    Final creation and writing of the squashfs image:

    # /home/hajma/Dokumenty/asus/squashfs2.0r2/squashfs-tools/mksquashfs /var/usb/usb_1 /tmp/new.sqsh -be -noI -noD -noF
    # dd if=/tmp/new.sqsh of=/dev/sda1

    In the next part I'll try to correctly configure jabberd and make it start at router boot.

    Customizing Asus AM200g - V. firmware modification
    Customizing Asus AM200g - IV. jabberd configuration
    Customizing Asus AM200g - II. Preparing the environment
    Customizing Asus AM200g - I. PREPARATION

    Hodnocení: 100 %


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    Vložit další komentář

    17.6.2008 23:44 Mykonou | skóre: 5
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Nejspis jsem uplne mimo ale mozna by bylo lepsi psat podobne clanky cesky, pokud nekdo umi anglicky dost na tohle tak si odpovidajici informace *asi* dovede najit sam ...
    I TY muzes byt echt linuxak!
    Jardík avatar 18.6.2008 00:00 Jardík | skóre: 40 | blog: jarda_bloguje
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Why the fu*k is this in English?

    Když už se chceš vytahovat svou angličtinou (jestli je to vůbec tvoje), tak tam alespoň nesekej takový debilní chyby ...
    Věřím v jednoho Boha.
    hajma avatar 18.6.2008 00:14 hajma | skóre: 27 | blog: hajma | Říčany
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Anglicky to píšu protože si myslím, že to tak bude k něčemu většímu počtu lidí. Jestli je moje se starej až po prvním vydání JXP commanderu. A jestli tam mám chyby, tak mi řekni kde.
    21 promarněných znaků
    18.6.2008 00:36 Smajchl | skóre: 39 | blog: Drzy_Nazory | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Hmm a já se na to radši vykašlu to číst protože to je v angličtině. Kdyby to bylo česky tak si to třeba i přečtu...
    My máme všechno co chcem, my máme dobrou náladu!
    Nikola Ciprich avatar 18.6.2008 13:20 Nikola Ciprich | skóre: 23 | blog: NiX_blog | Palkovice
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    tak to je ovsem nestesti
    Did you ever touch the starlight ? Dream for a thousand years? Have you ever seen the beauty Of a newborn century?
    Jardík avatar 22.6.2008 09:02 Jardík | skóre: 40 | blog: jarda_bloguje
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Např. si uvědom, kde se používá "some" a kdy se používá "a".
    Věřím v jednoho Boha.
    hajma avatar 23.6.2008 22:55 hajma | skóre: 27 | blog: hajma | Říčany
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Konečně něco konstruktivního. Až budu psát další, tak nad tím zkusím zapřemýšlet.
    21 promarněných znaků
    18.6.2008 01:20 Mykonou | skóre: 5
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Debilni chyby? Nerekl bych ze v tom clanku je neco z ceho by si clovek umejici nejak rozumne anglicky rval vlasy.
    I TY muzes byt echt linuxak!
    Nikola Ciprich avatar 18.6.2008 13:21 Nikola Ciprich | skóre: 23 | blog: NiX_blog | Palkovice
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    tez mi to prijde celkem OK. btw autorovi zapisku dik, taky uvazuju ze si rozjedu vlastni jabber server, tak to mozna vyuziju :)
    Did you ever touch the starlight ? Dream for a thousand years? Have you ever seen the beauty Of a newborn century?
    Jakub Hájek avatar 20.6.2008 04:03 Jakub Hájek | skóre: 14 | blog: zamek | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Nejses ty posledni dobou nejak moc chytrej a protivnej?
    Teprve tehdy, až nebudeme mít co ztratit, budeme opravdu svobodní.
    Jardík avatar 22.6.2008 09:03 Jardík | skóre: 40 | blog: jarda_bloguje
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Je to možné, ale to bude tím, že mám smíšenou poruchu osobnosti schizoidní a dissociální.
    Věřím v jednoho Boha.
    18.6.2008 10:40 Miloslav Ponkrác | blog: miloslavponkrac
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Až tento článek objeví windowsáci, tak to bude hlavní propagační materiál, proč si nezačínat s Linuxem.
    18.6.2008 11:41 hydrandt | skóre: 35 | blog: Kanál | Herzogenburg
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Zato kdyby na tom routeru běhaly Windows, samozřejmě by to šlo a bylo by to krásně jednoduché, co? :-)
    I am Jack's wasted life.
    18.6.2008 17:18 Miloslav Ponkrác | blog: miloslavponkrac
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Bez Windows se v síti nehnete :-) Windows jsou pro síť tak důležitá, že dokonce v TCP hlavičce je položka windows size :-) Takže si konečně přiznejte, že Windows jsou pro síť nesmírně důležitá věc :-)
    18.5.2009 09:01 Vlad
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Hi, thank you for the article. I have been looking for a resolution of problem with compiling jabberd14 1.6.1 in Debian Lenny (issue with removed trustdb support in GnuTLS 2.4, which is in Lenny) and found a link to patch in your post.

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